I hope for the best for that hostage, but I think she is probably doomed.


I'm so fucking tired of people linking US troops to killing civilians. Sure, some civilians are caught in the crossfire, but insurgents are the ones who are murdering all the Iraqi civilians. Next time a car bomb goes off, pay attention to how many civilians are killed.

Last edited by BerryBlastKoolAid (2006-01-30 16:17:07)

Yeah, my girlfriend is liberal too, but she wants to join the Air Force. After having speant time there myself, I know for a fact that her opinions will change, drasticly and quickly, if she goes. The military is conservative in general. Why? Because they are, for the most part, honorable, upright, noble people who have these things liberals don't understand called "IDEALS."

bs6749 wrote:

Mj.Blindfisch wrote:

Zanis_Garde wrote:

If Bush was really that bad for our country, he wouldn't have won the election.
Hmm,that's the same thing they said about Hitler in 1933....
GREAT comparison. Both are Nazis. Both want to take over the world. Both think that traits present in some people should be the only ones present on Earth. Both killed over 10,000,000 Jews, Gypsies, and homosexuals combined in concentration camps. Both ordered the mass killings of said people. Both conducted experiments on and tortured said people. Both had their own countrymen and sometimes their family members executed for opposition to the government. Both attacked other countries without FIRST being attacked. Sorry I fail to see ANY correlation between the two.

As far as Hitler being elected, you my friend are wrong. Do some research before posting unless you want to look like a complete dumbass infront of everyone.

"Naturally the common people don't want war, but after all it is the leaders who determine the policy, and it is always simple to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship.
Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of their leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger.
It works the same in every country."


Am I the only one who sees some parallels here???

+11|6994|Port Elizabeth, South Africa
HAHAHAHAHAHAH Oh gosh that makes me laugh, Zanis sez that that iraq was ruled by elitests...oh gosh that funny. THATS EVERY SINGLE country in the world you idoit.
You say you hate the Elite, well albert, thats how america is run, and you can say to your hearts content that i am talking crap. But i am not. Think about how much they get paid, how much power they have. If they really wanted to help there fellow man they would do it for free. Not make a single savable cent from working in government. But they dont, they make millions and millions each year from doing bugger all. and all at the same time they make you believe that what they are doing is right. Stop watching the news and tv. MAKE UP YOU OWN DAMN MIND!
People dont get into politics to help there fellow man. they do it to help only them.  Its amazing how many people in this world, have no thoughts of their own. They do just what the media tells them to. Nice little zealots of the state. I realy think that all of us here, should get away from the PC and TV and read a book. Read something that isnt pushing current state ideals.
Maybe along the lines of Brave new world by Aldous Huxley or george orwells 1984. Expand your mind. take off your blinkers and think before you reply.

HERE HERE Mr Blindfish, Here here!!

Last edited by Kimosabe-sa (2006-01-31 01:30:07)

Did you know that 47 countries have reestablished their embassies in Iraq?

Did you know that the Iraqi government currently employs 1.2 million Iraqi people?

Did you know that 3100 schools have been renovated, 364 schools are under rehabilitation, 263 schools are now under construction and 38 new schools have been built in Iraq?

Did you know that Iraq's higher educational structure consists of 20 Universities, 46 Institutes or colleges and 4 research centers, all currently operating?

Did you know that 25 Iraq students departed for the United States in January 2005 for the re-established Fulbright program?

Did you know that the Iraqi Navy is operational?! They have 5- 100-foot patrol craft, 34 smaller vessels and a naval infantry regiment.

Did you know that Iraq's Air Force consists of three operational squadrons, which includes 9 reconnaissance and 3 US C-130 transport aircraft (under Iraqi operational control) which operate day and night, and will soon add 16 UH-1 helicopters and 4 Bell Jet Rangers?

Did you know that Iraq has a counter-terrorist unit and a Commando Battalion?

Did you know that the Iraqi Police Service has over 55,000 fully trained and equipped police officers?

Did you know that there are 5 Police Academies in Iraq that produce over 3500 new officers each 8 weeks?

