So I was thinking, and I realised that pretty much nobody IRL knows that I visit this place. e.g: Mum/Dad/Family/Freinds - I probably intend to keep it that way too.
Does anyone in real life know you visit forum(s)?
Yes | 60% | 60% - 73 | ||||
No | 32% | 32% - 39 | ||||
<Generic Spam/Joke Option> | 7% | 7% - 9 | ||||
Total: 121 |
I do. wait, do I do or should I do to do what I do on dose forums? Loldot? wut?
oh, god no!
Both my brothers (26, 24) know that I visit this place. That's about it though.
My twin does that is all..not even my gf knows.
bf2s is nerdy tbh, I'm a
bf2s is nerdy tbh, I'm a
Yes but they don't know this is about video game stats.
Last edited by DeathUnlimited (2008-03-03 09:04:11)
main battle tank karthus medikopter 117 megamegapowershot gg
qft for sexualness..teddy..jimmy wrote:
bf2s is nerdy tbh, I'm a
my roommates give me shit all the time.
really though, i've learned a lot on here about listening, what it takes to intelligently argue, and becoming open-minded.
i guess that's ^ how i justify the time i spend on here. i've never been on another site like DST, and i don't intend to. i don't know the difference between this and 'blogging', but i feel this is not blogging, which has a negative connotation.
really though, i've learned a lot on here about listening, what it takes to intelligently argue, and becoming open-minded.
i guess that's ^ how i justify the time i spend on here. i've never been on another site like DST, and i don't intend to. i don't know the difference between this and 'blogging', but i feel this is not blogging, which has a negative connotation.
My wife hates it cos i got BF2S as our home page on the laptop.
She a Moo Moo.
She a Moo Moo.
Yes, my wife and my parents know I visit. No biggey.
Not that I know off, so I am going with no.
No way. I keep some porn tabbed up at all times so I can click over in case someone looks at the monitor.
But seriously, yes. BF2s is the shit!
But seriously, yes. BF2s is the shit!
Only a few friends know, the ones that are familiar with the internets anyway. One of my friends is the guy who compiled and made the list of rules of /b/. A few of my friends know about 4chan and what not. They all belong to other forums probably. So I casually mention: "Have you heard of bf2s?"
No, it's not exactly something that comes up in a conversation. Nor something I take every opportunity to tell people about...
No, why would you tell someone, who would care and if you did tell them they'd probably just thing your a nerd, which you most likely are!
i never did before, but i've been telling people lately when they ask me what i'm doing or w.e. My few good friends know, and few other people i.e. my brother, but not my parents or anything.
yea my gf makes fun of me.
i dont care though...we make jokes about it.
i dont care though...we make jokes about it.
Last edited by siciliano732 (2008-03-03 10:45:04)
Tbh, I don't live/know with the kind of people that would 'understand' something like this
My brothers do, but apart from that no.
my step bro doesThe Sheriff wrote:
My brothers do, but apart from that no.
he comes here too sometimes.
he owns the account named 'god' and g0d' lol
15 more years! 15 more years!
I´m terrified anyone would know my secret, but sure some knows i usually don´t bring the subject up though since i know no one cares the slightest.