Babb Master Flash
Justice for the 96!
+540|6692|Oslo, Norway

Im_Dooomed wrote:

There are a lot things I wanted to quote but I'll just do this.

**LiLp-DeFiNeD wrote:

Ok, so my question still hasn't gotten answered, I asked how specifically you get commander points, I got a reply of "Playing half empty IO Karkand servers",
What I meant was, what events trigger the commander getting points?
-Arty kills,
-I picked up Flag captures(And how many?)

What else, that's what I meant.
The Commander gets points from EACH players team points. (Right?)

Team points consist of these various things done by a player:

Capping a flag (+2) = +1 for Commander
Defending a flag (+2) = +1 for Commander
Reviving mate (+2) = +1 for Commander
I'm not sure that's the way it works. You don't get teampoints for beeing a commander. You get average score of what you're team is managing to score.
If you're team have 10 players, it'll take 10 points for you to get 1. But when dropping supplies you get points for repiairing assets, when someone pick up ammo (it takes loger time to get ammo when standing next to the box than if you pick up ammo bags), and for every 20th healthbar you heal.
So in other words, low IO servers with max 26 player servers. That's when you score biggest. If you pull a win you'll have to be an amature not to reach 100 points pr round.
Parcel of ol' Crams
did no-one think about checking the wiki????

BF2S Wiki

"The commander points are every point earned by a member of your team during your reign as commander divided by the total of living team members at the given time. This is multiplied by two at the end of the round, when your team wins, and only if you are still active commander at the end of the round. Artillery kills or any personal achievement does not add up to this number."
Ghost Town T90/Apache Whore
+99|6310|Aberdeen, Scotland

Tehremos wrote:

did no-one think about checking the wiki????

BF2S Wiki

"The commander points are every point earned by a member of your team during your reign as commander divided by the total of living team members at the given time. This is multiplied by two at the end of the round, when your team wins, and only if you are still active commander at the end of the round. Artillery kills or any personal achievement does not add up to this number."
:Facedesk: at I'm doomed...

As has been said multiple times in this thread, commander gets an average. As explained above. No '+1's for anthing.

Seems like everyone gets more points in IO but rounds last longer...if you want big command points you just want a high scoring team, doesn't need to be IO.

Also, logic - playing 1 big round with lots of points isn't necessarily any better than lots of short rounds.
Defeating your warriors.
+116|6720|Espoo, Finland

MrAnderson wrote:

Also, logic - playing 1 big round with lots of points isn't necessarily any better than lots of short rounds.
Yep, average SPM is probably higher and one gets more chances to double points on small rounds.
I will quote myself:

Pi wrote:

The scoring points for the commander is like this:

Each kill a teammember makes he gets 2 points
Lets say your team has 20 living players during a kill.
When a teammember takes a kill the score is divided by the number of players alive during that kill.

So the commander gets 2 / 20 = 0,1 point
This also counts for the flag points etc.

You can not see this score but when your team get a total of 10 kills you get 1 point.
Ghost Town T90/Apache Whore
+99|6310|Aberdeen, Scotland
Pi, I did a QFT on your original post too but hey, some people seem to have trouble reading/understanding the concept
Previously known as CC-Marley
Now listen steelie:
You want high commander points?
Play in 64 players server or 32 (64 recommended)
Try to join team which have higher ranked players
Play infantry only mode.
Strongly recommend karkand (highest points)
Give UAV, supplies everything you can do
Fighting does not give u points faster just gives u something to help
A more points your team makes more points you get as commander!

Last edited by Markooo*Est (2008-01-19 16:04:06)

I would add Artillery is a good way to increase you KDR - if you hide you commander ass so you cant be killed
pub hero!
+603|6692|the land of bourbon

{UK-US}Scotty wrote:

I would add Artillery is a good way to increase you KDR - if you hide you commander ass so you cant be killed
good tip, but i'm looking to score the max commander pts possible, and so far it seems like avoiding arty will increase my overall score.
Teh Ultimate Lurker
+16|6885|Kansas City
So what does IO mean?
Ghost Town T90/Apache Whore
+99|6310|Aberdeen, Scotland
Infantry Only.
Goodbye :)
+399|6790|Somewhere else

Long rounds will get you more points, but , obviously, will take much longer.  there is a balance there, and there is really no way to  judge a server or team.   

This thread has alot of good ideas, I must also say that you must do your best as a commander, listen for voice requests, and command requests, if someone requests something you don't have, type out "Sorry squad 2, Supply drop at 50%"  I cannot stress enough how important it is to let your team know that your looking out for them as best you can and you acknowledge them.

Find a server where your team consistantly wins, command for several rounds.  Do you damn best, and the people on thart server will soon realize (if you do well) that you are a reliable commander, and will get more ballsy knowing that you'll UAV a distant flag, spot enemy approaching a friendly squad trying to cap far off flags, etc.

Fighting commanders earn no points for themselves and people usually don't rely on fighting commanders, even if you are good.  The only time you should fight on the lines is when you can reach a needed flag your team is losing and no one but you can potentially save it.  Say you are USMC (Karkand) and you have capped the factory flag,  If the surrounding flags are secure, there will be no nearby fight.  I will usually hide at the factory, since usually some sneaky little bastard will creep his way back there, you can at least be there to defend it, overhead command view gives you a massive advantage ib this situation.

Use Artillery as much as possible, until your team has a large ticket lead or major strategic advantage.  Then artillery should be used to stop the enemy units that aretrying to cap a far off flag.

Keep an eye on the in game conversation, squad members, and Lone wolves (who SHOULD be in a squad DAMMIT)  make text requests,  Sometimes,  really good players go it alone, and are still great assets.  A spec-ops in need of supply at enemy command equipment is a perfect example.

Also, Priorities!  say two seperate squads both requests supplies.   Which squad has the potential to need it more?   First case is to go by who requested it first, unless another squad is in obvious desperate need, or has a greater potential of benifiting the team.

Once the decision is made, Drop the supply.  The team that DID NOT get the supply, you should tell them immediately Example: "Sorry Squad 6, Squad 3 asked first.   I try for you next, sorry"  It let's them know you just didn't go "nah, fuck you squad 6".

Also, notify people via text what going on, or through the voice chat,  younger commanders should use text.  older gamers don't tend to take young sounding commanders too seriously. just the truth .   If an enemy unit is capping a flag, spamming "enemy infantry spotted enemy infantry spotted enemy infantry spotted' Does not help, it just pisses people off. 

My preference, is to jam on the space bar and type out "Losing Construction Site Flag"  With several Spaces inserted, you text won't appear on the side of the screen, it will appear in the middle. VERY noticable.

Moderate your spotting.   At the beginning of a round in karkand as USMC, it is not necissary to spot enemy around the hotel.  Spot sneaking enemy, squads under a possible ambush, and the like.

KNOW YOUR SERVER.  Does arty kill friendly troops, or is FF turned off?  Nothing will sour people's opinion of you more than  if you arty them while thier at a flag.

Doing all of this actually will take up alot of time, that and the occasional spec-ops raid on your equipment. 

Commanding right, is actually not too boring,  but if you are on one of those servers where your team pwns with tragic efficiency, I recommend having other entertainment.   I have a TV & DVD player in the room I game, just in case it gets boring.   Just watch something you've seen before, so the movie doesn't distract you.

EDIT: I just checked the OP's stats. lol, I think you already know how .

Last edited by RoosterCantrell (2008-01-30 11:02:55)

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