Did you know there are more than 1100 building projects going on in Iraq? They include 364 schools, 67 public
clinics, 15 hospitals, 83 railroad stations, 22 oil facilities, 93 water facilities and 69 electrical facilities.

Did you know that 96% of Iraqi children under the age of 5 have received the first 2 series of polio vaccinations?

Did you know that 4.3 million Iraqi children were enrolled in primary school by mid October?

Did you know that there are 1,192,000 cell phone subscribers in Iraq and phone use has gone up 158%?

Did you know that Iraq has an independent media that consists of 75 radio stations, 180 newspapers and 10 television stations?

Did you know that the Baghdad Stock Exchange opened in June of 2004?

Did you know that 2 candidates in the Iraqi presidential election had a televised debate recently?

Of course we didn'tknow!    Why didn't we know?  Our media would not tell us!  Instead of reflecting our love for our country, we get photos of flag burning incidents at Abu Ghraib and people throwing snowballs at the presidential motorcades.

The lack of accentuating the positive in Iraq serves two purposes.    It is intended to undermine the world's perception of the United States thus minimizing consequent support, and it is intended to discourage American citizens.

Study up kids.
Thank you shaggyp. And Kimosabe, you REALLY need to learn to do two things.
1. Read an entire post.
2. Write coherantly.

If you actually read my post, I quite clearly stated that our liberal media is one of the reasons our society is going to hell. One of the others is, yes, career politicians. I beleive their should be a maximum time anyone can serve in politics, but ya know what, if you think our government is so messed up, TAKE FUCKING PART IN IT. Vote, or run for office yourself. Leadership is not easy, trust me, I know. People need to learn how to just deal with the cards their dealt and work the system, not fight it.
+27|7076|Atlanta, GA USA

Zanis_Garde wrote:

Thank you shaggyp. And Kimosabe, you REALLY need to learn to do two things.
1. Read an entire post.
2. Write coherantly.

If you actually read my post, I quite clearly stated that our liberal media is one of the reasons our society is going to hell. One of the others is, yes, career politicians. I beleive their should be a maximum time anyone can serve in politics, but ya know what, if you think our government is so messed up, TAKE FUCKING PART IN IT. Vote, or run for office yourself. Leadership is not easy, trust me, I know. People need to learn how to just deal with the cards their dealt and work the system, not fight it.
There is one problem with your solution:  Kimosabe doesn't live in America.  He is one of the many US haters on this forum.
+11|6994|Port Elizabeth, South Africa
Ah that is right right. i hate the US. Thats a fact. I hate them cos there so damn stupid. They really are the dumbest country on earth. i would post more, but at this current time, i have finished 3 bottles of red wine and really could not give a fuck about a stupid forum. Plz guys go out and get laid. and before you say i should do the same. i am a DJ for a radio station in south africa. If you doubt it goto

BerryBlastKoolAid wrote:

I hope for the best for that hostage, but I think she is probably doomed.


I'm so fucking tired of people linking US troops to killing civilians. Sure, some civilians are caught in the crossfire, but insurgents are the ones who are murdering all the Iraqi civilians. Next time a car bomb goes off, pay attention to how many civilians are killed.
haha yeah right in the U.S mind every terrorist must die even if children are around them. So for example say theres a terrorist in a building surrounded by 30 children guess what? Nuke it! because there just gonna grow up to be terrorist's any way so lets take em all out!

I remember on the NEWS in IRAQ  you see the soldiers talking i was laughing my head off how they were showing there true mentality.

Some idiot goes "He was showing head phones all of us in are squad listen to music *i forget wich song* we all listen to this and we all get a rush wile were killing!"

Wow nice thing to say on the news it even furthers you're menality problems some guy in the jet also said they listen to music wile there killing so weeee its like a videogame to you.

Another idiot soldier "I cant belive these people were here trying to protect them and save there country and they treat us like this i hate this country"

Awww poor baby you go into some ones country and destroy everything and just after killing tons of civlians what do you expect flowers and candy?

Some old lady was also crying cause the US destroyed a building tons of civlians in there she was saying how  we have no Militia here etc.

Thats how the U.S operates.

1 terrorist = no matter what hes surrounded by take him out even it means killing women and children.

