'Light 'em up!'

Ok people here's ma movie idea, even better than Steven Spielbergs movie ideas.
It’s a long read mind,
The movie takes place on a 32 player vehicle Mashtuur, though we only use the top right and Mosque bits.

Operation Eagle Claw

At start of movie two Humvees from the hill spawn point move to the gas station where the Blackhawk is, movie starts after they have reached this part, they are both filled up.
http://img403.imageshack.us/img403/4072 … 258mv6.png

Squad of Spec-ops including one sniper wth an M95 board the Blackhawk. Blackhawk takes off and flies north to this little village, nice screenshots right here,
http://img265.imageshack.us/img265/7746 … 259ll1.png

In this village are one Vodnik and a squad of 6 MEC, MEC SL is out of sight in the boat hut at the bottom of the ss, this so the firefight can last slightly longer and you don't see where they come from. Blackhawk appears over the hill and pitches tightly to the left in a circular pattern so the minigunner on the left side and those sitting in the back on the left side can shoot down. MEC take cover inside huts and beside the Vodnik and return small arms fire. Chopper does this for about 6 seconds then heads out of sight near the town.

It touches down and the spec-ops disembark, except pilot and sniper,
http://img260.imageshack.us/img260/7376 … 261iv9.png
Blackhawk takes off again and lingers out of sight here
http://img403.imageshack.us/img403/6894 … 262do2.png
Spec-ops guys move slowly toward the village, moving from bushes to trees to buildings http://img513.imageshack.us/img513/7314 … 263av8.png
, players must have their M4's scoped so that they move slowly. As they approach the MEC starting running around the village, and MEC spec-ops has his C4 detonator out to mimic a radio. Spec-ops SL moves forward as other Spec-Ops hold up in cover, SL draws a knife and slowly approaches the MEC soldier, he then knifes him
http://img262.imageshack.us/img262/2780 … 264jp2.png.
Just then an MEC assault soldier appears to the right of the SL, his AK-101 sighted right next to his head, SL turns and faces MEC assault, suddenly Blackhawk re-appears and distracts assault player, SL draws silenced 92FS nad shoots him twice in the head. http://img262.imageshack.us/img262/9372 … 265ux8.png

Vodnik opens fire on the SL who sprints back to his men, they move behind a building whilst firing for cover, one Spec-ops memeber is hit and killed, he doesn't respawn. http://img260.imageshack.us/img260/1995 … 266ai4.png
Several MEC are also hit but they respawn inside the boat hut with their SL. Vodnik keeps firing at the hut as the Blackhawk hovers behind the Vodnik gunner, the Sniper lines up and shoots the gunner in the head,
http://img262.imageshack.us/img262/3274 … 267pd7.png
Blackhawk then touches down and the sniper gets out and provides cover fire from a hill top.

As Blackhawk takes off its hit by an Eryx and damaged, it flies off and lingers in the same place that it did before. With Vodnik gunner, down Spec-ops move in and kill the MEC, after Vodnik gunner is killed no more MEC respawn on there SL. Spec-ops cover the village as the Spec-ops leader moves into the boat hut and finds the MEC spec-ops SL, the boat hut is wired with C4 controlled by an off screen Spec-ops soldier, MEC SL has remote in his hand, USMC SL shoots him in the head then sprints out the door and dives to the ground, off screen controller of C4 detonates it to explode the inside of the hut. Spec-ops regroup in center of village, just then both Humvees come down this road,
with only a driver each, Spec-ops fill up gunner and passenger positions and leave the village, but stop off camera to allow for next scene.

The men who were originally in the Humvees are now walking through the city toward the Mosque, squad is made up of one medic, two support (one of which could be a medic who acquired an M249 at the start of the game, so there is a white support gunner as well), two assault and one AT. They move in a column formation, (one behind the other) toward the Mosque, http://img504.imageshack.us/img504/4672 … 278md1.png
on the courtyard in front of the Mosque is a T-90 and a Vodnik, T-90 has a gunner, two engineers are reparing it, one standing to the left of the tank the other standing on the hull, there is a medic standing on the other end of the hull.
http://img405.imageshack.us/img405/6994 … 272nr1.png
Squad moves in and AT fires at the T-90, on the underside the T-90 out of sight is some C4 which is detonated as the rocket hits so the tank explodes, engineers, medic and crewman all killed. http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/6964 … 279gx5.png
Support cover rest of squad as they move up, AT and both assaults rush into the mosque and take fire from the apartment spawn point. Apartment has one sniper and one Support firing from the windows, Medic SL runs beneath the apartment then in front of it but out of sight of those inside, he throws a grenade through the window which explodes, C4 placed in the room out of sight is also detonated by an MEC spec-ops on the roof and out of sight. http://img265.imageshack.us/img265/5990 … 270ob1.png
http://img261.imageshack.us/img261/2650 … 271er0.png
On support throws a grenade at an MEC support in this hole and kills him,
http://img510.imageshack.us/img510/1640 … 273cc5.png

