Official Battlefield fanboy
+240|6459|San Antonio, Texas

Sup3r_Dr4gon wrote:

Longbow wrote:

steelie34 wrote:

i've noticed a trend in the heli KDR's of the people who are in favor of switching and those against.  interesting...
Now compare their helo experience (time). Interesting aswell...Some of them don't even have gold helo badge - after 3 years.
And some people haven't made General rank yet, even after 3 years......

Don't look at me.
R.I.P. Neda
+456|7140|Grapevine, TX

Adamshannon8 wrote:

chittydog wrote:

3lmo wrote:

It's just pathetic, it's in the game, don't forbid it. If you don't want to get killed, don't play this game.

TheWyrm wrote:

To be Honest, i see SeatSwitching as a cheat
R.I.P. Neda
+456|7140|Grapevine, TX

Cyrax-Sektor wrote:

Sup3r_Dr4gon wrote:

Longbow wrote:

Now compare their helo experience (time). Interesting aswell...Some of them don't even have gold helo badge - after 3 years.
And some people haven't made General rank yet, even after 3 years......

Don't look at me.
good point. You can look at me: I started playing like a month after it came out. First fps I played online and I failed. I sucked so bad, my kdr and spm we're <.50. I kept at it and some where around 900 hours I got it. I crashed the helicopter 2 minutes after i took off, up to 180 hours! SRSLY sucked bad, was kicked for wasting assets, and just being a nub. So if you look at my stats after 1760+ hours and average all that in, I'm not a "good" player.  Stats can be deceiving. But thats part of it, its just a game.

If you have a problem with it, you cant do it. If you could you wouldn't bitch about it and let others play the game. Go try it on single player. SRSLY We didn't design the chopper flying dynamics, just as how fucking slow armor climbs up hills. Only reason you should get kicked is if there was a good pilot on the ground asking for a lift. It is a team game. Another example is if he's hovering around the last cap or Carrier and just raping the carrier, but thats fun if its allowed, different topic.

I remember sucking, so Ill give just about anyone a try unless I already have a gunner that is decent, or better. I finally just learned how to fly/ solo in DV single player, small map but you learn to fly controlled. Watch some videos, they aren't hard to find.

(T)eflon(S)hadow wrote:

Cyrax-Sektor wrote:

Sup3r_Dr4gon wrote:

And some people haven't made General rank yet, even after 3 years......

Don't look at me.
good point. You can look at me: I started playing like a month after it came out. First fps I played online and I failed. I sucked so bad, my kdr and spm we're <.50. I kept at it and some where around 900 hours I got it. I crashed the helicopter 2 minutes after i took off, up to 180 hours! SRSLY sucked bad, was kicked for wasting assets, and just being a nub. So if you look at my stats after 1760+ hours and average all that in, I'm not a "good" player.  Stats can be deceiving. But thats part of it, its just a game.

If you have a problem with it, you cant do it. If you could you wouldn't bitch about it and let others play the game. Go try it on single player. SRSLY We didn't design the chopper flying dynamics, just as how fucking slow armor climbs up hills. Only reason you should get kicked is if there was a good pilot on the ground asking for a lift. It is a team game. Another example is if he's hovering around the last cap or Carrier and just raping the carrier, but thats fun if its allowed, different topic.

I remember sucking, so Ill give just about anyone a try unless I already have a gunner that is decent, or better. I finally just learned how to fly/ solo in DV single player, small map but you learn to fly controlled. Watch some videos, they aren't hard to find.
This man knows. BF2 was also my first FPS, my first rig was 512 ram and a huge paging file, the graphics card was some 5xxx nividia I believe. I also went to watch some videos on TV missles after I got decent at choppers, and learned how to start hitting jets -- my KDR is about 2 in a chopper, but I can sure as hell TV better than 95% of a full server. There are some round where I have gone 70 for 2 with most of my kills being with TVs.

Same goes with my Jet KDR, it's around 3 yet most rounds I'll be able to pull out a 10 to 1 ratio.

Looking at my history and my KDR, it's kinda lols to see in the last 3 months it's only increased and never decreased.
Dropped on request

Ataronchronon wrote:

Anybody whining about soloing has obviously never experienced the sheer frustration of having to share a chopper with an incompetent moron.

And Im pretty sure that in real life, a pilot can take control of the weapons systems from his own seat.
Wrong. They are the incompetent moron.

As far as real life goes people don't bitch about the other 8 billion things that arent realistic in this game. They only bitch about the things that own them, like soloing.
+405|6774|A W S M F O X

Skorpy-chan wrote:

san4 wrote:

When the pilot switches seats in the chopper it breaks the mobile AA missile lock. That's totally unfair.

No one ever thinks about how the mobile AA driver feels about things.
Oh, you've lost your lock? Keep the damn guns trained on them, then.

