
used to play 1942, mainly Desert Combat, then Vietnam/PoE, then BF2
+123|6774| Heaven
For me it was progression from BF1942 to DC then to DCF. loved those games and I'm still hooked on BF2 after 2 and a half years.
MMMmmmmmm Dooonutz!
+13|6514|Out for donutz!
Why does this sound like a AA meeting?

-=]NS[=-G.I.Doh wrote:

Why does this sound like a AA meeting?
I've been sober for 3 months...
Been through like 6 clans.. each one better than the next in it's own way.
That's it
+2,382|6989|The North, beyond the wall.
Sheer luck that I found it... Was playing CSS at the time and saw an ad for bf2, youtubed it and thought it looked good.

Took me about 2 months of playing on unranked 1.0 servers to realise there was "patches". Never had to do this on CSS. For 2 months there was only 1 ranked 16 slot server and it was ALWAYS full. It was like an hour task to try and get on, usually played unranked then tried the ranked server every now and again to see if I could get in.
Ghost Town T90/Apache Whore
+99|6310|Aberdeen, Scotland

jord wrote:

Took me about 2 months of playing on unranked 1.0 servers to realise there was "patches". Never had to do this on CSS.
Steam does the updates automatically for CSS right? If you played the original CS there were dozens of beta versions...

Most online games get patches/updates...
Official Battlefield fanboy
+240|6459|San Antonio, Texas

cablecopulate wrote:

Cyrax-Sektor wrote:

It's been over half a year since I've had BF2. <3 They had it at the library, so I checked it out, played it, loved it. (>^.^)>
You borrowed bf2 from the library?
Yes. Technically, a few libraries had it, and I used the Interlibrary Loan System to get it. I lucked out, since they hardly give out video games. Check your library's site and you look for something of the sort. You can get anything, games, movies, TV shows, books, of course, that your library doesn't have.

After trying it out, I bought the Complete Collection.
Don't Hassel the Hoff
+345|6613|The | Netherlands
I'm wishing sometimes it was back in '05 and this game was as active as it was back than.
Missing, Presumed Dead

Joined a huge clan in SOF2 (~100 members at its peak) in mid '03. There I met a player called Rob who I still know to this day. During this time, the leaders fell off the face of the planet and 5 of us took over the clan, remade the website and forums - effectively taking over the clan, and got almost everybody back in. In early '05 we expanded to CSS which is all I then played. Rob, who was by then joint leader with me, got BF2 at its release and raved about it. It was rare to see him in CSS at this point.
Having previously tried to expand the same clan into BFV before going with CSS, I had an idea of what it would be like and thought "no ty" simply because of all the shit you'd get taking off in a jet where your own team would shoot you to within 25% of your armour. Whats the point?

After getting bored rigid of CSS (dust2, M4/AK/AWP, rinse and repeat), and my friend still raving and dropping hints of me getting BF2, I picked up BFV and started whoring bots on local servers with the F4 Phantom on Flaming Dart and the Hueys on Ia Drang. Damn good fun! I decided that I would finally look at BF2, having never seen any previews or anything, I downloaded the demo. Played on a server setup by Rob, we (well, he) owned the hell out of bots with me managing like 1/10 But, it was good fun. Then I bought BF2 at end of March '06 and we then whored up BF2. Which was about the time of patch 1.2 if I recall correctly.
It led to the demise of our long running clan, which was a damn shame, but overall I feel it has been worth it.
Unfortunatly, by the time I got BF2, Rob was getting bored with the game and played mostly with his clan on PRMM (clan :iGi:) which was a bastard as he was good at everything.
Still, it led me to BF2s for stats tracking and eventually the forums
My older brother and his friends used to have lan parties. Around the time of their very first one, BF1942 came out.

It was of course nothing like anything before ever, and they played the hell out of it. Then Desert Combat came out. It was like the game i'd always dreamed of.