Squad captures the Mosque, and movie cuts back to Spec-ops in Humvees, as they drive along this road,
http://img408.imageshack.us/img408/8384 … 274qr5.png
http://img239.imageshack.us/img239/4246 … 276vi1.png
The driver of the lead Humvee is shot through the windshield by an MEC sniper with an M95. The spec-ops exit the Humvees along with the second driver who is support, the gunners both fire at the attackers, killing two of them before the lead Humvee is hit and destroyed by an Eryx missile. Vodnik from Mosque then comes down the road with four of the squad, other two members picked up by the Blackhawk manning the Miniguns. Vodnik is not attacked by MEC but then fires on them helping kill to them. All MEC are killed and Sniper is surrounded, he pulls out a hand grenade and drops it at his feet, all USMC scatter and drop to the ground, sniper is killed and MEC chopper appears hovering parallel to the road, right hand gunner opens fire, Spec-ops SL drops to the ground and grabs MEC snipers kit, he then aims and fires hitting the gunner in the head. Blackhawk then appears in front of the MEC chopper and hovers perpendicular to it
USMC sniper fires M95 and hits MEC chopper pilot in the head killing him and causing the shopper to spin out of control and crash. Blackhawk then lands and picks up surviving Spec-ops, sniper gets out and boards Humvee, Blackhawk, Humvee and Vodnik then all head back toward the village to travel back to the Gas Station spawn point, Movie fades out as the head back up the road.

The End

Alright here's what we need, in order to qualify you must be able to play on the EU server with acceptable ping and such, I know K30 and a few other Americans can.

1 Blackhawk Pilot - Alfie
1 Sniper w/M95 - Hallvard?
1 Littlebird Pilot -

Squad Alpha
4 Spec-ops
SL is Mike,

2 Humvee Drivers,
one a Support -
other a medic - Alex (Medic, 2nd driver)

Squad Bravo
SL 1 Medic - Blademaster
2 support - Doper (white support guy), Rob (Black support guy)
2 assault - Toilet Sex,
1 AT - Snake

Squad Alpha at village, all squadmembers must only respawn once after being killed, SL is hiding in a boat hut nearby. Squad must all fire at the USMC spec-ops but not kill them, any Spe-ops accidently killed can respawn on their SL but must do so out of sight of the camera.

2 Spec-ops, one is the SL -
1 Assault -
1 Support, who is the Vodnik gunner - ValZbeStoNeD
1 Medic - Kptk92
1 AT -

Players killed at village respawn at the mosque, USMC spec-ops killed at village respawns as MEC at Power pant and grabs the T-90 and brings it to the Mosque as fighting in the village continues. Two other players playing as MEC not in Alpha squad are already at the Mosque, Echo and someone else. USMC spec-ops joins them at the mosque to make the 9th MEC player.

MEC players respawning at Mosque must be the following kits,
USMC killed respawns as Engineer and another player who is always at Mosque is an Engineer

2 Engineers - Eldu,
1 Medic 
2 support, one in the well the other in the apartment
1 sniper - Echo?
3 Assault

MEC players will only have one life at the Mosque,

During Ambush MEC SL hides over the hill out of sight, MEC sniper (Echo) hides in the roadway and kills USMC driver, driver doesnt respawn, 3 MEC hiding in bushes, 4 others rush over the hill from SL position. Kits required are
Sniper - Echo
1 AT
3 Assault
2 Support
2 Medics one of which is the SL.

USMC squad Bravo take the Vodnik at the Mosque and race to the ambush point just after it starts, two remaning Bravo SM are picked up by the Blackhawk and linger out of sight.
When killed none of the MEC respawn, MEC SL runs over the top of the hill after all squadmembers are dead and is killed. After firing the shot Echo runs to the bushes to his left, after all of MEC are killed he re-appears and is surrounded. First MEC soldier killed respawns at MEC gas station and becomes the chopper pilot, one other MEC boards as the starboard gunner and they fly to the ambush point and hover low above the river.
Blackhawk re-appears, two SM picked up man the miniguns and the sniper (Hallvard) takes the shot killing the pilot.

We also need one player to be the special effects guy and detonate C4 at appropriate times - Me possibly
Quick summary of the players we need, I think its 23 players if I added up right.

Additional people may be required for minor roles.
Music so far is a mix of that from BHD and Gladiator, we may be able to work in other music as well.

