it also happened to me but he changed that some while ago and now every round you're teamswitched. I must say I don't care of being in EU or PLA/MEC especially now I have the EU medal. Today I played with Snake and we were twice in PLA and once in EU on great wall, we won the 3 rounds.globefish23 wrote:
Frankly, I don't know why you teamswitched on Packetloss' server anyway, as he has randomized team each round. I happened to be on the Euro side 3 times in a row without switching.
Bathory, you shouldn't teamstack EU, you'll get anyway eventually your medal so is this a big deal to play more EF to get it ? I know besides EU medal, EU has also kick ass weapons but that's not an excuse since you can steal one from a dead body.
Anyway do NOT teamstack EU on packet loss' server anymore, you'd get banned from one of the 2 best EF servers. Finally you couldn't get your medal if you were banned from all EF servers haha
btw globefish, I love your favourite map +1 for u
Last edited by Enzzenmachine (2007-05-28 10:51:06)