+1,352|6801|N. Ireland

VaLzbeStoNeD wrote:

IMO, they don't deserve to live... Everything made by nature/god ( depends what do u believe ) had a role/purpose so far... but gays ? C'mon... they can't even ... you know...  have children? They're useless to the entire human race, i'd say more, they're like pests!
Well, if gays want to make families and have children, okay, but they shouldn't tell their children(adopted ones ofc.) that being gay is normal or something. It's not because male+male = nothing/female+female = nothing.

And the whole stuff like "im proud to be gay" is all BS... what else can they say?"Sucks to be gay i wanna change!" ? They're doomed to be gay for the rest of their useless lifes. Also I'm against all these parades... what do they wanna show us? They'd better hide and live their gaylifes. They should be happy than they can work/live with normal ppl instead of whining "ohh we're gay! gief us teh same rights!".

That's my opinion. Flame me if you want to.
Yep, I totally agree with this guy ^

leetkyle wrote:

VaLzbeStoNeD wrote:

IMO, they don't deserve to live... Everything made by nature/god ( depends what do u believe ) had a role/purpose so far... but gays ? C'mon... they can't even ... you know...  have children? They're useless to the entire human race, i'd say more, they're like pests!
Well, if gays want to make families and have children, okay, but they shouldn't tell their children(adopted ones ofc.) that being gay is normal or something. It's not because male+male = nothing/female+female = nothing.

And the whole stuff like "im proud to be gay" is all BS... what else can they say?"Sucks to be gay i wanna change!" ? They're doomed to be gay for the rest of their useless lifes. Also I'm against all these parades... what do they wanna show us? They'd better hide and live their gaylifes. They should be happy than they can work/live with normal ppl instead of whining "ohh we're gay! gief us teh same rights!".

That's my opinion. Flame me if you want to.
Yep, I totally agree with this guy ^
I concur 100%
Gay guys like to put things in their butts.  They say they are born that way.  They say they are born with the "I want stuff shoved up my butt" gene.

How could anyone say that Homosexuality is a mental disorder?
+86|6850|Winterpeg, Canada

David.Podedworny wrote:

leetkyle wrote:

VaLzbeStoNeD wrote:

IMO, they don't deserve to live... Everything made by nature/god ( depends what do u believe ) had a role/purpose so far... but gays ? C'mon... they can't even ... you know...  have children? They're useless to the entire human race, i'd say more, they're like pests!
Well, if gays want to make families and have children, okay, but they shouldn't tell their children(adopted ones ofc.) that being gay is normal or something. It's not because male+male = nothing/female+female = nothing.

And the whole stuff like "im proud to be gay" is all BS... what else can they say?"Sucks to be gay i wanna change!" ? They're doomed to be gay for the rest of their useless lifes. Also I'm against all these parades... what do they wanna show us? They'd better hide and live their gaylifes. They should be happy than they can work/live with normal ppl instead of whining "ohh we're gay! gief us teh same rights!".

That's my opinion. Flame me if you want to.
Yep, I totally agree with this guy ^
I concur 100%

David.Podedworny wrote:

leetkyle wrote:

VaLzbeStoNeD wrote:

IMO, they don't deserve to live... Everything made by nature/god ( depends what do u believe ) had a role/purpose so far... but gays ? C'mon... they can't even ... you know...  have children? They're useless to the entire human race, i'd say more, they're like pests!
Well, if gays want to make families and have children, okay, but they shouldn't tell their children(adopted ones ofc.) that being gay is normal or something. It's not because male+male = nothing/female+female = nothing.

And the whole stuff like "im proud to be gay" is all BS... what else can they say?"Sucks to be gay i wanna change!" ? They're doomed to be gay for the rest of their useless lifes. Also I'm against all these parades... what do they wanna show us? They'd better hide and live their gaylifes. They should be happy than they can work/live with normal ppl instead of whining "ohh we're gay! gief us teh same rights!".

