Well as the title says what would you do? Here are the most of the facts.
The clan in question has been around for more then three years and @ 100 members ( the # was higher , 50+ members left to start there own community.) Of course he has held himself as VERY anti-hacker. In his own words hackers would be revealed, and exposed for who they are.

  Myself and my XO found out about this in late Sept., he had been banned for an "aimbot" on the PBBans system. At the time we had a tremendous amount of respect this person we called friend, so we set out to find the truth about the situation. We had been told that he had "sold" these accounts  sometime earlier. The IP address was the same on the ban as the one he was playing on at the time, we did a trace, and well it led back to his local. After sometime we uncovered four more names that he had bans on form both PBBans and PunksBusted all with the saame IP.
  As the BF2 Division leader I had BF2cc access, the hash had not been changed in our much less active #2 server, the same hash as one of the bans. The anecdotal evidence was also mounting, battlerecordings were coming out and his stats didn't reflect the fact that he plays on a laptop (stats better then our best player, and god knows he'll kick all our asses).

  In the end most of these facts he didn't deny. He blamed his son (classy) and friends. This is his laptop were talking about. In over a year as the BF2 division leader I NEVER talked to or seen his son EVER. So in the end it was the same old alibi " My dog did it".

Well, as thing went on the #1 server was under constant attack from hackers, all attempts at streaming or any other security changes were denied, and we were given some excuses about losing access ( more BS). All the adimns could do was admin, no time for gaming, the worst of the hacks left unchecked.  I resigned in early Dec.

During the next month I had a constant flood of request to do something, from my replacement down,...... the TWL team was going to leave soon if thing didn't change, and things had only gotten worse. 

After some though, I set up a new home for the whole Division with all the bells and whistles , and 10 times the security. As you can understand, there are some hurt feelings about 50+ paying members leaving. We come from an ideal that was started three splits ago, and as such the names, tags and rules and regulations ( I wrote most) are similar. So as to not break from tradition they are saying the same stuff that was said about them years ago when they split from the original group ( the original founder of the whole thing is now with us).

As of late we have kept the moral high ground, keeping the "snipes" to a minimum. They can not say the same, there leader has been in our TS four times and lied every time, his word is crap now!

The situation is now that any public player that is seen on our site is banned on his. He has been posting on his forums that in fact is us banning public players and has even accused me of hacking his server ( he has a old (< hint) back door the size of Texas open, I discovered this while setting-up our new servers,.. so do most servers for that matter,( change those passwords people!), he could have been more original. Every post in his forums thats ask why, or does not agree gets deleted, we are not doing the same.

This past week I have been chatting with some players that we all know ( the BF2 community), and both had a little info for me about our former leader, you guesses it they both knew he was a hack.

This most of the situation, so the questions come to mind:
       1. Do other in the BF community think that we hack because of him (You know the saying "If you play with shit you'll get shit on you")?
       2. Should we expose him to the community for the Hacking POS that he is?

Last edited by Maximus (2008-02-23 10:15:00)

something else
If one random person is hacking on "your" clan, it doesnt mean you all are being accused of hacking.
But that might happen if there is more hackers on same clan...

Hackers usually are just ruining the game, so feel free to expose him for everything
[pt] KEIOS
srs bsns
what´s his account name, pb_guid, ip adress?

i know some clans, whose leaders are hacking. seems very inviting, because if you control the server, you won´t get banned on it and you can deny securitymeasures like streaming to psb or pbbans.
isolate him, because there is truth in "If you play with shit you'll get shit on you"
The exact reason I don't bother with clans, internet drama. If you don't want to be tarred with the same brush as a known hacker then expose him. You think everyone is going to read your massive wall of text there to explain your predicament to explain why you feel bad for exposing him but at the same time don't want to be accused as a cheater?
+2,382|6988|The North, beyond the wall.
I'd just tell him how you feel and let him know you like him. Ask him out for a dinner or something if he gives an excuse it isn't going to happen I'm afraid.

Tell him you like him then at least you know where you stand.

Last edited by jord (2008-02-23 10:08:33)

A REAL Combat Engineer in the house
+187|6563|UK Bradford W,Yorks. Age 27

jord wrote:

I'd just tell him how you feel and let him know you like him. Ask him out for a dinner or something if he gives an excuse it isn't going to happen I'm afraid.

Tell him you like him then at least you know where you stand.
You mean get gay with him. Like your style Jord ya fuckin shirt lifter!!!

jord wrote:

I'd just tell him how you feel and let him know you like him. Ask him out for a dinner or something if he gives an excuse it isn't going to happen I'm afraid.

Tell him you like him then at least you know where you stand.

daddyofdeath wrote:

jord wrote:

I'd just tell him how you feel and let him know you like him. Ask him out for a dinner or something if he gives an excuse it isn't going to happen I'm afraid.

