
agree? Commanders in vehicles.

yes42%42% - 83
no57%57% - 112
Total: 195
Field Marshal | o |
+142|7032|Ireland | Monaghan

Aslong as he does his job, I would get in a jeep... get the time for the medal aswell while I command, many people use commander to get 20 kills etc for medals, so why can you do the same for the transport?

but I do agree aslong as he does his job it's ok.
Intel Core i7 CPU 920 @ 4GHz || 3x2 GB OCZ 1600Mhz DDR3 || 80GB Intel X25-M Gen 2 || KFA2 GTX 480 1536Mb ||| Samsung T220 || Xonar DX 7.1 || AV 40 || P6T Deluxe V2 || Win 7 HP 64 Bit || Lian Li P80
Because f*ck you that's why.
+400|6901|Reisterstown, MD

lol.  I remember that one.  That was funny as hell when we were in the game.  I think half the server yelled at the admins. 
Official Battlefield fanboy
+240|6459|San Antonio, Texas
Depends on the map. Passengering as commander is alright with me. But if on Ghost Town where there's only one tank and APC for each side, commander, please sit out.

But if it's Tampa or Smoke Screen or any other map with plenty of vehicles for all, I wouldn't object to it. Try knifing an enemy commander in a tank. However, if our team is hurting, we might need all the firepower we can get.
I got Mug 222 at Gritty's!!!!
+216|6951|Your moms bedroom
ya, its ok with me,  probably against roe cause every arty strike that you get a kill counts as a vehicle kill
Make Love and War
+303|6789|Communist Republic of CA, USA
When I command, occasional I'll hop into the Passenger seat to get a better view of the battlefield.  Maybe just in one of the side doors in the designated transport Blackhawk, but it's more interesting that just staring at a wall in the bottom of the carrier.
+54|6465|Vancouver, BC, Canada
Why are people hatin on Flyin Commanders

Bleh, personally, I find Commanding from vehicles ok, including Jets or Helo's, Just as long as they can do the commanding, I don't really care.

And who dares say commanding from a Jet is impossible, I've done it, I just Jet the jet flyin really slow and high, Afterburn myself to the edge of the map, turn around(takes only 15 seconds) level out, then quickly open my Laptop, do a sat scan, and place what's needed, don;t even get through half the map most of the time, and if you;re flyin hgh enough, noone should notice you and shoot you out.

But yeah, It's fine in anything, aslong as they're actually commanding.
something else
I have nothing against cmd's in vehicles IF they dont steal my or my teammate vehicles and they do theyr job...
Vagina face
+167|6310|London ㋛

@ LiLp: You may be able to command from a jet or heli, but you're still taking up valuable resources your team needs to win the round, plus if you are killing people in the jet, you're shooting yourself in the foot because commanders points are based on the average of your teams points and you get nil point for killing as commander. As far as idling in vehicle goes, I don't have a problem so long as it's not a tank or apc that the team need to use, many a time I've C4'd an apc because a stubborn idle commander is in it.
+244|6999|arica harbour

greenhaven wrote:

Commanding from a vehicle is a perfectly good tactic, if nobody else wants to use the vehicle. On armor maps, there's usually an empty tank laying around, so I take that. It's pretty simple, you only engage the enemy while assets are reloading.
if your team looses over and over, 75% of the time they kill the commander and they know he is always in a vehicle
+783|7154|Reykjavík, Iceland.
If I'm commanding and there is a empty tank I take it to the frontline and fight, it's not like it's hard to put down UAV and accept supply drops, etc. when in a land vehicle.

Although it makes the commander weaker than one that would actively sat track enemies and figure out where they are going.

**LiLp-DeFiNeD wrote:

Why are people hatin on Flyin Commanders

Bleh, personally, I find Commanding from vehicles ok, including Jets or Helo's, Just as long as they can do the commanding, I don't really care.

And who dares say commanding from a Jet is impossible, I've done it, I just Jet the jet flyin really slow and high, Afterburn myself to the edge of the map, turn around(takes only 15 seconds) level out, then quickly open my Laptop, do a sat scan, and place what's needed, don;t even get through half the map most of the time, and if you;re flyin hgh enough, noone should notice you and shoot you out.

But yeah, It's fine in anything, aslong as they're actually commanding.
This post is exactly why people go hating flying commanders....

If you do what you say everytime your assets reload, then you would have been better off just sitting on the runway in the jet.  If you are commanding to the full extent, you'd have time for 1 bombing run, fly to your height/location, do your scan, fly and reload, hit your height/location, do your scan, and repeat.  How is spending more than half your time positioning/commanding helping your team more than a dedicated pilot who doesn't only attack for 15 seconds out of every 60?

You CANNOT fly a jet to the extent the team needs it while preforming the duties of a decent commander.  Flying a chopper/gunning isn't as bad, but still shouldn't be done.  Armor isn't terrible, but if you will not disengage that other tank to send UAV/Arty/car/supplies to the squad that needs it without them screaming for it, you shouldn't be in it.  All fighting commanding isn't as good as sitting somewhere inconspicuous because every death = 15 seconds of your team without a commander.

So in the end, generally the best commander is the one who sits in commander screen the longest.  If you can be in commander screen 100% of the time in the specific seat of a vehicle witout anyone saying anything it's fine.  If someone's got a problem with it, it's generally not a good idea. (IE, if you were to be in commander screen all round in a jet, people will be pissed, so don't get into the jet whilst commanding.  If you're in the 5th seat of a boat, no one will complain, so it's not a big deal)

**PS**  +2 "ZAP" You're good to go!    (Good job reviving an old thread)
+127|6656|Twyford, UK
Hrm. After this thread's come up, I've taken to commanding from transports or air/ground defense because I'm sick of being knifed when looking for stuff. Also, because I'm in need of the transport time and have to defend against vehicle thieves.
+0|6309|Surrey, B.C.

