
Lotta_Drool wrote:

Braddock wrote:

Lotta_Drool aka Major_Spittle wrote:

Only contradictory to the small minded.  I can separate disagreeing with someone, thinking someone is stupid, thinking someones ideas are stupid, someones beliefs are stupid, and their right to have those beliefs/ideas.  I would never advocate killing or someone having less rights due to a harmless belief.
Homosexuality isn't a set of beliefs. It's a sexuality.
Sexual partners are like Ice Cream, they come in many flavors and everyone has their preferences.  For instance a cowboys could be sheep, for child molestors it is you children, for you it is your hand, for me it is a woman.

Braddock wrote:

Lotta_Drool aka Major_Spittle wrote:

Yes, I think a person would be stupid to believe in Islam.  I is one thing to believe in Christ (i don't) but Chiristians aren't running around cutting off peoples heads and spouting hate.  Why would someone believe and choose to be part of a religion that is on the News 24/7 for its intollerance and murdering of civilians due to their religious beliefs.
Christians aren't running around cutting people's heads off because they got that all out of their system during the crusades. But I guess that was okay because it was a long time ago, yeah?
Some religions evolve, some don't.  I should hate a Christian the helps the poor in my community because of the crusades?  doh.

Braddock wrote:

Lotta_Drool aka Major_Spittle wrote:

hmmm, it has happened more than once lately, more than just one or two Islamic groups killing, and the only thing in common is the book they cite for the reason they killed people.   Geee Wiz, maybe there IS something in that book that is intollerant and dangerous.
You're confusing Islam with Islamic extremism. Extremists account for a tiny percentage of the Muslim world but they get the most media coverage.
They both get their beliefs from the same book and agree on many many points.  How the hell do you think it is that the Islamic terrorists are able to stay among the populous, belong to the same Mosques, and not be caught as long as they don't kill a fellow Muslim.

Braddock wrote:

Lotta_Drool aka Major_Spittle wrote:

they want the negative attention, they thrive on this and shoving stuff up their butts.
So is it just male homosexuality you have a problem with?
I have problems with Gay Rights, Gay Parades, and Freaks being freaks for the attention.

Visually I have no problems with any good looking women in the buff.
The more I read of your opinions the more I think you are terrified of homosexuality, I'm not suggesting it's from some sort of deep seated issue you have or anything. If you were entirely comfortable in your supposed heterosexuality you would find it easier to get your head around the concept that anomalies in human sexuality exist through no fault of the individual themself. Some people are born with mutated limbs or abnormal body parts, would it be so far fetched to assume that anomalies occur in human sexuality? This may sound a little offensive to gay people but I don't think it can be argued that homosexuality is an anomaly.
I don't quite get what do you want to tell me... And what's so stupid with the way I understand how your tolerance works? Ain't I right? You have to tolerate other ppls beliefs and behaviours - that's what you guys say.

And with the kid dressing in a diff way - we're talkin' about gays, which is imo, a much more complicated thing than some kid dressin the way he likes. I mean... don't you see any diff. between the way you dress and the way you live?
Or is it you, the kid you're talkin about, the one that wasn't accepted by the majority?

My point is, if you're strong enough not to change yourself just because somebody tells you to, be strong enough to face all the haters - it's your decision.

I, personally, am not accepted by many, but that's not gonna make me change - it's my life and I live it the way I want.

And I'm not really agressive to gay ppl, it's just that they differ. very much from what was created and they don't fit anywhere imo.
I wonder if there are any gays readin/posting in these forums. If there are, show your pride, make a forum-parade and post what do you think. (no offence and stuff.)

Edit. a typo.

Last edited by VaLzbeStoNeD (2007-07-14 14:16:30)


Braddock wrote:

The more I read of your opinions the more I think you are terrified of homosexuality, I'm not suggesting it's from some sort of deep seated issue you have or anything. If you were entirely comfortable in your supposed heterosexuality you would find it easier to get your head around the concept that anomalies in human sexuality exist through no fault of the individual themself. Some people are born with mutated limbs or abnormal body parts, would it be so far fetched to assume that anomalies occur in human sexuality? This may sound a little offensive to gay people but I don't think it can be argued that homosexuality is an anomaly.
Yes, I agree with you and have always stated that.  Hormones account for many Gays.  High voiced men with feminine qualities, gee go figure maybe it is hormones.