That's my opinion. Flame me if you want to.
Yep, I totally agree with this guy ^
I concur 100%
These 3 people need banned.  To say "I disagree with these people so they don't deserve to live" is one of the most vile and evil thoughts one could have.  To express views like this on a forum filled with kids is sick and irresponsible.  To allow this to be said on the forum is irresponsible.

I think gays are perverts for the most part, some have hormonal issues, but I feel most are mentally defective like most liberals.  I would never advocate killing people just for their beliefs.  Not even Muslims.  Now people threatening people is another thing.  And you 3 are dangerously close to that by spouting that gays don't deserve to live.

Honestly think about that seriously for a moment, it is not funny.

Jbrar wrote:

David.Podedworny wrote:

leetkyle wrote:

Yep, I totally agree with this guy ^
I concur 100%
Gayness exists, there is no point putting our heads in the sand and pretending otherwise. It exists in the animal kingdom too (see Ricky Gervais's 'Animals'!). People don't choose to be gay, who the hell would want to choose to be gay? It can't be easy. The only issue that truly is a thorny one is the prospect of gay couples adopting, outside of that they should unquestionably have all the other rights heterosexuals have ...marriage etc. I mean why the hell not?

Anyone who hates gayness on religious grounds should ask themselves what the fuck God was thinking when he made these people that way, he is the all powerful creator is he not? Anyone who thinks people 'choose' to be gay needs their head checked.

Jbrar, David.Podedworny & leetkyle:

Have you become a little short sighted/religious extremists? I shall say that you are an abomination, a cancer on the world. A cancer that has this very planet in it's grip for millennia and that cancer is called: tolerance. The only reason this world is as vile an evil as it is, is of people like you, not accepting other peoples choices.

Lotta_Drool wrote:

David.Podedworny wrote:

leetkyle wrote:

Yep, I totally agree with this guy ^
I concur 100%
These 3 people need banned.  To say "I disagree with these people so they don't deserve to live" is one of the most vile and evil thoughts one could have.  To express views like this on a forum filled with kids is sick and irresponsible.  To allow this to be said on the forum is irresponsible.

I think gays are perverts for the most part, some have hormonal issues, but I feel most are mentally defective like most liberals.  I would never advocate killing people just for their beliefs.  Not even Muslims.  Now people threatening people is another thing.  And you 3 are dangerously close to that by spouting that gays don't deserve to live.

Honestly think about that seriously for a moment, it is not funny.
Everything about you on this forum is so fantastically contradictory, I love it.

You say liberals are mentally defective and yet claim to be from Ireland, you do realise it's a socialist country here don't you? You ask for three people to be banned and follow this by making comments equally as insulting towards the gay community. You even manage to make a hilarious comment about not wanting to kill people - 'even Muslims' (WTF?) for their beliefs what a big heart you have!

Keep rocking Major_Spittle ...I mean Lotta_Drool, +1 for the laughs.

Braddock wrote:

Jbrar wrote:

David.Podedworny wrote:

I concur 100%
Gayness exists, there is no point putting our heads in the sand and pretending otherwise. It exists in the animal kingdom too (see Ricky Gervais's 'Animals'!). People don't choose to be gay, who the hell would want to choose to be gay? It can't be easy. The only issue that truly is a thorny one is the prospect of gay couples adopting, outside of that they should unquestionably have all the other rights heterosexuals have ...marriage etc. I mean why the hell not?

Anyone who hates gayness on religious grounds should ask themselves what the fuck God was thinking when he made these people that way, he is the all powerful creator is he not? Anyone who thinks people 'choose' to be gay needs their head checked.
Sums it up pretty well. This is the wisest post in this thread.
Poppa Bear
Damn. I must say that I'm very surprised that there's such a high level of intolerance here!
We're living in the 21st century, come on

Last edited by Poppa Bear (2007-07-14 13:11:36)


VaLzbeStoNeD wrote:

IMO, they don't deserve to live... Everything made by nature/god ( depends what do u believe ) had a role/purpose so far... but gays ? C'mon... they can't even ... you know...  have children? They're useless to the entire human race, i'd say more, they're like pests!
Well, if gays want to make families and have children, okay, but they shouldn't tell their children(adopted ones ofc.) that being gay is normal or something. It's not because male+male = nothing/female+female = nothing.