The_Jester wrote:

Was that commander a hinderance for his team? Yes, not sitting in a safe, arty-proof spot and getting killed means 15 seconds without commander support. And way more time without uav/scan/arty, if an enemy spec-op blew them up while he was rambling around the map. 2 choices in that case: supply crate/s wasted to repair the commander assets (no supply support for friendly armors) or going all the way back to repair them (lot of time without proper commander support).

And if he was always on the commander screen, why going around in a transport anyway?

For me, the commander should always hide somewhere in the main base, ALWAYS as engineer. He can use abandoned vehicles to defend the base, or to prevent the enemy from stealing them.
Possible exceptions: there are very few people, like 6v6. In this case I prefer a fighting commander, if he can command well anyway.
Or when the team is losing some back flags and nobody defend them.
Coudn't have said it better myself. I see it daily on the server I admin on. As soon as a commander gets in a piece of armor or flys the commanding stops or is limited to a random UAV or Arti strike. You get the extra for doing a job, do it if you take the position.

Skorpy-chan wrote:

Hrm. After this thread's come up, I've taken to commanding from transports or air/ground defense because I'm sick of being knifed when looking for stuff. Also, because I'm in need of the transport time and have to defend against vehicle thieves.
I've knifed a couple of commanders in ground AA and ground defense.
Yeah still here

Agree, as long as the job is getting done and nobody else needs to use the equipment. You can protect and repair assets as well as cyoa all while commanding.
Germans did 911
+427|6992|Disaster Free Zone
There is no definite answer. It depends on the team, the map, the number of people in the server and the available vehicles.

Normally I would say for a commander to never fly and only sit in tanks etc as a safeguard against thieves and be in command screen 100% of the time spotting. And also get out of the vehicle when someone from your team wants it. But with fewer people in games an 'idle' 100% commanding player can be more useful if they took an active role fighting and capturing flags. It was only yesterday I spent a good portion of a game commanding while soloing an attack chopper, without any complaints and even a few complements as we won by 100 or tickets on dragon valley (also got my BRS score of 181).

Also commanding from a vehicle was NEVER against the ROE, it was only an allowable rule for servers to use if they so wished. The worst 'punishment' you could get would be a ban from individual servers.
+127|6656|Twyford, UK

DSRTurtle wrote:

Skorpy-chan wrote:

Hrm. After this thread's come up, I've taken to commanding from transports or air/ground defense because I'm sick of being knifed when looking for stuff. Also, because I'm in need of the transport time and have to defend against vehicle thieves.
I've knifed a couple of commanders in ground AA and ground defense.
Yeah, but I've got more chance of spotting you doing it and summarily killing you.

It's also always funny to watch some tard attempt to baserape but stop when he realises that you're the only one there and you're looking for the TOW.
Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd
+169|7057|Mexico City
as long as the commander stays aware of the total map and does the job of giving info and help to the whole team, i´m ok with it.

Sometimes there´s at spawn point a lonely vehicle. Commander has to be on it in case a spawn killer decides to come to base. Commander should leave the vehicle in case a teammate ask for it.

Commanding and flying is hard, you can set supplies, uav and arty easilly, but doing a full scan of the map and give info to the ground troops is a problem....
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7024|Purplicious Wisconsin
How about have commander be a gunner or passenger of a chopper Sergio?
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd
+169|7057|Mexico City

War Man wrote:

How about have commander be a gunner or passenger of a chopper Sergio?
a gunner in maps like iron gator i find it ok. Commander there only puts uav up and drop supplies.
But if the commander is going to engage heavily in battle, he must drop the commander spot.
Just don't fly or take armor.
Jizz in my pants
+54|6789|Vancouver, USA
As a general rule, its just best to not have commanders in vehicles because most are just to immature handling 2 jobs at once.  But there are exceptions so dont get me wrong. 

Btw, this is one old thread, one year ago...
+127|6656|Twyford, UK
Hm. An idea, sort of.

Seeing as the commander can drop UAV and arty and supplies at will, I was figuring that I could probably do my thing while a sniper overlooking stuff, and actually lend a hand supporting the team directly, and seeing things other than blobs on a map all the time.

Would that adversely affect my performance as commander, do you think?
i hate you all
I usually jump in an empty tank to prevent the enemy from taking it, if anybody wants it i'll give it to them. Same goes for clanmatches.

The_Jester wrote:

Was that commander a hinderance for his team? Yes, not sitting in a safe, arty-proof spot and getting killed means 15 seconds without commander support. And way more time without uav/scan/arty, if an enemy spec-op blew them up while he was rambling around the map. 2 choices in that case: supply crate/s wasted to repair the commander assets (no supply support for friendly armors) or going all the way back to repair them (lot of time without proper commander support).

And if he was always on the commander screen, why going around in a transport anyway?

For me, the commander should always hide somewhere in the main base, ALWAYS as engineer. He can use abandoned vehicles to defend the base, or to prevent the enemy from stealing them.
Possible exceptions: there are very few people, like 6v6. In this case I prefer a fighting commander, if he can command well anyway.
Or when the team is losing some back flags and nobody defend them.
You're an idiot.

You can't say that a commander is a hindrance to the team because he's in a situation that he could get artied. I personally as commander on wake will jump in the AA on the mega structure to kill j10 whores and bumblebees. What's next, admins banning commanders because they aren't an engineer?

I really dislike people who think that a great commander will always be in commander screen and will always be spotting like crazy, at the end of the day that's bullshit, a good commander = a commander with VoIP.

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