J-10 whore
If u guys see a real video of a laser guided missile in action, it will create a hole just like a meteorite just fell into it.
Official Hell Bound Turbo Action Club Member
+17|7017|Gütersloh, Germany
I'm curious if someone else has noticed this bug.

I'm not quite sure how to reproduce it exactly because I rather avoid it lately, since I ran into it on occasion.

You just fired your 4th rocket and someone has missile lock on you. Being a good co-pilot you click right mouse button and F11. Nothing happens. So you wait for your LGMs to reload and then click right mouse and F11. Your pilot evades the threat and you change back to your display by clicking right mouse button.
When you want to launch your LGM on the next missile lock you eventually hear the missile launching but nothing happens. Sometimes your missiles reloads, even if they were fully loaded, but if it's finished you still can't fire them. Press F9 to switch back to cockpit view and press left mouse button. Lo and behold, your missile launches and it's heading somewhere.

- while reloading click right mouse button and press F11
- wait until reload has finished
- click right mouse button and press F11
- switch back to your MFD by clicking right mouse button (I always switch from rear view to MFD by clicking right mouse button)
- you can't fire any missiles in MFD view, although you hear it launching, but in cockpit view, without being able to guide them

Bug will not show up:
- clicking right mouse button while reloading without pressing F11

Not quite sure if bug will show up:
- pressing F9 to return from rear view to cockpit view and then click right mouse button

- even if your plane gets destroyed you are not able to launch your LGMs from MFD view
- let your pilot know that your LGMs are jammed, so he can fly for himself until you can fire your LGMs properly again
- press F9, F10, F11, F12, left and right mouse button in any imaginably combination. Don't forget to switch to your MFD now and then to check if your system works again. That's the best dolution I have figured out to date

Why can't the co switch from his MFD to cockpit view while reloading?
Moderator Emeritus
+148|7147|Cheshire, UK

Ayumiz wrote:

If u guys see a real video of a laser guided missile in action, it will create a hole just like a meteorite just fell into it.
As it happens I've just finished a 'real world' section for the LGM guide.
No big holes but movie of a strike.

I understand that a good ground target strike is called out with the term "Sierra Hotel". I've heard that this has come from the term "Smoking Hole" though thought that meant that your plane had a hole in it & was venting.
Can anyone confirm?

As for the other bug. I've experienced similar but I just seem to be unable to change views while reloading.

Last edited by duffry (2006-01-26 04:20:13)

great guide, the feature id like 2 see is laser painting of (ground) targets by infantry.

remember the arty spotting on the old BF? i think that a better air / ground coop would really improve things.

alternative is adding a "need airstrike" 4 the sqaudleader?

i'd also really like to see larger aircraft, ok so the maps r 2 small, but somekind of big propellor gunship
that is also a spawnpoint...sound familliar? dropping off a tank via dragchute sound like fun?
Moderator Emeritus
+148|7147|Cheshire, UK
New bit...
    ...click to see full size. (or go look at the wiki)


[edit] oops, forgot the movie.

Last edited by duffry (2006-01-26 15:27:37)

Yes funking awesome guide!!!!!!
Great guide not only teachs you about gunning skills but also flying skills

Last edited by Nickoflouse (2006-02-02 16:00:12)

Moderator Emeritus
+148|7147|Cheshire, UK

Nickoflouse wrote:

Great guide not only teachs you about gunning skills but also flying skills
We're actually looking to expand on the 'flying for a gunner' section, work in progress, check here soon.
Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7152|Bryan/College Station, TX
After praticing most of this with a friend of mine I have discovered one important thing you may need to mention in your guide.

"When firing at a target manually without aid of lock you must remember to keep your reticle over the target as best as you can. Any movement on your part or wild movements on the part of the pilot that move the reticle from the target will steer the missle away and hence miss the target. Also know that the manual reticle is a square without the aid of crosshairs. (A function I personally dislike quite a bit.)  Hence you will have to try and keep the guessed center of that box over the target for accurate hit."