But many of them just like to put stuff in their butts and what not.  Some like animals.  Some like children.  Some like toys.  Some like both men and women.  IT IS CALLED BEING A PERVERT, and is not genetic.

This is my point, and it is nothing to create a parade over.
@ VaLz be StoNeD

go get stoned, don't worry about killing any brain cells.  I can not have a conversation with you, for real, you just should get of the forum and smoke a big bowl.

Lotta_Drool wrote:

Braddock wrote:

The more I read of your opinions the more I think you are terrified of homosexuality, I'm not suggesting it's from some sort of deep seated issue you have or anything. If you were entirely comfortable in your supposed heterosexuality you would find it easier to get your head around the concept that anomalies in human sexuality exist through no fault of the individual themself. Some people are born with mutated limbs or abnormal body parts, would it be so far fetched to assume that anomalies occur in human sexuality? This may sound a little offensive to gay people but I don't think it can be argued that homosexuality is an anomaly.
Yes, I agree with you and have always stated that.  Hormones account for many Gays.  High voiced men with feminine qualities, gee go figure maybe it is hormones.

But many of them just like to put stuff in their butts and what not.  Some like animals.  Some like children.  Some like toys.  Some like both men and women.  IT IS CALLED BEING A PERVERT, and is not genetic.

This is my point, and it is nothing to create a parade over.
What about the gay guys who are built like brick shithouses, does the hormone theory work there?

I'll agree with you on the animal and children lovers being perverts but I would still argue that homosexuals (genuine ones, not attention seekers) are the victims of an error in their sexuality, I don't think someone chooses to enjoy gay sex the way they choose chocolate ice cream over raspberry.

PS. you do know the male G spot is up your ass lotta_drool? ...what am I saying, of course you do!

Only joking mate!
It's a good day to die
+18|6980|Canada Eh?

comet241 wrote:

Major_Spittle wrote:

If you can't take pride in the mental disorder that is ruining your life, what can you take pride in.

The_Mac wrote:

Warped Sexuality is nothing to be proud of.

TigerXtrm wrote:

Every single gay person taking part in a Gay Pride parade is the biggest kind of hypocrite you can imagine.

you clearly have never been to a gay pride parade/event, have you? Maybe you would realize that the group of people you are railing against isn't in fact 90% of the gay population as you quote, but instead a very tiny fraction of the group as a whole. I think most people, including most gays, would agree that public acts of sex and sexuality are improper and something that doesn't need to be marched down the street and displayed for everyone to see.

What you do in your own home is your business. It's not warped. it's not ruining your life. it's not a mental disorder.... it's just what you do. Who cares if it isn't for everybody or isn't mainstream? Didn't your mother tell you that it doesn't matter what you do in life, as long as you are happy and proud of what you do, who cares what other people say? Who cares if it isn't popular? What do you care what other people do in their private lives?

Or, keep your closed minded attitudes and the hate bottled inside. That's ok too. I'm not here to tell you what you can and can't do. i mean, it's your life to live how you want to live, right? and who cares what i have to say...
Is there something wrong with being able to state your opinion on something?
Seems like you ran out of arguments and choose the cheapest way to get rid of the conversation. Tellin' me to go and get stoned? Why don't you tolerate my opinion?
Imo being a pervert is genetic-based, since you can't just stop... but that's my opinion and you'll prolly tell me to get stoned and jump off a cliff or something.
Why don't you show me where you disagree with me, underline it or something, so we can talk it over.
English isn't my "first" language and I find it pretty hard to express(?) what I really think with simple words.
Feel free to pm/xfire me.
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6764|The Land of Scott Walker
What about people who are straight and then try gay sex?  What about people who are gay and try straight sex?  What about child molesters, who are we to judge if they like kids?  It's only age after all.  What about the guy who has sex with his pet sheep or the lady who gets off with her dog?  It's been determined the animal feels pleasure, so what's the harm? 

