'Light 'em up!'

This aims to take place TODAY AT 19:30GMT

There is a rumour possibility or karma bonuses for those who participate in this movie, hoever this is a rumour, nothing solid,


Right now the movie itself in terms of filming and acting is almost completed but there are still two scenes that need doing, these scenes require a good number of actors up to 25-30.

Ten of these actors will be playing the same roles in both scenes, playing as members of a US Force Recon team.


Most of the parts for the FR team have already been given out, so those of you not part of this time will play both PLA and MEC on their respsective maps.

Scene 1: Operation Clean Sweep.

This scene involves and attack on the main MEC airbase on OCS. 10 Force Recon trrops, one of which is a sniper assaults the airbase, starting with stealthy attacks and then moving up to a large firefight. None of the Force Recon are killed. The final MEC commander attempts to escape a a passenger in an SU-34 jet, but a commandeered FAV by the Force Recon speeds toward it firing. The jet is heavily damaged as it takes off over the top of them and crashes nose first into the silos by the harbour.
The USMC then occupy the base as the Force Recon discover 'Intel' linking the PLA to the situation. A mission to China is then discussed in the dialogue.

This scene requires 10 players to be the US Force Recon:

I also advise that if you are assigned the role of one of these characters that you change your prefix tags to either the nickname or the second name of your character for easier identification.

L.T. Harrow ‘L.T.’ – Spec-ops  ---------------------------------– Doperwt
SSGT McKenzie ‘Mak’ – Support  ---------------------------------– Eldu
Sgt Randall – ‘Snap’ – Sniper  ---------------------------------– kmjnhb
Sgt Rodriguez – Assault ---------------------------------– RDMC
Sgt Williams ‘Willy’ – Assault (White assault) ---------------------------– cowami
LncCpl Martin ‘Doc’ – Medic ---------------------------------– |HBD|Smiles1232
LncCpl Jenkins – AT  ---------------------------------– Snake                                   
Cpl Barnes – Spec-ops  ---------------------------------– M.O.A.B
Cpl Donarco ‘Donnie’ – Engineer ---------------------------------– Fallschrimjager101
Cpl Pine ‘Fir’ – Support    ---------------------------------– Samtheman:D

additional players include
an F-15 pilot - Behemoth 'Toilet'
BH Pilot Officer Sjukka Bronka - ^*AlphA*^/RunDje
1 MEC specops to play their commander -
another 10-12 people to play varying roles in the MEC, however none will be snipers or specops players.

an MEC player will become the US commander for a dialouge scene at the end, also when the fighting is over the MEC will become USMC and will make up the units who move in and occupy it with vehicles at the end.

Scene 2 involves a large firefight on Songhua which will lead to the end of the movie, seeing as its difficult to explain the positions of people I'll merely show you them when the event takes place.

Here is where your name will appear if you are assigned to either MEC or PLA:

Metal-Eater GR
Cyrax Sektor
FatherTed (Z-8 pilot, MEC inf and PLA inf)
leetkyle (possible)
Alpha (when not piloting the BH)
Toilet (when not piloting the F-15)
cian1500ww (can come on at 21:00)
-=SEP=- robcr9
Pop to Ster (peezy)

I will make one very clear last point, FAILURE TO FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS IMMEDIATELY, WILL RESULT IN A KICK, NO QUESTIONS, NO MATTER WHO YOU ARE I don't want to spend three hrs trying to do one single scene because someone can't stand still long enough or cannot keep his finger off the left mouse button, or is spamming the radio command line so much that it overtakes any text that I type. I want to get this done while I have the chance, the more messing around that takes place increases the time and then people start leaving because of other engagements and we lose vital people.


I can haz titanium paancakez?
I just realised

Making a movie like these requires balls and nerves of steel.
[pt] KEIOS
srs bsns
and a minimum amount of discipline... spent hours just waiting for everybody to NOT screwing it up...
'Light 'em up!'

Well in a dashing recurrence of a fortnight ago, tonight went pretty bad, a number of people didn't turn up, including some who I even told we were doing movie work. Messing around and general not paying attention again became the biggest factor. I know a number of people did listen and follow instructions and I appreciate that, but people who generally don't know what the hell is going on because they aren't paying attention elude me as to why they wanted to participate in a movie. The scenes I wished to shoot did not go to plan, they took too long to do, we didn't get anywhere close to doing the OCS portion of the movie which we were supposed to do tonight. It seems that even if I give people a week's notice, they forgot to turn up, if I don't they're doing something else, so its a lose lose situation.

