I can't seem to get above 1.00 and all my other kits are fine. Can you all give me some tips on becoming better with this kit.
Dao + CQC
P90 + SRAW + CQC = RAPEThomasMorgan wrote:
Dao + CQC
get in a vehicle
Stop fighting tanks...they win.
What they said above is true, I don't have the P90, but the stocks aren't so bad in my opinion.
What they said above is true, I don't have the P90, but the stocks aren't so bad in my opinion.
"The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation" - Barack Obama (a freshman senator from Illinios)
Play anti-tank on IO Karkand.
Do it.
Do it.

Dao + IO karkand. Dao on gulf of oman is quite good too
Practice SRAW...ALOT with some friends on an empty server, hour or 2 maybe, then go play. Then you can snipe people with it basically, moving or stationary. Use that first as primary weapon and then swap. Stock weapons are ok on anti-tank.
And as people have already said, go on infantry only. Saves alot of heartache. Gl with improving your K/D
Edit: specifically with SRAW, close combat, try no scoping with it, longer range, scope up. You get good at that you will really start to kick are with the kit. Reminds me, I haven't played anti-tank for years...
And as people have already said, go on infantry only. Saves alot of heartache. Gl with improving your K/D
Edit: specifically with SRAW, close combat, try no scoping with it, longer range, scope up. You get good at that you will really start to kick are with the kit. Reminds me, I haven't played anti-tank for years...
Last edited by nighthawk843 (2008-02-16 15:37:01)
Just Use the DAO-12 (the mp5 is still good imo) and if anyone dolphin dives you jump to the side zoom in in midair once you land blast a rocket to his face, and fire the SRAW in close quarters first if you miss bust out the DAO and finish him off.
Or just command and play with the A/T kit and arty a carrier or something.
Or just command and play with the A/T kit and arty a carrier or something.
Last edited by MetaL* (2008-02-16 15:45:58)
mp5 > pp19 > p90 > dao-12 > type 85
All my ratios suck as I played my main account since the beginning...but I do good now lol
You could...
whore a tank/jet/heli.
play IO and get revived every time you die.
Just being good with the kit vs tanks ain't gonna boost your ratio much, fighting tanks + inf means you die alot.
Sniping inf with SRAWS kicks ass though
I wouldn't recommend the DAO, like all the shotguns it kicks like a bitch and is unreliable even in CQC.
PP19 and P90 rock the shit. Huge clip + spray and pray; PP19 is decent at range too.
You could...
whore a tank/jet/heli.
play IO and get revived every time you die.
Just being good with the kit vs tanks ain't gonna boost your ratio much, fighting tanks + inf means you die alot.
Sniping inf with SRAWS kicks ass though
I wouldn't recommend the DAO, like all the shotguns it kicks like a bitch and is unreliable even in CQC.
PP19 and P90 rock the shit. Huge clip + spray and pray; PP19 is decent at range too.
MP5 sucks...even on single shot...
Lies and slander.MrAnderson wrote:
I wouldn't recommend the DAO, like all the shotguns it kicks like a bitch and is unreliable even in CQC.
fixy'dig wrote:
mp5 > pp19 > type 85 > p90 >dao-12
Lies and I have better accuracy with SMG's than Assault rifles.MrAnderson wrote:
MP5 sucks...even on single shot...
Just use it in burst like on a M16 and it rapes face.
no uMrAnderson wrote:
MP5 sucks...even on single shot...
dude type 85 is the worst gun in the game broMetaL* wrote:
fixy'dig wrote:
mp5 > pp19 > type 85 > p90 >dao-12
Last edited by ig (2008-02-16 15:51:23)
They are all decent except the type 85. Worst gun ever in the entire game.
blasphemy.ig wrote:
no uMrAnderson wrote:
MP5 sucks...even on single shot...dude type 85 is the worst gun in the game broMetaL* wrote:
fixy'dig wrote:
mp5 > pp19 > type 85 > p90 >dao-12
the Jackhammer is.
I mean, I'm ok with it but it seems I always have a shit ratio at the end of the round. For example, I'll go maybe 15/18 with this kit. I do not want to cheat and hop in a tank and get good ratio that way. I want to earn it the real way.
Last edited by Obiwan (2008-02-17 00:34:48)
Wake Island. Just hide behind the bunker at airfield near the jet spawn and AT snipe people, jeeps, jets before they take off, etc... If someone spawns in the bunker, DAO them. If someone starts popping shots, hide and wait for them to come, then jump out and DAO them. If a jet comes to refuel, wait until it passes then hop in the AA and drop them. If a jet finds you and starts coming your way, get your ass on the opposite side of the bunker so you don't get mowed down.
I always run out of ammo and have to swap to a kit of someone I killed, hopefully a support kit for the ammo bags, when I do this.
I always run out of ammo and have to swap to a kit of someone I killed, hopefully a support kit for the ammo bags, when I do this.
Last edited by iNeedUrFace4Soup (2008-02-17 00:59:12)

Most vanilla maps suck for the lone AT guy. He'll be doing a lot of walking, and the lack of cover will leave him dead from enemy armour.
Special Forces maps are better for AT. The CQC makes it a good field for the DAO-12, and the grappling hook gets you in spots armour can't hit you. Three rockets to the back/tracks of a tank and they're out of comission. Two for AA and APCs, so I'm surprised more aren't AT in SF.
Handy hook guide for Ghost Town: http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?id=92728
You have SF, go play SF and make an ATer proud.
Special Forces maps are better for AT. The CQC makes it a good field for the DAO-12, and the grappling hook gets you in spots armour can't hit you. Three rockets to the back/tracks of a tank and they're out of comission. Two for AA and APCs, so I'm surprised more aren't AT in SF.
Handy hook guide for Ghost Town: http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?id=92728
You have SF, go play SF and make an ATer proud.
2 to the tracks will kill a tankCyrax-Sektor wrote:
Three rockets to the back/tracks of a tank and they're out of comission.
I always do that, but those persistent pieces of armour always stand. Could be my lagging.MrAnderson wrote:
2 to the tracks will kill a tankCyrax-Sektor wrote:
Three rockets to the back/tracks of a tank and they're out of comission.
PP19 and Eryx on Karkand IO. Best combination ever.