why is BF2 about selfish bastards?! The higher the rank the more selfish you apparently are! I've noticed a scarely increase lately, all high ranked (above 2nd lt) tend to gather up on the same team. Wai what great fun to win with 300-0, the same lame fun as loosing with it! What the fuck is wrong with you ppl?! I've complained on servers about this (and got banned!) but you selfish fucktards just care about your fucking stats. Guess what, so do I! But I don't want to earn my stats raping nubs, I don't deny enjoying it but I don't swap teams until I have a team that consist of onlyhigh ranked players.

The more even teams, the more fun. And more score fuckpadders! MORE SCORE. lamers...

And the difficulty to find a decent SF server, jeeez!! 50% is no vehilce (go play CS ANYONE?!), jeez u cry about CS constantly, so go fucking play it then instead of keeping the no vehilche servers! And the 24/7, oh mighty might! How fun it is playing the same map OVER AND OVER again bevcause yuo think you own it. GET OVER IT! All maps are fun, you onlu have to learn them, nubs

It's totally incredible how people cannot accept vehicles or different maps in a game! I quote a COMMON line heard in BF2: "go play CS!!1!!"

p.s. I said it, I care about points and rank, but I don't swap teams just to own noobs. (and all the honest replys about how "I'm to honest to swap teams" are NOT WECLOME!)

Hence, don't reply at all unless you need to defend your self beeing a selfish bastards!

Last edited by MrBrain (2007-12-29 16:43:31)

Vagina face
+167|6310|London ㋛

I don't really know what to make of this. I kinda agree with you on a few things, I think, although I may not feel as passionately about it as you do. SF servers do have a tendency to end up with high ranks V's low ranks, being a low rank myself, it's not the least bit fun, and yeah a fair few higher ranking people do seem to have a superiority complex it seems. As far as 24/7 one map only servers go, they can be annoying but with full rotation maps, they die off quickly because people don't wanna play crap maps, look at vanilla, if you had a full server rotating all maps, as soon it it rotated to say, clean sweep, people would exit and find another server, simply because not many people like clean sweep, same as SF, some good maps, some crap ones, no one wants to pay god knows how much money for a server that is never populated. Anyways that's my reply, whether it had any relevance to the OP i don't know, i think i understand what you're saying.
+2,382|6989|The North, beyond the wall.
It was going to go away!!!

So close. So very, very close...
Serial Jay-Walker
+52|6295|Perth, indian ocean
Change server. Problem solved.
+127|6656|Twyford, UK
24hr single map servers are good for a few games, but you can always ditch it and go find another one later.

Teamstacking is inexcusable. I ALWAYS end up on the wrong side of it. It sucks!

Now, I'm not sure whether I'm a high or low rank, but the most selfish thing I do is abandon people to their own doom when fleeing it myself, arty my own troops when feeling mean or trying to boost my score near the end of the game, and the occasional stealing of kills.
Although the last one isn't really selfish as such. They still get an assist point, don't risk death, and I get two points to my already slightly low score.

MrBrain wrote:

why is BF2 about selfish bastards?! The higher the rank the more selfish you apparently are! I've noticed a scarely increase lately, all high ranked (above 2nd lt) tend to gather up on the same team. Wai what great fun to win with 300-0, the same lame fun as loosing with it! What the fuck is wrong with you ppl?! I've complained on servers about this (and got banned!) but you selfish fucktards just care about your fucking stats. Guess what, so do I! But I don't want to earn my stats raping nubs, I don't deny enjoying it but I don't swap teams until I have a team that consist of onlyhigh ranked players.

The more even teams, the more fun. And more score fuckpadders! MORE SCORE. lamers...

And the difficulty to find a decent SF server, jeeez!! 50% is no vehilce (go play CS ANYONE?!), jeez u cry about CS constantly, so go fucking play it then instead of keeping the no vehilche servers! And the 24/7, oh mighty might! How fun it is playing the same map OVER AND OVER again bevcause yuo think you own it. GET OVER IT! All maps are fun, you onlu have to learn them, nubs

It's totally incredible how people cannot accept vehicles or different maps in a game! I quote a COMMON line heard in BF2: "go play CS!!1!!"

p.s. I said it, I care about points and rank, but I don't swap teams just to own noobs. (and all the honest replys about how "I'm to honest to swap teams" are NOT WECLOME!)

Hence, don't reply at all unless you need to defend your self beeing a selfish bastards!
haha sux2beU
Ghost Town T90/Apache Whore
+99|6310|Aberdeen, Scotland
Lol @ a feeling this might be closed soon.

Tamstacking does suck, no matter what team you are's either a duckshoot (boring as hell) or a losing battle (not much fun.)

When I see teamstacking I usually switch to the weaker team, as I prefer the challenge, but if the team is a bunch of retards...I don't stick around.

Skorpy-chan, can you explain how artying your own guys 'boosts your score'?
Vagina face
+167|6310|London ㋛

Kinda off topic, how does teamstacking occur, i've only ever seen it happen to the extreme on SF, is it just luck or people making an effort to switch teams with higher ranks?
Steve Irwin Reincarnate

Basically, most high ranked players like to win, so normally when they join a server, they check the scoreboard to see which team they have a higher chance of winning on (normally the team with highest amounts of high ranked players) and they join that team, adding to the rank stack.
R.I.P [EPIC]Pfcguinn
I will put it this way, nice and easy: adapt or die.
Autobalance mostly is activated so switching team is very hard. So I really don't see your problem?