The point is we're not robots, human beings make choices regarding their sexuality.  Anyone can choose to have sex with a woman, man, child, beast or otherwise.  No one is born that way and blaming God for creating them that way is the most ridiculous justification for human choices.  My personal belief is that heterosexual sex is the only morally correct choice.  That said, what anyone chooses regarding their sexuality does not matter to me, as long as it does not involve a minor, does not kill or injure anyone, and they keep in behind closed doors.  Stick to those 3 rules and I won't support your freedom being restricted.  However, I ask one thing - I shouldn't have to see anyone parading their sexual choice in front of me in a parade or anywhere else.  Keep your sex behind closed doors or in the closet or wherever you like to get it on.  I don't want to see it and I won't celebrate anyone's sex life except my wife's and my own.

Braddock wrote:

Lotta_Drool wrote:

Braddock wrote:

The more I read of your opinions the more I think you are terrified of homosexuality, I'm not suggesting it's from some sort of deep seated issue you have or anything. If you were entirely comfortable in your supposed heterosexuality you would find it easier to get your head around the concept that anomalies in human sexuality exist through no fault of the individual themself. Some people are born with mutated limbs or abnormal body parts, would it be so far fetched to assume that anomalies occur in human sexuality? This may sound a little offensive to gay people but I don't think it can be argued that homosexuality is an anomaly.
Yes, I agree with you and have always stated that.  Hormones account for many Gays.  High voiced men with feminine qualities, gee go figure maybe it is hormones.

But many of them just like to put stuff in their butts and what not.  Some like animals.  Some like children.  Some like toys.  Some like both men and women.  IT IS CALLED BEING A PERVERT, and is not genetic.

This is my point, and it is nothing to create a parade over.
What about the gay guys who are built like brick shithouses, does the hormone theory work there?

I'll agree with you on the animal and children lovers being perverts but I would still argue that homosexuals (genuine ones, not attention seekers) are the victims of an error in their sexuality, I don't think someone chooses to enjoy gay sex the way they choose chocolate ice cream over raspberry.

PS. you do know the male G spot is up your ass lotta_drool? ...what am I saying, of course you do!

Only joking mate!
Your ass is the Male G spot. j/k

So what, a big guy likes ass play and not sheep.  wtf is there to explain.  Why does it have to be genetic or hormones.

Off topic:  I saw an experiment where scientists could inject a femal mouse with Male hormones while pregnant and it would have all Male pups.  Also they would take a newborn female mouse and inject it with high doses of Male hormones and it would physically develop into a Male mouse.
They could also do the opposite with Male to Female mice using Female hormones.  This experiment shows that a Mouses body can physically change during development due to hormones.  They could also make Male and Female Mice gay by using hormones on them after they developed.

This is why I think it is hormonal in most cases.  But there will alway be Perverts.  What about the people with fetishes for dead people and like to hurt people during sex.  All sorts of crazy shit in this world sexual and not sexual.  Don't see why it is such a stretch to think that some guy just might like cock and that is all there is too it.  If you are sick enough to be a guy who likes cock, hell why not have a parade.  These are the people that annoy me.  Look at me, look at me, I like cock<------ These people need medicated or institutionalized.

Last edited by Lotta_Drool (2007-07-14 14:44:58)


Stingray24 wrote:

What about people who are straight and then try gay sex?  What about people who are gay and try straight sex?  What about child molesters, who are we to judge if they like kids?  It's only age after all.  What about the guy who has sex with his pet sheep or the lady who gets off with her dog?  It's been determined the animal feels pleasure, so what's the harm? 

The point is we're not robots, human beings make choices regarding their sexuality.  Anyone can choose to have sex with a woman, man, child, beast or otherwise.  No one is born that way and blaming God for creating them that way is the most ridiculous justification for human choices.  My personal belief is that heterosexual sex is the only morally correct choice.  That said, what anyone chooses regarding their sexuality does not matter to me, as long as it does not involve a minor, does not kill or injure anyone, and they keep in behind closed doors.  Stick to those 3 rules and I won't support your freedom being restricted.  However, I ask one thing - I shouldn't have to see anyone parading their sexual choice in front of me in a parade or anywhere else.  Keep your sex behind closed doors or in the closet or wherever you like to get it on.  I don't want to see it and I won't celebrate anyone's sex life except my wife's and my own.
That's a reasonable enough attitude. I agree with your three rule policy.

