Enemy Sniper..." *BOOM* "Nevermind... got him...
+61|6905|Las Vegas, NV USA
I prefer "No rules" servers.  Obviously, I don't consider glitching and hacking a part of the "no rules" rule.  After all, it's just common sense that such stuff is not okay.

However, the simplicity of "no rules" means that I don't have to worry that anything that I do is gonna get me kicked, banned, or ostracized by some crying whiner who thinks that if they throw a tantrum enough, they might get what they want.

So, I really don't care about base raping, spawn camping, and what other things that people consider "unfair."

That said, I'm not really one that likes to consistently base-rape a skill-handicapped team.  Teams can become stacked, and as such, I hope that I'm mature enough to realize that there's base raping, and then there's a massacre.

So, what do I do when my team is the "base rapers?"  I pull out my knife, and try to have a little fun, but also give the inexperienced, less-skilled opposing team a chance.

If I'm on the side of the "based-raped", and I can't somehow manage a way of capturing a flag?  I won't spawn in.  I'll wait until the end of the round, and I will sure as hell keep myself from being added onto someones "favorite victim" list because they happened to be on the skill-stacked team.  But... DAMN IT!  I'm gonna try to come back with a vengeance the next round!
Shotgun whore
+133|6600|Pacific NW, USA

jord wrote:

I only play on servers without admins so i can ignore these sort of pussy rules and get on with playing.

Dice put LMG's, TOW's and AA in the uncaps for a reason, It's  war ....there are no boundries.

And to those who say "it's not war, it's a game"...well it's a game that SIMULATES WAR.

Last edited by PigPopTart (2007-06-16 23:31:25)

99 Problems . . .

PigPopTart wrote:

jord wrote:

I only play on servers without admins so i can ignore these sort of pussy rules and get on with playing.

Dice put LMG's, TOW's and AA in the uncaps for a reason, It's war....there are no boundries.
Good point PigPopTart.  I think something else that's telling is the new Highway Tampa map doesn't have ANY Uncaps.
+127|6656|Twyford, UK
I generally prefer servers with no baserape rules. Because, frankly, I don't like being pinned down and constantly bombed/shot/artilleried. As such, I also avoid maps with jets because that makes it FAR too easy.
And if some idiot screws up and crashes the jet and the enemy either starts fragging it before takeoff or caps it's flag, you may as well quit because you're not gonna win or get any more points.

Spawncamping is an iffy thing. If you're just sitting back blasting away at a flag without even attempting to cap it, you should be kicked and possibly banned.
If, however, you're capping the flag, killing people as they spawn, or supporting the cap attempt from long range by doing such, you don't have a choice about it. You're spawnkilling/camping, and they'll kill you otherwise. Can't very well sit around and let it happen.
I think waiting around for spawnkills should be kickable, whereas spawnkilling when you're doing something else at thetime shouldn't be.

Stealing vehicles from uncaps is another rule people bitch about, but is necesarry to maintain the intended balance of the map. If you can cap both tank spawns legit, then go ahead, they can fight about it. But sneaking into the uncap and making off with a tank? Stupid.
Although transports should be exempt from that; if you're sneaking in to frag the assets, you can't be expected to walk off when there's a shiny new hummer waiting for you. (Just make sure to bring an teammate along to stick mines under the spawns for the armour. Anyone not checking deserves it.)

No-TK rules just mean I get kicked for badly-aimed artillery, stupid mistakes, and bad timing.

High-ping kicks are a good thing. If I left my torrents running, I deserve to be kicked off for not thinking first.
iz me!

The server I usually play on ([AP]) doesn't allow constant GL use, or claymores, which i like, ut doesnt allow spawncamping, which i don't like
+60|6947|miami FL
I hate the servers that say no uncap attack  but a team seem s to get screw by that rule all the t time.

I got banned last night for arguing that with an admin the sever was (peacock) they were allowed to attack our uncap but i got kicked for bombing theirs.
Shotgun whore
+133|6600|Pacific NW, USA

RECONDO67 wrote:

I hate the servers that say no uncap attack  but a team seem s to get screw by that rule all the t time.

I got banned last night for arguing that with an admin the sever was (peacock) they were allowed to attack our uncap but i got kicked for bombing theirs.
Yeah, me too.   On OP. Smoke Screen they bombed, and artied us all round long...the next round when the teams switched armies, i hoped into a DPV and made about 9 people my bitches with the DPV (roadkill) and one was the admin, "peacock" and i got a 24hour ban.
It was not me "peacock" who banned you...It may have been another admin.
Our rules were set up to maintain population..If someone is bombing or engaging in an uncap in our server we traditionally warn the first time, kick for a second time and ban on the third. Of course I do have 16 admins from all over the world so I'm not sure of the circumstances, however I am sure that if I banned deserved it.
My input is that most of you admins are faggots, not all of them..most. I go into a game and im being sniped from the enemys uncap, so i snipe back. What happens admin gets pissed yells at me and kicks me. I go back in and start talking with him and he tells me "Stfu. Follow the rules". I tll him he's retarded and needs to die alone, not the best thing to do. The way i see it most admins are abusers, but i am thankful for the =A2G= admins who actually do work that helps everyone in thier servers.
The Artist formerly known as GraphicArtist-J
+196|6437|So Cal

