I was just smacktarding on a random server when I got this:

How retarded!

How retarded!
\_/Balok77 wrote:
you could have no arms and legs and be blind deaf and dumb.....
well you really know the HARD way why i stopped playing this game for good.3lmo wrote:
I was just smacktarding on a random server when I got this:
How retarded!
Server I used to admin had such banned words, we were sick of hackusations against our admins, so if anyone thought someone was hacking they'd have a round without playing with that person, great idea really, isn't it?3lmo wrote:
I was just smacktarding on a random server when I got this:
How retarded!
No it's not, because there actually are people who hack and by banning such words, you'll get your server inpopulair in no-time.Hakei wrote:
Server I used to admin had such banned words, we were sick of hackusations against our admins, so if anyone thought someone was hacking they'd have a round without playing with that person, great idea really, isn't it?3lmo wrote:
I was just smacktarding on a random server when I got this:
How retarded!
Our server was constantly admined, if there was someone who we believed to be hacking we would spectate them, no questions asked. Do you think I need some half-witted corporal to tell me who is and isn't hacking? Server admin, I knew what to do.3lmo wrote:
No it's not, because there actually are people who hack and by banning such words, you'll get your server inpopulair in no-time.Hakei wrote:
Server I used to admin had such banned words, we were sick of hackusations against our admins, so if anyone thought someone was hacking they'd have a round without playing with that person, great idea really, isn't it?3lmo wrote:
I was just smacktarding on a random server when I got this:
How retarded!