Lotta_Drool wrote:

Braddock wrote:

Lotta_Drool wrote:

Yes, I agree with you and have always stated that.  Hormones account for many Gays.  High voiced men with feminine qualities, gee go figure maybe it is hormones.

But many of them just like to put stuff in their butts and what not.  Some like animals.  Some like children.  Some like toys.  Some like both men and women.  IT IS CALLED BEING A PERVERT, and is not genetic.

This is my point, and it is nothing to create a parade over.
What about the gay guys who are built like brick shithouses, does the hormone theory work there?

I'll agree with you on the animal and children lovers being perverts but I would still argue that homosexuals (genuine ones, not attention seekers) are the victims of an error in their sexuality, I don't think someone chooses to enjoy gay sex the way they choose chocolate ice cream over raspberry.

PS. you do know the male G spot is up your ass lotta_drool? ...what am I saying, of course you do!

Only joking mate!
Your ass is the Male G spot. j/k

So what, a big guy likes ass play and not sheep.  wtf is there to explain.  Why does it have to be genetic or hormones.

Off topic:  I saw an experiment where scientists could inject a femal mouse with Male hormones while pregnant and it would have all Male pups.  Also they would take a newborn female mouse and inject it with high doses of Male hormones and it would physically develop into a Male mouse.
They could also do the opposite with Male to Female mice using Female hormones.  This experiment shows that a Mouses body can physically change during development due to hormones.  They could also make Male and Female Mice gay by using hormones on them after they developed.

This is why I think it is hormonal in most cases.  But there will alway be Perverts.  What about the people with fetishes for dead people and like to hurt people during sex.  All sorts of crazy shit in this world sexual and not sexual.  Don't see why it is such a stretch to think that some guy just might like cock and that is all there is too it.  If you are sick enough to be a guy who likes cock, hell why not have a parade.  These are the people that annoy me.  Look at me, look at me, I like cock<------ These people need medicated or institutionalized.
Again with the focus on male homosexuality've got cock on the brain my friend.

usmarine2005 wrote:

David.Podedworny wrote:

@Lotta if you suggest banning me for my opinions gtfo dst.
People get banned for their opinions all the time.
B.I.P. Spittle. I may have not liked some of your opinions but atleast you were honest.

Last edited by David.Podedworny (2007-07-14 14:50:35)

Is it just me or this thread is gettin a bit gay? O,o

Braddock is somewhat right with Lotta talkin' about gays only - are lesbians not homosexual? Therefore the topic says about gay pride so that kinda justifies(?) Lotta.
Also Stingray24 said something what I was trying to say... seems like I failed, I'm too ... immature... yeah that's the word I was lookin' for.
Oh crap.. i suck... gonna make a parade about how much I suck

PS. Could you guys stop double-posting?

Braddock wrote:

Lotta_Drool wrote:

Braddock wrote:

What about the gay guys who are built like brick shithouses, does the hormone theory work there?

I'll agree with you on the animal and children lovers being perverts but I would still argue that homosexuals (genuine ones, not attention seekers) are the victims of an error in their sexuality, I don't think someone chooses to enjoy gay sex the way they choose chocolate ice cream over raspberry.

PS. you do know the male G spot is up your ass lotta_drool? ...what am I saying, of course you do!

Only joking mate!
Your ass is the Male G spot. j/k

So what, a big guy likes ass play and not sheep.  wtf is there to explain.  Why does it have to be genetic or hormones.

Off topic:  I saw an experiment where scientists could inject a femal mouse with Male hormones while pregnant and it would have all Male pups.  Also they would take a newborn female mouse and inject it with high doses of Male hormones and it would physically develop into a Male mouse.
They could also do the opposite with Male to Female mice using Female hormones.  This experiment shows that a Mouses body can physically change during development due to hormones.  They could also make Male and Female Mice gay by using hormones on them after they developed.

This is why I think it is hormonal in most cases.  But there will alway be Perverts.  What about the people with fetishes for dead people and like to hurt people during sex.  All sorts of crazy shit in this world sexual and not sexual.  Don't see why it is such a stretch to think that some guy just might like cock and that is all there is too it.  If you are sick enough to be a guy who likes cock, hell why not have a parade.  These are the people that annoy me.  Look at me, look at me, I like cock<------ These people need medicated or institutionalized.
Again with the focus on male homosexuality've got cock on the brain my friend.
You've got cock in the ass. j/k

Yeah, when I think of lesbianism I always think of the fake Porno that is fun to watch kind and not the Rosie and Ellen with a pint of lard in a kids pool type lesbianism. 