And all you people saying 'go practice at single player!11!!' are morons. I tried that the other day, then went online and tried to gun there. Single player is useless, I kept dying and had to bail out because I couldn't hit shit while dealing with the lag and unpredictable movement.
Fuck off and never get in a chopper again you berkely hunt.
Steve Irwin Reincarnate

This thread needs more QQ

Oh wait...
+405|6774|A W S M F O X

~Smokey~ wrote:

This thread needs moar QQ

Oh wait...
I don't mind soloing if there aren't any gunners available, but I hate it when some fag thinks he is so 1337 at helo that he won't even let you in. I got into a chopper once to gun for someone and he spammed the "bail out." I asked why so he crashed on purpose. I could understand someone being mad that they got a suck gunner who was relentless at being in the same chopper the whole round, but I had just joined the server and the guy didn't even give me a chance.
.yag era uoy fi siht deaR

legionair wrote:

Pea....Tear.....Griffen wrote:

Skorpy-chan wrote:

You're denying someone the ability to gun for you, and the opportunity to learn. They were right to ban you.
If Someone gets in my chopper and is a shit gunner i redline him, then solo, Why should i waste my time teaching some random pubfool that ill never see again, i learnt on my own.
then I would hunt you down and teabag you all the time! I hate people doing this.
Then i would switch accounts, and TK you untill i was banned off of the server. Why waste my time, seriously, when i could do better on my own.

~Smokey~ wrote:

This thread needs more QQ

Oh wait...
Dont say that "QQ" shits me.

Last edited by Pea....Tear.....Griffen (2008-02-07 01:16:21)

+163|6957|Odessa, Ukraine

Sup3r_Dr4gon wrote:

And some people haven't made General rank yet, even after 3 years......

I hate visual appearence of both 2 and 3 stars. I like colonel more. +I suck in jets and I dont want become one of those lame-3-star 'generals' that play IO exlusively (even though they suck) that come to vehicle server and suck for 50 hours ruining experience for their team because they want to get silver aviator badge to become 3 star generals. To sum that all, Colonel > 3-star pub IO noob.

I hope you understand my point, and by '3-star pub noob' I never ment those ppl that are good in both helo's and aircraft.

Last edited by Longbow (2008-02-07 04:37:50)


messfeeder wrote:

I don't mind soloing if there aren't any gunners available, but I hate it when some fag thinks he is so 1337 at helo that he won't even let you in. I got into a chopper once to gun for someone and he spammed the "bail out." I asked why so he crashed on purpose. I could understand someone being mad that they got a suck gunner who was relentless at being in the same chopper the whole round, but I had just joined the server and the guy didn't even give me a chance.
I know the feeling.  Happens to me a lot when I jump on one of my low rank accounts.  Good thing I don't care about stats, cuz I'd rather waste some 'leet' soloer's time sitting on the carrier spamming bail out, then going to crash only to have me right there again than give him the satisfaction of me thinking he's actually worth something.

I give everyone a chance.   You never know, he might be amazing.  He might be ok, but with you talking him through it becomes amazing.  You might find the 1 guy you'll never want to fly without again.  If I know I'm not going to get to solo, I'll hop in the gunner seat before he gets in so at least I can still be somewhat effective.  But there's always that one guy.

Like last night, I was playing 16 man (dude, these size maps are better than the bigger ones!) Zatar.  3 times in a row, my pilot was trying to use the chopper as a transport, but was so incompetent, he didn't know nosediving and bailing out 30 feet above the ground wouldn't allow the parachute to open.  Needless to say, I kicked him after warning him to not do that anymore.
Joined BF2s in November 2005
+133|7034|Doncaster, England
I only ever have a problem with it if someone good wants the seat.
If they are a complete fool, take off without them and try on your own.

Sometimes I'll fly for someone who needs practice (like we all did once) and not care
how much I die.

Servers that disallow switching are stupid, the ones that say you can't do it for real so don't.
I can't die and come back in 15 seconds either, so I better not do that 

If there are not enough people on a server, what are you going to do ?
Boat sig is not there anymore

Longbow wrote:

Sup3r_Dr4gon wrote:

And some people haven't made General rank yet, even after 3 years......

I hate visual appearence of both 2 and 3 stars. I like colonel more. +I suck in jets and I dont want become one of those lame-3-star 'generals' that play IO exlusively (even though they suck) that come to vehicle server and suck for 50 hours ruining experience for their team because they want to get silver aviator badge to become 3 star generals. To sum that all, Colonel > 3-star pub IO noob.

