1. The US did NOT put Saddam in power. When the final and successful coup occurred Saddam was in Egypt.Marconius wrote:
Hey Yuck7777, do a little more research before you come to a self-proclaimed earth-shattering conclusion. We (the US) put Saddam into Power in order to gain more control over the region. Saddam kinda misinterpreted an order from the CIA and attempted to seize control of Kuwait, thus setting off the Gulf War. You'd have to re-arm yourself somehow after a War, and Iraq probably decided to do that so it wouldn't stay completely vulnerable under the sanctions.
We've been pushing arms and military equipment all over the freakin' world for the same type of "sweet deals," with the majority of it being inherent manifest destiny (make the regions love America, then push US democracy into their governments to spread our influence). The US isn't always right in world affairs, and I tend to think that they are wrong more often than not.
2. Saddam was living on a pension(from the Baathist party) in Syria, then explicably went to Egypt! WHY? Because Egypt's Head of Intelligence was a KGB AGENT!
3. The '68 coup was a bloodless coup led by al-Bakr, al-Tikriti, Da'ud, Ghaydan.
4. General al-Bakr was "president" of Iraq from 1968-1979!!
5. In 1972, Saddam went to the USSR, as an "ambassador", and concluded a FRIENDSHIP TREATY with the USSR.
6. In 1979, the year Saddam took power, the KGB ceased all covert intelligence gathering in Iraq(the only country the KGB ever ceased operations!!!).
If anything, Saddam was a KGB agent!