Next Saturday at the EXACT TIME OF 19:30GMT I will be doing the OCS scene, I will make one very clear and final warning, IF YOU SIGN UP, BE THERE, IF YOU CAN'T, INFORM ME, CHECK THIS THREAD FOR INFORMATION if any messing around takes place next Saturday then that's it, I am trying to make a movie that BF2s can be proud of but so far that's not going to happen, if messing around continues in future filming then I'm shutting it down, because it will be clear no-one wants to take it serioulsy and it is simply wasting both my time and those who want to participate.
Count.me.out. I was on time (unlike most), followed orders the best I could and ended up getting utterly pissed off again like two weeks ago. However, when I'm not around, the scenes go well and everyone says what a great time they had. Rewarding... makes you feel like it didn't matter at all that you did what you were supposed to do.

Toilet Sex
one love, one pig

Hopefully it won't repeat next week. How many things did we shoot? 2 or 3? And most of us were there for like 3 hours.

I'll still turn up next week though, should be able to.
Hector: Ding, ding, ding, ding...
+1,975|6781|6 6 4 oh, I forget

Man, how hard is it to listen to a few orders, let go of the mouse and the keyboard

An idea: I've seen a few times a server pause by admins and no one else but the admin has the power to write stuff on the screen. Is this possible? If it would, ppl could and would pay more attention to orders especially when the text could be ADMINBIGGER and orange. Can this be done only on a ranked server or is it possible to do on this server also? Enemy and I thought that it would be a great feature after everybody was in place. No one could do anything but to watch the screen and if there was any monkeying around, buckle up Dorothy cause Kansas is going bye bye.

I for one tried to keep the window clear of useless quiestions meself. Gary has a lot to put up with and he can't answer everybody at the same time as much as he surely would want to. This is probably one of the reasons the screen is spammed with useless blaablaa leading to frustrated actors and directors. For the most part this still is fun and I for one would want to see these few filmings go as planned. It's not much to ask. Just stay still, don't spam the screen, wait for placements/orders, wait for Gary to ask if everybody is in place or not and if everyone has their orders.
Guys we are smart enuff to do this. I'm even drunk and I can obey orders ffs!

And so this wouldn't be a total post of cry, I present; secks!!!

See lyrics. He likes it


Last edited by Ultrafunkula (2007-11-24 15:59:14)

Anouk, Slayers little bitch

the scene for next week is verry easy. I will put on the information of the part we are going to do. read it. it will take 50 min max.

MEC foreces are being alerted. MEC guards coming frome the base Hotzone Spread out.
Sniper kills 1
Spec ops fire on single shot at the guards.
SU 34 moves forward from hangar.
Mec commander runs to FAV.
Driver drives him to Plane.
SNiper shoots the driver when stopped.
USMC FAV drives onto tarmac to stop the plane.
Plane takes off. gets shot in airintake and crashes sideways into silo.

USMC finds Intel.
USMC retreit to insertionpoints Alpha and Bravo.
Placing C4 on key structures. (like arti, Scan,remaining vehicles, ...)

Find intel
while moving away in boats they blow up everything.
Group of Mec forces moving on main base by cars. to see what happened
F15 bomber and F18) comes in (maybe with SU) an bombs those mec forces and runway.
followed by arty strike.

Scene Ends.

requires 8 Force recon and around 12-15 MEC forces. more would be great but that is enough. Pls show up, so we can start the editing and finish everything. this the last big scene to be done.
[pt] KEIOS
srs bsns
you only need bf2cc to pause the game, or type in !pause (but then everybody has to wait 3minutes)
Pop To Ster
+45|6839|Edmonds, WA

Ultrafunkula wrote:

Man, how hard is it to listen to a few orders, let go of the mouse and the keyboard

An idea: I've seen a few times a server pause by admins and no one else but the admin has the power to write stuff on the screen. Is this possible? If it would, ppl could and would pay more attention to orders especially when the text could be ADMINBIGGER and orange. Can this be done only on a ranked server or is it possible to do on this server also? Enemy and I thought that it would be a great feature after everybody was in place. No one could do anything but to watch the screen and if there was any monkeying around, buckle up Dorothy cause Kansas is going bye bye.

