Squadron Leader
+21|6297|Manchester, England
Unlocks are there for a reason, if you like them use them if you don't, don't moan.

Last edited by saggers (2007-12-09 12:55:24)

If they make the g36e have like the accuracy of the Ak-101 a damage of like 30, then it wouldn't be as good.
+163|6954|Odessa, Ukraine

Snake wrote:

I hate grenades more than any unlock including the 36E.
If anyone says that using an L85A1 is for noobs (when you are owning with it) is just jealous. An L85 takes more skill to use than an AK, there is no dispute on that.
Well, yes, nades and gheymores are even worse trouble then 36E. But I don't agree with you that L85 takes more skill then AK...I'm very good with both, and L85 is so easy to get headshots on single shot or short 2-round burst..
Official Battlefield fanboy
+240|6456|San Antonio, Texas

cowami wrote:

Cyrax-Sektor wrote:

cowami wrote:

To those people complaining about grenades (works particularly well as/with a medic):
  • Hear grenade.
  • Prone.
  • Turn head towards nearest solid object, such that your model's head and hitbox is inside said object.
  • Take not quite as much damage or insta-death, thanks to shrapnel not causing the 3X damage to your head.

Works particularly well for those of us who like Karkand and not dying at the Hotel flag.

Oh, and yes, I generally like stocks. However, unlocks give me the advantage in some situations and also just add some variety into the game. Much as I dislike G36E users, it's really satisfying to kill one (particularly if I just happen to be armed with an MP5). Besides, being killed by the MP7 is just downright humiliating.
That's all I need, not sticking my head deep enough and getting blown to smithereens. And the nadespammers I see use all the nades they have! o.o I'll stick with killing their ass after emptying their supply and getting the hell out of there!
That's why you play as medic. Drop a few medpacks underneath yourself, such that every time you get hit with a nade, your health comes right back. And to make sure you're in the wall, just keep moving yourself forward into the wall until you can't go any further. Trust me, it works (long enough to cap the flag, anyway).
But then some other guy at the flag will gun your butt down.
FunKY Member
I use unlocks all the time, simply because I like them and do better with them.
I usually don't use the G36E but I do quite a bit, and no matter what, there is somebody who will flame you, or call you a noob over it.
If the other people who flame people for using unlocks can't beat us join us.

Yeah, they will gun your butt down! Maybe you will hope that a grenade spammer will just team kill him by accident?

Last edited by FunKYPenGuin (2007-12-09 16:52:21)

I used to use unlocks all the time, and have nothing against them.  I sometimes pull out the PKM for some fun, but overall, I now play stock weapons for more of a challenge. 

The ONLY thing about "unlocks" that bugs me, is the G36e.  It's just too darn powerful, fast, and accurate.  I quickly found it no fun to use, as it's point and kill.  So I stopped using it for more of a challenge.  The aggravating thing is when others use it.  Much less skilled players have a greater change of killing me, so it gets frustrating.  I then have to decide, use the G36e to destroy them.... and not have as much fun using an instant kill gun, or keep popping away with the AK101 hoping for a headshot while they kill me within 1 second.

That is my only beef with unlocks, G36e is too powerful making the game boring.
Proud Born Loser

TFSlott wrote:

Grenades are ok. In real war everyone throws a grenade or two before clearing an area. The problem is the Bodybuilder supporter that drops his support bag all over. HE should have only one bag - and the bag should NOT replenish itself. This way he is forced to save the bag to someone who really needs it. And neither supply bags nor medic packs should give any points. This is war and the only points should be earned by killing the enemy and for flag capture. Increase the number of points for flag capture - all games played would be much better. And give the winning team some bonus points for winning - like the winning commander that almost allways gets a medal - what for? For pressing that UAV button?

This way the medic still needs to throw medic packs and revive people. This way the engineer still needs to repair the UAV. If not - u loose the game and then your TEAM will not get that lovely bonus points.

I think EA got the point system wrong. But not the grenades - they're fine, as long as that damn supporter does not spawn supply bags all over.
Play Project Reality. They got it right from the start.
FunKY Member

DupaUnit wrote:

I used to use unlocks all the time, and have nothing against them.  I sometimes pull out the PKM for some fun, but overall, I now play stock weapons for more of a challenge. 

The ONLY thing about "unlocks" that bugs me, is the G36e.  It's just too darn powerful, fast, and accurate.  I quickly found it no fun to use, as it's point and kill.  So I stopped using it for more of a challenge.  The aggravating thing is when others use it.  Much less skilled players have a greater change of killing me, so it gets frustrating.  I then have to decide, use the G36e to destroy them.... and not have as much fun using an instant kill gun, or keep popping away with the AK101 hoping for a headshot while they kill me within 1 second.

