+519|6935|Gold coast, Aus.
When you create a game: DON'T FUCKING INCLUDE BINKING!

Binking, for those who don't know, is when you get hit and your aim flies slightly up into the air. This is added for 'realism' (Because everyone knows they look in the air when they get shot) and virtually all FPS's put it in there games. Guys, its frustrating as fuck to get hit and your aim gets flung above the person you are shooting at. You might have a better aim, but if that noob who aims at your feet manages to hit you in that milisecond extra you use to aim at his head, your headshot won't count, but the wall above him will be in deep pain!


Grenades are generally meant to be used as a device for flushing people out from behind cover. So pretty much no matter what you do you, and where you go, you WILL get fucked. CSS is a prime example. eg. Rushing B, you and a mate on vent just about to run out of tunnels, wait, whats that! A grenade. Oh, were on 17hp before we even SEE anyone. Awesome! But, lets rewind it and go back to BEFORE we got into tunnels. You and your mate, rushing tunnels, hear a few footsteps and decide to camp and let the suckers run into your crosshair. But wait, whats that? A grenade. Your 3/4  dead before you get rushed and one hit by a complete retard. So what can we do? Probably camp in spawn for the entire game, that way we can get naded and pretend we were AFK therefore we weren't 'owned'. This was just a CSS example - it happens in virtually every game you play.


Its lame, its distracting, it serves no purpose, and generally does nothing but make you feel sick. Recoil is probably the only exception I hold on this. Your throwing a grenade in 2142? Great, DON'T SHAKE MY FUCKING SCREEN TO TELL ME. You just jump kicked on F.E.A.R?  Great, I want to jump kick you, not be treated to a flurry of motion sickness from the screen performing disorientating movements. Did the developers ever think the gamer just wanted a clean, fast FPS game and not be bothered and fiddled with your awesome innovative camera effects?

Some random stuff that should just be fucked off entirely

- Have VOiP/radio commands blocked if spammed too much (Ala BF2)
- Give me some more sound options! I want more then just sound FX and music volume controls. How about explosions, gun firing, ambient sounds, radio and environments?
- Force everyone to have standard skins for weapons and levels. They can be advantageous, and some even border on hacking.
- Support your games. Steam does a great job of it, as does Blizzard . After an update a little while ago, there was a bug with CSS that disconnecting would take a few seconds (hardly annoying, just a bit tedious sometimes) but they fixed it in a few days. It was a simple little nothing of a problem that everyone could live with, but it was dealt with within days. I tip my hat to EA and the speediness they fixed the server crashing problems.
- HEADSHOTS FUCKING KILL. I don't want none of this "Oh, its a pistol. It didn't kill him with one headshot" shit. No matter what gun, its still shooting a little peice of fucking metal into your skull at 400 m/s.
- Don't make it too complex. Try to keep names of weapons simple, easy interfaces ect. I remember when I first started ET:RTCW, I was fucking lost! I couldn't read the minimap, I didn't know what half the symbols were, the limbo screen confused me (And I still don't know how/if you can choose where to spawn). And also we don't care about your Krylov FA-37 Assault rifle. Just cause its got a long name, doesn't mean its any better. Just harder to remember. BFG = big fucking gun. It raped face and it had 3 letters.

I can't think of any more but this is going to help me sleep :> And yes I swear lots when I'm ranting because I only rant after something makes me angry :<

edit: also, isn't smelling toast (When theres no toast around) a sympton of cancer/tuma? I think i heard that somewhere and I can smell toast at 3:30am

Last edited by gene_pool (2007-07-13 10:30:30)


If you are interested in game development, check out Gamasutra, the link in my signature.

Binking: If done right, binking can have a great effect on single-player gameplay. Visual binking, in my opinion, is the best option as your aim doesn't alter, but your perception does. Overall solution: don't get clawed by a 20-foot demon, or don't get shot first.

A far more obvious a problem than binking is shots or bomb activation behind nullified after death. I can't count how many times a grenade was ready to explode when thrown from my hand in BF2, only to have it not count because I was shot in the face by an SVD.