And the whole stuff like "im proud to be gay" is all BS... what else can they say?"Sucks to be gay i wanna change!" ? They're doomed to be gay for the rest of their useless lifes. Also I'm against all these parades... what do they wanna show us? They'd better hide and live their gaylifes. They should be happy than they can work/live with normal ppl instead of whining "ohh we're gay! gief us teh same rights!".

That's my opinion. Flame me if you want to.
So in your way of reasoning, a homosexual doctor is useless? Ffs, if you want to be in D&ST, at least back your opinion up by proper reasoning.

Braddock wrote:

People don't choose to be gay, who the hell would want to choose to be gay? It can't be easy.
Child molesters don't choose to molest children, who the hell would want to choose to be child molester? It can't be easy.

Murderers don't choose to murder, who the hell would want to choose to be a murderer? It can't be easy.

Drug addicts don't choose to be drug addicts, who the hell would want to choose to be a drug addict?  It can't be easy.

Braddock doesn't choose to post stupid crap, who the hell would want to choose to post stupid crap?  It can't be easy.

Last edited by Lotta_Drool (2007-07-14 13:15:10)


Lotta_Drool wrote:

Braddock wrote:

People don't choose to be gay, who the hell would want to choose to be gay? It can't be easy.
Child molesters don't choose to molest children, who the hell would want to choose to be child molester? It can't be easy.

Murderers don't choose to murder, who the hell would want to choose to be a murderer? It can't be easy.

Drug addicts don't choose to be drug addicts, who the hell would want to choose to be a drug addict?  It can't be easy.

Braddock doesn't choose to post stupid crap, who the hell would want to choose to post stupid crap?  It can't be easy.
I love it, you brighten up my days buddy

What you have said above could be legitimately argued as being true (except for murderers not 'choosing' to murder, don't get your logic on that one) but the difference is gayness between consenting adults doesn't hurt anyone, the examples above do.

Braddock wrote:

Lotta_Drool wrote:

David.Podedworny wrote:

I concur 100%
These 3 people need banned.  To say "I disagree with these people so they don't deserve to live" is one of the most vile and evil thoughts one could have.  To express views like this on a forum filled with kids is sick and irresponsible.  To allow this to be said on the forum is irresponsible.

I think gays are perverts for the most part, some have hormonal issues, but I feel most are mentally defective like most liberals.  I would never advocate killing people just for their beliefs.  Not even Muslims.  Now people threatening people is another thing.  And you 3 are dangerously close to that by spouting that gays don't deserve to live.

Honestly think about that seriously for a moment, it is not funny.
Everything about you on this forum is so fantastically contradictory, I love it.

You say liberals are mentally defective and yet claim to be from Ireland, you do realise it's a socialist country here don't you? You ask for three people to be banned and follow this by making comments equally as insulting towards the gay community. You even manage to make a hilarious comment about not wanting to kill people - 'even Muslims' (WTF?) for their beliefs what a big heart you have!

Keep rocking Major_Spittle ...I mean Lotta_Drool, +1 for the laughs.
Only contradictory to the small minded.  I can separate disagreeing with someone, thinking someone is stupid, thinking someones ideas are stupid, someones beliefs are stupid, and their right to have those beliefs/ideas.  I would never advocate killing or someone having less rights due to a harmless belief.

Yes, I think a person would be stupid to believe in Islam.  I is one thing to believe in Christ (i don't) but Chiristians aren't running around cutting off peoples heads and spouting hate.  Why would someone believe and choose to be part of a religion that is on the News 24/7 for its intollerance and murdering of civilians due to their religious beliefs.   

hmmm, it has happened more than once lately, more than just one or two Islamic groups killing, and the only thing in common is the book they cite for the reason they killed people.   Geee Wiz, maybe there IS something in that book that is intollerant and dangerous.