It would be like always thinking of Pitbulls as fuzzy puppies and not as the 60lb dog that kills your kitten in front of you.
+224|7004|Some where huntin in Wisconsin
tbh i am disgusted by their actions man no i dont mean to be a dick but if they want to be gay why dont they keep it in the closet, if i dont know ur gay and u dont know me then im good sorry if i offended im just stating my pionts
TMO is pretty cool though
Dan Havok
Sorry if this has been said but I only read up to page 3.  I'm pretty sure that the gay pride parades are intended to empower the closet homosexual.  They're trying to show that it is ok to be openly gay by displaying overt gayness.

thats my two cents
+1,352|6812|N. Ireland

Lotta_Drool wrote:

These 3 people need banned.  To say "I disagree with these people so they don't deserve to live" is one of the most vile and evil thoughts one could have.  To express views like this on a forum filled with kids is sick and irresponsible.  To allow this to be said on the forum is irresponsible.

I think gays are perverts for the most part, some have hormonal issues, but I feel most are mentally defective like most liberals.  I would never advocate killing people just for their beliefs.  Not even Muslims.  Now people threatening people is another thing.  And you 3 are dangerously close to that by spouting that gays don't deserve to live.

Honestly think about that seriously for a moment, it is not funny.
Don't deserve to live? Gays wouldn't be around unless people were straight! This is D&ST, if kids come in here, they should know that an argument is only an argument if there are opposite views. You have your view, mine appears to be opposite. It isn't irresponsible, it is a vicious counter-argument. And I'd be careful here - you just called gays mentally defective, and you say that I don't deserve to live!? They deserve to live, but the fact is - it is a stupid belief. If gays overruled the world, then that would be the very last generation. It sure isn't funny that you think I shouldn't live, when you are calling "most gays mentally defective".
Rated EC-10

Dan Havok wrote:

Sorry if this has been said but I only read up to page 3.  I'm pretty sure that the gay pride parades are intended to empower the closet homosexual.  They're trying to show that it is ok to be openly gay by displaying overt gayness.

thats my two cents
Only read up to page three but figured out a good bit of the reason for gay pride in one post, nicely done.

Granted, a lot of pride celebrations have become corporate-sponsored shadows of their former selves, but the message is still pretty much the same: We're not going back in the closet. They don't want to go back to the days of lonely suicides, sham marriages entered into just to keep up appearances, regular harassment and brutality from the police, beatings and murders that straight society either didn't care about or tacitly encouraged and I don't fucking blame them. Back someone into a corner long enough and chances are good they're going to come out swinging. I have no sympathy for any of the whiners who scream and cry like the mere existence of a pride parade means they're going to get violently fucked in the ass by some random homosexual man.
[pt] KEIOS
srs bsns
...many of you intolerant assholes could live in iran/afghanistan... your "opinions" would match their culture...
O Canada
+1,596|6724|North Carolina

Lotta_Drool wrote:

Braddock wrote:

The more I read of your opinions the more I think you are terrified of homosexuality, I'm not suggesting it's from some sort of deep seated issue you have or anything. If you were entirely comfortable in your supposed heterosexuality you would find it easier to get your head around the concept that anomalies in human sexuality exist through no fault of the individual themself. Some people are born with mutated limbs or abnormal body parts, would it be so far fetched to assume that anomalies occur in human sexuality? This may sound a little offensive to gay people but I don't think it can be argued that homosexuality is an anomaly.
Yes, I agree with you and have always stated that.  Hormones account for many Gays.  High voiced men with feminine qualities, gee go figure maybe it is hormones.

But many of them just like to put stuff in their butts and what not.  Some like animals.  Some like children.  Some like toys.  Some like both men and women.  IT IS CALLED BEING A PERVERT, and is not genetic.

This is my point, and it is nothing to create a parade over.
Speaking of perverts...  What if the majority of society thought all fetishes were perverted?  Hell, why not go back to the Puritan days?  All premarital sex is perverted.  Any position other than missionary is sinful.  Any sex that's done without the sole intention of procreation is wrong.

