Official lame Crysis fanboy.
+84|6685|Netherlands tbh
Important Update On the Plans of XConfig for the future!!
Written as of the 20th of August, 2008. The development of version 1.4 of my 'mod' as you may call it at this time has been evolving from time to time. I do not have that much time to work on the mod anymore yet don't worry as I'm not dropping support completely.
I am at this point, awaiting Crysis Warhead and seeing if there is anything I can port over from the mod, or work on a new version. Either way, I want to see what backwards/cross compatibility Crytek is going to offer us between Warhead and the original Crysis.
When I am aware of what they're going to do my initial plan is to create a large package version. With configs for the original Crysis, and possibly for Warhead, and ofcourse customized Time of Day sets. Including much more I have planned on I hope to shed some more light on when the time has come.
Sorry if this unfortunate news for any of you, but I think it's the best for all of us. When I am fully aware of the future (e.g. Warhead being released and I have played it and inspected it) I can decide on what to do next. It's not that much of a good idea to release a package now which no-one will play for long since Warhead is out in 20 days (Europe atleast).

I hope you understand!



XConfig release version 1.30 - Bringing back beauty

Release 1.3 of this Crysis optimization (you might aswell call it a mod now it's this big) config has been released! What can you expect out of this?


Greatly improved game performance (framerate)
Achieved through the tweaking of many, many game CVars the framerate is now stable and higher compared to the stock game settings, while maintaining and on other points improving the visual quality Crysis is famous for.

Custom Time of Day settings with XToD 1.3
By editing each game's level Time of Day settings a unique look and feel has been added to the game. Many different sunrises and sunsets have been added aswell as large daytime adjustments.

Improved ice based level performance
Remember when you played through the game thinking performance was fine until you stumbled upon one of these snowy levels? Here aswell performance has been fixed, no more huge framerate drops and lower fps. I achieved a steady 30 fps on 'Paradise Lost' and other icy parts throughout the game.

A new installer, making life easier
A new installer has been written to make the install of XConfig 1.3 as smooth as possible. I went through a lot of pain trying to get it working which is the reason this release has been so much delayed. I have managed to get everything working now and more detailed installation instructions can be found below.

How to install XConfig 1.3?
All you have to do is download the installer from the FileFront link. After downloading it, run it and select your prefered config level, there are 5 different levels based on different levels of hardware capabilities. The installer will give instructions on what configuration file to pick for your system.
After choosing the desired configuration level, select if you want to install modified Time of Day files (XToD 1.3) (more info on this above), you can choose to make a backup of the original files, not to make a backup, or not even install XToD.
After this, the screen with the installation folder will appear. Browse to your appropriate Crysis directory, a default example is already set in the installer: "C:/Program Files/Electronic Arts/Crytek/Crysis". This ofcourse doesn't have to be your specific directory, so press browse to change it if needed.
After this the installation will handle itself and upon ending it will open your Crysis folder. If you have selected to install modified Time of Day files, please run inject_tod.bat (or inject_tod_bak.bat if you have selected to install with backup) to inject XToD. Else it won't modify anything.

How to play PunkBuster safe and other keybinds
To play on PunkBuster enabled Crysis multiplayer servers, all you have to do is press F11 before going into a multiplayer server. This will change a command to ensure you can play totally fine on those servers, else you have the chance to get kicked out.
After finishing multiplayer play, all you have to do is press F10 again to refresh the original config. This can be done at all times, so it may come in handy when you are testing the differences between stock performance and XConfig performance.

XConfig release version 1.30 download link:

XConfig release version 1.30 download link on Crymod.com:
CrymodDB link

Enjoy this config, and let me know how your performance is. Suggestions are more than welcome and I will be keeping this config up to date and improving based on your feedback!

[Current version 1.30 Release fix #2]
Changelog for this version
~ Fixed sky type for low config
~ Fixed water not showing well for low config
~ Removed shadows completely on low config, might bring them back in in a next version but for now it's better this way

Version 1.4 will have:
-A revamped and renewed Time of Day modification set (XToD 1.4)
-Improved performance even more
-Bugfixes and issue fixes
-Possibly an AI and texture tweak
-A totally new injection system for the Time of Day modification: more stable and will overwrite any other custom Time of Day modification.
-A new recovery tool for the Time of Day modification.