But I would still never say that ALL Muslims "don't deserve to live" or Advocate killing people based on religion.  But that also doesn't mean I'm afraid to say that someone who embraces those beliefs is stupid and lending credibility to an immoral belief system.

I can also do this with gays.  Someone who feels the need to have a parade to act like a freak and a pervert just to get a rise out of the "regular" citizens has a serious mental disorder, they want people to hate them, they want the negative attention, they thrive on this and shoving stuff up their butts.

But I feel they have a right to be gay and live and they don't deserve to die. 

Why would this be so confusing or contradictory????
Remember when the legal age of gay sex was like 18, and normal sex was 16, and there were demonstrations throughout London calling for the lsaw to be changed. You never saw any 16 year olds there it was all old guys with anoraks demonstrating.

Braddock wrote:

Lotta_Drool wrote:

Braddock wrote:

People don't choose to be gay, who the hell would want to choose to be gay? It can't be easy.
Child molesters don't choose to molest children, who the hell would want to choose to be child molester? It can't be easy.

Murderers don't choose to murder, who the hell would want to choose to be a murderer? It can't be easy.

Drug addicts don't choose to be drug addicts, who the hell would want to choose to be a drug addict?  It can't be easy.

Braddock doesn't choose to post stupid crap, who the hell would want to choose to post stupid crap?  It can't be easy.
I love it, you brighten up my days buddy

What you have said above could be legitimately argued as being true (except for murderers not 'choosing' to murder, don't get your logic on that one) but the difference is gayness between consenting adults doesn't hurt anyone, the examples above do.
People don't choose to molest children?  wtf, they just accidently drive to a park and abduct a child to molest?????

wtf, people don't choose to do drugs knowing they are addictive????  Are you for real. 

Nobody is at fault for their own actions in your world, we are all victims of genetics and not responsible for what we do, what we like to do, what we think about, or who we hurt.

Lotta_Drool wrote:

Braddock wrote:

Lotta_Drool wrote:

Child molesters don't choose to molest children, who the hell would want to choose to be child molester? It can't be easy.

Murderers don't choose to murder, who the hell would want to choose to be a murderer? It can't be easy.

Drug addicts don't choose to be drug addicts, who the hell would want to choose to be a drug addict?  It can't be easy.

Braddock doesn't choose to post stupid crap, who the hell would want to choose to post stupid crap?  It can't be easy.
I love it, you brighten up my days buddy

What you have said above could be legitimately argued as being true (except for murderers not 'choosing' to murder, don't get your logic on that one) but the difference is gayness between consenting adults doesn't hurt anyone, the examples above do.
People don't choose to molest children?  wtf, they just accidently drive to a park and abduct a child to molest?????

wtf, people don't choose to do drugs knowing they are addictive????  Are you for real. 

Nobody is at fault for their own actions in your world, we are all victims of genetics and not responsible for what we do, what we like to do, what we think about, or who we hurt.
Let's get few facts straight. First of all, I'm an atheist, so no don't involve religion when talkin to me.
Secondly, you got me wrong... I didn't say I want to kill them just 'cause they're gay, I just said that such things aren't normal, cause things created so far took part in something else... and gays... you know my point. What about the marrige? Why would they want to marry each other? What for?
If they want to, they can live with each other... and whole marrige-stuff is connected with religion right? When religion is against gays why would they want to take a part in something that "hates" them?( at least in my country church is against them ).

to Lotta_Drool:
"Drug addicts don't choose to be drug addicts, who the hell would want to choose to be a drug addict?  It can't be easy."
Yeah they can choose not the take the drugs in the first place, if they're dumb enough to take them, they deserve the life they get after.

and what Braddock said "People don't choose to be gay, who the hell would want to choose to be gay? It can't be easy." is actually true, so shove your sarcastic crap up your a$$. If I'm wrong correct me.