That is my only beef with unlocks, G36e is too powerful making the game boring.
Well you are hinting you like a challenge in BF2 right? And by stopping playing with G36E you are getting more of a challenge, well isn't it much more of a challenge if you have to face people using a powerful weapon, to me it does.

But if you don't see it as a challenge but just an annoying kick in the ass that is fine with me
Missing, Presumed Dead

Longbow wrote:

Snake wrote:

I hate grenades more than any unlock including the 36E.
If anyone says that using an L85A1 is for noobs (when you are owning with it) is just jealous. An L85 takes more skill to use than an AK, there is no dispute on that.
Well, yes, nades and gheymores are even worse trouble then 36E. But I don't agree with you that L85 takes more skill then AK...I'm very good with both, and L85 is so easy to get headshots on single shot or short 2-round burst..
True about single shot, but on "full auto" at medium/close(ish) range the L85 takes a lot more skill and judgement to use. Making the choice between bursts or single shots can often be the difference and the key to winning/losing the firefight.

Also....what about Special Forces, or EF? The FAMAS/L96A1 are stocks for the EU, G36E/MP7/F2000/MG36 are stocks for the SAS, SCAR-L for the SEALs.

Technically, only the first level of unlocks, are actually, unlocks. Maybe this is why SF isnt as popular as it should be (unless everyone plays the Rebels maps, of course...).
sophisticated slacker
+334|6631|Graz, Austria
Unlocks are perfectly fine.
They allow you to always play with the same weapon if you're playing with a different army.

My favorite unlock is the MP7.
That gun has the best sound of all.
And with a rate of fire of 900, it's the perfect tool for an engineer at close range, but also allows medium range kills.
It's also great fun to snipe people with single shot.

Snake wrote:

The FAMAS/L96A1 are stocks for the EU
You're thinking about the P90 here, not the FAMAS.
But yes, SF and EF players that use those weapons are of course stupid noobs and unlock-whores that need to be shout at.
Ghost Town T90/Apache Whore
+99|6307|Aberdeen, Scotland
Hmm, unlocks...only ones I don't like to be killed by are G36E and PKM. But I don't bitch about them.

I DO get annoyed by nadespammers and those pansy snipers who would rather rush you with claymores than use a rifle/pistol/knife...although it is amusing to shoot them down.

Oh, and M95 was a good idea but only really gets used for TKs now

Hey Saggers! Alan here

Last edited by MrAnderson (2007-12-10 17:06:17)

+194|6661|West NY
Most of this originates from the g36e, which makes some pretty bullshit shots sometimes.
Ghost Town T90/Apache Whore
+99|6307|Aberdeen, Scotland
It's not that it makes bullshit shots, it's the fact it shoots extremely accurate bursts at a high rate of fire, requiring little to no skill.
+194|6661|West NY

globefish23 wrote:

Snake wrote:

The FAMAS/L96A1 are stocks for the EU
You're thinking about the P90 here, not the FAMAS.
But yes, SF and EF players that use those weapons are of course stupid noobs and unlock-whores that need to be shout at.
He said they are stock weapons, not he is correct.
+194|6661|West NY

MrAnderson wrote:

It's not that it makes bullshit shots, it's the fact it shoots extremely accurate bursts at a high rate of fire, requiring little to no skill.
Like the famas in CSS..jesus that thing owns at long range
sophisticated slacker
+334|6631|Graz, Austria

Noobpatty wrote:

globefish23 wrote:

Snake wrote:

The FAMAS/L96A1 are stocks for the EU
You're thinking about the P90 here, not the FAMAS.
But yes, SF and EF players that use those weapons are of course stupid noobs and unlock-whores that need to be shout at.
He said they are stock weapons, not he is correct.
But in context with this threads topic, I think he meant P90 and L96A1, which are EU stock weapons AND unlocks at the same time.

I think Snake has just played EF and the FAMAS too much.
[pt] KEIOS
srs bsns
a funny thing is, that those who complain about unlocks, are the biggest nadelamers. i play in different bf2 ladders and it is standard routine, that those "pros" are spamming all their grenades before they go into a firefight. so when you are playing a 4on4 infantry match, expect 12 grenades first, before you engage in a firefight. i would rather play with unlocks and no nades, instead of this lame behaviour... but that´s the way it is...

if you want to be a cool player and want to impress others with your progamer attitude, then bitch about unlocks and spam nades..
FunKY Member

[pt] KEIOS wrote:

a funny thing is, that those who complain about unlocks, are the biggest nadelamers. i play in different bf2 ladders and it is standard routine, that those "pros" are spamming all their grenades before they go into a firefight. so when you are playing a 4on4 infantry match, expect 12 grenades first, before you engage in a firefight. i would rather play with unlocks and no nades, instead of this lame behaviour... but that´s the way it is...

if you want to be a cool player and want to impress others with your progamer attitude, then bitch about unlocks and spam nades..
I agree, he is right in my opinion.
I'm usually a big supporter or the whole 'Unlocks are part of the game - deal with it' stance.