Just like in vietnam you killed off the villagers and raped all the girls.
Ok, Berserk, in case you didn't realize yet that you are, in fact, a fucking sack of horse cum, let me clear that up for you: YOU ARE A FUCKING SACK OF HORSE CUM.
I hereby prescribe one watching of the following video to ease your condition.
Its nice to know im doing my job and you're getting angry over nothing.

Shadow_jdct wrote:

Ok, Berserk, in case you didn't realize yet that you are, in fact, a fucking sack of horse cum, let me clear that up for you: YOU ARE A FUCKING SACK OF HORSE CUM.
I hereby prescribe one watching of the following video to ease your condition.
What a well thought out reply, i see all the examples of how he was wrong and how you are right. you have proved your point and noone will ever question you again....

have you ever watched a fight and just listened to the two people yell at each other about how much of a bitch the other one is... do you think they actually take those insults to heart... nope.
see, in a fight you can do that cause if the other person dosent listen you can just pound the fuck out of them till they understand. but that dosent work on the internet... do you actually think you changed his mind about anything....

fuck, hope this is cohearent right now... i have a concussion so i dont know....
I'm always right.

I'm that awesome.
+240|6970|Austin, TX

Berserk_Vampire wrote:

haha america "we dont care who you are or where you come from freedom here baby"

Explain putting the blacks into slavery? slaughtering Native Indians and  taking there land? and where did the blacks run too? Yeah canada.

I've been to the states i've been to Buffalo and Florida for 10 days Buffalo was pretty dirty and boring no one bothered me or anything.

I went to Florida same thing pretty boring very hot this blonde big boobed girl talked to me alot haha however when my cousin went he was at the beach by himself and this girl goes up to him and starts talking to him then she goes and 3 guys go up to him and are like "why are you talking to my girl" my cousin said she came up to me first then he punched my cousin my cousin punched one of them in the head then ran.

Nice American welcome haha (i didnt care though i dont like my cousin)

But you can cleary see she just went up to him to get information prolly wanted to mug him who knows.
Berserk, I find your tendancy to clump everone in a group and judge the group based on the actions of a very few, or based on your pre-conceived notions without even wondering if the notions you are typing remotely resemble the truth.

Now that I said that, I have read some of the responses to his posts, and am... disapointed with the lack of maturity of some of the responses.  There is too much of a tendancy for people on the internet to flame and over-react, since you don't actually have to be face-to-face (or within punching distance) of the person you are attacking.

Berserk, you said communism, as written, is perfect.  I will respond by saying that as soon as you intruduce human beings into the equation, perfection goes out the tubes and you end up with another Soviet Union.

Also, you said that George Bush was appointed.  Actually, he was elected by the voters in our country.  Remember that he is the President of the United States, not of the world.  You can dislike it all you want, but it still happened.

And you bring up the indians and blacks.  Specifically, taking the Indian land for our own, and the slave trade.  Was Canada formed fully spouted and freely given, then?  I seem to recall the French and Spanish doing just as effecient of a job taking land in the New world.  The Spanish even managed to wipe out an entire civilization.  Odd how noone remembers things like that when they raise that argument.  And it was the Dutch who took slaved from Africa and brought them to the New World to be sold.  Granted, early Americans used them, but I refuse to sit and take blame for things that happened before I was born.  And the slavery issue was corrected by Americans, with no need for an external force to intervene.  Not that I read in any history books about any countries fighting wars with the U.S. to end slavery.  So let's jsut leave that out of the discussin, eh?

That being said, every country, From the United States to England, China, and even Canada, conducts its actions in order to best benifit their OWN COUNTRY.  Canada is currently working to promote its own intrests in the world, just like the U.S. is.  The difference is that the United States has more power than any other country, although China is catching up fast.

Less powerful countries don't like that they have to watch the U.S. run roughshod over other countries.  That is why they form coalitions to promote their intrests.   It is the nature of international politics.  GET OVER IT.  I think it is better that a country that promotes individual freedom is the worlds largest power, rather than a country or entity that might take offense at your speech and knock on your door one night to arrest you.  Of course, I am an American, so I may be biased.