I for one tried to keep the window clear of useless quiestions meself. Gary has a lot to put up with and he can't answer everybody at the same time as much as he surely would want to. This is probably one of the reasons the screen is spammed with useless blaablaa leading to frustrated actors and directors. For the most part this still is fun and I for one would want to see these few filmings go as planned. It's not much to ask. Just stay still, don't spam the screen, wait for placements/orders, wait for Gary to ask if everybody is in place or not and if everyone has their orders.
Guys we are smart enuff to do this. I'm even drunk and I can obey orders ffs!

And so this wouldn't be a total post of cry, I present; secks!!!

See lyrics. He likes it

http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/1892 … 076ql3.jpg
I freaking warned you about posting this....omfg...
I hate you now
Btw, that there did not occur during any filming. It was when Gary was putting up the scenes for the BH blowing up and everyone chuting out, so meh...it didn't interfere.
I can haz titanium paancakez?

Ultrafunkula wrote:

An idea: I've seen a few times a server pause by admins and no one else but the admin has the power to write stuff on the screen. Is this possible? If it would, ppl could and would pay more attention to orders especially when the text could be ADMINBIGGER and orange. Can this be done only on a ranked server or is it possible to do on this server also? Enemy and I thought that it would be a great feature after everybody was in place. No one could do anything but to watch the screen and if there was any monkeying around, buckle up Dorothy cause Kansas is going bye bye.
QFT,funkula,gary would just set them in their positions and pause the server.No more fecking around.

BTW:Making a film like this will always be frustrating...even with the most cooperating actors.So,as I mentioned above,u need nerves of steel.Hourey for gary...because i would hate to be the director of this movie.


Edit: about the pic,no comment >.>

Last edited by Metal-Eater-GR (2007-11-25 01:20:18)

Hector: Ding, ding, ding, ding...
+1,975|6781|6 6 4 oh, I forget

Pop To Ster wrote:

Btw, that there did not occur during any filming. It was when Gary was putting up the scenes for  blowing everyone , so meh...it didn't interfere.
Aww, cum on. I, the bfrazzi,  made you just seen on the site And I took the liberty of removing some unnecessary words from your reply

Ok, no foolies. This actually was, like you said, during recess in hiding from directors. So no harm was done to any filmreels or nerves.

Last edited by Ultrafunkula (2007-11-25 01:42:55)

Hector: Ding, ding, ding, ding...
+1,975|6781|6 6 4 oh, I forget

[pt] KEIOS wrote:

you only need bf2cc to pause the game, or type in !pause (but then everybody has to wait 3minutes)
So can't admins type anything at that point either?
Missing, Presumed Dead

[pt] KEIOS wrote:

you only need bf2cc to pause the game, or type in !pause (but then everybody has to wait 3minutes)
Perhaps thats the best option.
I feel sorry for whoever is making the movie and has to fast-forward through nearly THREE HOURS of useless crap before the actual filming started. When recording from BR, that is going to take at least 5 views to get camera angles and timings etc for recording. I wouldnt be surprised if it wasnt up to 20 seperate views for all the different people allocated in the scene.
It was easier in the smaller scenes on Mashtuur as we would just restart and voila, everyone knew what to do - and they were good fun. Short, sweet and well executed; even if some did take longer than anticipated.

However, a few problems that Im noticing though, and this is directed at everyone:
Time for a big-ass-Snake-type-post

Gary always spams "follow me", including to the PLA when hes on US. Fine, but how do they know its him when hes standing around all of us US players? I think it needs to be a bit clearer to make it easier. I sometimes get lost myself when Im on US, so I now look to the radar for the star as hes always commander.
This also applies to things such as "Make sure you dont kill Dope, Snake and the 2 PLA (enemy and Keios?)" - nobody knew who they were, other than the 4 people in the building by the flag. But when we then moved out, and got tangled up with everyone else, how do the PLA attacking us know who to shoot, and who not to shoot? Nametags do appear, but only after having the crosshair over them for a bit - which then just looks stupid and corny on film.
We need to come up with a better method of knowing who to kill and who not to kill (maybe class types?? i.e. Supports live, rest die).

The amount of time it takes is due to only Gary and Dope really knowing the scenes, as they then have to sit and explain it to everyone - and doing that for 20+ people takes time. And this is why we have what can only be in excess of 3 hours of BR file from last night to do one scene...

