Eurofighter sucks. Missiles slide it off it like the J10 but it's such a weird jet, you I can't bomb for shit on it, it kinda points downwards. Generally EF veichles suck. Challenger goes down in one hit. The attack heli is slow and just falls outta the sky, and if you point down, don't expect to get out alive. Just my opinion. Also I'd say the vanilla bombers are twice as good as the AF bombers.cablecopulate wrote:
A10, Fantan, Su39, Eurofighter? This poll is faulty.
Which is your favorite jet in BF2? Why?
F35 | 22% | 22% - 41 | ||||
F18 | 20% | 20% - 37 | ||||
F15 | 4% | 4% - 9 | ||||
Mig-29 | 14% | 14% - 27 | ||||
Su-34 | 6% | 6% - 11 | ||||
J10 | 31% | 31% - 58 | ||||
Total: 183 |
max wrote:
j-10, the only thing I can actually kill anything in
Damn I need to do some more homework (christ it's been a while since I did that!!)Snake wrote:
...the SU34 is the MEC bomber, Daqing has the PLA and they have the SU30.Slarty wrote:
Depends what map I'm on.
Something like daqing and it'll be either the F15 or the SU-34, where as something like FuShe or Dragon valley I prefer the F35
Also, FuShe doesnt have F35's, it has F-18's.
Fav fighters are MIG, and then F-18. J10 is annoying and F35 attracts missiles, although I like how it maneauvers and flies.
Bombers: Any, Su30 is the best though.....which was missed from this poll.
You're right of course, but wrt to FuShe/Dragon, I purely meant the US fighters
It all depends on what hands the jets are in. You could own in any of them with enough training!
Personally, the Eurofighter. Lovely look, handles with me well. Bombing runs are not a problem, but the Mig-29 is definitely easier, but clunkier so I find myself clipping my wing.
Personally, the Eurofighter. Lovely look, handles with me well. Bombing runs are not a problem, but the Mig-29 is definitely easier, but clunkier so I find myself clipping my wing.
F 35 by far. I'm more of an F 35 whore any ways. Any decent J 10 pilot has difficulties with me in the air.
You list does not contain the AF jets. the A10 THUNDERBOLT is an overall great machine to fly
you're right, as shown here:Sir Aidyn Sage wrote:
You list does not contain the AF jets. the A10 THUNDERBOLT is an overall great machine to fly
I lol'd.steelie34 wrote:
you're right, as shown here:Sir Aidyn Sage wrote:
You list does not contain the AF jets. the A10 THUNDERBOLT is an overall great machine to fly
F18/MiG. I dislike the j10 because it just handles blandly.
Order of liking:
F/A-18 - Looks like sex. Pity it's not on more maps.
Su-30MKK - Really the only jet I can use to bomb and dogfight with (ahhh, the satisfaction of watching your retarding bombs plow into the side of a Cobra). Once again, pity it's not on more maps.
F-15E - Don't quite dogfight as well with it (hell, I suck at dogfighting, period), but I can still get it to do its job.
MiG-29 - Also sexy looking. Much better dogfighting with it.
Su-34 - For those days where I really can't shoot down anything, and take my rage out on tanks below. Plus, I've LGMed an inattentive Cobra (hint: ask simminator ) while in it.
F-35B - It hovers, and winds up going pretty fast. Unfortunately, I've plowed into many a mountain at high speeds, thanks to the lag of laptops.
J-10 - Though I whole-heartedly agree that it's probably the best jet in the game, I haven't gotten ANY kills while in the J-10. Go figure.
F/A-18 - Looks like sex. Pity it's not on more maps.
Su-30MKK - Really the only jet I can use to bomb and dogfight with (ahhh, the satisfaction of watching your retarding bombs plow into the side of a Cobra). Once again, pity it's not on more maps.
F-15E - Don't quite dogfight as well with it (hell, I suck at dogfighting, period), but I can still get it to do its job.
MiG-29 - Also sexy looking. Much better dogfighting with it.
Su-34 - For those days where I really can't shoot down anything, and take my rage out on tanks below. Plus, I've LGMed an inattentive Cobra (hint: ask simminator ) while in it.
F-35B - It hovers, and winds up going pretty fast. Unfortunately, I've plowed into many a mountain at high speeds, thanks to the lag of laptops.
J-10 - Though I whole-heartedly agree that it's probably the best jet in the game, I haven't gotten ANY kills while in the J-10. Go figure.

F-15s aren't meant for dogfighting, you delectable fool.
Mig-29 or Su-34
Mig cause it has great handling and is good at evasion, though its delicate.
Su cause its durable, it has huge firepower, and missiles never hit banking at high altitude.
Mig cause it has great handling and is good at evasion, though its delicate.
Su cause its durable, it has huge firepower, and missiles never hit banking at high altitude.
Su-30 or MiG29. Although I do enjoy being the "gunner" in the F-15, especially with my friendly German OWNR pilot REDTARGET.
Agreed with Ecoli...Eurofighter sucks...
It wobbles like a bitch when you try to fly in a straight line for MGs on ground targets.
The bombs have a wide spread unlike any other fighter.
When you get in it starts rolling
It handles like crap.
Good points - very good air-to-air missiles and good missile dodging capabilities.
It wobbles like a bitch when you try to fly in a straight line for MGs on ground targets.
The bombs have a wide spread unlike any other fighter.
When you get in it starts rolling
It handles like crap.
Good points - very good air-to-air missiles and good missile dodging capabilities.
12 hours, 46 minutes ago Your favorite jet Popped your cherry.Rewaa wrote:
Woho! My first Karma.
lol, thats yours btw...
It's about your favorite jet, not the best jet.Ec0li wrote:
Also I'd say the vanilla bombers are twice as good as the AF bombers.
well you can interpret it a few waysFlemishHCmaniac wrote:
It's about your favorite jet, not the best jet.Ec0li wrote:
Also I'd say the vanilla bombers are twice as good as the AF bombers.
my favourite jet is the F15, which also happens to be in bf2, while being the worst jet in the whole game.
from what is my favourite to fly, i would say the F35 simply coz i spend most of my time up high bombing from where they cant shoot me
but i get the best scores in the f18, especially on maps like daqing, i do far better in the f18 than the j10
The manouverability of the F35 is just sheer leetness, but thanks to its crappy hitboxes I would have to go for the J-10 as a dogfighting plane, since it moves quiet good in dogfights, on bombing runs I'd take an F-18 anyday, or a bomber ofcourse.
More cablecopulate's prefer to get raped to death by a10s than any other jet.
When you positively, absolutely have to keep me on the ground, use that.
j10, cause its overpowerd and nubbish
Su 30, I find that it is better than the F-18. When I steal the Su-34 on Clean Sweep I can get the Mig more than it gets me. F 15 has no chance 1vs 1.
No jet can escape the falling paratrooper which somehow always ends up to reck any jet if rammed
Mig-29 , longest afterburn, easy to handle...
F-35B , you feel the power of the michine gun
J-10 , pwning all the noobs in wake
F-35B , you feel the power of the michine gun
J-10 , pwning all the noobs in wake
+ supply/vehicle wrote:
No jet can escape the falling paratrooper which somehow always ends up to reck any jet if rammed