Tiger. Seattle Zoo

did you take that?
Nice picture, to bad his eye weren't open looking at you, that would have been great.
That sounds like a awsome Vacation, I would love to go to a place like that. Got any more pictures hosted up anywhere ?zeidmaan wrote:
Some great pictures guys.
Here is one from river Neretva in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
I went there last summer. 6 hours of rafting through the most amazing, completely untouched nature. Water so clean that when you get thirsty you grab some with a glass and drink. But also so cold and at some parts canyons so high that the temperature gets as low as 5 degrees Celsius with normal temperature of over 40.
http://stud3.tuwien.ac.at/~e0126764/Pic … fting2.jpg
Last edited by seb--morin (2008-01-20 21:40:44)
I can't believe how good these pictures are with a $300 point and shoot camera.GodFather wrote:
all pics that I took with a point and click DSC-N2 digital 10.1 MP camera
Nice, I can never get a good shot of the moon, it looked like that here last nightKmarion wrote:
The moon is always tough .
Nice Earthshine. I got a couple of pics like that yesterday. I also got the moon at 4% of full. Damn that was a $#!@% to shoot!Kmarion wrote:
The moon is always tough .
Last edited by Nicholas Langdon (2008-02-14 15:03:58)
Last edited by Cyrax-Sektor (2008-02-15 12:45:02)
Last edited by ig (2008-02-16 15:19:32)