Last edited by M.O.A.B (2007-08-10 14:43:26)

online bf2s mek evasion
my place requests are in teh other thread

and i see you didnt put in my music suggestion
'Light 'em up!'

mkxiii wrote:

my place requests are in teh other thread

and i see you didnt put in my music suggestion
We might, we'll have to see how it goes an whether or not it'll fit in with it .
+3,135|7057|The Hague, Netherlands

USMC BH Pilot, reporting for shooting the movie!
I'm moving to Brazil
I call squad Bravo Medic
'Light 'em up!'

blademaster wrote:

I call squad Bravo Medic
I can be like, one of these MEC meatbags, assault or support, as long as I don't have to fly a chopper it's fine.
I'm moving to Brazil

M.O.A.B wrote:

blademaster wrote:

I call squad Bravo Medic
'Light 'em up!'

blademaster wrote:

M.O.A.B wrote:

blademaster wrote:

I call squad Bravo Medic
k done

When are you planning on 'filming' this?
'Light 'em up!'

I have no idea lol.
Missing, Presumed Dead

I got my AT role Whoevers in the T90...its coming

Thinking about it, we are gona need a lot of people to do this. Perhaps we could rotate more people in the film to different roles if we cant get enough (as we need everyone to all be on at the same time remember...)
I'd like to be Engi, don't care how or where ^^.
'Light 'em up!'

Snake wrote:

I got my AT role Whoevers in the T90...its coming

Thinking about it, we are gona need a lot of people to do this. Perhaps we could rotate more people in the film to different roles if we cant get enough (as we need everyone to all be on at the same time remember...)
Good point, we'd have to set up a time period that we're most likely to be on at, say from 01:00-22:00 GMT, or anybody got a better time period.
Toilet Sex
one love, one pig

Squad Bravo/USMC/Assault?
+263|6842|North Norway

btw, the m95 shot will be very difficult... BUT! it's movie! why not cheat? me in BH shoot my m95... then in the next clip we see the guy in vodnik die... who said I had to shoot him from the BH? just make it 2 seperate scenes and put them together...

altough it is not hard to shoot from a steady BH.... when we practised earlier today, you were flying around, the target was running arund AND I was being shot at... in teh movie we are talking hovering BH and a target that doesn't move (turret).. right?

Last edited by Hallvard (2007-08-09 15:06:59)

'Light 'em up!'

Hallvard wrote:

btw, the m95 shot will be very difficult... BUT! it's movie! why not cheat? me in BH shoot my m95... then in the next clip we see the guy in vodnik die... who said I had to shoot him from the BH? just make it 2 seperate scenes and put them together...

altough it is not hard to shoot from a steady BH.... when we practised earlier today, you were flying around, the target was running arund AND I was being shot at... in teh movie we are talking hovering BH and a target that doesn't move (turret).. right?
Fookin genius! and that is true, both shots from the BH are going to be steady on relatively stationary targets.

Last edited by M.O.A.B (2007-08-09 15:08:40)

online bf2s mek evasion

M.O.A.B wrote:

Hallvard wrote:

btw, the m95 shot will be very difficult... BUT! it's movie! why not cheat? me in BH shoot my m95... then in the next clip we see the guy in vodnik die... who said I had to shoot him from the BH? just make it 2 seperate scenes and put them together...

altough it is not hard to shoot from a steady BH.... when we practised earlier today, you were flying around, the target was running arund AND I was being shot at... in teh movie we are talking hovering BH and a target that doesn't move (turret).. right?
Fookin genius! and that is true, both shots from the BH are going to be steady on relatively stationary targets.
i was thinking two scenes, but if you want the shot and the death in view at the same time so it looks realistic, so like from the snipers view, the sniper could just shoot in the vague direction and the 'victim' could suicide on cue....hence, very real looking death

I'll fill in any positions, I'm easy I would like to be a Humvee driver if possible - preferably the second one, so I don't get lost

P.S - Amazing Idea, it's the secks +1

EDIT: I'll take the medic spot for the humvee driver, If you don't mind.

Last edited by l-aLeX-l (2007-08-09 15:25:19)

I'll be USMC squad alpha spec ops.
I know fucking karate
MEC Medic please. I wanna shock someone
Evils Bammed Sex Machine
I wish I could participate, but my PC keeps jamming up while playing. So I don't think that would be a good idea

Well I would love to help out but I will be very busy the next 2 weeks. If you want to make the movie in that time, all I might do is check if we can use the unranked server for that and prepare it (as on the ranked we cannot enable BR)
Anouk, Slayers little bitch

ok, Ill will be support guy who is white. in usmc squad. or anyoneelse you need me to be

Squad Alpha, USMC.

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