Don't Hassel the Hoff
+345|6614|The | Netherlands
Thank god I only chopper on my own server where I ban the noobs with even the intention to redline
+163|6957|Odessa, Ukraine

DrunkFace wrote:

I will never get out for anyone, I don't care how good you are or how much you want to fly with someone else. Tough luck. I also never expect people to get out for me or for one of my friends so we can fly together, If I or one of my friends misses out on a spot in either chopper or plane, you walk away and find something else to do.

I also if I'm the pilot I wont fly for anyone who TKs to get the gunners position. I'll just sit on the heli pad till the guy gets out. I'll really don't give a shit about stats or points and will not encourage or help anyone who purposely TKs for any reason. On Daqing as PLA I sat on the heli pad for a good 4-5 minutes when someone TKed to get the chopper, before he got out and tried to TK me, at which time I flew away, found the guy he had TKed and gave him the gunners spot (the guy sucked, but its not the point).

Also I only play on well administered servers, so if you TK or redline me for the chopper, and easy SS sent to the admins will result in a ban for the offending player, as such the regulars hardly ever break the rules and most games are tard free.

If you really don't want to fly with someone because they suck so much. The real simple solution is to just get out yourself and find something else to do. Just because you are the pilot does not make the chopper yours or give you the right to choose your gunner.
Thats why you have awesome attack choper KDR of 2.16 . Congratz .
No, I never do it. You are always better off with a gunner anyway. The penises who think the chopper is a one seat vehicle need to go fuck themselves.
Fail . Bad gunner = dead choper .
+44|6655|New York
It's a very common problem in BF2, everyone wants the chopper or jet.  I suggest playing on a server that doesn't have a heavy clan prescence and has good admins that don't tolerate tk'ing for vehicles, or you can do the exact opposite and join a clan, and make some friends.  This provides that you always know who your gunner/pilot is and you can become a deadly team.
These players aren't to common thank god, but very irritating to meet.

Best thing I've found do it straight back to them, most can dish it but not take it, they normally explode and get kicked through swear filters, or just ignore them but thats what they want.
usually, depending who is in the sky on the other team depends if i let someone (who i dont know) in the chopper with me. no one has exclusive rights to the use of the attack choppers but having someone in the gunners seat that closely resembles a corpse is not a very good thing.

Last edited by baggs (2007-07-30 08:25:33)

If you are first in chopper in a fair game, you should have to right to stay there. Anybody does not 'own' chopper in BF2.
Fair team mate gives you a chance. But if you are a beginner you should listen your mate, that is your responsibility, and understand that he wants a good gunner, if you cannot shoot, and not be there in line next time.

However the redliners or TKers usually are worse fliers or gunners than me, so I never get out, if I were first in chopper and somebody shouts bail out.
Once I was laughing myself dead, when guy was redlining me so badly, that I was not hurt  at all and I was a medic. I pretended by writing: you are hurting me, arrgghh, and he believed. We spend a lot time in a corner of the map. What a team player for our team,  keeping that chopper out of the use for minutes.

I always first report TKers and redliners to admin. Usually they are just learned to fly little above mediocre and they think they are God. They are not. They do not understand that this game is a team game with also other people than their buddies, so they are noobs for me even if they have a rank.

If there is no admin and they continue doing TK, I always get their as and start to tease them, I will go nasty.

Last edited by FinnTrek (2008-01-24 23:17:34)

+303|6304|The pool
This man is handy with his paddles!
+42|7052|Florida (305)
Holy zombie post batman.
+58|6308|Mesa, AZ

=Karma-Kills= wrote:

I give every gunner / piolot i have one flight to prove themself. If they're any good, we'll team up for the round, if not ill spam "Bail out".

They ignore.

M95 / Red line / Flash bang / C4...

