You guys know pretty much everything about the muhammed-pictures but i have got some new info. The danish embassy in damaskus has been burned down to the ground so now denmark is the most hated country in the world seen from a muslim. For every hour that passes this situation is getting more and more out of hand. the danish goverment has talked with danish citizents that lives in middle eastern areas and advise them to come home as fast as possible. i dont even wanna think whats goin to happing next maybe kidnappings and killings. This is gonna end in chaos.
Crazy, yea them danish better run home before the beheadings start... , crazy F'ing muslims.
i dont get it whats so bad about a picture?
The Last Man Standing
In the Quran I think it says that you are not supossed to draw God(s) or other supernatural things, but Im not sure if it forbids it. (If anyone is Muslim here can you tell me if I'm right or not?)
However, thats how most of the Muslim's are taking it as the news shows, and they say you should not and that it has offended them greatly.  I can understand this and if it was me I would not have drawn pictures of someone elses God or God's, but what some of the Muslim's in the UK have been saying is completely out of line, and they are going about it the complete wrong way to try and gain support.  However, most of them are in the minority of extremists, and the majority although angered dont feel resentment towards the EU.
Dont know if its true but i ve heard somewhere that they had already kidnapped some Germans but when they realized they weren t from Denmark they let em go.
This minority makes the Muslim community look agressive, retaliatory and hatefull.

btw: Norwegian and Sweedish embassy where bured to. Sanctions anyone? Not our "style", however this time it may be usefull.
Say wat!?
After what happened i supported the muslim view.

Now after all that the minority extremists have said it just makes the muslims look more racist than anyone else. Some of the comments about the fact that only Islam is a worthwhile religion (my personal opinion is that religion is for ppl who cant cope with the finality of their deaths, u die then u die so get on with ur life and live it aswell as u can, thats all that matters.) and the comments about how all non-muslims should die.

I have lost any support wotsoever now.
+0|7044|Almere, Holland

stef wrote:

You guys know pretty much everything about the muhammed-pictures but i have got some new info. The danish embassy in damaskus has been burned down to the ground so now denmark is the most hated country in the world seen from a muslim. For every hour that passes this situation is getting more and more out of hand. the danish goverment has talked with danish citizents that lives in middle eastern areas and advise them to come home as fast as possible. i dont even wanna think whats goin to happing next maybe kidnappings and killings. This is gonna end in chaos.
Those muslims are ignorant morons..all I got to add
+0|7044|Almere, Holland

andy12 wrote:

i dont get it whats so bad about a picture?
It was about their profet: Mohammed orso.. and in Muslim land he is holy..
fire at will!!!
+76|7021|Leiden, Holland for the n00bs
yup, there was a funny thing here in Holland abaut it though. The newspaper (volkskrant) posted those pictures because there was said that they were frighting chickens. but in another paper stood on frontpage that the Volkskrant (the first paper) was threatend by some Islamics becaus of the pictures they posted. (both papers were printed the same day!!!!)

Speed84 wrote:

This minority makes the Muslim community look agressive, retaliatory and hatefull.

btw: Norwegian and Sweedish embassy where bured to. Sanctions anyone? Not our "style", however this time it may be usefull.
who needs sanctions, lets have some Titian Class ICBM's Muilti-charge nuclear missiles from the US

i'm only joking but this kind of thing has to stop with alll religions

Last edited by kingkong777 (2006-02-04 10:25:48)

Not all Muslims are ignorant morons, the Islamic extremists and terrorists hbave just given them a very bad name, just as hitler and the nazi party gave Germany a bad rep, and now everyone thinks of Germany as nazi, same goes for Muslims, people think of all Muslims as terrorists . . . doesn't work that way though. There are plenty of Muslim guys who are just as intelligent and kind and thoughtful as Americans, a lot of people just fail to realize this and just use the word "Muslim" instead of "terrorist", or some shit like that. That is all.
BF2s' little helper
Its a damn shame you guys dont understand danish, I've posted a lot on this subject in danish
I'm so tired of saying the same things over and over again.

but to sum it up: When people start burning down buildings, hunting danes and declaring holy war on danish targets over 12 drawing in a independant danish newspaper (several months ago) - I say: the world has gone mad.
It is infact so f*cking stupid that I just want to scream.

I dont mind being on the frontline in the first wave against the people who want to hurt danes (and every other freedom loving people) because of something a newspaper did in denmark. An INDEPENDANT newspaper. Which it has right to. Democracy, the liberty of speech and a free press F T W !

I'd wish we were able to gather every single freedom-hating person in the whole friggin world and place them infront of my .50 cal.. or simply just nuke em'.

Last edited by Z-trooper (2006-02-04 10:40:24)


Z-trooper wrote:

Its a damn shame you guys dont understand danish, I've posted a lot on this subject in danish
I'm so tired of saying the same things over and over again.

but to sum it up: When people start burning down buildings, hunting danes and declaring holy war on danish targets over 12 drawing in a independant danish newspaper (several months ago) - I say: the world has gone mad.
It is infact so f*cking stupid that I just want to scream.

I dont mind being on the frontline in the first wave against the people who want to hurt danes (and every other freedom loving people) because of something a newspaper did in denmark. An INDEPENDANT newspaper. Which it has right to. Democracy, the liberty of speech and a free press F T W !