RDMC wrote:

Its very simple, everone likes spawncamping...
Latter Alcoholic

GraphicArtist J wrote:

RDMC wrote:

Its very simple, everone likes spawncamping...
... … mpEver.jpg

I like servers with a no baserape rule, but only if said team is making an effort to get a flag.
Official Battlefield fanboy
+240|6459|San Antonio, Texas

Hakei wrote:

Bumping an already bumped topic?

I play on servers that allow and don't allow baserape.
pub hero!
+603|6692|the land of bourbon
i dont care either way.  as long as you are allowed to fight back if you are attacked out of an uncap, great.  as far as servers that allow baseraping, its ok but the teams usually end up getting stacked really fast, and then it turns into smurf genocide, which then causes the server to empty out.  if there is a good autobalance running on a full server, baseraping really isnt an issue because there will be more important priorites like capping flags to stop ticket bleed, or stopping the enemy advances.  if the only way i can keep an opposing player down is by baseraping the jet and heli spawns, then i need to practice more.  and as far as spawn camping goes, u deserve what u get if you don't realize you can spawn elsewhere or with the right kit for the job.

when it comes to servers with rules like no stealing vehicles, no explosives on flags (the most pathetic rule ever), no engaging over uncaps, no spawn camping, and no bunny hopping, i consider it full of admins who are completely garbage at bf2, and will kick me even if i kill them within their rules.  i used to play on a server all the time with a no bunny hopping rule, played well, and still raped the admins.  i then started getting kicked for "suspect play."  that is some bullshit so now i generally try to avoid those servers.
I am happy when i find servers which kick for claymore/nade spamming and when swearing is allowed... Base raping is soooooooo boring, i have never really been base raped though. At worst i snipe and end up doin better than the MEC slags.
+244|6999|arica harbour

jord wrote:

I only play on servers without admins so i can ignore these sort of pussy rules and get on with playing.
let me correct you general genitals

take what you said and remove the word "playing" and add the following

1) hacking
2) teamkilling
3) spawnkilling
4) flaming
5) glitching

seems to me your still thinking with your ass like always
+163|6957|Odessa, Ukraine

specialistx2324 wrote:

jord wrote:

I only play on servers without admins so i can ignore these sort of pussy rules and get on with playing.
let me correct you general genitals

take what you said and remove the word "playing" and add the following

1) hacking
2) teamkilling
3) spawnkilling
4) flaming
5) glitching

seems to me your still thinking with your ass like always
Bashing BF in forums is not the best way to express your dissapointment in your negative multiplayer experience. Blame yourself for being unable to find good server with decend community, not the game.
Nikola Bathory
Karkand T-90 0wnage
Base rape is fun, there is nothing wrong with it!! Same with Spawn Camping
+303|6305|The pool
If you suck enough to let it happen, you deserve it
+58|6308|Mesa, AZ

Wallpaper wrote:

If you suck enough to let it happen, you deserve it
there is a good chance that is usually isn't their fault, but the teams. i was playing earlier and half my team(MEC) was on one side of the map and the rest on the other, while US was moving in a nice group. while we weren't getting base raped, we got regular raped. wasn't my lack of skill that got me killed a bunch, it was my team dicking around like retards and me going 1 against 6 trying to defend flags.

And on a different note, since everyone is saying what they like/don't like in severs, I try and avoid servers with heavy clan presence. Having one squad on a team roll over the entire other team because they all are talking to each other gets kinda annoying.

Last edited by jason85 (2008-01-17 00:31:56)

People who love to Baserape are always the same people who suck once you get an even shot with them. 

I like a no baseraping rule.  It's a war game, not war.  It's not even simulated war.  It's ARCADE war.  Arcade games are for fun.  Simulation games are for learning.  Arcade games follow rules in order to make the gameplay work.    It just so happens that BF2 forgot or couldn't put a restriction on it, and people assume it's a legit tactic.   Had they made the essex as accurate as land AA, and the cannons on it WAY stronger, we wouldn't even be having this conversation.

Now spawncamping I think is relative.  Some situations you are trying to cap a flag, and set yourself up watching where they spawn, mowing them down as they appear.  League tactics and such.  I'm cool with that.  Or if a chopper flys around killing fools as they spawn.  So what?  It's not the choppers job to take flags.  Usually spawncamping is more a direct result of the shittiness of a said team, wheras baseraping is just pure "never let them play" mentality.  I woulnd't mind if they had made the "no hit" period of time after a spawn just a tad longer. 

But rules are ultimately up to the ppl who pay for that server.  Don't like em, leave.

Last edited by oChaos.Haze (2008-01-17 01:29:42)

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