Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.

ArmaLite5.56 wrote:

Eldu wrote:

Just help populate the BF2s EU server, it's on Shongua/kark IO atm.
I was on it earlier but left along with most ppl when it came to Shongua....... please someone change that.... it must the THE least played map of BF2 along with Fushee pass
A great map combo is karkand/peninsula/mashtuur why deviate? mind you before IO arrived then add wake as well.

I would love to be on the server but Shongua needs to go as far as im concerned.
Shongua shits all over Karkand. Shong is probably the most well designed map in BF2 whislt Kark is probably the worst.
+1,106|6600|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

Songhua kicks the ass.

It's like the exact opposite of Karkand. Not to say I dislike Karkand, though.
+13|6425|Fort Worth, TX
try out the insomnia servers based in Dallas.

GameOver wrote:

Sgt.Gene wrote:

But srsly whats so bad about no c4 and no clays on the flag?
How can you ask that??? It's an unbeliavable retarded rule. C4 and claymores are very effective defensive tools. What to defend if not a flag? Unbelievable! Where should I use them then? Where nobody is? Where it's totally pointless to use them, just to let the enemy capture our flag? C4 and claymores are part of the game. And if I want to use them, I will use them whenever I want and wherever I want, no matter what others say. If you don't like it, quit playing and let others enjoy the full potential of BF2 instead of making such retarded rules.

How can somebody invent such a big bullshit at all? It's like 'Don't shoot with your weapon'.
C4 is ok, because it requires some skill; claymores on the other hand should be taken out of the game completely or be patched. Placing claymores at flags is unfair because, if placed correctly they can't be dismanteled and you can force the other team to have someone suicide. Also hop and toss, hop and toss, snipers are a pain in CQB and its unfair if they "freeze" you by laying a claymore at your feet when prone.
Guy's, Shoghua used to be ok when you could BH whore on it but now its just running around in the reeds......
I've been kicked for placing claymores on the street.  22nd reg 24/7 IO Warlord. " Claymores used for anything but sniper self defence is grounds for kick/ban. " And that includes throwing a claymore down when jumped by the enemy. I asked them about it, and they claimed Clays are lame.  So taking the time to think of the most logical route between two flags and boobytrapping it is lame?  Lame is abusing admin privledges cause you were to stupid to think like a soldier when aproaching an objective.

These extra rules servers toss out are my biggest gripe of the game.  Especially if there are to many for the splash screen, so either they scroll them in the text box, taking away from playing to wait to read the rules, or log into their webpage to read.  Hi, I just spent 5 minutes booting BF2, then log into their server, only to log out and go to a website, read the rules (many not in english) , just to re log in with no guarentee I'll get back into that server.  Riiiight

I fired up Americas Army and have played more of that lately.  The only server rule for Player vs player I've seen is no 203's in the first 30 seconds.  SF Snakeplain has a no bot hunting rule.  But if time is tight, you don't have time to bot hunt.  And why?  You don't get big points for killing bots (1/10th what killing an OpFor in player v player is worth).  The points are in completing the objectives.  Hard to believe this game is twice the age of BF2, and is still going strong.  And the whines are minimal.

The only BF2 rule I like is no baserape unless there is atleast one more spawn point.  If the commander wants to fly, go for it.  You don't get any points for doing so.  So those wonderful 75 kill he made won't be worth a dime if the rest of his team averaged 10 points that round.

I'm thinking of starting a server:  ---JackassAdmin---.  You can base rape, fly as commander, and /or bunny hop to your hearts content.  But the following rules are strickly enforced:
-All players must log into my Yahoo chat with a webcam before playing.  If your shirt color doesn't match the color code on my website, BAN!
-Teabagging is madatory for every kill.  If not, BAN!  If you are going to do an air to air kill, better figure out who you're going to teabag that corpse!!!
-At the top of the hour, everyone stops fighting for 15 seconds to sing the SpongeBob theme song.  Not singing: Kick, still fighting, BAN!
-Commanders are not only allowed to fight, but are expected to lead from the front.  Commanders caught in an uncap are BANNED!

And as with any good server, these rules only apply to those playing.  The Admins and their buddies are free to ignore these rules. 
+1,106|6600|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

ArmaLite5.56 wrote:

Guy's, Shoghua used to be ok when you could BH whore on it but now its just running around in the reeds......
And in the fog. Besides, not many other maps give you the joy of destroying a fully loaded boat with an AT mine.
Hates most server admins.

cowami wrote:

ArmaLite5.56 wrote:

Guy's, Shoghua used to be ok when you could BH whore on it but now its just running around in the reeds......
And in the fog. Besides, not many other maps give you the joy of destroying a fully loaded boat with an AT mine.
Sharqi Peninsula in Infantry Only mode ...

Sgt.Gene wrote:

Hey, if you dont like the rules of the server you are free to leave. No one is forcing you to do anything.
Of course, I am free to leave, but it's a bit annoying when I try to join a random server (not my favourite ones) and most of these servers run some ridiculous rules. They will kick me out of the server in no time anyway, because I cannot follow their retarded rules (because a normal BF2 player cannot follow them), so i will not spend too much time on these retarded servers. No seatswitching, no bunnyhopping, no C4 cars, no spawnkilling, no claymores...I always laugh at these rules. I wouldn't even call this playing. It's not playing, it's complying some idiot's retarded rules.

Lai wrote:

C4 is ok, because it requires some skill; claymores on the other hand should be taken out of the game completely or be patched. Placing claymores at flags is unfair because, if placed correctly they can't be dismanteled and you can force the other team to have someone suicide. Also hop and toss, hop and toss, snipers are a pain in CQB and its unfair if they "freeze" you by laying a claymore at your feet when prone.
Unfair, unfair, unfair...Bombing tanks with a plane is not unfair? Killing infantry with tanks or helicopters is not unfair? Shooting at someone who doesn't even know where you are is not unfair? Following your view we mustn't even play the game at all, because it's full of unfair situations.

Although I agree with you on the point that it would be better if the claymores could be disarmed (just like the anti-tank mines), but this is not the case, so you must either do it or get out. Everything that kills the enemy, and helps my team to win is not unfair, it's useful.

Last edited by GameOver (2008-01-14 10:13:46)

I'm dead? I'm shit, I'm leaving.
+28|6736|My gaff

cowami wrote:

Songhua kicks the ass.

Not to say I dislike Karkand, though.
The man has a point.
Since day One.
I was kicked once with the reason" bunny hopping" as i killed the clan member/admin on their server like 5 times. When i got back i started telling you cant shoot so stop whine and bunny hop ? Its an option from the game.

Mostly if im on a children server i say " This game is 16+ "

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