
Do you play Highway Tampa anymore?

Yes30%30% - 65
No69%69% - 145
Total: 210
+303|6304|The pool
Like it but its too laggy
Пушкин, наше всё
+387|6635|New Haven, CT

Longbow wrote:

Ninja_Kid2002 wrote:

This map is the one I play when I want to armour-it-up without being uncontrollably TV-raped.
Chopers wouldn't be a problem with 2 AAV's per team. Map is flat, you have no cover. Just...not my type of map, I either play infantry or fly chopers. On Tampa you are either in tank\jet or you're fucked.
It's fun to have long range armor engagements, which this maps provides. I can't find another that does so as effectively as this map.

Also, its easy not to die in the jets. I went 26-1 through one round.
I've had the diarrheas since Easters
+145|6900|California U.S.A

cowami wrote:

CoconutBlitz wrote:

It's definitely on of the funner maps to C4 jeep on.
Actually, it's better to jihad cow with.

Just ask some peoples who play on the US Server! (most notably, Canin)
Yeah I've been victim of your jihad sky-Cowami , it's just you can't wail on the horn at the last second in a transport heli like you can with a jeep.
if they included it in a patch like jalalabad...then more people will play it, i garonteeeee
something else
After reading some comments of this map let me give my own one.
It is wide map, same kind of style as karkand (fog) so karkand whores should like this map.
If you dont have vehicles you are more or less fucked, i think commander will get big points but anyways this map didnt warm me up at all.
I think im going to play it right now, of course there is good sides on low jets ration and no attack chopter A.K.A quote ->
I think Ninja_Kid2002 has some truth in it what he is saying, maybe a lot

Ninja_Kid2002 wrote:

Longbow wrote:

No attack chopers - fail. Should be 2 per team.
IMHO the best thing about this map (apart from the mass tank convoys) is the fact that there's no attack chopers and only 1 jet per side. I'm not whinging about getting owned by choppers n planes, but it's freaking annoying playing some maps (Wake, Dragon Valley, etc) where you just want to cap some flag, but you get fucked from the skys every other minute.

This map is the one I play when I want to armour-it-up without being uncontrollably TV-raped.

[/true story]
.yag era uoy fi siht deaR
Never have, never will

Pea....Tear.....Griffen wrote:

Never have, never will
Might download it though..
+119|6578|Floodsville, TN, (UK really)

[Fin]Dami3n wrote:

After reading some comments of this map let me give my own one.
It is wide map, same kind of style as karkand (fog) so karkand whores should like this map.
If you dont have vehicles you are more or less fucked, i think commander will get big points but anyways this map didnt warm me up at all.
I think im going to play it right now, of course there is good sides on low jets ration and no attack chopter A.K.A quote ->
I think Ninja_Kid2002 has some truth in it what he is saying, maybe a lot

Ninja_Kid2002 wrote:

Longbow wrote:

No attack chopers - fail. Should be 2 per team.
IMHO the best thing about this map (apart from the mass tank convoys) is the fact that there's no attack chopers and only 1 jet per side. I'm not whinging about getting owned by choppers n planes, but it's freaking annoying playing some maps (Wake, Dragon Valley, etc) where you just want to cap some flag, but you get fucked from the skys every other minute.

This map is the one I play when I want to armour-it-up without being uncontrollably TV-raped.

[/true story]
So karma me mother-crusher!
something else
Played that map for an hour, opinions?
Shitty, i hate it.
Too much noise no peace only cool thing you can do is go to swim underneath the bridge and then some gay apc comes to kill you...

[Fin]Dami3n wrote:

Played that map for an hour, opinions?
Shitty, i hate it.
Too much noise no peace only cool thing you can do is go to swim underneath the bridge and then some gay apc comes to kill you...
Super Awesome Member
I never downloaded it.

avman633 wrote:

I don't even play BF2 anymore so no
why are you on the forums then?
Missing, Presumed Dead

You all simply fail. 23hours on it, so far, with a BRS of 106 and simply some of the best vehicle combat Ive ever experienced. Its nice to be able to drive a tank around such a colossal map and not have a bomber or heli blowing you to shit every minute. Thats what makes tanks such a deathtrap on OCS, Daqing and Taraba, and they are biiiig maps.
The only reason people dont like that now, is that the flags are spaced out - and guess what, you have to drive to them. Oh dear, your SPM might drop by 0.5. UHHH no. You cant stand in your spawn point and lob nades at each other. Oh no.