Of course, i was never allowed to play during their lans (god that was years ago), but i still sat there all night watching the awesomesauce. It was the best game ever IMO at the time. I also couldn't play it online, so i was just with bots, but it was so much fun I didn't mind.

BF:V came out and i played against the bots for a bit, but got bored pretty quickly and went back to DC.

Then BF2 was announced, shown, and was getting closer and closer to being released. I downloaded the demo, and it ran 'acceptably' on this computer. Still, I could only play it offline though.

The game came out, at our house we STILL didn't have broadband, but not for long .

We got broadband, and for the next 2 years I played little else. BF2 was a far larger part of my life than it should have been. Living in the country meant i rarely saw my friends outside of school, so just played BF2 (with one or two of my friends who were into that sort of thing, and my brother and his friends). I got quite obsessed with all the e-awards, and worked towards them quite a bit. joined BF2s at some point.

Fast foward to my first year of uni. My flat had no internet . BF2 playing was put on hold until the weekends i went home. I slowly managed to get up to 2nd Lt, and then 1st Lt in that year . Then it was summer, i got completely sick of nade spammers on IO, and jets on large vehicle maps, so I played (literally) nothing but Ghost Town for about 50 hours. And i played it less, but still got up to Captain. That was around the time when i stopped playing for those damn points and started playing it for fun again. Then this year (academic year. ie just after last summer), I started playing a bit with BF2sers, and then increasingly with BF2sers on the |HBD| Great Wall server. Then BF2s died, and as a result so did my interest in the game. Hardly played it at all until it was back up, and even then i was getting tired of it.

Then Orange Box came out, and i've barely touched BF2 since. TF2 is a lot of fun.

However i'd still love to play BF2 with you all if there are ever events, but playing on my own isnt fun anymore. It's full of 'tards.

Last edited by Spidery_Yoda (2008-02-11 10:23:04)

A generally unremarkable member
When bf2 came out in 2005, i didnt realy have an interest in it
then, in the december of that year my dad dowloaded an (illegal) SP demo
i was like
i whored Clean Sweep for the most part

in the May of '06, i finally got my dad to agree for me to buy it
my life has never been the same

i played for about 2/3 months before i noticed that i wasnt getting points and noticed that
there was "Patches"
i DLed patch 1.3 i believe. man, was i pissed
everytime i pressed "Join Game" the game crashed

i slowly got to Sgt in the 1.3 era
when 1.4 came out, my rank went up rapidly
i got to 1st Sgt in the Janaury of '07 and it took me a year to get to Sgt Major
i also started whoring Karkand and Jalalabad I/O

about half way through all this, i started using BF2s as a stats tracking site then, eventually
joinng the forums on December 14th 2006 i think

i am still a active bf2 player but i am also a CSS player
i am mixed between the two
i am starting to get a bit bored of bf2 though

Last edited by henno13 (2008-02-11 10:57:05)

