STEP 1: From BF2s home page select Forums

STEP 2: Select the Search function from the Forums main screan (can't miss it).

STEP 3: Choose from 1 of 3 filters (You can use none or all of them).

STEP 4: Using filter 1 only.

STEP 5: Review filter 1 search results and look for the topic you want to discuss or get help with (average search results)

STEP 6: If step 4 didn't yield you enough results try using filters 1 & 2.

STEP 7: Reveiw filter 1 & 2 results and look for the topic you want to discuss or get help with (using filter 1 & 2 will get you the most related to your topic)

STEP 8: If step 4 and 5 didn't yield you enough results you can try using all 3 filters (filters 1 & 2 still seem to work the best).

STEP 9: Review filter 1, 2, & 3 results and look for the topic you want to discuss or get help with.

STEP 10: IF you found no results on the topic you wish to discuss or get help with feel free to post a NEW THREAD. Do yourself and BF2s forum admins a favor and try steps 1 - 9 before using the dreaded STEP 10!
brought to you by HUSKER.....
Yeah I was bored and there's as many post about the search engine as there is anything else, so enjoy!

STEP 2: Select the Search function from the Forums main screan (can't miss it).

STEP 3: Choose from 1 of 3 filters (You can use none or all of them).

STEP 4: Using filter 1 only.

STEP 5: Review filter 1 search results and look for the topic you want to discuss or get help with (average search results)

STEP 6: If step 4 didn't yield you enough results try using filters 1 & 2.

STEP 7: Reveiw filter 1 & 2 results and look for the topic you want to discuss or get help with (using filter 1 & 2 will get you the most related to your topic)

STEP 8: If step 4 and 5 didn't yield you enough results you can try using all 3 filters (filters 1 & 2 still seem to work the best).

STEP 9: Review filter 1, 2, & 3 results and look for the topic you want to discuss or get help with.

STEP 10: IF you found no results on the topic you wish to discuss or get help with feel free to post a NEW THREAD. Do yourself and BF2s forum admins a favor and try steps 1 - 9 before using the dreaded STEP 10!
brought to you by HUSKER.....
Yeah I was bored and there's as many post about the search engine as there is anything else, so enjoy!
Last edited by Husker~ifh~ (2006-02-06 18:39:14)