Now if I am mistaken about the above and I'm missing something critical on the operation of the laser guided missle then please tell me because I haven't discovered any other way of doing it. Am I suppose to click a second time once I'm certain the square is over the target squarely while manually targeting?
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
Moderator Emeritus
+148|7147|Cheshire, UK

kilroy0097 wrote:

After praticing most of this with a friend of mine I have discovered one important thing you may need to mention in your guide.

"When firing at a target manually without aid of lock you must remember to keep your reticle over the target as best as you can. Any movement on your part or wild movements on the part of the pilot that move the reticle from the target will steer the missle away and hence miss the target. Also know that the manual reticle is a square without the aid of crosshairs. (A function I personally dislike quite a bit.)  Hence you will have to try and keep the guessed center of that box over the target for accurate hit."

Now if I am mistaken about the above and I'm missing something critical on the operation of the laser guided missle then please tell me because I haven't discovered any other way of doing it. Am I suppose to click a second time once I'm certain the square is over the target squarely while manually targeting?
These sections kinda point that out but if you feel they aren't sufficient I'll look to add something to the expansion.

LGM guide wrote:

If a target presents itself but the gunner determines that there will not be enough time to gain lock-on and deploy the weapon before the effective corridor is passed then they can launch without ‘good-tone’ and guide the missile manually. A missile launched without a locked target will steer towards the point under the centre of the gunner’s crosshair. It must be remembered that the gunner is targeting from a moving vehicle and therefore the aim must be constantly adjusted to maintain position on the target.

LGM guide wrote:

Sweeping turns - while the LGM system can see and launch on targets to the sides of the aircraft when the pilot pulls back on the stick he is turning the missiles away from any targets dramatically reducing their chances of being able to turn back on course.
You are correct about the loss of crosshair but this is only for the F-15. If you watch the movies where I took out the commander assets (SU-30) and air target (SU-34) the crosshair stays during manual firing. I don't know why it goes for the US buy it's much harder to target accuratly and the only solution I have found is to employ the 'blu-tac-hack'.
YOUR mom goes to college
Very nice.  I read one of these also about gunning in a chopper.  Seems like most pilots are all about the kills and all but ignore the fact that there is a gunner in with them.  I'm a horrible pilot but can hold my own in the gunner's spot...it' s so nice when you finally get a pilot that takes advantage of having a gunner.
was his name-o
+0|7012|SE Pennsylvania
Nice guide.  Didn't read it all since it's pretty much common sense.  I had a good gunner tearing around with me on Dalian Plant...he went like 44-2 or something...Some serious rape can go on if you have a good pilot and gunner.
+-2|7082|Dallas, Tx

Slugga[TeamATi] wrote:

good guide - if only i could get a pilot who doesnt scream around the sky and then decide to screw the pooch and then nose dives into the earth
I see you've flown with me.  The good thing is that it's all over in a matter of seconds.
Moderator Emeritus
+148|7147|Cheshire, UK

duffry wrote:

Known issue with the LGM systems

The LGM systems of all bombers are prone to intermittent targeting failures. These failures manifest themselves as a disparity between the targeting system of the onboard Multi-Function Display (MFD) and the guidance systems of the missile.

While the target lock-on and manual systems appear to function properly the missile deviates from target by approximately 10 degrees. This can have catastrophic consequences for friendly troops near your target. Once the system has started to malfunction it will persist until the aircraft has been destroyed.

While this issue renders the auto lock-on system useless it is still possible to accurately place missiles. The gunner must correct for the missile displacement manually by eye, adjusting from the targeting information on the MFD. This makes the job much harder and more unpredictable but may be preferable to ditching the craft (for example when if has been stolen from an enemy airbase).
I have had an unconfirmed report that you can 're-calibrate' the targeting system in the event of this issue by pushing the crosshair to all four corners. Once done the targeting terurns to normal.

Can anyone confirm this please?
+1,153|6938|Washington, DC

LGM's kind of guide themselves. If you get lock on a vehicle, fire the missile, and it is almost always a hit. No guidance involved.