Ok, so people who play in helis most of the time aren't going to like it. Heres an idea: try something new. Theres more to this game than a TV missile.
Or, try the tactic of a 6man squad, SL as support as the pilot of the trans heli and the rest as engineers and go AT-mine-bombarding all the enemy tanks. 100+ scores for the pilot (if hes good), wrenches to repair - even mobile AA cant bring you down and you drop unlimited mines all over enemy tanks and vehicles. THAT is epic win, teamwork and the best damned fun Ive ever had in this game.

Infantry players think its not for them? Get 3 people, grab a jeep and engage infantry at the Gas Station CP. Theres hordes of them. RD and myself did this, one medic and one assault, we lasted for about 20 kills each before being overwhelmed by enemy infantry. Not tanks. Infantry.
Theres plenty of it, you just have to find it. Its not like karkand where you just run forward 10 steps and lob nades til you die.

Why is it that people endlessly bitch about this game, no matter what is created, added or whatever when they have no sense of perspective?
Seriously, just because a single, solitary vehicle isnt (or is in some cases) in the map, people dont like it. Why is it that people endlessly complain about it? Why cant you just take the map for what it is, adapt your playstyle and try something different?
Theres very few people in this game that can and will play a bit of everything, and thats what I hate most about the BF2 community - the fact that most people cant adapt themselves to play slightly differently, whether it be a different kit, vehicle, tactic or gamestyle.

Spidery_Yoda wrote:

I found that every 5 minutes i'd get killed by a jet. Hardly saw any enemy armour when i played. Just constant bombing, or standing around in spawn points waiting for a jeep to spawn. It's also far too big.
What fucking map were you playing? Unless theres a good jet pilot in the air, a single bombing run should not be taking out your tank that often. And if they are bombing you alone that often, be an engineer and repair up. Jets get most kills from DPV's and transport helis on the map.
Considering the distance to the airfields...jets have a long return time for bombing runs compared to most maps, so its not as bad as you make out.
And if you hardly saw any enemy armour you clearly are driving near the water or need a pair of glasses.

Seriously, how many people were in the server where you were playing? Lowest Ive played is 10v10 on it, and even then , there was a lot of armour about.
Play it on a full 64man server and you cant fail to find, engage and take out enemy armour - and convoys too. And its a damn sight more fun.
Tampa wasnt designed for "High points servers" where you have 6v6 for hours upon end. Oh no, it was designed for massive tank battles in huge player games. And it does just that. Very well.
You simply have not found it. Yet.

Spidery_Yoda wrote:

Not a fun map at all.
Then learn to play it. Tank convoys, 5 strong vs an enemy column of 5-6 tanks...is that not fun and unique?
It is fun, you have just had a few bad rounds on it. End of.

Spidery_Yoda wrote:

Oh yeah, and every time I played, the MEC got raped real bad. Incredibly unbalanced, downright boring map.
Yes, MEC have it harder on the map...but they dont get raped real bad all round, every round.

Spidery_Yoda wrote:

I think that removing the jets completely and greatly increasing the number of trans heli's and jeeps would have made the map far more enjoyable.
Removing that lone jet per team? Seriously, what the fuck. ONE fighter jet and you are complaining? Tell you what, lets stick some F-15's and SU-34's on the map and see how you like that. No wonder you can hardly play the booster packs.
Transport helis...is 2 per team not enough? Ok, theres a third pad...but would that really make it that much better? No.
Increasing the number of jeeps...
1) they have done, and there are enough of them - its how people use them thats the problem
2) there would be no defense at the flags. At all. Stranding people at flags forces you to use the AT kit and take out enemy armour. And at those kind of ranges, that is a serios threat. You can see the tank, he cant see you. Wonderful.

(Yes, Im in a bad mood and, yes, this topic is full of fail of TBF2 proportions)
Who twisted your titties? meow.
I'm dead? I'm shit, I'm leaving.
+28|6736|My gaff
I agree with snake mainly.

This map rocks for what it's designed for, Tanks.

I've got 99.5 hrs on it, 30 of those when it was Beta, and it rocked a whole lot more with no uncaps.