I was sleeping round a friends house whose brother had it. I didn't think it was anything amazing at the time, but then when you've been awake for 23 hours the last thing your thinking about is how awesome games look.
A couple of months later, another friend bought it (early 2006) and for the first few weeks when I was round there, I didn't play, just watched (I didn't wanna ruin his account lol). Then one day I decided to try playing it. Seeing how I always loved being the sniper in games like Ghost Recon and shit, I picked up the sniper kit and on my first round scored a massive 22 points.
After that, I wanted to buy it. I loved with how the vehicles worked with the infantry and vice versa, so picked up a pre-owned copy. I installed it and played unranked for about 2 days up to the point my friend informed me about patches.
I remember my first promotion being on Gulf of Oman, and in the same game getting my Basic Sniper Combat Badge (This was early September 2006). My Dad watched me get it, and after explaining to him that every thing he was seeing was being controlled by people half way across the world, he too picked it up.
Upon hitting Staff Sergeant me and some friends made a clan (=PWND=). This lasted until 2142 came out, at which point everyone except me converted. I didn't see much point in being the only person in the clan, so advertised myself on this very site. =5SF= (5th special forces group) then took me on, and I was introduced to the competitive side of BF2. Upon seeing this 3 of my friends from =PWND= came back to BF2 and joined with me . In the end, only the Euro side of =5SF= were active, so we folded and formed our own clan *DWC* (Death Without Cause). This lasted all of about a week, as most of us simply couldn't be fucked with recruiting and starting all again.
It was at this point I decided to focus on my sniping after seeing the WOoKie Video.v2. I was absolutely set on being a WOoKie, and would do anything to get in. This lead to me making my first movie.
In the process of making my movie, myself and a friend from =PWND= were talked into joining (FG) (Forsaken Gamers). We had a couple of games with them then decided to quit.
At this point I went rogue, and my friends took advantage of this and started kidnapping me and shit. Simple answer to that was to make a new account. I had a good month or so of gaming on my own, with them trying to track me down. In the end they got bored and I told them my new account details.
Throughout all of this, my dad had been getting to know the people over at (OBC) and [RIP]. Being 40 odd, he fit in very well them. He soon ended up joining [RIP], and I followed, joining as one of their Juniors. After a good 2 months, I was given the rights of a full member. Upon seeing how well [RIP] was run, I told my 2 of my friends (Brothers that I know that were part of =PWND=) how the system with [RIP] worked so well. They founded and co-founded a new clan known as =SpK= (Spanky).
These guys are the people I have had the most fun gaming with ever. And they are all pretty amazing at the game too I help them set up a few scrims and shit to get started and also still help them recruit. I am still in [RIP] and still help out =SpK=. Myself, the founders of =SpK= and another guy who me and the =SpK= founders helped get to know the game, are all going to Holland this year to see another member of =SpK= who we have played BF2 with since the =PWND= days. I don't think my story is too bad for just over a year of playing

{HMS}_Sir_Del_Boy wrote:

For me it wos a natural progression from Battlefield Vietnam to BF2. BFV rocked because of the humour (those death cries of the gooks always cracked me up) and the crazy things that could be done like carrying about a boat with a stolen US chopper before dropping it on the enemy's head...or creeping into that gook spawn chopper before it took off and knifing everybody in the back as they spawned, LMAO
uh, gooks?
Keep your head down, smart's got a gun
+30|6242|Georgia, US of A
i'm coming up on a year of bf2 now, i played bfv, and one day i went to walmart and was like, ok, i can get this with all 3 mods for $40...DONE!!!  I found some servers that i like and now i am a wake whore!!!  I play bf2 every minute that i can
I guess I'll join in the history.

First online game I ever played was Medal of Honor Spearhead.  Was recruited in my first and only clan I joined (=WFC=) August, 2003.  I was an average player in the clan, but that changed once our higher ups decided to implement a mod that forced you to play the game with only the files included on initial install (Ie: no custom sounds/skins/etcetera)  Suddenly, more than half of the division was gone and I was one of the best shooters in the clan.

Progressed up the ranks, and eventually hit Colonel in the clan.  Spent my time recruiting and getting quality players to join my regiment.  My regiment was the most active and respected one in the clan.  Met some guys that became real-life friends that stand behind my decisions no matter what.

Then I caught wiff of this new game called BF2.  I've played '42 and Vietnam and enjoyed the concept of the game (infantry and vehicles together).  Played the 2 week demo before the game was released, and left the Spearhead division for a Colonel rank in the BF2 division.  Got the game the day  it was released and had fun playing with the blackhawks winning every game we joined.  Many of the guys that were my closest friends in the Spearhead division came with me to join up the BF2 division.  We had close to 100 members within the first month, and soon had the privilege of gaining a 64 ranked server from the Clan HQ.