Last edited by imortal (2006-01-31 20:49:44)

+240|6970|Austin, TX

Berserk_Vampire wrote:

BerryBlastKoolAid wrote:

I hope for the best for that hostage, but I think she is probably doomed.


I'm so fucking tired of people linking US troops to killing civilians. Sure, some civilians are caught in the crossfire, but insurgents are the ones who are murdering all the Iraqi civilians. Next time a car bomb goes off, pay attention to how many civilians are killed.
haha yeah right in the U.S mind every terrorist must die even if children are around them. So for example say theres a terrorist in a building surrounded by 30 children guess what? Nuke it! because there just gonna grow up to be terrorist's any way so lets take em all out!

I remember on the NEWS in IRAQ  you see the soldiers talking i was laughing my head off how they were showing there true mentality.

Some idiot goes "He was showing head phones all of us in are squad listen to music *i forget wich song* we all listen to this and we all get a rush wile were killing!"

Wow nice thing to say on the news it even furthers you're menality problems some guy in the jet also said they listen to music wile there killing so weeee its like a videogame to you.

Another idiot soldier "I cant belive these people were here trying to protect them and save there country and they treat us like this i hate this country"

Awww poor baby you go into some ones country and destroy everything and just after killing tons of civlians what do you expect flowers and candy?

Some old lady was also crying cause the US destroyed a building tons of civlians in there she was saying how  we have no Militia here etc.

Thats how the U.S operates.

1 terrorist = no matter what hes surrounded by take him out even it means killing women and children.

Just like in vietnam you killed off the villagers and raped all the girls.
Wow.  Again.  That was fast.  Beserk, I am an veteran of the Amrican Army, and I was in Iraq.  I propose that I MAY know a bit more about what has gone on in Iraq than you do.  I hope you will even listen to me.

I will freely admit that yes, the United States invaded Iraq.  That is what it is called when one country forceably enters another.

I will even admit that the United States occupied Iraq to induce a stable goverment.  Not the first time the United States has done this.  The U.S. was also the principle involved with the reconstruction of Japan and West Germany.  The reconstruction is to help ease the suffering of the war and to create a stable enviroment to help Iraq recover.  The U.S. is doing this with American taxpayer money.  They are NOT stealing oil.  If the U.S. wanted cheap oil, we could just have made a deal with Iraq for free oil in exchange for waepons and aid.  Just like France did.  And Germany.  And Russia.

Next.  Civilains.  The American forces in Iraq do everything in their power to prevent civilians from getting hurt.  We have let terrorists escape into crowds because if we shot at them, innocents would be hurt.  The Terrorists know this.  That is why they use civilians for shields to keep Americans from killing them.  And you wonder who the good guys are?

These characters are NOT fighting for their country.  They are fighting for POWER.  They are fighting to control the people around them, not to free them. 

Do you hear about the schools the Americans have spent millions of dollars building?  Have you heard of the hospitals the raised from the ruins?  Do you hear that the majority of Iraqis say that their life is better now than it was before the war?  Do you hear about "insurgants" bombing oil pipelines, attiking the infrastructure of their own country, to try and undermine the current Iraqi goverment?  Do you hear about the torture chambers that American and Iraqi soldiers have found, where the terrorist torture people who they think support the current goverment?  There are people who are willing to behead people who are their to actually help their country recover in order to advance their own ideologies, and you think the the United States is the bad guy here?

It is obvious that you do not like the United States.  I actually don't really care if you do or not.  But at least hate us for your own reasons.  Don't just sprout semi-ignorant ranting propoganda as a justification.  Please.

imortal wrote:

Berserk_Vampire wrote:

BerryBlastKoolAid wrote:

I hope for the best for that hostage, but I think she is probably doomed.


I'm so fucking tired of people linking US troops to killing civilians. Sure, some civilians are caught in the crossfire, but insurgents are the ones who are murdering all the Iraqi civilians. Next time a car bomb goes off, pay attention to how many civilians are killed.
haha yeah right in the U.S mind every terrorist must die even if children are around them. So for example say theres a terrorist in a building surrounded by 30 children guess what? Nuke it! because there just gonna grow up to be terrorist's any way so lets take em all out!