Nades: I've spat at them in posts after being victimized by veritable showers of them in BF2, but they are used in real life, often to great extent by special forces. Unfortunately, BF2 pretty much guarantees kills, whereas real grenades aren't so reliable. Far worse are grenades that have about as much impact as a wad of firecrackers. This attempt at balance is ridiculous.

Screen-Moving Effects: These can become sloppy and overused, but I do enjoy them at times. Possible compromises would be the inclusion of a third-person camera mode, or an option under gameplay to turn off such effects.

Random Stuff
- Agreed on the voip.
- Agreed on the sounds. Ambience, effects, voice and music seem to be about the extent developers are willing to go. I would like to be able to control much more than that, and in more detail. In-game music selection would be a bonus, for when you are wanting to play that particularly thematic track when the game's 'auto-selector' doesn't pick up the spirit.
- Standardized skins and models are already a server option in some games, occasionally known as "pure."
- I agree with at least minimal support, to take out detrimental bugs and glitches. Anything further is entirely up to the company, but if it goes out of business, it is up to the users to keep it going (ex: 'VTM: Bloodlines').
- Head shots do not kill all the time. Low caliber rounds can glance off of helmets. I think a more important problem (in BF, at least) is the ability to kill someone by stabbing them in the toe. I'm not sure I'd want to see it taken out because I laugh my ass off whenever it happens.
- I believe in interface complexity, so long as it doesn't mar basic function. Allow the newbies to proceed uninhibited, but don't restrain advanced players to basic controls. I can understand having a difficult time remembering weapon names, but many games counter this problem with icons of ammo types or silhouettes of the guns themselves.

edit: also, isn't smelling toast (When theres no toast around) a sympton of cancer/tuma? I think i heard that somewhere and I can smell toast at 3:30am
I smell burnt aluminum every once and awhile. Maybe my brain will evolve at a revolutionary pace, allowing me to make pancakes with the power of my mind.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2007-07-14 14:38:18)

+519|6935|Gold coast, Aus.
I don't mind binking in single player games because I play them for story or some 'awesome' factor of feeling in the battle. But in competitive play, its a little stupid. Especially when in games like CSS, some guns bink more then others. Like, an MP5 will bink more then an AK, so i hit someone with my AK, his aim will hardly bink, so he can still hit me, and when he does his MP5 will make my aim uncontrollable. Sometimes it even seems random as in, sometimes you get binked sometimes you don't. So you bink him and he doesn't bink you and vice versa. Sometimes makes combat undesirable and more luck base.

The other points are valid arguments.
Shock it till ya know it
+375|6655|Atlanta, Georgia
I love skins. It helps you play. Like in css you get this black rectangle and your like aw fuck this peace of shit. But if you skin it to something better its like "oh shit this gun is l33t lets take on everyone!"
I Hate Claymores
Im sure game developers read your thread here. Now why do you mind grenades in CS. They have been there ever since I can remember. The beuty in CS is that 1 grenade wont kill you at full health even if it blows up at your feet. The other beuty is that you can only carry one.

Not a whole lot of ideas that make too much sense quite honestly.
Knowledge is power, guard it well
+126|6909|Michigan, USA
#1 Its fine, its works well, I pretty sure if you get shot your not gonna keep walking through bullets to pull off a kill, let alone be accurate.  Yeah yeah adrenaline and all that can make you take a few and keep going, yada yada.

#2 Nades are great, I love them, Have you played Americas army?  Those nades can rip you a new one if used properly, most game they just kill you and everyone within 10ft(like BF)  butId rather have them then not, not to easy to take out a corrider of people armed with MGs with a bunch of rifles now is it?

#3 Eh, you get used to it, if you cant play with it, oh well plently of us can and will, you'll just be an easier target I suppose.  I use it to my advantage, while the other guys are disoreinted from the recent arty strike or gernade going off, I charge in and shoot the place up.

