I herd some were or read that if you go in a building SWAT will try to negotiate with you and eventually come in after you. If that is true < it will be freaking amazing. I hope that in this one cops will come after you for walking down the street with an AK in had it was always funny to walk downtown is GTA SA with an ak and cops dont do a thing! Maby you will also only be able to carry X number of weapons and maby you can put guns in the trunk of cars that would also be awesome, or even dead bodies in the trunk of your car?
No.....mint-sauce-41 wrote:
Clearing this up.buLLet_t00th wrote:
Shame that the price of the additional content is going to be a bit high. Microsoft paid Rockstar shit loads of money so that the Xbox 360 had the exclusive on the additional content. Check out Kotaku for the info.-=]NS[=-Eagle wrote:
Yes!!! I would love to get the game for the PS3, but I dont have a money tree in my backyard. So, sadly, i have to settle for gettnig it on my 360, but this makes it seem better
The content that comes out as add-ons on the 360 is ALREADY on the PS3 version. So the 360 doesn't have an advantage after all.
The guy on the box cover top middle looks alot like jason stathan from the transporter!