Cutting/Changing the Content
Changing the scene content. Best example is last night, and the deal with the tank. First we had it - then we ditched it, despite allowing the PLA to cap back the Chinese HQ so they could get it. Why? This totally changed the scene which confused a LOT of people (you cant see the squad chat Gary Both myself and RD were confuzzled by it).

BF2 Sillies
Shooting, hopping around etc etc. No, its not funny. Thing is - people are bored when its not them thats being told what to do, etc. I know it can happen when gimping people (i.e. Dope to Gary last night) - but it does slow us down.
Also the usual "BF2 crouch-a-teabag fest" (or the Pwned Life), always takes place, by which everyone is focusing on it more than what Gary is saying. I know I started off a mass session of this last night - but it shows how easy people take it in and start doing it!!

Communication Part 2
Lack of explanation in some instances - this mostly applies to when people have to swap over, i.e. eldu going on PLA and Justice being the support guy on the roof last night. When Justice came over, AFAIK nobody explained what he had to do - he asked me/RD in squadchat what hes gota do.
I know that Gary/Dope cant do everything, but little things add up.

Reading the Script
The script for the scenes being done that night should possibly be handed out to everyone earlier in the week, so we can get a feel of whats planned, going to happen and how and why. This should help prepare people for the filming, even if they dont remember it whole heartedly and in whole. I realise that this was done for the Songhua portion (I saw some part of it anyway) - but was it done for everyone?
Everyone has RL to concentrate on, so you cant expect us all to learn the script inside-out, but having a feel for it beforehand would be nice

Practise Sessions
This kinda refers back to the point on Time - but maybe we should have practise sessions? I.e. midweek or individually, showing them their positions, what to do and explain their role in the scene. I know I was meant to survive last night, but nobody ever said I had to run across the road with the others - as far as I knew, I was in the building and fighting them off, and thats it. I used ma own instinct for that and tried to make it look real with covering fire, etc, whilst running across the road. After hosing down two guys round the back of the building, I got killed by a third (where I was out of ammo).
But Im definitly in favour of practise sessions, setup peoples positions and run through whats going to happen. Give the major and prime roles to those who turn up on time every week so you have less chance of having to swap the main roles on the night.

Some Standard Rulings
This is mentioned all the time, yet it still happens. During ALL scenes, there is to be no sign of:

1) Medpacks/Ammo bags/Shock Paddles (wrench?!)
2) Reviving/Healing/Resupplying any player (except during cuts ready for the next scene)
3) No Teamkilling - a lot of the US players are different (i.e. black spec ops/medics, white assaults/supports/anti-tanks, etc) so we have to choose the kit, suicide and then spawn again, find the kit we dropped and then we can get to the filming area. Being teamkilled all the time for this is just frustrating and time consuming (TURN FF OFF MAYBE?!)
4) No explosives: Grenades, AT-mines, Gaymores, C4, GL's or AT rockets (except vs vehicles for AT-Rockets, or as directed otherwise)
5) No bunny-hopping, prone-spamming, insta-proning vs enemies, jumping etc etc.
6) Try to act like a proper military, i.e. provide covering fire from behind a sandbag or whatever, for someone whilst they are running across a road. Even if they dont need it, it just looks better.
7) No headbopping in vehicles, shooting APC sidemounts or the tanks MG's. Also, tank drivers should try to beware of their surroundings as in RL, tank cannons cant turn through tree trunks!! Minor detail there, but it helps the authenticity if you can do it.
8) When moving around on foot, or in vehicles, try not to collide with other players/vehicles as it just looks wrong from a filming POV.

Some food for thought
'Light 'em up!'

Snake wrote:

[pt] KEIOS wrote:

you only need bf2cc to pause the game, or type in !pause (but then everybody has to wait 3minutes)
Perhaps thats the best option.
I feel sorry for whoever is making the movie and has to fast-forward through nearly THREE HOURS of useless crap before the actual filming started. When recording from BR, that is going to take at least 5 views to get camera angles and timings etc for recording. I wouldnt be surprised if it wasnt up to 20 seperate views for all the different people allocated in the scene.
It was easier in the smaller scenes on Mashtuur as we would just restart and voila, everyone knew what to do - and they were good fun. Short, sweet and well executed; even if some did take longer than anticipated.

