Babb Master Flash wrote:
How the hell are we "nooobs" gonna learn to be gunners, bombers and great pilots when we get flamed every god damn time we want to try it??? I'm not the most experienced gunner, nor a bomber. I think I'll never learn how to fly really good, but it REALLY DOESN'T HELP IF YOU GUYS ARE GONNA GIVE US A HARD TIME WHEN WE TRY!!!
I've heard it from ppl, "Why don't you bomb?" "Why didn't you take out that guy with the AA-vehicle?" "Why don't you use the TV-missile?"
Well, I have news for you!!! Not everyone is "natural born" pilots and don't get it the first time they try, so next time you have a nooob as gunner/bomber, think twice. He's not as experienced as you, and if you can't deal with it, that's not our problem.
Sorry, but someone had to say this.
hey babb tv missile practice go to single player dragon valley its excellent practice.
i do that about once a month or my tv skill goes down hill.
bombing go on a empty wake or any other air server and try bombing the aa guns and tanks.
move the cars around and practice shooting them.
also go to your options controlls sensativity and change the jet / chopper to what feels best for you
it helped me