You will get out.
I usually give them two tries. I used to think that if you just give them one it's not that fair. I'm a decent gunner, I can take helis out as long as they aren't flipping like crazy and on occasion I drop jets with TV missiles. But sometimes there is just a difficult shot or it does that crap where it goes through the other dude's chopper, happens to the best, so I try not to be too up tight or anything about it.
#1 Commander
Most annoying this is when the gunner only uses the stupid nose cannon, as soon as I see them use that stupid gun, I just fly like they're not even there...
m95 ftw
+1,010|6597|Denmark aka Automotive Hell
If you ask me, then only fags do this sort of stuff, nomatter how bad your gunner is, he deserves his chance at the stick if he got there first

Last edited by FloppY_ (2008-01-25 07:27:47)

­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
'Light 'em up!'

r2zoo wrote:

Ey3 wrote:

Solution?, get a higher rank.. I dont like newbs to gun as well, half of them dont even know about the tv-missile.. Dont get me wrong, Im willing to teamplay, but a bad gunner is probably the most annoying thing next to gaymores in BF2..
Indeed, nothing ruins a chopper more then picking up a gunner and lining up shots for them, only to have them shot the canoon at tanks or just not do much of anything.  Rather have no gunner then a stupid gunner...
then again the pilot does have rockets.
Not really a Brit
I hate how cocky people like to spam "Bail Out!" or redline gunners. They don't have a right to fly solo, whoever gets in first gets the seat, it's that simple.

If these people think they're gonna do so much better solo, chances are they're crap pilots anyway.

A gunner will not make it more likely you'll get killed, it doesn't attract more missiles or anything of the sort, in fact the gunner can only help even if he's a completely new player, if he makes even 1 kill he's helped.

If you're that worried about a gunner being in with you, you're clearly not good enough to be seat switching effectively anyway or you'd be able to adapt to having a gunner.
If I have someone I want to fly with and someone else gets the gunner seat, I just ask them politely if I can fly with my friend. It works 100% of the time, as long as they speak English , much better than spamming Bail out! and crashing into the mountainside. People appeal to you better if you act mature. (though I imagine it helps if you outrank them too)
+1,010|6597|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

t0mhank5 wrote:

If I have someone I want to fly with and someone else gets the gunner seat, I just ask them politely if I can fly with my friend. It works 100% of the time, as long as they speak English , much better than spamming Bail out! and crashing into the mountainside. People appeal to you better if you act mature. (though I imagine it helps if you outrank them too)
Haha, not

I don't know what servers you play on (and i doubt they excist) but i want the IP
­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
pub hero!
+603|6692|the land of bourbon
now i remember u.  i posted on the temp forums about whether a redline is justified for someone who repeatedly gets in the gunner seat and purposely doesn't shoot at all, just to be a smacktard.  i remember most people said i should've just kept crashing the heli over and over until the dude got the hint.  but alot of people agreed redlining was justified.  but i remember your reply about how TKing never has a place in the game.  from this post, i can see what kind of player you really are.

DrunkFace wrote:

I will never get out for anyone, I don't care how good you are or how much you want to fly with someone else. Tough luck. I also never expect people to get out for me or for one of my friends so we can fly together, If I or one of my friends misses out on a spot in either chopper or plane, you walk away and find something else to do.
this is bullshit.  why would you want to deny a good team, especially one using voip, control of one of the best weapons in game?  just because you don't expect people to get out doesn't mean you have to be one of those same assholes.

DrunkFace wrote:

I also if I'm the pilot I wont fly for anyone who TKs to get the gunners position. I'll just sit on the heli pad till the guy gets out. I'll really don't give a shit about stats or points and will not encourage or help anyone who purposely TKs for any reason. On Daqing as PLA I sat on the heli pad for a good 4-5 minutes when someone TKed to get the chopper, before he got out and tried to TK me, at which time I flew away, found the guy he had TKed and gave him the gunners spot (the guy sucked, but its not the point).
big fucking deal... are you the bf2 police?  are you so much better than everyone because you play by some imaginary 'morals?'  everyone can play the game how they want.  they spent the money just like you, so who the fuck are you to tell them how to play?

DrunkFace wrote:

Also I only play on well administered servers, so if you TK or redline me for the chopper, and easy SS sent to the admins will result in a ban for the offending player, as such the regulars hardly ever break the rules and most games are tard free.
you are a fucking tool.  anyone who takes screenshots and reports them to the admin on their forums is a little pussy crybaby.  man up and kill them in game if you have any skill at all.

