Go Canucks Go!
+13|6626|Canada BC
How do you control the f35 at High Altitude, because whenever I go over 500 I lose control and I keep going out until I go off the map. Is there a secret to it or something?
Latter Alcoholic
um, you have a joystick right?

As a  rule of thumb, don't go over 600 unless you're really competent at it.

As you know anything over 1000, you WILL lose control, regardless of ability.
R.I.P. Neda
+456|7140|Grapevine, TX
at 600 you better level off and return to the deck. If you go over 800 immediately go to 0% throttle, stall until you get below 500 and go to 100% throttle as long as you can see the map. I look for flags to aim back in on...
I'd say u could normally fly up untill 780 meters, if u want to go higher, fly straight up, and stop accelerating, it'll fall down so u can regain control.

550-700 meters level flight + after burners = stratorun. You can outrun missiles in an F-35 like that.
Using the F35B, you can fly level at ~850 without losing control.  Like you, I used to think that anything over 600 was certain death -- it's not.  The key to remaining in control of the jet is to be levelling out when you approach those altitudes-- i.e. if you're doing a loop, check your altimeter and ensure that, when you hit the apex of the loop, you won't be going higher than 800 or you're risking a spin out.  I never start a 'full' loop when I'm flying at anything above 500.  Instead, I'll do a half loop horizontally while diving a bit, then pull up into a vertical loop once I've created enough head room to complete it without spinning out. 

As long as you're turning hard when you spin out, it's not a problem unless you're being locked.  If you're turning hard when you spin out, the jet will flip over multiple times.  This gives you ample opportunity to cut the throttle while the jet is facing the wrong way and to hit the throttle / burners when the jet spins to face where you need to head to get back into bounds -- look at your minimap / map to help you figure out when to cut or hit the throttle.  It usually only takes one good burst of throttle & burners to totally check your momentum and prevent you from spinning out of the map.  This is especially good when a J-10 is chasing but not locking you -- he'll be following you without checking his altitude.  You recover from the spinout more often than not, whereas he loops too high, loses control and spins off into oblivion

The worst spin outs are the ones where you're near the redzone and barely turning.  E.g. say you're slightly pitched up (gaining maybe 30 altitude per second) and the jet goes out of control because the map sky was too bright and you couldn't read the altimeter -- it's often impossible to stop yourself from being redzoned in these situations because the jet won't flip over -- all you can do is cut the throttle and hope you get lucky.

Anyway it's very important to get good in the F-35B while flying at the very limit of control.  Why?  Losing J-10s requires being able to get up to stratorunning* heights (800+) in the time it takes for the J-10 to reacquire lock after you've released your flares.  If you spin out while locked, you're dead.  I always aim to be right on the threshold of losing control when I loop up as a J-10 chases me.  You're on the very limit when your controls become very sluggish and you can't gain any more altitude without losing control.  You are the one who controls your height while he merely follows -- it's harder for the chasing jet to maintain control of their height while also determining whether their trajectory is a safe one.  It's the same thing when you're being locked and the following jet rams into the ground because his loop was too wide, but he was more interested in staying with you. 

Most J-10 pilots won't follow you when you begin a loop at ~450+.  Even the ones that stay with me usually get fed up and leave me alone because, although they have a slightly higher ceiling before spinning out, the J-10 isn't as fast or responsive at those heights.  Even if you can't stratorun yet, it is very useful to be able to loop up to max altitude.  Like I said, most J-10 whores won't risk spinning out and will simply break off.  I do it myself in a J-10.  It's not worth losing my invulnerable flying machine just to try and stay with a pesky F-35B blighter at high altitude and risk redzoning myself.  Instead, I'll just fly around for 15 to 30 seconds and then pass the carrier to look for him re-arming -- this is why it's very important to always recharge your flares before coming back down to fighting heights in an F-35B.

Oh and, for some reason, I spin out at anything > 800 on Dalian, don't ask me why.  That map is different for whatever reason.