Everyone draws the line somewhere, but what you need to realize is that someone can judge you for being perverted as well, unless you happen to be the most vanilla guy out there.

And if you don't see a difference between being gay and being pedophilic or zoophilic, you need to get your fucking head checked.

[pt] KEIOS wrote:

...many of you intolerant assholes could live in iran/afghanistan... your "opinions" would match their culture...
Like i said i don't tolerate things which i dont like. You wanna be gay then fine but please don't go parading yourself out there like a freak. You the Reverend's wife from the simpsons that always says "Think about the Children" Well i cant stand bitch and quote but it really applies to this situation.
O Canada
+1,596|6724|North Carolina

David.Podedworny wrote:

[pt] KEIOS wrote:

...many of you intolerant assholes could live in iran/afghanistan... your "opinions" would match their culture...
Like i said i don't tolerate things which i dont like. You wanna be gay then fine but please don't go parading yourself out there like a freak. You the Reverend's wife from the simpsons that always says "Think about the Children" Well i cant stand bitch and quote but it really applies to this situation.
What if I decided I wouldn't tolerate you for being conservative?  Instead of respectfully debating points with you, I'd just treat you like you're some kind of freak or idiot.  Would you like that?

There's a difference between tolerating something and agreeing with it.  I don't see why you have a problem with tolerating gays.  Yes, the parades can be annoying, but tolerating gays in everyday life is much easier, don't you think?
+51|7093|North Hollywood
The thread is awesome. David is well, emotional about the topic as well. I know we're not supposed to flame, but the rabid anti-gay statements remind me of Ted Haggert and his not so downlow escapades.

Gays don't bother me, personally, I find them quite useful for wingmen, and lezzie bars are great for picking up girls who are 'on the fence' but thats a different topic...

I find parades of all manner (including the mlk parade) annoying, if your proud of something, great. No need to go around trumpeting it. But as citizens we do have a right to assemble and I never imagined that these so called 'sissy boys' and 'preverts' warranted limiting of civil liberties because they want to demand something. I don't claim to know wtf the loud ones want exactly, but I know plenty of gay people who are quite normal, and I really don't see wtf is so scary.
R.I.P. Neda
+456|7148|Grapevine, TX

Lotta_Drool wrote:

David.Podedworny wrote:

leetkyle wrote:

Yep, I totally agree with this guy ^
I concur 100%
These 3 people need banned.  To say "I disagree with these people so they don't deserve to live" is one of the most vile and evil thoughts one could have.  To express views like this on a forum filled with kids is sick and irresponsible.  To allow this to be said on the forum is irresponsible.

I think gays are perverts for the most part, some have hormonal issues, but I feel most are mentally defective like most liberals.  I would never advocate killing people just for their beliefs.  Not even Muslims.  Now people threatening people is another thing.  And you 3 are dangerously close to that by spouting that gays don't deserve to live.

Honestly think about that seriously for a moment, it is not funny.
Many people definitely have mixed feelings on this issue, and can't goo 100% in either direction.  I am against gay marriage.  I am for gay civil unions (give them the same tax breaks.)  I do not think gay couples should raise children.  I am fairly indifferent on the subject, when it comes to most things, but I honestly don't believe it's healthy for any child to be raised in that sort of environment.  Say what you will, but homosexuality is not normal by any sense of the word.  Children have enough to deal with, socially, without having to explain why they have two fathers or two mothers.  I think we should be tolerant of people's alternative lifestyles, but I am 100% against enabling or encouraging it.

VaLzbeStoNeD wrote:

Seems like you ran out of arguments and choose the cheapest way to get rid of the conversation. Tellin' me to go and get stoned? Why don't you tolerate my opinion?
Imo being a pervert is genetic-based, since you can't just stop... but that's my opinion and you'll prolly tell me to get stoned and jump off a cliff or something.
Why don't you show me where you disagree with me, underline it or something, so we can talk it over.
English isn't my "first" language and I find it pretty hard to express(?) what I really think with simple words.
Feel free to pm/xfire me.
I can agree that a percentage of homosexuals are born with hormone imbalances, but you can't say that another percentage is simply created by lifestyle/family/emotions/etc.

Last edited by geNius (2007-07-14 18:51:37)

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