This should be interesting....
haha yes this is so true. god i hate all the bitching. +1 for the lolz
I swear to god there's only one guy there I've never met.
The normal guy.
The racist, stats maniac, camper and What?! kid are the people I have on my victims list.
Very funny. +1
The normal guy.
The racist, stats maniac, camper and What?! kid are the people I have on my victims list.
Very funny. +1
I'd type my pc specs out all fancy again but teh mods would remove it. Again.
Hahah,so true,so true...
So very true. I used to be the Sats kid(My current KDR is like .28 )
But now I think I;ve gone normal, and I'm trying to bring my KDR up, while not being an asshole yey me
But now I think I;ve gone normal, and I'm trying to bring my KDR up, while not being an asshole yey me
lulz, im the nooo kid, and the tking 1.

Fucking annoying. Too many .gif memes, too much 4chan, too much whine. I'd -1 if I could.
lol, i've met the racist on Xbox live: "Fuck you cocksucking *****, you black piece of shit."
I'm glad theres a mute button
I'm glad theres a mute button
There's an 11th kind of gamer.
The kind who does nothing but write blogs/threads about how annoying all other gamers are, and how no-one fits their model of the perfect player except themselves. If only guys had 2 less ribs; these folks could bend over and suck themselves off all day, instead they have to vent their testosterone fuelled rants by textually blurting out their "my-mummy-doesn't-hug-me-enough" issues because if you brought it up over a pint in the real world, you'd lose all your friends. Which brings me on to why they post it in the first place...they don't have any.
Anyway, it's 2am and I've just come in drunk. Night
The kind who does nothing but write blogs/threads about how annoying all other gamers are, and how no-one fits their model of the perfect player except themselves. If only guys had 2 less ribs; these folks could bend over and suck themselves off all day, instead they have to vent their testosterone fuelled rants by textually blurting out their "my-mummy-doesn't-hug-me-enough" issues because if you brought it up over a pint in the real world, you'd lose all your friends. Which brings me on to why they post it in the first place...they don't have any.
Anyway, it's 2am and I've just come in drunk. Night
I'll admit it....I'm the WHAT!!!!
Why yes, yes I am! Thanks for noticing! :-pgeNius wrote:
God, you're awesome.Skorpy-chan wrote:
Fucking annoying. Too many .gif memes, too much 4chan, too much whine. I'd -1 if I could.
Yeh me too-=Colonel_Zero=- wrote:
I'll admit it....I'm the WHAT!!!!
didnt u like it coz of this: "4. The camper. This kid puts Bear Grylls to shame. This kid would lay in a dead camel with his sniper rifle pointing out the nostrils if he could. These KIDS FANCY THEMSELVES NINJA'S of the online gaming world." ninja kidNinja_Kid2002 wrote:
There's an 11th kind of gamer.
The kind who does nothing but write blogs/threads about how annoying all other gamers are, and how no-one fits their model of the perfect player except themselves. If only guys had 2 less ribs; these folks could bend over and suck themselves off all day, instead they have to vent their testosterone fuelled rants by textually blurting out their "my-mummy-doesn't-hug-me-enough" issues because if you brought it up over a pint in the real world, you'd lose all your friends. Which brings me on to why they post it in the first place...they don't have any.
Anyway, it's 2am and I've just come in drunk. Night
Last edited by hintakaari (2008-02-08 10:02:11)
good god. was that a man or woman? either way fucking ugly as all hell. *eyes explode*
I'm "WHAT??"
Im the "nooooo" kid...
When people kill me it's never because I'm worse than them.. It's just that my keyboard broke or my mouse died, and sometimes a large explosion occurs outside so I die when that happens
WHAT kids ftw
WHAT kids ftw
True I guess, just not funny or of much interest.