I remember on the NEWS in IRAQ  you see the soldiers talking i was laughing my head off how they were showing there true mentality.

Some idiot goes "He was showing head phones all of us in are squad listen to music *i forget wich song* we all listen to this and we all get a rush wile were killing!"

Wow nice thing to say on the news it even furthers you're menality problems some guy in the jet also said they listen to music wile there killing so weeee its like a videogame to you.

Another idiot soldier "I cant belive these people were here trying to protect them and save there country and they treat us like this i hate this country"

Awww poor baby you go into some ones country and destroy everything and just after killing tons of civlians what do you expect flowers and candy?

Some old lady was also crying cause the US destroyed a building tons of civlians in there she was saying how  we have no Militia here etc.

Thats how the U.S operates.

1 terrorist = no matter what hes surrounded by take him out even it means killing women and children.

Just like in vietnam you killed off the villagers and raped all the girls.
Wow.  Again.  That was fast.  Beserk, I am an veteran of the Amrican Army, and I was in Iraq.  I propose that I MAY know a bit more about what has gone on in Iraq than you do.  I hope you will even listen to me.

I will freely admit that yes, the United States invaded Iraq.  That is what it is called when one country forceably enters another.

I will even admit that the United States occupied Iraq to induce a stable goverment.  Not the first time the United States has done this.  The U.S. was also the principle involved with the reconstruction of Japan and West Germany.  The reconstruction is to help ease the suffering of the war and to create a stable enviroment to help Iraq recover.  The U.S. is doing this with American taxpayer money.  They are NOT stealing oil.  If the U.S. wanted cheap oil, we could just have made a deal with Iraq for free oil in exchange for waepons and aid.  Just like France did.  And Germany.  And Russia.

Next.  Civilains.  The American forces in Iraq do everything in their power to prevent civilians from getting hurt.  We have let terrorists escape into crowds because if we shot at them, innocents would be hurt.  The Terrorists know this.  That is why they use civilians for shields to keep Americans from killing them.  And you wonder who the good guys are?

These characters are NOT fighting for their country.  They are fighting for POWER.  They are fighting to control the people around them, not to free them. 

Do you hear about the schools the Americans have spent millions of dollars building?  Have you heard of the hospitals the raised from the ruins?  Do you hear that the majority of Iraqis say that their life is better now than it was before the war?  Do you hear about "insurgants" bombing oil pipelines, attiking the infrastructure of their own country, to try and undermine the current Iraqi goverment?  Do you hear about the torture chambers that American and Iraqi soldiers have found, where the terrorist torture people who they think support the current goverment?  There are people who are willing to behead people who are their to actually help their country recover in order to advance their own ideologies, and you think the the United States is the bad guy here?

It is obvious that you do not like the United States.  I actually don't really care if you do or not.  But at least hate us for your own reasons.  Don't just sprout semi-ignorant ranting propoganda as a justification.  Please.
There are many reasons why i hate the U.S i can list more reasons then there are words in the Bible. Many others but that would take too long.

I dont hate all the people in the U.S there are "some" good people but its hard to tell who from all the American Bastardization.

Also if Americans were spending Millions on School Building you think they would make the schools actually safe to go too and stop all the school shootings?

Dont they have metal detectors by now and security guards? If they can afford millions on schools then they should be able to afford those things even here they have security guards in my small town in apartment buildings because alot of hoodlums (But i never see any)

Wonder what causes those shootings in the first place is it for no reason because some lonely American wich people teased and had no where to turn? Or because Mcdonalds was closed so he shot every one the next day?

If you want people to like you're people you gotta stop with the "My army is better then you're army we can do what ever we want" Additude thats the main thing.

Also im much to tired to get into the Mcdonalds and Walmart thing so you got lucky
this d world where we meet every kind of person.........and that s the truth of life!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tyferra got completely intellectually owned by me in another thread about Islam.
*yawn* im bored of the same ol shit i hate this i hate that whaaa whaaaa how many i hate america theamed threads are there although beserk you are cunt your the fucker that starts wait for it............... another lets all hate america and flame each other thread.
Love you too man <3
what happened to the girl i hope she didnt get hurt..........i think evrybody here needs to have a group hug to ease the tension

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