I just love to play SF and the real problem here is the lack of players. After CoD4 was released the total number of servers drastically dropped down. Only IO servers are left and they suck. I wanna drive!

When I join a server I accept if my team is loosing. I try to do something about rather than weening. I give my team a fair chance - a round or two and only if no-one joins squads I find myself another server. I seldom try to switch team, because I'm looking for servers well balanced with perfect match-play. Then rather try to find that. It's more and more seldom at SF, but it does happen.

What is wrong with 24/7? Everyone choose favorite maps and stay clear of a few maps too. I hate Iron gator and Night flight so I allways leave a server when it swaps to one of those maps. "Favorite maps" servers are the most popular out there - why? Because people loves them - I think u have a problem here. Actually this another reason why I love this game more than CoD4 - u can get familiar with one map and try to learn it. Not just swapping from one map to another all the time. 24/7 is perfect for learning one specific map!

Besides - I don't see that many noobs anymore. Most people playing BF2 / SF are experienced. The noobs have left the building now playing CoD4 instead.
''Its nothing serious but i am bleeding badly''
+13|6300|Mountain Dew
Yeah man. When i get in chopper with a 3 star general he redline me bcuz my rank is low, that dosen mean i suck. He said no nubs in chopper? wow i almost drived an F35B in the heli on purpose

TehTacoKing wrote:

Yeah man. When i get in chopper with a 3 star general he redline me bcuz my rank is low, that dosen mean i suck. He said no nubs in chopper? wow i almost drived an F35B in the heli on purpose
F... him and his ego. Let the few think of themselves as kings. U and I know they don't have a social life - many not even getting laid for the last couple of years... :-)
+127|6656|Twyford, UK

MrAnderson wrote:

Lol @ a feeling this might be closed soon.

Tamstacking does suck, no matter what team you are's either a duckshoot (boring as hell) or a losing battle (not much fun.)

When I see teamstacking I usually switch to the weaker team, as I prefer the challenge, but if the team is a bunch of retards...I don't stick around.

Skorpy-chan, can you explain how artying your own guys 'boosts your score'?
It's basic maths. Commander score = team score divided by people alive at the time - teamkills. If you do it at the right moment under the right conditions (just before the end of the match when the gain in average will surpass the negatives for blowing your own guys up and just before you win and get the doubling), you actually gain score.
In theory, anyway. It takes a lot of very good timing and I haven't been able to predict the end of a round that accurately more than once.
And that was prior to my theorisation and experiments, and involved a lot of posing with AT mines scattered around me and people padding the last few resupply points off me.
Ghost Town T90/Apache Whore
+99|6310|Aberdeen, Scotland
Lol....sounds like more effort than it's worth tbh
+550|6949|Amsterdam, NY
Stats are lief
Official Battlefield fanboy
+240|6459|San Antonio, Texas
Psh, low ranks are bastards too. Had some guy in a jet just circling our uncap to get aviator time. We lost that round without the vital air support, and in Taraba Quarry, you need every jet at its full potential.
Missing, Presumed Dead

Teamstackers fail. I hate the cunts.

Had it just now on Harvest. By the second round, all but myself and two 1st Lt's had swapped to the other team...with so much brass you could power the world via solar power. Needless to say, as MEC, we were stuck with 1 flag by 260tickets.
I complained to the admins a few times, they responded with "tell us who switched". Yes, because I can really remember that....

I went from that european server to the =SF= server, with 130ping, racked in a 140point round on RR in a near full server (using the LB of course ). And that finished with tickets at 30-0 win to us...damn close game. And guess what. IT WAS FUN.
130ping and equal teams > 60ping and unequal teams.

It is becoming more and more common, and Im certainly seeing it a lot more now than I ever have. Its slowly killing the game from the inside, along with everything else going on at the moment.

Last edited by Snake (2007-12-30 14:26:33)

+127|6656|Twyford, UK

SgtSlauther wrote:

Stats are lief
Nope, I just like being a jerk and fiddling statistics.
Official Battlefield fanboy
+240|6459|San Antonio, Texas
I saw you there Snake! =SF= stands for Super Fun.

I would've joined, but I'm on a quest for the EU medal. And the teamswitchers suck arse! At the very start of the round, MEC/PLA is out by 10 men!
+2,382|6989|The North, beyond the wall.

jord wrote:

It was going to go away!!!

So close. So very, very close...
You did again, when will you learn!?
+456|6444|Carnoustie, Scotland
I completely agree.

But I teamstack to go with my clan mates.
Ghost Town T90/Apache Whore
+99|6310|Aberdeen, Scotland
I'd rather fight my clanmates than run around with them like girls
More fun to outsmart each other.

But noone else seems to share this POV... *sigh*
r0fl i know what u mean but you cant really do anything about it if you get raped change server =,/, i do play mixed maps but prefer inf but i dont get rap3d all together cuz i pwnz

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