*stratorunning is when you tap the afterburners while flying straight at the maximum altitude in a jet.  The greater your altitude in a jet, the faster the jet flies.  At the maximum ceiling, your jet's speed is great enough to actually outrun any missiles that are chasing you.  Ideally, the best way to stratorun is to make it so that you are pulling back on the stick to loop, then when you reach the apex of the loop, you stop turning and level off, roll the jet over so you are facing the right way up and your height is roughly ~850, then tap the afterburners until your engine makes a weird whining noise.  Properly executed, you will lose all the missiles that are chasing you.  You need plenty of room to do this properly, so don't start a stratorun when you're flying near the redzone.  Also, once you lose the missiles, cruise around at a safe height (700+) while you wait for your flares to recharge.  F-35B + no flares = flying coffin.  Stradux's video has a few bits where he's getting chased by a J-10 if you're interested -- particularly the bit where he loops up to max altitude.

If you want to stratorun in a jet, you have to practice and nail it because:
  • Too slow (<700 alt) and you will get nailed by the missiles.  They're slightly faster than you at this altitude.
  • Too slow (<800 alt) and the missiles will stay with you for ages.  They basically keep pace with you at this altitude.  You'll end up running out of map and have to turn, which will either slow you down (you'll likely get hit) or result in you losing control (you will get hit AND spin out in the worst possible place).  Plus you'll run out of burners which further slows you down.  I'm not sure if missiles will eventually disappear after x seconds (so you could potentially just keep 'em in tow until they finally expire) but I don't really appreciate having the lock buzzer in my ear for half a minute anyway...  There's more potential for making a mistake.
  • Just right (~820-850) and you will very quickly outrun them and lose the lock.  Like I said, listen for the weird engine whine as you hit the burners -- if you hear this, you've got it spot on.
Check the other jet guides for more stratorunning tips.  I still spin out and make mistakes (particularly on maps that have an unreadable altimeter), but I'd imagine some of the better F-35B pilots can pretty much nail it 100%.

Last edited by Arnie_Ze_Austrian (2008-01-05 03:12:26)

You orrible caaaaaaan't
I sorta started to get the hang of evading J-10's yesterday it was fun knowing that I weren't completely useless.
Soon as you see the j10 lock on, climb straight up, when they get lock, flares. Keep going straight up and hope he didn't follow

You should be able to keep the f35 steady up to 800m
#1 Commander
What are we talking about?
I started to fly jets for the first time today and got about 30 mins of actual fly time in.
Kinda wondering if this is something that can help me out?

The Jets start to freak out on there own at high altitudes?
Vagina face
+167|6310|London ㋛

Spider1980 wrote:

What are we talking about?
I started to fly jets for the first time today and got about 30 mins of actual fly time in.
Kinda wondering if this is something that can help me out?

The Jets start to freak out on there own at high altitudes?
Yeah, all jets spin out above 800 meters generally, i think the F35 is better at recovering than all the others, best thing to do is back thrust and pray, if you see you're going out of bounds and there's no way back, i normally bail and die that way, rather keep my lame K/D ratio up in the jet, although if you do see yourself going too high, don't panic and suddenly try and drop down, slowly turn and descend, any sudden movement at high altitude and you're history. But some people do say the best way to evade J10's is head for clouds and try and make a controlled spin out then drop back down, it's risky but works, i personally do that at times, i haven't really figured out a successful way to evade J10's and they're a bitch to take out too, missiles slide off them.

Last edited by Ec0li (2008-01-05 07:34:40)

+183|6924|Newcastle UK
i can keep control till 900 on wake wtf you on about its like at any other alt just dont pull up much.
You have to learn the rules of the game and then you have to play better than anyone else.
It'll just be our little secret

Arnie_Ze_Austrian wrote:

Oh and, for some reason, I spin out at anything > 800 on Dalian, don't ask me why.  That map is different for whatever reason.
different maps have different ceiling levels.i think there is a thread that lists them somewhere...
R.I.P [EPIC]Pfcguinn
i can cruse at 900 in the f35 with a keyboard an mouse with out losing control. just got my new kill streak of 80 with that jet yesterday
on a good day i can get the j10 to about 850 an still control

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