I do believe "Sierra Hotel" means good hit. They say it at the end of the BF2 E3 trailer back when BF2 had a laser designator, when the F-15's bombs guide onto the T-90 and make a huge, pretty explosion (also removed/dumbed down =/ )
Playdough! Nope C4...
+6|7031|Toronto, ON, CAN
Duffry, just wanted to say thanks! My friend and I just finished a marathon run as a bomber team; he flew, and I was the gunner. I had the best time in the one vehicle I never used often before your guide. Literally, I only played about 20 min in a plane before (I can't fly).
It made a BIG difference in my control of the LGM (I even shot down 3 cobra choppers at a bad angle, once I got the hang of it).

So I say thank you for helping me earn the Aerial Service ribbon tonight!!! No kidding, without this guide, it wouldn't have happened.

Oh, and a side note... if anyone here is playing on the "men of god" server, don't use the word "fun"... they read it as a swearword, and I was kicked for it. Well, that and "Dang", which I also thought would be safe. Serves us right for looking for the best ping/ map/ player combo... now I have to look for devote christians hating the word "fun"

Last edited by SunTzu (2006-03-13 23:59:39)

Moderator Emeritus
+148|7147|Cheshire, UK

ExecutionerStyle wrote:

LGM's kind of guide themselves. If you get lock on a vehicle, fire the missile, and it is almost always a hit. No guidance involved.
Yeah, once you have lockon to an enemy vehicle (wont lock friendlies) you can 'fire-and-forget'. Without lockon though you have to steer it in but the camera stays ion the jet. d4rkph03n1x, read the guide again, it explains how to guide them.

ExecutionerStyle wrote:

I do believe "Sierra Hotel" means good hit. They say it at the end of the BF2 E3 trailer back when BF2 had a laser designator, when the F-15's bombs guide onto the T-90 and make a huge, pretty explosion (also removed/dumbed down =/ )
That's pretty much what I thought but why 'Sierra Hotel'? 'Smoking Hole' fits but is deffo used for a venting hole in your plane.

SunTzu wrote:

Duffry, just wanted to say thanks!
You're very welcome, thanks for the feedback
Playdough! Nope C4...
+6|7031|Toronto, ON, CAN
Sierra Hotel is from the Phonetic Alphabet (signals used for radio communications among the allied countries).

Sierra stands for the letter "s"
Hotel stands for the letter "h"
On it's own, this doesn't mean much, but actual fighter pilots could explain better, that when your about to launch ordinance, you typically make a verbal record when your about to do it. It saves time in the debriefing later, and helps to distinguish which bird has launched the ordinance. The SH is sort of the call letters of the plane / crew.

So, in many films, you'll hear code being used when they launch missiles ("Eagle One / Eagle Two" - Independance Day, is a sad example, but the only one I could think of at the moment)

In otherwords, there is no real reason for the gunner to say that in this game. Just adds a feel to it.
Moderator Emeritus
+148|7147|Cheshire, UK

SunTzu wrote:

Sierra Hotel is from the Phonetic Alphabet (signals used for radio communications among the allied countries).
With you there (*cough*) but was under the impression that the 'S' and the 'H' stood for something. I've been doing a little more digging and found it:

Sierra Hotel
Phonetic abbreviation for “shit hot,” high praise; the pilot’s favorite and all-purpose expression of approval.

Taken from tailhook.org, confirmed by voodoo.cz.

Last edited by duffry (2006-03-15 00:25:24)

I'm moving to Brazil
nice explaination with the great pics clearly stating whats what
Playdough! Nope C4...
+6|7031|Toronto, ON, CAN

duffry wrote:

With you there (*cough*) but was under the impression that the 'S' and the 'H' stood for something....
LOL Yeah, I read this after I posted, and knew it would come up... What can I say, I can't read EVERY page on Chuy's wonderland... There wouldn't be time to go to work otherwise!

Not that I would miss it... just the paycheck.

I saw the "shit hot" expression, but I couldn't confirm it with a second link, so I didn't want to take it as fact. Nicely researched.
+1,153|6938|Washington, DC

That Eagle One and Eagle Two thing, in Single Player sometimes when you fire a missile (AA missile) the guy says "Missile Release!" and then "Fox One! Fox One!". I never hear either audio things in multiplayer though.
thanks for the guide, nice work
Waste Kid
All hail My clan Leader!
+129|6890|Eastern USA
A guide has been posted before. Nice pictures and details, but keep in mind it's already been here ...somewhere...

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