However, a few problems that Im noticing though, and this is directed at everyone:
Time for a big-ass-Snake-type-post

Gary always spams "follow me", including to the PLA when hes on US. Fine, but how do they know its him when hes standing around all of us US players? I think it needs to be a bit clearer to make it easier. I sometimes get lost myself when Im on US, so I now look to the radar for the star as hes always commander.
This also applies to things such as "Make sure you dont kill Dope, Snake and the 2 PLA (enemy and Keios?)" - nobody knew who they were, other than the 4 people in the building by the flag. But when we then moved out, and got tangled up with everyone else, how do the PLA attacking us know who to shoot, and who not to shoot? Nametags do appear, but only after having the crosshair over them for a bit - which then just looks stupid and corny on film.
We need to come up with a better method of knowing who to kill and who not to kill (maybe class types?? i.e. Supports live, rest die).

The amount of time it takes is due to only Gary and Dope really knowing the scenes, as they then have to sit and explain it to everyone - and doing that for 20+ people takes time. And this is why we have what can only be in excess of 3 hours of BR file from last night to do one scene...

Cutting/Changing the Content
Changing the scene content. Best example is last night, and the deal with the tank. First we had it - then we ditched it, despite allowing the PLA to cap back the Chinese HQ so they could get it. Why? This totally changed the scene which confused a LOT of people (you cant see the squad chat Gary Both myself and RD were confuzzled by it).

BF2 Sillies
Shooting, hopping around etc etc. No, its not funny. Thing is - people are bored when its not them thats being told what to do, etc. I know it can happen when gimping people (i.e. Dope to Gary last night) - but it does slow us down.
Also the usual "BF2 crouch-a-teabag fest" (or the Pwned Life), always takes place, by which everyone is focusing on it more than what Gary is saying. I know I started off a mass session of this last night - but it shows how easy people take it in and start doing it!!

Communication Part 2
Lack of explanation in some instances - this mostly applies to when people have to swap over, i.e. eldu going on PLA and Justice being the support guy on the roof last night. When Justice came over, AFAIK nobody explained what he had to do - he asked me/RD in squadchat what hes gota do.
I know that Gary/Dope cant do everything, but little things add up.

Reading the Script
The script for the scenes being done that night should possibly be handed out to everyone earlier in the week, so we can get a feel of whats planned, going to happen and how and why. This should help prepare people for the filming, even if they dont remember it whole heartedly and in whole. I realise that this was done for the Songhua portion (I saw some part of it anyway) - but was it done for everyone?
Everyone has RL to concentrate on, so you cant expect us all to learn the script inside-out, but having a feel for it beforehand would be nice

Practise Sessions
This kinda refers back to the point on Time - but maybe we should have practise sessions? I.e. midweek or individually, showing them their positions, what to do and explain their role in the scene. I know I was meant to survive last night, but nobody ever said I had to run across the road with the others - as far as I knew, I was in the building and fighting them off, and thats it. I used ma own instinct for that and tried to make it look real with covering fire, etc, whilst running across the road. After hosing down two guys round the back of the building, I got killed by a third (where I was out of ammo).
But Im definitly in favour of practise sessions, setup peoples positions and run through whats going to happen. Give the major and prime roles to those who turn up on time every week so you have less chance of having to swap the main roles on the night.

Some Standard Rulings
This is mentioned all the time, yet it still happens. During ALL scenes, there is to be no sign of:

1) Medpacks/Ammo bags/Shock Paddles (wrench?!)
2) Reviving/Healing/Resupplying any player (except during cuts ready for the next scene)
3) No Teamkilling - a lot of the US players are different (i.e. black spec ops/medics, white assaults/supports/anti-tanks, etc) so we have to choose the kit, suicide and then spawn again, find the kit we dropped and then we can get to the filming area. Being teamkilled all the time for this is just frustrating and time consuming (TURN FF OFF MAYBE?!)
4) No explosives: Grenades, AT-mines, Gaymores, C4, GL's or AT rockets (except vs vehicles for AT-Rockets, or as directed otherwise)
5) No bunny-hopping, prone-spamming, insta-proning vs enemies, jumping etc etc.
6) Try to act like a proper military, i.e. provide covering fire from behind a sandbag or whatever, for someone whilst they are running across a road. Even if they dont need it, it just looks better.
7) No headbopping in vehicles, shooting APC sidemounts or the tanks MG's. Also, tank drivers should try to beware of their surroundings as in RL, tank cannons cant turn through tree trunks!! Minor detail there, but it helps the authenticity if you can do it.
8) When moving around on foot, or in vehicles, try not to collide with other players/vehicles as it just looks wrong from a filming POV.

