By far!doctastrangelove1964 wrote:
Oh yeah and the worst unlock is the Zeller.
sprint nades voss and pr
The Voss sucks and wtf is a PR?Backupwayback wrote:
sprint nades voss and pr
I think he's referring to the PK-74 AR-Rockets
I think he's referring to the PK-74 AR-Rockets
lambert with camo
Grenade's-defib-sprint-stamina-PK rockets - in any order really, then just try things out with squad upgrade's see what you like.
i personally dont play assault anymore but it is the bets kit overall for points and had very powerful weopons rockets plus any medic gun is good
I would ent know I still have 17 unused unlocks all i have is defib and the Lambert tree~
The Krylov and The Baur are the best weapons in the game,I figured you wouldn't like the Baur cause you have to have some skill to use the gun, you have to get used to the Baur most people cry about the recoil so they stop using it the Baur owns in CQC.AntiWiggin wrote:
So I ended up getting the remaining Assault/Medic unlocks. I'm not to impressed with Baur, which I find suprising as I loved the G3 from BF2. The smoke nades are useless. Smoke lasts less than ten seconds, sentry guns see through it, list goes on forever...I like the Voss however, although I'll get labled a major noob for using it. Heck, I called Voss users noobs myself before, but now I see why they used it. It's like the Krylov, with ten extra rounds and a bit more accurate.
I may still use the Krylov on bigger maps, but when faced with a choice between the SCAR and the Voss, I'll take the Voss...
People say it's a noob weapon, so imagine it in the hands of a master
I'll have to try the Baur again...but I'm really loving the Voss. I love the fact that it's accurate when shot from the hip.
I'm not sure what to get for my next unlock, should I get the third grenade, start the SpecOps branch, or go for the Pillum branch?
I'm not sure what to get for my next unlock, should I get the third grenade, start the SpecOps branch, or go for the Pillum branch?
The advanced repair gun is the best unlock. It repairs my titan gunz quick, so that I can get back to rainin' death down upon the unsuspecting n00bs.
third nadeAntiWiggin wrote:
I'll have to try the Baur again...but I'm really loving the Voss. I love the fact that it's accurate when shot from the hip.
I'm not sure what to get for my next unlock, should I get the third grenade, start the SpecOps branch, or go for the Pillum branch?
then pilum
Get it.
Equip it.
Use it.
Get it.
Equip it.
Use it.
I wish people would.............StormEye wrote:
Get it.
Equip it.
Use it.
I finally killed some people with the Defib. But I use mine, It was one of my first unlocks.
Oh tell me about it, I play a lot of conquest maps and I swear its 90% assault players are using the Voss and them rockets, but do the feckers revive you even when they are right next to you? do they balls they are too busy shooting rockets backwards and forwards at each other.Teamsreth wrote:
I wish people would.............StormEye wrote:
Get it.
Equip it.
Use it.
I'd have to say that my favorite unlock is the SAAW....not much sweeter than hopping out of your tank and shooting down a full transport.