Tell him you like him then at least you know where you stand.
You mean get gay with him. Like your style Jord ya fuckin shirt lifter!!!
I'm not sure what either of these two post have to do with the topic?
A REAL Combat Engineer in the house
+187|6563|UK Bradford W,Yorks. Age 27
Calm down Maxicuts. We're just playing. Expose the guy that's hacking. Then sit down and have a sup of tea. You had a stressful day it seems. Internet hax=life.
Missing, Presumed Dead

Expose them. Whats the use in hidnig a hacker? In doing so, that makes you (almost) as bad. Especially if you have gone to that kind of length to prove it.
+2,382|6988|The North, beyond the wall.
Well sir, whilst I don't agree with what you're saying I'll defend to the death your right to say it.
A REAL Combat Engineer in the house
+187|6563|UK Bradford W,Yorks. Age 27

jord wrote:

Well sir, whilst I don't agree with what you're saying I'll defend to the death your right to say it.
Hahah. Epic quote from Family Guy.

daddyofdeath wrote:

Calm down Maxicuts. We're just playing. Expose the guy that's hacking. Then sit down and have a sup of tea. You had a stressful day it seems. Internet hax=life.
Sorry, I might be wound a little to tight today.

Maximus wrote:

This most of the situation, so the questions come to mind:
       1. Do other in the BF community think that we hack because of him (You know the saying "If you play with shit you'll get shit on you")?
Difficult as we don't know what community you come from.

Maximus wrote:

2. Should we expose him to the community for the Hacking POS that he is?
Hell yeah!
headshots only
man i've been in a bit of a similar situation, was in a clan for about three months, just to find out that almost all the members hacked. that was a huge let down, but after a while i got used to it and i stopped caring. after all, i had started to suspect some guys who managed to get 100-9 K-D. the clan exists no more anways, and i'm still in touch with some of the members. only difference is, most of the guys weren't such assholes, and they were fun to play with, also because they sucked even with hacks. clan leader even gave me MDK vent ip. i don't go there tho, cuz they're a bunch of retards. the enourmous presence of hackers in BF2 has annoyed me and made me go over to project reality, for a new and different gaming experience, in a much more hack-free environment.

and yea, you should expose him, let him get all the shit he deserves

Last edited by MirindoR (2008-02-24 11:33:59)

+572|6969|BC, Canada
expose him... simple.
What goes around comes around. Sock it to him
+2|6901|St. Pete. Fl.
This is a cut and paste from another post but cover the subject.

Cheating and deception are a plague that we all have to deal with in our community and must be confronted when discovered.
The opinions are very clear and I will be posting ALL the info on this situation very soon. And yes under my regular login/player name.

Sorry been busy with this drama and right now very busy getting our Frontline: Fuel of War server deployed.

In late Sept. some of my officers found that some of Exitwounds accounts had been banned for aimbot. "notmyfirstaccountand" , "Founder1",Robbie (aka Exitwounds) said he sold at the time when asked about the new accounts.
He told us last month that his son and his friends did it. We had traced the IP's to his local, I guess he found it hard to talk his way out of that shit.

I wrote this letter to the men a month ago, it explains a little more of what was going. … accCheck=1 … afeview=no

All of this we tried to keep from getting messy, but does not seem to be Exit's way. He now accuses us of stealing there ideas and tag. ( Oh, even saying that I hacked his game server)
This is ridiculous, any one who knows the <RTR> story knows we gone through mitosis a couple of times.
The <RTR> ideals were founded by M1ke with Right to Rule,... Exit, Mullethunter and Redeye split from there to form Right to Rebel. M1ke went with them ( how the domain name got out of his hand I don't know), there are others, I'm completely sure of all there names. At this point M1ke has left Rebel and has been hanging out with us, and is happy with the direction we are taking.
As for the tag, Exit had ask us ( the =rTr=BF2 Division) to change it several times, each time we voted it down. We the BF2 Division decided to keep the tag with a minor change. +rTr+
The success that Rebels Wake server now enjoys is 100% our doing, despite the actions of Exit.
Our rules and recruiting application, etc. were ether written by me or I had a large amount of input into. My point in this is this is/was a collective effort of the group, belonging to no one person.

We now stream our servers and have a environment more conducive to enjoyment of games and competition. We also help support our community as a whole in making donations to other causes like PBBans, Punksbusted and various stats pages. The Idea is to support our Community through action not just talk!

+rTr + Sym-5150-
Right to Rage
Community Leader / Founder

Last edited by Sym-5150- (2008-02-26 06:16:26)

+2|6901|St. Pete. Fl.

†[AøT]§tèálth† wrote:

What goes around comes around. Sock it to him
Yeah no kidding, I would not want to be standing near him, there might still be a piece of Skylab up there with his name on it.
The lies, cheating and out and out theft of there communities money. He promised to give back the extra dues  every month, something that he has never done. Not that a clan has to do that, but if you give your word you should follow through.
     Now on his website he say's that we are now banning pubies from our server if there seen over there, funny we just had it out with the asshole last week about him doing the something. Very original. And why would I do that, I put that server where it is today and not by doing things like that.
Nikola Bathory
Karkand T-90 0wnage
You should get proof and report him. EA will reset him and all will be happy

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