Play Armored Fury then.FloppY_ wrote:
And less bugsKurazoo wrote:
Yes! Battlefield 2 graphics are getting old unfortunalty
A BF3 would be good if it was present times (like Bf2) but with awsome graphics
And i am getting sick and tired of mid-east / russia locations in modern day war games.... give me a frickin war in manhattan or somewhere in the middle of western europe / US / even Australia... ANYTHING innovative...
DO we need BF3?
Hell Yeah!!! | 73% | 73% - 185 | ||||
nah... | 15% | 15% - 39 | ||||
maybe... cant decide! | 10% | 10% - 27 | ||||
Total: 251 |
reset all bf2 stats and make it so you can only have 1 account for 1 cd key
that would be better
that would be better
Damn, I got it mixed up with the replacement for the MiG-25. Maybe the 33 or 35. Hell, I don't remember. I know it IS being replaced, though, as I read about it a while back.Longbow wrote:
MiG-31 is not a frontline jet-fighter, it is an interceptor.Skorpy-chan wrote:
the MiG-29 is on the way out for the -31,
a BF3 would only be good I think, If they include all the good features from the battlefield series.
2142 kit customization
BF2 modern setting
Movable boats (carriers/frigates)
Music playing from BF:V
Bring back the interesting idle movements from BF2, like when you hold an M4 for a while.
And don't come back with an unfinished game, keep it balanced but more fun.
2142 kit customization
BF2 modern setting
Movable boats (carriers/frigates)
Music playing from BF:V
Bring back the interesting idle movements from BF2, like when you hold an M4 for a while.
And don't come back with an unfinished game, keep it balanced but more fun.
If someone doesn't like it, who's pointing the gun to their head to buy it?
Kit custimisation=fail.
On the note of graphics, I run bf2 on low, not because I have to, but because I play better. If BF3 can be bug free, set in modern time and similar to bf2, then bring it on! When I say bug free, I mean as long is it's not close to beef2 lol!
On the note of graphics, I run bf2 on low, not because I have to, but because I play better. If BF3 can be bug free, set in modern time and similar to bf2, then bring it on! When I say bug free, I mean as long is it's not close to beef2 lol!
80 players is great - it's Super BF2 (hopefully)

I would LOVE to play a game with all my bf2s buddies. We all know if there is a bf3 were all fuckin buying it and playing it with each other. Its a matter of time.
one thing should be added is a friends list or something...
Can't decide I love all consoles so much
Yeh but allmost noone is playing that anymore only nubs.... and the bugs are still in thereDoctaStrangelove wrote:
Play Armored Fury then.FloppY_ wrote:
And less bugsKurazoo wrote:
Yes! Battlefield 2 graphics are getting old unfortunalty
A BF3 would be good if it was present times (like Bf2) but with awsome graphics
And i am getting sick and tired of mid-east / russia locations in modern day war games.... give me a frickin war in manhattan or somewhere in the middle of western europe / US / even Australia... ANYTHING innovative...
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
Dude, that's like asking do we need a better way to improve water. Yes, indeedie! And even if I can't run BF3, one year from now, guess who's getting a laptop that can run it?
BF3, I already drool with BF2 on High . I hope EA/DICE outdo themselves. And all those goodies in-store! Assault kit with RPGs? Dopeness.
BF3, I already drool with BF2 on High . I hope EA/DICE outdo themselves. And all those goodies in-store! Assault kit with RPGs? Dopeness.
Yup, it wont hurt to have another BF game for the PC
maybe this thread should be moved to "other titles"...
come on gameplay > graphics ...Kurazoo wrote:
Yes! Battlefield 2 graphics are getting old unfortunalty
A BF3 would be good if it was present times (like Bf2) but with awsome graphics
... better than graphics how about a 128 man server!
no way

Hopefully they'll take their time on this game and not rush it like they did with both 2 and 2142.
So bad reg. + far off hitboxes + tons of glitches = good gameplay ?jsnipy wrote:
come on gameplay > graphics ...Kurazoo wrote:
Yes! Battlefield 2 graphics are getting old unfortunalty
A BF3 would be good if it was present times (like Bf2) but with awsome graphics
... better than graphics how about a 128 man server!
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
I just want BF2 on new well working engine with good support of competitive way of the game by EA (supporting tournaments with some prize money, not making so many unlocks in the game such as defibrilator, nades etc. like in bf2142, balancing the game but not only nerfing everything etc.)
Still theres nothing better, +almost all BF2 mistakes were fixed in BF2142 >>> makes me think that BF3 will be quite good game.FloppY_ wrote:
So bad reg. + far off hitboxes + tons of glitches = good gameplay ?
Last edited by Longbow (2007-12-31 03:32:53)
If it means we finally get to use laserguns (PEW PEW PEW) then yes, we desperately need BF3 before I snap and massacre Slovakia.
I agree with you on that point; it had/has issues ... but this game pushed the envelope in quite a few ways. Even with all its issues, a good of people played for 2 years. If CoD4 or TF2 had those same issues you think people would played those for 2 years?FloppY_ wrote:
So bad reg. + far off hitboxes + tons of glitches = good gameplay ?jsnipy wrote:
come on gameplay > graphics ...Kurazoo wrote:
Yes! Battlefield 2 graphics are getting old unfortunalty
A BF3 would be good if it was present times (like Bf2) but with awsome graphics
... better than graphics how about a 128 man server!
Yes, BF2 has been destroyed by the single map and IO whores.