It's also the easiest map to own on. Get a tank, be engineer, stay near other tanks with engineers, own, rinse and repeat.

I always thought it's the worst map for C4 jihad, as it's so open you get plenty of practice shots on them.

I don't play Tampa as heavy now as I've got exp trans. and 400hrs in the tank, which is what it's ideal for.
Super Awesome Member

MOJ32 wrote:

avman633 wrote:

I don't even play BF2 anymore so no
why are you on the forums then?
You realise most of the people on BF2s don't play BF2 anymore. I don't.
Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6876|Area 51

Snake wrote:

Infantry players think its not for them? Get 3 people, grab a jeep and engage infantry at the Gas Station CP. Theres hordes of them. RD and myself did this, one medic and one assault, we lasted for about 20 kills each before being overwhelmed by enemy infantry. Not tanks. Infantry.
Theres plenty of it, you just have to find it. Its not like karkand where you just run forward 10 steps and lob nades til you die.
True story

Also the map is awsm for tanking, *note I am chopper whore* and still I like the tanking in convoy stuff. Also what Snake mentioned with the BH, its epic win covered in leet sauce, its so much fun, especially because I am the pilot everytime, 150+ scores
Super Awesome Member

Chullster wrote:

I agree with snake mainly.

This map rocks for what it's designed for, Tanks.

I've got 99.5 hrs on it, 30 of those when it was Beta, and it rocked a whole lot more with no uncaps.

It's also the easiest map to own on. Get a tank, be engineer, stay near other tanks with engineers, own, rinse and repeat.

I always thought it's the worst map for C4 jihad, as it's so open you get plenty of practice shots on them.

I don't play Tampa as heavy now as I've got exp trans. and 400hrs in the tank, which is what it's ideal for.
all awards! And your not Mexican!
+119|6578|Floodsville, TN, (UK really)
Can someone sum this up for me, I simply don't have the attention span to read it.

Snake wrote:

You all simply fail. 23hours on it, so far, with a BRS of 106 and simply some of the best vehicle combat Ive ever experienced. Its nice to be able to drive a tank around such a colossal map and not have a bomber or heli blowing you to shit every minute. Thats what makes tanks such a deathtrap on OCS, Daqing and Taraba, and they are biiiig maps.
The only reason people dont like that now, is that the flags are spaced out - and guess what, you have to drive to them. Oh dear, your SPM might drop by 0.5. UHHH no. You cant stand in your spawn point and lob nades at each other. Oh no.

Ok, so people who play in helis most of the time aren't going to like it. Heres an idea: try something new. Theres more to this game than a TV missile.
Or, try the tactic of a 6man squad, SL as support as the pilot of the trans heli and the rest as engineers and go AT-mine-bombarding all the enemy tanks. 100+ scores for the pilot (if hes good), wrenches to repair - even mobile AA cant bring you down and you drop unlimited mines all over enemy tanks and vehicles. THAT is epic win, teamwork and the best damned fun Ive ever had in this game.

Infantry players think its not for them? Get 3 people, grab a jeep and engage infantry at the Gas Station CP. Theres hordes of them. RD and myself did this, one medic and one assault, we lasted for about 20 kills each before being overwhelmed by enemy infantry. Not tanks. Infantry.
Theres plenty of it, you just have to find it. Its not like karkand where you just run forward 10 steps and lob nades til you die.

Why is it that people endlessly bitch about this game, no matter what is created, added or whatever when they have no sense of perspective?
Seriously, just because a single, solitary vehicle isnt (or is in some cases) in the map, people dont like it. Why is it that people endlessly complain about it? Why cant you just take the map for what it is, adapt your playstyle and try something different?
Theres very few people in this game that can and will play a bit of everything, and thats what I hate most about the BF2 community - the fact that most people cant adapt themselves to play slightly differently, whether it be a different kit, vehicle, tactic or gamestyle.

Spidery_Yoda wrote:

I found that every 5 minutes i'd get killed by a jet. Hardly saw any enemy armour when i played. Just constant bombing, or standing around in spawn points waiting for a jeep to spawn. It's also far too big.
What fucking map were you playing? Unless theres a good jet pilot in the air, a single bombing run should not be taking out your tank that often. And if they are bombing you alone that often, be an engineer and repair up. Jets get most kills from DPV's and transport helis on the map.
Considering the distance to the airfields...jets have a long return time for bombing runs compared to most maps, so its not as bad as you make out.
And if you hardly saw any enemy armour you clearly are driving near the water or need a pair of glasses.