Last edited by xGj (2008-09-04 13:29:40)

Nymphomaniac Treatment Specialist
+302|6988|Florida, United States

What are your specs and frame rates with this configuration?
Official lame Crysis fanboy.
+84|6685|Netherlands tbh
It's in the readme included in the rar file but yea:
Core 2 Duo E6850 (stock 3.00GHz)
4GB PC6400 DDR2 800 MHz RAM
A single 8800GTX

On my native 1650x1080 I achieve a steady 26-33 fps, playable for me. When scaling the resolution down the fps goes up. Alot.
Commie Killer

xGj wrote:

It's in the readme included in the rar file but yea:
Core 2 Duo E6850 (stock 3.00GHz)
4GB PC6400 DDR2 800 MHz RAM
A single 8800GTX

On my native 1650x1080 I achieve a steady 26-33 fps, playable for me. When scaling the resolution down the fps goes up. Alot.
That res with all high settings or very high?
Official lame Crysis fanboy.
+84|6685|Netherlands tbh

Commie Killer wrote:

xGj wrote:

It's in the readme included in the rar file but yea:
Core 2 Duo E6850 (stock 3.00GHz)
4GB PC6400 DDR2 800 MHz RAM
A single 8800GTX

On my native 1650x1080 I achieve a steady 26-33 fps, playable for me. When scaling the resolution down the fps goes up. Alot.
That res with all high settings or very high?
Very high. Some settings which don't improve image quality anyway have been scaled down to "high" (still awesome that is) levels, but I have kept all the very high extra's like sunshafts through trees, god rays in the water, nice shadows and "Parralax Occlusion Mapping" << that means stones and other stuff which do normally look like a flat texture now stand out.
Commie Killer

xGj wrote:

Commie Killer wrote:

xGj wrote:

It's in the readme included in the rar file but yea:
Core 2 Duo E6850 (stock 3.00GHz)
4GB PC6400 DDR2 800 MHz RAM
A single 8800GTX

On my native 1650x1080 I achieve a steady 26-33 fps, playable for me. When scaling the resolution down the fps goes up. Alot.
That res with all high settings or very high?
Very high. Some settings which don't improve image quality anyway have been scaled down to "high" (still awesome that is) levels, but I have kept all the very high extra's like sunshafts through trees, god rays in the water, nice shadows and "Parralax Occlusion Mapping" << that means stones and other stuff which do normally look like a flat texture now stand out.
Hmm, sounds good, Im gonna go download this. What are these settings that "don't improve image quality"?
+383|6299|Aus, Qld
Do i delete the other one you posted if i use this?
Official lame Crysis fanboy.
+84|6685|Netherlands tbh

Commie Killer wrote:

xGj wrote:

Commie Killer wrote:

That res with all high settings or very high?
Very high. Some settings which don't improve image quality anyway have been scaled down to "high" (still awesome that is) levels, but I have kept all the very high extra's like sunshafts through trees, god rays in the water, nice shadows and "Parralax Occlusion Mapping" << that means stones and other stuff which do normally look like a flat texture now stand out.
Hmm, sounds good, Im gonna go download this. What are these settings that "don't improve image quality"?
Too many to name, you'd have to get into this sort of modding yourself to find out. Some do actually improve quality but you can't notice the difference that well to sacrifice 5 fps for it. I'm still improving the image quality as best as I can though, while getting better performance. Have fun using it

bakinacake wrote:

Do i delete the other one you posted if i use this?
Yes. Delete the other autoexec.cfg which you had put in your ...\game\config directory, and put in this one.
Commie Killer
Sounds good, I heard on another forum, that mods like this reduce your view distance?
Official lame Crysis fanboy.
+84|6685|Netherlands tbh
Uh, totally not lol, that depends on the mod. What this mod do is actually increase your view distance. Crysis has some commands + values for the viewdistance, which are:


e_detail_materials_view_dist_xy = value
e_detail_materials_view_dist_z = value
Now the default Crysis settings for these suck, totally. The e_detail_materials_view_dist_xy is how far you can see, even on very high settings this is set to 2048 (or 1024 can't remember) only, which makes far mountains and such not totally visible in their full glory. Most parts of (for example) far mountains are then just dark brown, instead of textured.
e_detail_materials_view_dist_z, I can't remember the exact definition of this one but it is meant horizontally if I remember correctly, game's default (yes again even for Very High) is 128, which sucks balls again.
My configuration settings are with insane view distances, which you can see in the second picture in my first post. Mine are set like this:


e_detail_materials_view_dist_xy = 4096
e_detail_materials_view_dist_z = 256
So, to make it short: it does increase instead of reduce your view distance, only a good thing
Oh bakina sorry for the PM didn't remember you already posted here ._.
Anyways next version on the way guys.

Last edited by xGj (2008-02-03 11:01:23)

Official lame Crysis fanboy.
+84|6685|Netherlands tbh
So you can't open the RAR or the autoexec.cfg? The rar archive you open with Winrar (http://www.rarlab.com/), the autoexec.cfg doesn't need to be opened unless you edit it. Else open it with notepad, that should work, it works for everyone
Your lord and master
+36|6714|Leuven, Belgium
Judging from the signature, that's the source of the RAR file.
Official lame Crysis fanboy.
+84|6685|Netherlands tbh

elbekko wrote:

Judging from the signature, that's the source of the RAR file.
Commie Killer

xGj wrote:

elbekko wrote:

