Giant_Squid500 wrote:
atlvolunteer wrote:
Giant_Squid500 wrote:
Well you obviously have never lived in the south. I was born and raised in Illinois, and lived in Alabama for 8 years and have been here in Florida for about 1. And from experience I can tell you the people in the south are dumb, dirty, racist, mean, annoying, and have annoying horrible accents, terrible food, and more lazy fat people than anywhere else in America.
I can think of nothing good about the south, the weather is way to hot, and they don't know how to handle morning frost on the ground in the "winter". They close schools, no wonder people are stupid down here.
And there is absolutly nothing to do down here, the only place worth visiting is Atlanta, and that city isn't even that great after going to Chicago a million times. Southern Hospitality doesn't exist and never has.
Dude, you are on crack. There are lots of great places to go in the south. Charleston, Savannah, New Orleans(great food) ( don't know about now, but beforel the hurricane) to name a few.
And there you go stereotyping again. Well, I can do that too. People from the north are rude, have annoying accents, cocky, racist, etc, etc
Of course, half of your problem is that you lived in Alabama most of the time you lived down here...
It only takes one state to ruin it for the everyone. I've been to Georgia a bunch, and didn't see anything special with it.
And what are you saying northern people are racist. When I lived in the north I NEVER heard the word n***er. But once I moved down here, the second someone sees a black person walking down the street, they are a n***er. And what about all the t-shirts that say "The South will Rise again" and no, im not joking about that, ive seen more than one person wearing that shirt and in an urban area of the south. So don't give me any of that "thats just the rural idiots"
And "Kung-Jew" I don't consider Texas the south, its more like the West to me. I consider the south anything east of the Mississsippi river and south of Kentuckey.
No racists in the north? Now that is classic! Where's Beatdown when I need him? Dude, I've met plenty of people from the north (Ohio and Michigan to name a few states) that are just as racist as the dumb rednecks you encounter down here.
And I've been to Chicago; didn't see anything special about it. Cold and windy. I mean, I had a good time when I was there, but nothing to make me think "Boy this is sure better than the south."
There are a few states in the South that don't really have much going for them (Alabama and Mississippi), but that doesn't mean that the rest all suck too. In Georgia, we have great state parks for camping, hiking, fishing (if you like that), mountain biking, etc. There are a lot of good mountain bike trails in north Georgia. NC has beautiful mountainous areas (not as good as Colorado, but much closer
) SC, GA, and FL all have nice beaches.
The only thing I wish we got here in GA is snow. We get it very seldom, and, when we do, OMG people drive like shit! I wish I could spend about 2-3 weeks every year in Colorado...