I played last Saturday for an hour or so on an IO Jellobad server.
When was the last time you played BF2?
Last day? | 43% | 43% - 58 | ||||
Last Week? | 21% | 21% - 29 | ||||
Last Month? | 13% | 13% - 18 | ||||
Last Quarter? | 11% | 11% - 15 | ||||
Last Year? | 9% | 9% - 12 | ||||
Never. What is BF2? | 0% | 0% - 1 | ||||
Total: 133 |
September 9, 2007. Uninstalled a month or two ago.
Shouldn't this be in the BF2 Section?
If mods count, yesterday, if not, then February of 2007. That game sucks, too many point whores. BF2 at Release had the best crowd.
If mods count, yesterday, if not, then February of 2007. That game sucks, too many point whores. BF2 at Release had the best crowd.
Last week.
1-5-08 ... been playing racing games lately ... TDU and NFS:ProStreet. Did play some BF2 Pirates last week. A good round of vanilla sounds good sometime this weekend.
30 minutes ago
i wish i were playing now!!!
12-24 although the round didn't register.
right now
A couple of hours ago.
The idea of any hi-fi system is to reproduce the source material as faithfully as possible, and to deliberately add distortion to everything you hear (due to amplifier deficiencies) because it sounds 'nice' is simply not high fidelity. If that is what you want to hear then there is no problem with that, but by adding so much additional material (by way of harmonics and intermodulation) you have a tailored sound system, not a hi-fi. - Rod Elliot, ESP
your stats look hacked...ig wrote:
right now
nvm, misread it, play on!!!
Last edited by smartdude992 (2008-02-21 16:39:28)
COD4 has taken over.
COD4 has taken over.
A few hours ago.
Played it for the first time in a few months today
Yesterday. I feel like I havent played in forever!
A month or two ago, might reinstall sometime however.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
More than a year for sure, probably closer to two years
3,000 points. even moar
3,000 points. even moar
I played 50 minutes ago. Special Forces Infantry - hard fight but we won

Today, this morning-ish, Wake 24/7. That map provides much entertainment if USMC has a flag on the island. *TA* Wake 24/7 Madness is a good server for players in the States, especially Texas. I got a 20 ping, so I was content. <3
Stupid poll. I dont believe that anyone who last played bf2 last quater or above is visiting this forum
I hadn't played in a good number of months, but I've just started again in these past few days...
If i stopped plaing BF2, i'd still come here_Dominiko_PL wrote:
Stupid poll. I dont believe that anyone who last played bf2 last quater or above is visiting this forum
if im playing anything to do with bf2, its either poe2 or project win