I hope you understand my point, and by '3-star pub noob' I never ment those ppl that are good in both helo's and aircraft.
The only reason why I said that is to point out that the reason why most people don't have their expert chopper badge is because they don't like/suck at flying choppers.
+163|6957|Odessa, Ukraine

Sup3r_Dr4gon wrote:

The only reason why I said that is to point out that the reason why most people don't have their expert chopper badge is because they don't like/suck at flying choppers.
Yet they come to this thread and post their opinion about us having to give chance for noob gunnners\pilots.
Boat sig is not there anymore

Longbow wrote:

Sup3r_Dr4gon wrote:

The only reason why I said that is to point out that the reason why most people don't have their expert chopper badge is because they don't like/suck at flying choppers.
Yet they come to this thread and post their opinion about us having to give chance for noob gunnners\pilots.
Why shouldn't they? This is a thread discussing soloing, and they have a right to comment on times when self important dicks TK/redline them because they want them out of "their" chopper. How would you feel if I shot you out of the gunners seat with the M95 because I think I would be more effective with a friend?
+163|6957|Odessa, Ukraine

Sup3r_Dr4gon wrote:

Why shouldn't they? This is a thread discussing soloing, and they have a right to comment on times when self important dicks TK/redline them because they want them out of "their" chopper. How would you feel if I shot you out of the gunners seat with the M95 because I think I would be more effective with a friend?
First of all, If I'm alone and I see a crew of 2 ppl I'll give them choper, just because I find 2-seat chopering more effective. If they fail, I'll get that choper and solo. If they are good, I'll go ground pounding.
Second, I consider pilot "owner" of a choper. He have a right to decide either to fly with that gunner or not because his life depends on his gunner.

And all these noobs that don't have any valuable experience in choper and blame us for soloing\redlining etc. just have to read my second statement. Choper is the only vehicle where your skill make a life of other crewman dependant on you. If you cant shoot TV missile - dont make your pilot die due to your noobness, learn something in SP\unranked\empty server. Thats how I got primary skills.
sophisticated slacker
+334|6634|Graz, Austria
Seatswitching is a double-edged sword.
If noone is around or wants to gun, soloing is ok for me. As soon as someone is there or asks you, you should pick them up if it's safe.
After all, if you didn't do it, you'd was a powerful part of your arsenal.
Admins that don't get this are stupid and their severs should be avoided.

What completely infuriates me is when people start to yell "get out", TK, redline or crash the heli.
Such idiots come with the argument that they're better than a noob or that it isn't fun to always die because of a bad gunner.
But is it fun to get teamkilled by a selfish idiot constantly who denies other people to play certain features of a TEAMbased that they payed for?

Anyway, I'm not good at soloing so I rarely do it, besides it's illogical and technically impossible in real life.
Well, in real life you wouldn't be able to switch seats in a tank either, but after all BF2 is an arcade game.
+163|6957|Odessa, Ukraine

globefish23 wrote:

What completely infuriates me is when people start to yell "get out", TK, redline or crash the heli.
Such idiots come with the argument that they're better than a noob or that it isn't fun to always die because of a bad gunner.
But is it fun to get teamkilled by a selfish idiot constantly who denies other people to play certain features of a TEAMbased that they payed for?
I havent payed to fly with noob who miss enemy helo 19 times of 20. Noobs weren't included in my lisence agreement, sorry.

globefish23 wrote:

Anyway, I'm not good at soloing so I rarely do it, besides it's illogical and technically impossible in real life.
Well, in real life you wouldn't be able to switch seats in a tank either, but after all BF2 is an arcade game.
congratz, you just onwned yourself

p/s you have a huge experience in chopers : time 15:29:45  kills 349 deaths 435  ratio 0.8782

globefish23 wrote:

Well, in real life you wouldn't be able to switch seats in a tank either.
Why not?  Driving, firing the main gun, and the machine guns all at once, well...

Partly why 2142 failed was that it encouraged/required vehicle teamwork.

Last edited by Ilocano (2008-02-07 13:02:29)


Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:

Ataronchronon wrote:

Anybody whining about soloing has obviously never experienced the sheer frustration of having to share a chopper with an incompetent moron.

And Im pretty sure that in real life, a pilot can take control of the weapons systems from his own seat.
Wrong. They are the incompetent moron.

As far as real life goes people don't bitch about the other 8 billion things that arent realistic in this game. They only bitch about the things that own them, like soloing.
Do you realize my post was in favor of soloing or am I just not understanding what youve written?
The Mas
+311|6999|NYC, a place to live
Video evidence that mobile AA loses lock when a heli pilot switches seats. Note how the lock goes away the moment the heli starts turning.

Last edited by san4 (2008-02-07 18:03:54)

It'll just be our little secret

san4 wrote:

Video evidence that mobile AA loses lock when a heli pilot switches seats. Note how the lock goes away the moment the heli starts turning.

shhhh!don't tell EA!

san4 wrote:

Video evidence that mobile AA loses lock when a heli pilot switches seats. Note how the lock goes away the moment the heli starts turning.
I was pretty sure they had fixed that in one of the patches, but then again I don't use the mobil AA that often.

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