To all these ppl out there, whining about the lack of tolerance... do you tolerate terrorists blowin' themselves up and killin' other, innocent ppl just because their religion tells them to? Oh wait... they're bad! WHY?! Tolerate their religion! It's the way they live!
Tolerance was made by ppl who were not strong enough to encounter the opposition, and needed an excuse.
I tolerate gays.
What else I can do?
No matter what, I won't get rid of them.

Lotta_Drool aka Major_Spittle wrote:

Only contradictory to the small minded.  I can separate disagreeing with someone, thinking someone is stupid, thinking someones ideas are stupid, someones beliefs are stupid, and their right to have those beliefs/ideas.  I would never advocate killing or someone having less rights due to a harmless belief.
Homosexuality isn't a set of beliefs. It's a sexuality.

Lotta_Drool aka Major_Spittle wrote:

Yes, I think a person would be stupid to believe in Islam.  I is one thing to believe in Christ (i don't) but Chiristians aren't running around cutting off peoples heads and spouting hate.  Why would someone believe and choose to be part of a religion that is on the News 24/7 for its intollerance and murdering of civilians due to their religious beliefs.
Christians aren't running around cutting people's heads off because they got that all out of their system during the crusades. But I guess that was okay because it was a long time ago, yeah?

Lotta_Drool aka Major_Spittle wrote:

hmmm, it has happened more than once lately, more than just one or two Islamic groups killing, and the only thing in common is the book they cite for the reason they killed people.   Geee Wiz, maybe there IS something in that book that is intollerant and dangerous.
You're confusing Islam with Islamic extremism. Extremists account for a tiny percentage of the Muslim world but they get the most media coverage.

Lotta_Drool aka Major_Spittle wrote:

they want the negative attention, they thrive on this and shoving stuff up their butts.
So is it just male homosexuality you have a problem with?

Lotta_Drool wrote:

Braddock wrote:

Lotta_Drool wrote:

Child molesters don't choose to molest children, who the hell would want to choose to be child molester? It can't be easy.

Murderers don't choose to murder, who the hell would want to choose to be a murderer? It can't be easy.

Drug addicts don't choose to be drug addicts, who the hell would want to choose to be a drug addict?  It can't be easy.

Braddock doesn't choose to post stupid crap, who the hell would want to choose to post stupid crap?  It can't be easy.
I love it, you brighten up my days buddy

What you have said above could be legitimately argued as being true (except for murderers not 'choosing' to murder, don't get your logic on that one) but the difference is gayness between consenting adults doesn't hurt anyone, the examples above do.
People don't choose to molest children?  wtf, they just accidently drive to a park and abduct a child to molest?????

wtf, people don't choose to do drugs knowing they are addictive????  Are you for real. 

Nobody is at fault for their own actions in your world, we are all victims of genetics and not responsible for what we do, what we like to do, what we think about, or who we hurt.
You said those ridiculous comments, not me. I didn't say they were true I said you could try and argue them, I myself wouldn't. Drug addiction, murder and child molestation are completely unrelated.

VaLzbeStoNeD wrote:

to Lotta_Drool:
"Drug addicts don't choose to be drug addicts, who the hell would want to choose to be a drug addict?  It can't be easy."
Yeah they can choose not the take the drugs in the first place, if they're dumb enough to take them, they deserve the life they get after.

and what Braddock said "People don't choose to be gay, who the hell would want to choose to be gay? It can't be easy." is actually true, so shove your sarcastic crap up your a$$. If I'm wrong correct me.
You are wrong in many cases.  Some people, believe it or not, choose to go to school dressed in a way that the other kids make fun of them all day.  Why, it can't be easy on them?  Is it a genetic dressing gene causing such destructive behavior?  Answer me on this, I want to know why you think someone would do this.