Seriously, how many people were in the server where you were playing? Lowest Ive played is 10v10 on it, and even then , there was a lot of armour about.
Play it on a full 64man server and you cant fail to find, engage and take out enemy armour - and convoys too. And its a damn sight more fun.
Tampa wasnt designed for "High points servers" where you have 6v6 for hours upon end. Oh no, it was designed for massive tank battles in huge player games. And it does just that. Very well.
You simply have not found it. Yet.

Spidery_Yoda wrote:

Not a fun map at all.
Then learn to play it. Tank convoys, 5 strong vs an enemy column of 5-6 tanks...is that not fun and unique?
It is fun, you have just had a few bad rounds on it. End of.

Spidery_Yoda wrote:

Oh yeah, and every time I played, the MEC got raped real bad. Incredibly unbalanced, downright boring map.
Yes, MEC have it harder on the map...but they dont get raped real bad all round, every round.

Spidery_Yoda wrote:

I think that removing the jets completely and greatly increasing the number of trans heli's and jeeps would have made the map far more enjoyable.
Removing that lone jet per team? Seriously, what the fuck. ONE fighter jet and you are complaining? Tell you what, lets stick some F-15's and SU-34's on the map and see how you like that. No wonder you can hardly play the booster packs.
Transport helis...is 2 per team not enough? Ok, theres a third pad...but would that really make it that much better? No.
Increasing the number of jeeps...
1) they have done, and there are enough of them - its how people use them thats the problem
2) there would be no defense at the flags. At all. Stranding people at flags forces you to use the AT kit and take out enemy armour. And at those kind of ranges, that is a serios threat. You can see the tank, he cant see you. Wonderful.

(Yes, Im in a bad mood and, yes, this topic is full of fail of TBF2 proportions)
Super Awesome Member

Ninja_Kid2002 wrote:

Can someone sum this up for me, I simply don't have the attention span to read it.

Snake wrote:

You all simply fail. 23hours on it, so far, with a BRS of 106 and simply some of the best vehicle combat Ive ever experienced. Its nice to be able to drive a tank around such a colossal map and not have a bomber or heli blowing you to shit every minute. Thats what makes tanks such a deathtrap on OCS, Daqing and Taraba, and they are biiiig maps.
The only reason people dont like that now, is that the flags are spaced out - and guess what, you have to drive to them. Oh dear, your SPM might drop by 0.5. UHHH no. You cant stand in your spawn point and lob nades at each other. Oh no.

Ok, so people who play in helis most of the time aren't going to like it. Heres an idea: try something new. Theres more to this game than a TV missile.
Or, try the tactic of a 6man squad, SL as support as the pilot of the trans heli and the rest as engineers and go AT-mine-bombarding all the enemy tanks. 100+ scores for the pilot (if hes good), wrenches to repair - even mobile AA cant bring you down and you drop unlimited mines all over enemy tanks and vehicles. THAT is epic win, teamwork and the best damned fun Ive ever had in this game.

Infantry players think its not for them? Get 3 people, grab a jeep and engage infantry at the Gas Station CP. Theres hordes of them. RD and myself did this, one medic and one assault, we lasted for about 20 kills each before being overwhelmed by enemy infantry. Not tanks. Infantry.
Theres plenty of it, you just have to find it. Its not like karkand where you just run forward 10 steps and lob nades til you die.

Why is it that people endlessly bitch about this game, no matter what is created, added or whatever when they have no sense of perspective?
Seriously, just because a single, solitary vehicle isnt (or is in some cases) in the map, people dont like it. Why is it that people endlessly complain about it? Why cant you just take the map for what it is, adapt your playstyle and try something different?
Theres very few people in this game that can and will play a bit of everything, and thats what I hate most about the BF2 community - the fact that most people cant adapt themselves to play slightly differently, whether it be a different kit, vehicle, tactic or gamestyle.

