Cbf downloading it for a beta that will only be open for another 8 days or so.Flecco wrote:
How long left on the beta? Once I have it I'll be using the alias Flecco.
So nope.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
Buckling, same name as on here
This will sound odd, but can somebody tell me the name of the torrent file that downloads?
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
My in-game name is Homesch. I haven't figured it out yet, I'm getting owned.
Hope to see you guys on sometime.
Hope to see you guys on sometime.
I bought the game. Too bad I won't get it until it's out.
Uh, don't know if this thread is still active but I have the beta. Same name as on here.