DrunkFace wrote:

If you really don't want to fly with someone because they suck so much. The real simple solution is to just get out yourself and find something else to do. Just because you are the pilot does not make the chopper yours or give you the right to choose your gunner.
like i said, i'll do whatever i want with MY bf2 game.  and when i get in the pilot seat, the chopper does in fact belong to me until i die or bail.  most people will get out if you just ask them to over voip.  if they are going to be douchebags and not shoot at anything, then tking is most definitely justified.  i will gladly help newbs learn how to shoot and fly, as long as they are trying.  but idling in a gunner seat is just flat out stupid.  and trying to take the heli from clan members or two guys on voip is just hurting your own team.  so if you do that shit to me, expect a tk.  i dont care if its "right" or "wrong", its just what im gonna do. period.

Last edited by steelie34 (2008-01-25 13:51:05)

Toilet Sex
one love, one pig

steelie34 [Teamkills - M95] DrunkFace
Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd
+169|7057|Mexico City
screw them....
is a public server and you have the right to get a seat, been a noob or an uber player.
TK their selfish arzes, no matter you´ll get kick out.

Last edited by Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd (2008-01-25 08:41:05)

Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd
+169|7057|Mexico City

t0mhank5 wrote:

If I have someone I want to fly with and someone else gets the gunner seat, I just ask them politely if I can fly with my friend. It works 100% of the time, as long as they speak English , much better than spamming Bail out! and crashing into the mountainside. People appeal to you better if you act mature. (though I imagine it helps if you outrank them too)
there has been times when lower ranks ask me to leave them the chopper. sometimes i do it, but if i see that all they do is getting screwed and not helping the team at all, ill go for the chopper..
Pope Picard II

What frustrates me the most is people who will only gun... if a person can't fly it, then they shouldn't act like they own the damn thing. Even worse if you can't gun or can't fly and then insist on trying to get in the chopper all the time is even worse.

I end up flying 99% of the time, and I don't mind that, and I'm happy to let a guy gun once and see if they actually shoot a TV and it curves (indicating they know they can move it around instead of just shooting it straight), but when someone completely sucks, or when someone never flies but always wants to gun (greedy bitches) then I get frustrated and begin hoping the enemy kills us lol. It's frustrating not only during the flight but also because you know the guy is gonna come straight back for the spawn and you'll have to deal with him all over again.

Once you have enough time in a chopper and rank is decent (not like lance corporal or w/e) if you get one chance to gun and you do a good job most pilots will keep you again and again without complaint unless they are specifically hoing it with friends, but even then most decent people will let you have your chance at getting in... if you had your chance and you really stunk it up at gunning don't complain when someone wants to tk your ass for suckhood because you can hardly blame them. Most maps there's one chopper and it can make or break the game, just like the 2 jets. If you fuck up with it constantly, well the other 30 players on your team are taking a beat down because the chopper is ineffective.
+43|6703|Wollongong, NSW, Australia
I love the justification for team-killing.

"I'm better than you, and if you're the gunner we will lose, but if I'm the gunner we will win."

Let's face it, SOME of you fly the chopper or jet to help the team, and SOME of you just fly for the big points. I'm inclined to think that the latter group is MUCH larger than the former, just from observation.

Oh, I know, if you don't keep the enemy chopper/jet/armour down we can't win, but its interesting that you can score good points just concentrating on your opposite number, rather than supporting the current assault on the ground.

But as far as soloing goes, effectively you are saying that there is no-one on my team who can fly OR gun as well as you can do both at once. To that I say, get your hand off it........

kripp wrote:

Holy zombie post batman.
It'll just be our little secret

FloppY_ wrote:

t0mhank5 wrote:

If I have someone I want to fly with and someone else gets the gunner seat, I just ask them politely if I can fly with my friend. It works 100% of the time, as long as they speak English , much better than spamming Bail out! and crashing into the mountainside. People appeal to you better if you act mature. (though I imagine it helps if you outrank them too)
Haha, not

I don't know what servers you play on (and i doubt they excist) but i want the IP
it's true,tom's stars have great influence on people.i've seen them work their magic many times.

Sgt.Kyle wrote:

If someone says Bail Out, then bail out....

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