As for the rest the only things that concern me are
Support Look at the amount of games EA produces versus Valve.  Might be easy to say "h EA stop amking so many games"  But then you leave fans of certain franchises sitting with nothing.  EA does support there games, the reason why they "fail" is because everyone thinks because they paid their $50 they have the right to the most perfect game ever built, and if EA refuse to fix every issue within 5 minutes they are a horrible company.  Trust me theres plently of games out there with much worse support, EAs support isnt perfect but its pretty good by my standards, they've fixed what really needed to be fixed.  in all honesty you guys should be happy EA still pays attention to BF2, after Battlefield Vietnam came out they literally gave up supporting 1942, and then again once BF2 came out their support of BFV ended aruptly.  Be happy for what you get, your $50 doesnt entitle you to the best of the best.

Headshot Each gun is programmed with a certain amount of damage per round, and then modifyiers on where it hits on the body.  It would equire a fair bit of code to have the game calculate all bullt damages in every fashion.  Or go the other route and have every weapon kill you instaly it it manages to glance by your face(much like CS)

ShadowFoX wrote:

Im sure game developers read your thread here. Now why do you mind grenades in CS. They have been there ever since I can remember. The beuty in CS is that 1 grenade wont kill you at full health even if it blows up at your feet. The other beuty is that you can only carry one.

Not a whole lot of ideas that make too much sense quite honestly.
You'd be surprised how many modders and developers actually play video games and keep an eye on the online community.

r2zoo wrote:

Headshot Each gun is programmed with a certain amount of damage per round, and then modifyiers on where it hits on the body.  It would equire a fair bit of code to have the game calculate all bullt damages in every fashion.  Or go the other route and have every weapon kill you instaly it it manages to glance by your face(much like CS)
It isn't too hard to create detailed critical locations by mesh impact. What is hard is for the engine (in particular, the netcode) to pull it off smoothly.

Die by the Sword is an example of a classic game that pulls off facet damage in a near-flawless (for its time). You can literally chop bits and pieces off of enemy meshes.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2007-07-14 14:46:41)

Knowledge is power, guard it well
+126|6909|Michigan, USA

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

r2zoo wrote:

Headshot Each gun is programmed with a certain amount of damage per round, and then modifyiers on where it hits on the body.  It would equire a fair bit of code to have the game calculate all bullt damages in every fashion.  Or go the other route and have every weapon kill you instaly it it manages to glance by your face(much like CS)
It isn't too hard to create detailed critical locations by mesh impact. What is hard is for the engine (in particular, the netcode) to pull it off smoothly.

Die by the Sword is an example of a classic game that pulls off facet damage in a near-flawless (for its time). You can literally chop bits and pieces off of enemy meshes.
As did Soldier of Fourtune.  But the coding for a multiplayer game with 32 on 32 for those kind of moments would be very instensive, and as you said cant be done smoothly.  Easy to do for a singleplayer experience, but for multiplayer...
Gene pool, I've got a perfect game for you - Serious Sam series! No screen-shakes, No recoil, No nades(except granade launcher), simple slaughter.
Painkiller is cool too, lots of simple slaughter.

That depends on what kind of games you like, I bet my dad would agree with you (yeah he likes simple first person shooters), while I actually like realistic games, even if it's annoying, I know what am I payin' for.

Blizzard will support its games as long as it has uber-incomes from the WoWNerds and chinese gold-farmers.(Why do you think they ban them? 'cause they know they're gonna buy new copies of WoW - additional income)
You expect ppl to support their game when the income is very low? C'mon, would you do that? I'd rather try and make something new.

I agree with you on few things tho, . i.e. forcing everyone to have standard skins.
\_/ <- My care cup is empty

rambo43 wrote:

\_/ <- My care cup is empty
Then don't reply.