Some food for thought
I agree very much with all of this, I will work with Doper to provide a script for this weekend, the only problem with doing this is that one of main people may not show up or arrive, then I am missing someone wh knows what to do and have to pull someone else to do their part. Also its the idea that they will actually read it, which many havent previously as they turn up to sign up, don't return to see what's happenening and as a result don't know what we will be doing, or at what time. Even reached the point that some people will jus tplain forgot. What really tans my hide though is that a number of people said they could definately be there and didn't arrive without informing me of why they weren't there leaving me wondering for a good 40 mins if more than 20 we're gonna arrive.

So in future guys, follow all the rules, no more silliness, this is not a frag movie, or a blooper movie, this is a serious scripted movie. This point I have already stressed several times, if you're going to take part, actually remember to take part, pointless signing up if you're not going to turn up.
Missing, Presumed Dead

The handing out of the script was optional
[pt] KEIOS
srs bsns
I would suggest, that the directors crew always restarts the map after a scene is taken, so the recorded demo isn´t three hours long.

And a public script here would be good, so everybody knows at least the main parts of the story.
Why don't u use rcon? It's the easiest way to record demos:

A server admin has to set it up and then you can easily login in the console with: "rcon login password", then you type: "rcon demo.recorddemo nameofthedemo" and end it with "rcon demo.stoprecording". Captiva used to do it like this. I think it's better to have thousands of demos with names than 10 demos with 3 hours playtime per demo.

(all commands without the "")

Last edited by Swope (2007-11-25 07:03:12)

'Light 'em up!'

Fantastic work tonight lads, smooth clean and well executed, almost completed an entire part of the sequel movie lol, wasn't intended but what the hell less work later on and good footage for the trailer. My, Surge was made for movie making tbh .
Hector: Ding, ding, ding, ding...
+1,975|6781|6 6 4 oh, I forget

M.O.A.B wrote:

almost completed an entire part of the sequel movie lol.
Umm, how many sequels are there anyways? I feel like I'm already part of a quadrilogy here or something
And when are we gonna see some ready stuff? *CantWaitAreWeThereYetAntsInPants*

Meanwhile I have to wait for my invitation from James Lipton to The Actors Studio

Last edited by Ultrafunkula (2007-11-25 15:09:22)

'Light 'em up!'

Ultrafunkula wrote:

M.O.A.B wrote:

almost completed an entire part of the sequel movie lol.
Umm, how many sequels are there anyways? I feel like I'm already part of a quadrilogy here or something
And when are we gonna see some ready stuff? *CantWaitAreWeThereYetAntsInPants*

Meanwhile I have to wait for my invitation from James Lipton to The Actors Studio
lol, currently I'm aiming to get all the filming done before we edit it together, however if I can a couple more SF scenes done, including a co-op based part that I hope to do tonight we can create the trailer for that, both the 1 min version to be attached to the current movie and the full two minute version which is the full trailer. I'm hoping to get those files from Jappe at some point tonight, so we could start doing something with those so that there is some video stuff to keep people occupied.

Btw I have come up with ana wsm ending for said trailer, its not particularly linked with the main story but in fact happens as a scene during the end credits to which there is a very very highly explosive finale . May require a modded Warlord map though, having it at night would suit the idea better.

me wrote:

However, when I'm not around, the scenes go well and everyone says what a great time they had.

M.O.A.B wrote:

Fantastic work tonight lads, smooth clean and well executed, almost completed an entire part of the sequel movie lol, wasn't intended but what the hell less work later on and good footage for the trailer. My, Surge was made for movie making tbh .
'Light 'em up!'

FlemishHCmaniac wrote:

me wrote:

However, when I'm not around, the scenes go well and everyone says what a great time they had.

M.O.A.B wrote:

Fantastic work tonight lads, smooth clean and well executed, almost completed an entire part of the sequel movie lol, wasn't intended but what the hell less work later on and good footage for the trailer. My, Surge was made for movie making tbh .
Come on Flem, come along tonight for the big SAS vs bots shoot
Hector: Ding, ding, ding, ding...
+1,975|6781|6 6 4 oh, I forget

M.O.A.B wrote:

come along tonight for the big SAS vs bots shoot
Wat is dat? I get to finally shoot someone?? Without teamkilling in a senseless way during filming recess???

SamTheMan :D
Am I still welcome?

I didn't see the warning message until after I detonated the C4

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