I'd wish we were able to gather every single freedom-hating person in the whole friggin world and place them infront of my .50 cal.. or simply just nuke em'.
It's okay, we'll let you scream if you want to. We'll act like we didn't hear anything.
BF2s' little helper

shspunkrockr wrote:

It's okay, we'll let you scream if you want to. We'll act like we didn't hear anything.
Point taken.
Man that felt good.
But the anger is stil there..
Member since 2005
+44|7084|Kansas, USA

Z-trooper wrote:

Its a damn shame you guys dont understand danish, I've posted a lot on this subject in danish
I'm so tired of saying the same things over and over again.

but to sum it up: When people start burning down buildings, hunting danes and declaring holy war on danish targets over 12 drawing in a independant danish newspaper (several months ago) - I say: the world has gone mad.
It is infact so f*cking stupid that I just want to scream.

I dont mind being on the frontline in the first wave against the people who want to hurt danes (and every other freedom loving people) because of something a newspaper did in denmark. An INDEPENDANT newspaper. Which it has right to. Democracy, the liberty of speech and a free press F T W !

I'd wish we were able to gather every single freedom-hating person in the whole friggin world and place them infront of my .50 cal.. or simply just nuke em'.
Well, that is an interesting post. Now that muslim extremists have burned down a building (no deaths reported yet) of yours and are calling for (i.e. word) the death of some Danes you are ready to fight them. However, when extremists attack the United States and kill about 3,000 of our citizens we are condemned by most of the free world for striking back.

I don't believe that all muslims are extremists, but let's be realistic. The majority of them have extremist views. If a muslim newspaper printed deogatory pictures of Jesus (they probably do) would there be riots in any of the predominantly Christion nations with people burning down embassies? I don't believe so.

The Muslim religion is not one that teaches tolerance, forgiveness, or understanding (I am agnostic byt he way). I kep hearing that Islam is a religion of peace. I don't buy it. In predominanty muslim countries it is condoned for families to murder their own women who they believe have dishonored them. This includes incidents where the woman was raped. the family percieved that as a dishonor on the family so she is killed. There was recent situation where a boy was dating a girl from a higher class. As punishment the elders of the clan had the boys sister gang raped. How the hell do you justify that?!

Last edited by Psycho (2006-02-04 11:48:02)

Horseman 77
So if ?  and when ?  " the Shit hits the Fan "  you all want the U.S.A.   to sit this one out. Correct ?
Kniven Gaffeln Skeden

Psycho wrote:

However, when extremists attack the United States and kill about 3,000 of our citizens we are condemned by most of the free world for striking back.
Striking back at what? a regime that the U.S wanted to remove for a long time or did you really get those guys who planned it? Usama Bin Laden is still free i believe....GOOD JOB AMERICA!!!
+17|7102|Dayton, Ohio
It is not forbiden to draw a picture of god to the muslims.  It is forbiden to draw muhamed's face in the Quran.  There are a number of drawings of muhamed in the muslim world however none of them have a depiction of his face.  A few years ago some Dutch author wrote a book about the muslim faith and muhamed.  He included a beautifully rendered depiction of muhamed riding a mount down from a mountain top it included the face of muhamed.  Knowing that this would incense the muslim community as a whole he chose to publish the book anonymously.  And this is not being taken as an affront to just the radical muslims from what i've heard, but from all muslims. 

This i guess is similar to the way that christians where affronted by the artist Andres Serrano's renditions of christ in some of his photo's/artwork.  Most notably the work titled 'piss christ' struck a major chord in the christian communities across the US.
+557|7041|Oslo, Norway
my question to the muslims: why are you acting so dumb and crazy now, why not when the Hijab was banned from french schools? why did you choose this situation to bitch about?

how would you react if we burned down your embasies (if you have any)??

answer please...
Satan's disciple on Earth.
+160|6993|Hell's prison
Fucking extremists need to do what America does, take their religion enjoy it and stop trying to force it down everyones throat.
+76|7084|Antwerp, Flanders

Paladus902 wrote:

However, most of them are in the minority of extremists, and the majority although angered dont feel resentment towards the EU.
And are any of the majority condemning the actions and/or statements of these so-called extremists?
My way or Haddaway!
+212|6993|Espoo, Finland
The Danes could have preevnted all of this.

Their primeminister (I think it was him) refused to meet some muslim leaders that were worried about the pictures the Danish press had released.

Then some "freedom of press" bullshit magasines around europe started to bublish the pictures too and gues what? The muslims got angry, and they surely have a reason.

We are not muslims so we can never truely understand how much their religion means to them.
We christians go to church like once a year but the muslims build their whole lives around their religion.

We should give that some respect!

The Danish prime minister did a bad mistake for not meeting the muslims (he would have met them sertainly if he had known the consicuenses).
But the other European magasines were plain arrogant and complete idiots!

I hope the muslims don't do anything radical though...

Edit: Ehm. I mean more radical than burning buildings

Last edited by Gawwad (2006-02-04 15:55:29)

+76|7084|Antwerp, Flanders

Gawwad wrote:

but the muslims build their whole lives around their religion.
That's exactly the problem.
My way or Haddaway!
+212|6993|Espoo, Finland

Rosse_modest wrote:

Gawwad wrote:

but the muslims build their whole lives around their religion.
That's exactly the problem.
I hope you mean the problem between "us" and Muslims.

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