killer21 wrote:
ig wrote:
yeah, but it asks me if someone can claim me as a dependent, so i say yes. then it wants me to enter the amount from the worksheet on the back. i'm looking at the worksheet .pdf file from the irs website, and i can't find that shit.
If someone claims you for their taxes, you aren't allowed to file taxes yourself. That will get you an audit very quickly. I am assuming you mean the amount of taxes you are supposed to pay in relation to your tax bracket. Correct?
wtf? all i know is that i checked that same box the last time i filed taxes (high school), and they claimed me as a dependent then. nothing ever happened besides me getting my refund check. fuck it, i just talked to my dad, and he told me that he won't claim me if i don't want him to. god fucking damn why is this so hard? it seriously took me 5 fucking minutes last time i did this.
HurricaИe wrote:
Slightly off-topic: If I get a summer job (I'm 16), do I have to pay tribute to the government with my hard-earned (read: Scooping ice cream) money?
Last edited by ig (2008-01-11 13:39:18)