Well, me being a dedicated clan-member sat in that server for hours waiting for the 10 people needed to start.  I learned early on that this game is so much more fun when you don't care about your pretty stats  (probably why I'm still a Lieutenant after 3 years of playing),  I'd be there playing around while 7 of my clanmates would be off trying to get that next unlock.  But my time was well spent.  I don't know anyone who's found as many glitches/eastereggs/just plain funny stuff as I did on my own.  I sometimes break out these sorta tricks of the trade and get so many WTF?!?! and How the hell did you do that sort of replies from the enemy's team. 

When the game was actually going, I decided to at least work towards a badge when the team wasn't depending on me for a win.  I chose engineer because I assumed that was the least played kit by most (seeing you needed 250 hours to get silver)  Being an engineer, it was second nature to be in a tank, so that's what I did for the first few months straight. 

Because of this 'lack of dedication' our clan lost the ranked server because it rarely ran.  To solve this, one of our shady members decided to fund his own server for us to use.  Eventually he used that server as leverage, and pulled it whenever something happened he didn't like.  Because of this and other tension in the division, our numbers started dropping.  Our division leader was promoted to clan HQ, and our next few leaders weren't the greatest.  Eventually, I was promoted to the spot (even though I really didn't want it) and started getting our division rolling again.  By this time, BF2's been out for a year and a half, and COD 2 (or one of the expansions) was being released,  so our numbers never grew again.  Now we have a solid core of 4 or 5 guys that come on every day to play, with stragglers coming on every so often.

Then the dreaded patch that lowered the requirements for everything.  I was promoted 3 times in 1 round, and found out that I suddenly had 70 hours over the required rank for gold engineer.  So I pounded that out quick and was one of the first few to earn that badge.  At that point, I discovered how amazing the AT kit was.  I became very good at using the AT missile and my closest friend did also.  We became notorious for being able to destroy a chopper before it knew it was being targeted.  We were kicked/banned from servers many times because they claim that we had some sort of no-reload AT rocket.  (Click here for another story)This started us into the extreme teamwork that we now present in every server we join.  Our entire clan was banned from servers because we were simply dominating everyone in the server to the point where they weren't having any fun.  The whole time, I was very strict upon my members to not use cheap tactics like bunnyhopping/spawncamping.  Alongside that, we made a division rule to not be in armor because we worked so well together.  We did this to give the other team a fighting chance against us, no matter how futile it would be.  (Kinda hard to take out a squad of 3 expert AT 2-3 medics and a support)  I tried IO for a round or two, but found that that game-mode was really lame.  The game, no the franchise was designed for infantry and vehicle interaction, and playing IO made the game really bland.  After my few rounds of IO, I swore to never see that again.

Then I got my new computer.  Went from 15 FPS on all low settings to 300+ everything turned up.  Suddenly I could hit everything.  I actually became awesome at TV's in the chopper.  On the occasions that our 16 man server has a chopper, I can dominate the entire server.  I am now working with one of my core players to rise in the TWL 2 v 2 chopper ladder.  We have our own server that runs Non-IO with every vanilla map in the rotation.  That's my sanctuary and since there is very few other maps with that, I never leave our clan's server.  Course, we still enforce our no-armor for clan members in the server, but we encourage pubs to jump in them.  (It's our little keep it fair so they don't leave the server cuz we destroy them rule, not to mention we get to use our AT kits again )

And that's it.  I'll soon have my AT rocket as the weapon with most kills and will celebrate that day.  Props to anyone who actually read my entire book.

Last edited by Drexel (2008-02-12 10:51:26)


Drexel wrote:

Props to anyone who actually read my entire book.
I did Nice story
+30|6509|Daqing Oilfields?
Played the game when it first came out. I only had 56k, so online wasn't possible. It was an on/off thing for a while until the day I got high speed (had it before, just not at the same house the computer was at. long story).