However, recently that damn G36E has been pissing me off no end. Which is why i usually play SF with vehicles on. You rarely see the gun then.

But aside from that...

I use whichever gun i feel like using. Unlock or no.
How 'bout dem Cowboys?
+45|6853|Flower Mound, TX

TheAussieReaper wrote:

No matter what weapon you use you'll get someone who doesn't like it.
I never get any critics against me sniping. When I go 32-1 with the M95 in karkand no one ever says anything.
sophisticated slacker
+334|6631|Graz, Austria

[pt] KEIOS wrote:

if you want to be a cool player and want to impress others with your progamer attitude, then bitch about unlocks and spam nades..
Perhaps that's the ticket to get into a famous clan.
+0|6290|Restaurant@End of the Universe
... I'm unfamiliar with this 'Clans = Stockwhores' concept... Then again, my group's mostly out there for casual play as squads on random servers (or any particular favorite servers of our leader), not really involved in any organized leagues or matches. Our leader/Alpha/Khan is definitely all about unlocks. He even recommended the PKM to me, which I've been using rather consistently since - whenever I'm to be my preferred role of Support, anyway.

... I'm unfamiliar with the G36E's record, but it certainly sounds like it's a rather 'uber' weapon. I'm only familiar with the G36C at this time, whenever I use Spec Ops. Rarely use Assault, though. (I prefer having an 'actual' role. <.< )

Also, I don't have SF (and CH tends to just play Vanilla anyway), so alot of these ones that are 'hated' are probably not accessible for me.

Somebody mentioned the auto-shotty... 'Mk3A1' or something, I believe it's called in-game. I'm more familiar with it as the Pancor Jackhammer, a weapon featured in plenty of games before this one, and often in a rather 'near-future' setting of some sort. An amusing but ultimately purely conceptual weapon that's never made it into mass-production and only has a limited number of prototypes made. Really doesn't belong in any 'realistic' military setting.

Last edited by alexpaladinstorm (2007-12-11 22:32:46)

I'm Jamesey
Do a Research Noob
Thank god, finally an original and well thought out thread that won't always lead to a bitch fit with no real outcome
+127|6653|Twyford, UK

alexpaladinstorm wrote:

... I'm unfamiliar with this 'Clans = Stockwhores' concept... Then again, my group's mostly out there for casual play as squads on random servers (or any particular favorite servers of our leader), not really involved in any organized leagues or matches. Our leader/Alpha/Khan is definitely all about unlocks. He even recommended the PKM to me, which I've been using rather consistently since - whenever I'm to be my preferred role of Support, anyway.

... I'm unfamiliar with the G36E's record, but it certainly sounds like it's a rather 'uber' weapon. I'm only familiar with the G36C at this time, whenever I use Spec Ops. Rarely use Assault, though. (I prefer having an 'actual' role. <.< )

Also, I don't have SF (and CH tends to just play Vanilla anyway), so alot of these ones that are 'hated' are probably not accessible for me.

Somebody mentioned the auto-shotty... 'Mk3A1' or something, I believe it's called in-game. I'm more familiar with it as the Pancor Jackhammer, a weapon featured in plenty of games before this one, and often in a rather 'near-future' setting of some sort. An amusing but ultimately purely conceptual weapon that's never made it into mass-production and only has a limited number of prototypes made. Really doesn't belong in any 'realistic' military setting.
1. Bring up unlock weapons on the forum. Observe the flames. Then you'll know. 'pros dont use unlocks noob'

2. I've been sniped off buildings with the thing on burst mode, after shooting the owner with an M95.

3. Get SF. Seriously. Some of the guns are reeeally fun, and the maps are awesome.

4. Realism feh, it unloads a clip into someone in less than a second. BamBAMBAMBAMURKBAMBAM.
Hey I payed for SF so why the heck shouldn't I use it? If it gives me an edge over other people and you fail to kill me and start complaining, well fuck you. Getting all unlocks took some damn long time so don't tell me I can't use what I have gotten. Bit to many nades though, just screams for spamming.

So make your own little server and make them not useable and leave us other alone.

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