Judging from the signature, that's the source of the RAR file.
My life lessons are more expensive....
+11|6302|A sea above the map of Tassie
Just a tip, some servers in oz (internode, gamearena) kick for view distances greater than 2048. For temporary fix so you dont have to change config, as xGj showed just alter;

e_detail_materials_view_dist_xy = value

Dont worry about it for single player though. Anyway screenies are looking tip top.
Keep it up.
Official lame Crysis fanboy.
+84|6685|Netherlands tbh

bob9f6 wrote:

Just a tip, some servers in oz (internode, gamearena) kick for view distances greater than 2048. For temporary fix so you dont have to change config, as xGj showed just alter;

e_detail_materials_view_dist_xy = value

Dont worry about it for single player though. Anyway screenies are looking tip top.
Keep it up.
Yea I've heard some people speaking about that, never noticed it myself though.. Don't play that much multiplayer either, thanks for pointing it out tho.. Currently working on version 1.03
Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6878|Area 51
Thnx mate! Buying a new PC soon so this will come in quiet handy
Commie Killer
Once I get this thing open, which I had until my computer revoked my admin privilages again, how do I add it to the Config section.

EDIT: Save it to there?

Last edited by Commie Killer (2008-02-06 10:41:32)

+383|6299|Aus, Qld

Commie Killer wrote:

Once I get this thing open, which I had until my computer revoked my admin privilages again, how do I add it to the Config section.

EDIT: Save it to there?
Just copy the config file that you download, then put it in Crysis/Config folder.
It's a great config and all, but it seems to take out some of the 'Crysis magic' that makes the DX10-title just so tasty... such as the parallax occlusion mapping or whatever it is called. Basically the DX10 rendering feature that makes all of the textures and rocks look absolutely fantastic and "Wooow!". Might just be personal preference here, but the game looks bland and rocks look they're taken from Battlefield 2 with this configuration... I'm all for performance and all but little things like that make my 2 GTX's cry . Seeing as this config was recommended for 'high spec systems' and the like, I was expecting some more glamour for a little more frames!
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
Official lame Crysis fanboy.
+84|6685|Netherlands tbh

Uzique wrote:

It's a great config and all, but it seems to take out some of the 'Crysis magic' that makes the DX10-title just so tasty... such as the parallax occlusion mapping or whatever it is called. Basically the DX10 rendering feature that makes all of the textures and rocks look absolutely fantastic and "Wooow!". Might just be personal preference here, but the game looks bland and rocks look they're taken from Battlefield 2 with this configuration... I'm all for performance and all but little things like that make my 2 GTX's cry . Seeing as this config was recommended for 'high spec systems' and the like, I was expecting some more glamour for a little more frames!
Uh I'm sorry but Parallax Oclussion Mapping is enabled.. As I explained in my first post and the readme. It makes flat rock textures stand out,
if I may quote myself:

xGj wrote:

Very high. Some settings which don't improve image quality anyway have been scaled down to "high" (still awesome that is) levels, but I have kept all the very high extra's like sunshafts through trees, god rays in the water, nice shadows and "Parralax Occlusion Mapping" << that means stones and other stuff which do normally look like a flat texture now stand out.
Now version 1.15 is on the way, I have achieved pretty good results, and gonna split up the config in low, medium, high and very high.

I'm anxiously awaiting the config for my system - low/high.
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
+354|6572|Basel, Switzerland
Shit man, this cofig gave me 10 instead of 20 fps.
Your lord and master
+36|6714|Leuven, Belgium
Well yes, it's made for high-end systems.

xGj wrote:

Uzique wrote:

It's a great config and all, but it seems to take out some of the 'Crysis magic' that makes the DX10-title just so tasty... such as the parallax occlusion mapping or whatever it is called. Basically the DX10 rendering feature that makes all of the textures and rocks look absolutely fantastic and "Wooow!". Might just be personal preference here, but the game looks bland and rocks look they're taken from Battlefield 2 with this configuration... I'm all for performance and all but little things like that make my 2 GTX's cry . Seeing as this config was recommended for 'high spec systems' and the like, I was expecting some more glamour for a little more frames!
Uh I'm sorry but Parallax Oclussion Mapping is enabled.. As I explained in my first post and the readme. It makes flat rock textures stand out,
if I may quote myself:

xGj wrote:

Very high. Some settings which don't improve image quality anyway have been scaled down to "high" (still awesome that is) levels, but I have kept all the very high extra's like sunshafts through trees, god rays in the water, nice shadows and "Parralax Occlusion Mapping" << that means stones and other stuff which do normally look like a flat texture now stand out.
Now version 1.15 is on the way, I have achieved pretty good results, and gonna split up the config in low, medium, high and very high.
Ah well then I apologize for my apparent ignorance, and my seemingly accusing post! Didn't mean to be so harsh about it... I guess something went wrong in my own personal configuration / graphics set-up. All that I know for sure is that my rocks / sand textures etc. looked far worse and more flat/bland than they did in the demo... which I ran on full-max settings. Will tweak a little and get back to you.

Look forward to 1.15- great work .
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/

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