Started playing Wake and I never really stopped. It was my first online FPS, so although I was good in single player games, I got raped online for a long while. It took me a few months of legit hardcore ownage to get a k/d over 1 in my stats, despite the fact my average round had a k/d of over 1.5. Eventually quite late 2007 and now I've come back. I have a lot of fun, but I'm now looking for a clan/community to play with to add some fun to the mix.
Can't remember when I first started playing on ranked servers but it was approx 1 month after the game came out.

BF2 helped me through my Mrs and kids leaving me (and coming back) and my Mum dying of cancer (both of these at the same time).

I've made no enemies but met some great friends who if it wasn't for this game could never of giving me the support they have (which they don't know).

So while I love the game i prefer the mates Ive made along the way.
+133|6607|Bloomington Indiana
i got in when i still lived in the college dorms. a buddy of mine from high school across the hall was playing it, along with another buddy 2 doors down....my roommate and i got it so we could go into servers and play it with them. 

i still play it sometimes (maybe two times a month)...but ive really lost the drive to rank up and shit...ill just hit a server for an hour or so and enjoy getting away from work and the world
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
Still waiting for a game that actually replaces BF2, with >32 players, large maps, vehicles, teamwork and gameplay that is actually fun.

/me looks at 2142; pretty good, maybe very good, but not quite as good as BF2.
There is.
+1,380|7001|Devon, England

ig wrote:

bf2 changed my life.

You know, that is so true. BF2 really has changed my life... And for the good

I fucking love it!

I remember reading about it about a year before it as made, and imagined how great it would be... About a year later, summer 05, I saw it was out, and had been for a couple of months, so I bought it, and didn't stop playing. Everyday I'd race home from school and just play it til about 11 at night...

I eventually met my first clan, =AsBo= I remember it was funny, because I was looking for a server to join, found one called =AsBo=, so I joined. Map loaded, and then I got kicked for connection error or something. I went looking for a new server, but found the same one again (luckily). Joined it, kicked ass and one of the guys asked if I wanted to join. Their age limit was 16 at the time, and I was 15, but he lied about my age for me so I could get in... Those were some fucking amazing people on that clan. I had people I could play BF2 with now who I could have a great laugh with everynight. We only played for fun, so it didn't get too competitive. Those were the days... Blackhawks kicking ass... True BF2 days.

Then, it just got a bit old... The clan drifted away from BF2 with some internal arguments and disputes, moved on to 2142 (which was no where near as good) and then eventually COD4. I'm technically still in the clan, but seem to have been forgotten about, as all I play is BF2.

I love it.

If it wasn't for BF2, I wouldn't have found BF2s and you lot, which has affected my life so greatly... If it wasn't for BF2s, I wouldn't have met my last girlriend, either...

Ahh, I love memory lane
Honda - The Power of Dreams
+293|6723|Michigan, USA

Christmas 2005: While on a short break from college, I took a small road trip (3 hrs) and visited a good friend of mine.  Upon arrival at his house, he showed me BF2, and I was intrigued. Upon returning back to campus and my laptop, I downloaded the demo. That tied the knot - I was hooked. Shortly after playing the demo, I had purchased the game and eagerly awaited its arrival from Amazon.com.  I've been playing since I got it on January 8, 2006, and have purchased SF, EF, and AF.  Really haven't played EF and AF all that much; play BF2 more than SF. Anyways, I eventually stumbled upon BF2s and was excited to see such an awesome stats/wiki website.  Then I noticed the forums, and visited them frequently.  However, it took me a few months until I finally wanted to chirp in my two cents, and so I finally joined on October 6, 2006.  Unfortunately, my only computer capable of playing BF2, my laptop, has been having some troubles playing BF2. As such, I have played for well over 8 months (at least). However, lately, I've been making many forward changes, and I'm hoping to be playing BF2 again this weekend!

ig wrote:

bf2 changed my life.
yes you used to be straight
Fantasma Parastasie

usmarine wrote:

ig wrote:

bf2 changed my life.
yes you used to be straight
burn, etc.

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