Spidery_Yoda wrote:

I found that every 5 minutes i'd get killed by a jet. Hardly saw any enemy armour when i played. Just constant bombing, or standing around in spawn points waiting for a jeep to spawn. It's also far too big.
What fucking map were you playing? Unless theres a good jet pilot in the air, a single bombing run should not be taking out your tank that often. And if they are bombing you alone that often, be an engineer and repair up. Jets get most kills from DPV's and transport helis on the map.
Considering the distance to the airfields...jets have a long return time for bombing runs compared to most maps, so its not as bad as you make out.
And if you hardly saw any enemy armour you clearly are driving near the water or need a pair of glasses.

Seriously, how many people were in the server where you were playing? Lowest Ive played is 10v10 on it, and even then , there was a lot of armour about.
Play it on a full 64man server and you cant fail to find, engage and take out enemy armour - and convoys too. And its a damn sight more fun.
Tampa wasnt designed for "High points servers" where you have 6v6 for hours upon end. Oh no, it was designed for massive tank battles in huge player games. And it does just that. Very well.
You simply have not found it. Yet.

Spidery_Yoda wrote:

Not a fun map at all.
Then learn to play it. Tank convoys, 5 strong vs an enemy column of 5-6 tanks...is that not fun and unique?
It is fun, you have just had a few bad rounds on it. End of.

Spidery_Yoda wrote:

Oh yeah, and every time I played, the MEC got raped real bad. Incredibly unbalanced, downright boring map.
Yes, MEC have it harder on the map...but they dont get raped real bad all round, every round.

Spidery_Yoda wrote:

I think that removing the jets completely and greatly increasing the number of trans heli's and jeeps would have made the map far more enjoyable.
Removing that lone jet per team? Seriously, what the fuck. ONE fighter jet and you are complaining? Tell you what, lets stick some F-15's and SU-34's on the map and see how you like that. No wonder you can hardly play the booster packs.
Transport helis...is 2 per team not enough? Ok, theres a third pad...but would that really make it that much better? No.
Increasing the number of jeeps...
1) they have done, and there are enough of them - its how people use them thats the problem
2) there would be no defense at the flags. At all. Stranding people at flags forces you to use the AT kit and take out enemy armour. And at those kind of ranges, that is a serios threat. You can see the tank, he cant see you. Wonderful.

(Yes, Im in a bad mood and, yes, this topic is full of fail of TBF2 proportions)
He likes highway tampa.
Vagina face
+167|6310|London ㋛

Snakes rant has just scared me into playing tampa. No but srsly, he did just kinda sell it to me, i might give it a shot later. Used to be a I/O kark whore then i discovered engy kit and love EF and AF now and tampa seems to be quite similar to those.

Ec0li wrote:

Snakes rant has just scared me into playing tampa. No but srsly, he did just kinda sell it to me, i might give it a shot later. Used to be a I/O kark whore then i discovered engy kit and love EF and AF now and tampa seems to be quite similar to those.
You'll love it
Hates most server admins.
didnt like it when it came out, just spend a few minutes on that map.

tried it later and it was fun. big tank battles, no jet/heli which takes you out constantly, teamplay with other engineers.
i like it, played 6 hours on it so far.
Since day One.

Snake wrote:

Or, try the tactic of a 6man squad, SL as support as the pilot of the trans heli and the rest as engineers and go AT-mine-bombarding all the enemy tanks. 100+ scores for the pilot (if hes good), wrenches to repair - even mobile AA cant bring you down and you drop unlimited mines all over enemy tanks and vehicles. THAT is epic win, teamwork and the best damned fun Ive ever had in this game.
Yeah thats the point ! I was in that Black Hawk and you know what ? I had fun as 4-5 of BF2s members were in the same squad and we were repairing our helo if needed. We had enough mines to rape the enemy armor with our "mine rain" and we jsut had TEAMWORK.
Maybe we can compare it to the good old BH days.

Finally there is no bomber jet or attack helo what is going to kill you. Just as Snake said it. Its a good map if there is teamwork.

Attention: Snake, RDMC !!!
When are you guys up for playing it again with BH and a full bf2ser squad ?
something else
I know that even when i hate that map, im probably going to play it today
*that freaking noise, for fuck sake SHUT THE FUCK UP!*
64 maps are full of noise makers, well fuck it, im going to spam enemyboat spotted, right now!

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