VaLzbeStoNeD wrote:

Gene pool, I've got a perfect game for you - Serious Sam series! No screen-shakes, No recoil, No nades(except granade launcher), simple slaughter.
Serious Sam is one of the world's most underrated titles. Each release is accompanied with jaw-dropping technology that matches (if not exceeds, in some areas) that of the more mainstream titles. Serious Sam also distinguishes itself in the world of recent-year FPS's in that, unlike only having PvP, it includes a comprehensive multiplayer coop campaign...a feature which many developers leave to modders.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2007-07-14 15:27:29)

Gotta say I loved playin' multiplayer co-op with my cousin over LAN, few days filled with fun. And yeah, it's underrated 'cause Serious Sam has no... background?
What I mean is - if WoW wasn't about Warcraft, it wouldn't be that popular.

chuyskywalker wrote:

rambo43 wrote:

\_/ <- My care cup is empty
Then don't reply.
Someone ban this least for 3 days, please, do us all a favour.
I know fucking karate
+519|6935|Gold coast, Aus.

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

VaLzbeStoNeD wrote:

Gene pool, I've got a perfect game for you - Serious Sam series! No screen-shakes, No recoil, No nades(except granade launcher), simple slaughter.
Serious Sam is one of the world's most underrated titles. Each release is accompanied with jaw-dropping technology that matches (if not exceeds, in some areas) that of the more mainstream titles. Serious Sam also distinguishes itself in the world of recent-year FPS's in that, unlike only having PvP, it includes a comprehensive multiplayer coop campaign...a feature which many developers leave to modders.
Exactly. I would play painkiller and Serious Sam if there was some Australian community around them. But I'm stuck with either CoD (Which i've never liked) CSS/CS.16 and BF2.

Im sure game developers read your thread here.
I was just ranting - I know that developers aren't actually going to read this...

Headshot Each gun is programmed with a certain amount of damage per round, and then modifyiers on where it hits on the body.  It would equire a fair bit of code to have the game calculate all bullt damages in every fashion.  Or go the other route and have every weapon kill you instaly it it manages to glance by your face(much like CS)
I like the way CS/CSS does headshots. Almost every gun headshots with one bullet unless you buy a kevlar + helmet. Then only the stronger guns (Scouts, ak's ect.) one hit. It should be more like that in most games. Medics in BF2 living SMG shots? Its not like they have helmets from memory? And even then it only covers the back of there head. What I would like to see is more detailed mesh helmet coverings. So face shots and other places not covered by helmets should be one hit, while the covered areas take less damage.

Rambo43: I love how you say your care cup is empty, because it means I made you waste a minute or two reading my rant for no reason. bl.
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|7122|Marathon, Florida Keys
good post, especially about grenades.
You got some chuckles out of me.  Good rant. +1
conservative hatemonger
should be called 'why QW owns bf2'

event the nades problem is nonexistant, because even ammo supply guys can only do so much damage with their nades.
Nades kill people, but they're not like bf2 nades where you can toss a thousand of them and kill anyone within 10 feet...

gene_pool wrote:

- HEADSHOTS FUCKING KILL. I don't want none of this "Oh, its a pistol. It didn't kill him with one headshot" shit. No matter what gun, its still shooting a little peice of fucking metal into your skull at 400 m/s.
Missing, Presumed Dead

gene_pool wrote:

BFG = big fucking gun. It raped face and it had 3 letters.
QFT. And, it was the most fun thing to use in Doom
Agree with all of that gene.

Some things I thought of that really piss me off:

1) FFS, dont provide draw distance scales for MP games. Someone on BF2 who has a lower end system and only has 75% is instantly disadvantaged, and thats before all the fps problems that they will encounter. Thats fair? Graphics levels also affect this as I have just found out with my new PC (on BF2)....

2) Smoke grenade coverage and its transparency should be the same, no matter what graphics levels, PC or whatever. Being able to edit it to your liking is just stupid (CSS and I believe SOF2).

3) When at a corner, who the hell "walks out, makes themselves fully visible to the enemy and then proceeds to engage them?". Provide corner leaning (like experieced in SOF2) for an added bit of realism and gameplay enhancement.

4) No matter what game: make hitbox coding a TOP priority.
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6978|NT, like Mick Dundee

Snake wrote:

4) No matter what game: make hitbox coding a TOP priority.
What? Like in CSS where the hitbox for the head is the size of the hitbox for the torso?

CSS needs 1.6's hitboxes.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.

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