I just installed a caching service on player profile pages so that they are generated at player update. The cached version of the page is served instead of connecting to the database and causing loads and loads of stress.
This means that, overall, things should speed up a bit since the player pages are pretty heavy hitters in terms of load generation.
The downside to this is the removal of dynamic content on the page -- namely, there is no longer the "player is online at" status. Sorry that had to eat it for the greater good of the server -- I've got to streamline the code and load on Gibson.
This means that, overall, things should speed up a bit since the player pages are pretty heavy hitters in terms of load generation.
The downside to this is the removal of dynamic content on the page -- namely, there is no longer the "player is online at" status. Sorry that had to eat it for the greater good of the server -- I've got to streamline the code and load on Gibson.