VaLzbeStoNeD wrote:

To all these ppl out there, whining about the lack of tolerance... do you tolerate terrorists blowin' themselves up and killin' other, innocent ppl just because their religion tells them to? Oh wait... they're bad! WHY?! Tolerate their religion! It's the way they live!
Tolerance was made by ppl who were not strong enough to encounter the opposition, and needed an excuse.
I tolerate gays.
What else I can do?
No matter what, I won't get rid of them.
This is so stupid I had to read it 3 times before I realised that it really has no hidden point or coherent thought driving it.  Are you on Meth right now?
@Lotta if you suggest banning me for my opinions gtfo dst. I never said i wanted them dead i just wanted them to act normal around children.

@Bernie I dont tolerate things i dont like. If you wanna be gay fine just please dont go and advertise it everywhere.

@valzbe agreed it does'nt matter what you believe when it comes to your opinions. I may be a chistian but that does'nt mean i listen to everything the bible says. I know in god and i know in science. Believing in things is for the delusional.

Last edited by David.Podedworny (2007-07-14 14:01:22)


David.Podedworny wrote:

@Lotta if you suggest banning me for my opinions gtfo dst.
People get banned for their opinions all the time.

Braddock wrote:

Lotta_Drool aka Major_Spittle wrote:

Only contradictory to the small minded.  I can separate disagreeing with someone, thinking someone is stupid, thinking someones ideas are stupid, someones beliefs are stupid, and their right to have those beliefs/ideas.  I would never advocate killing or someone having less rights due to a harmless belief.
Homosexuality isn't a set of beliefs. It's a sexuality.
Sexual partners are like Ice Cream, they come in many flavors and everyone has their preferences.  For instance a cowboys could be sheep, for child molestors it is you children, for you it is your hand, for me it is a woman.

Braddock wrote:

Lotta_Drool aka Major_Spittle wrote:

Yes, I think a person would be stupid to believe in Islam.  I is one thing to believe in Christ (i don't) but Chiristians aren't running around cutting off peoples heads and spouting hate.  Why would someone believe and choose to be part of a religion that is on the News 24/7 for its intollerance and murdering of civilians due to their religious beliefs.
Christians aren't running around cutting people's heads off because they got that all out of their system during the crusades. But I guess that was okay because it was a long time ago, yeah?
Some religions evolve, some don't.  I should hate a Christian the helps the poor in my community because of the crusades?  doh.

Braddock wrote:

Lotta_Drool aka Major_Spittle wrote:

hmmm, it has happened more than once lately, more than just one or two Islamic groups killing, and the only thing in common is the book they cite for the reason they killed people.   Geee Wiz, maybe there IS something in that book that is intollerant and dangerous.
You're confusing Islam with Islamic extremism. Extremists account for a tiny percentage of the Muslim world but they get the most media coverage.
They both get their beliefs from the same book and agree on many many points.  How the hell do you think it is that the Islamic terrorists are able to stay among the populous, belong to the same Mosques, and not be caught as long as they don't kill a fellow Muslim.

Braddock wrote:

Lotta_Drool aka Major_Spittle wrote:

they want the negative attention, they thrive on this and shoving stuff up their butts.
So is it just male homosexuality you have a problem with?
I have problems with Gay Rights, Gay Parades, and Freaks being freaks for the attention.

Visually I have no problems with any good looking women in the buff.
Poppa Bear

VaLzbeStoNeD wrote:

To all these ppl out there, whining about the lack of tolerance... do you tolerate terrorists blowin' themselves up and killin' other, innocent ppl just because their religion tells them to? Oh wait... they're bad! WHY?! Tolerate their religion! It's the way they live!
Tolerance was made by ppl who were not strong enough to encounter the opposition, and needed an excuse.
I tolerate gays.
What else I can do?
No matter what, I won't get rid of them.
Boy, you can't be for real.
I do not tolerate terrorists because they kill innocent people. But gays? never caused me any harm.
Well I guess once you get older than 15 you'll start to see things from a different point of view.

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