team imm0rtal.
ROFL!!OakLeaves wrote:
If posting recycled kidnapping videos on forums was a competition I'm sure they'd win. Other than that, no.
There are many good teams. Gamert are very good and have played and spoken to a few members quite a bit. Rufio is very good as is Raee and of course C^Shot.
Fierce is part of fISH and from what I have heard they are very good. Frosch and Gizmo are good players and tell me fISH are good. However these are inf only teams..
Conquest is to an extent a little harder because so many different things can fuck up. Code7 were good as were Warchild etc.
However overall TØP is the best..!!
Fierce is part of fISH and from what I have heard they are very good. Frosch and Gizmo are good players and tell me fISH are good. However these are inf only teams..
Conquest is to an extent a little harder because so many different things can fuck up. Code7 were good as were Warchild etc.
However overall TØP is the best..!!
We have some very good players and you are just basing our skill level on a few videos. We make those vids for fun and try and show that there is a fun side to the game and not only such a competative part.Not wrote:
ROFL!!OakLeaves wrote:
If posting recycled kidnapping videos on forums was a competition I'm sure they'd win. Other than that, no.
Last edited by ..teddy..jimmy (2007-02-06 09:29:07)
Marlboroman82 - I don't need a team.

Lol ^^ agreed!!
And from a comment earlier on I completely agree with Australians being able to own good Euro players..Most Aussie competative players are very falcon..
And from a comment earlier on I completely agree with Australians being able to own good Euro players..Most Aussie competative players are very falcon..
nextgen is good, especially shipoopi :
Bad now when they have quited :
But now can Tork and Shipoopi join my WoW clan ;=]
Bad now when they have quited :
But now can Tork and Shipoopi join my WoW clan ;=]
How 'good' can you get at an FPS game? A GAME... its a GAME...
Im the Best at Sonic the Hedgehog and Castle Defender. Unbeatable. I see all these 'good' names all over the bathroom walls at your local truckstop...
Im the Best at Sonic the Hedgehog and Castle Defender. Unbeatable. I see all these 'good' names all over the bathroom walls at your local truckstop...
Anyone heard of reason gaming? lost to dignitas at i30, dont know if they would be regarded as one of ze best.
^[MAA]MI2 wrote:
You forgot the entire "Most teamkilling for vehicles" bitNexar wrote:
Most talented, ruthless, teamworking, ruggid bitches on the battlefield.
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
Reason were one of the better UK teams in the bf2 scene, they even played 2142 at i30 and due to how bad the game is, they got to the finals with diginitas with very little effort/tactics. :pbullit wrote:
Anyone heard of reason gaming? lost to dignitas at i30, dont know if they would be regarded as one of ze best.
As far as i'm concerned competitive bf2/2142 was dead a few months back, due to lame nerfing and such.
Has anyone mentioned MaCGP yet? Grandpa's Military Children. Commanded by the best of the best, Snoopy94.
Read the MACGP bible here
Read the MACGP bible here
=ESU= A Fun and Competitive Clan, we may not be the best, but we will give you a run for your money! 5 Servers(New York Based), Active in TWL, Over a hundred members from around the world. 4-Star in the house!
[RIP] Rusty in places members from all over the world a democratic weay of running things and forever having a laugh thats what its all about...
LOL your dumb. They are the same person lol.BBin wrote:
nextgen is good, especially shipoopi :
Bad now when they have quited :
But now can Tork and Shipoopi join my WoW clan ;=]
Hmm 8v8 i think names such as: Code7, Team Magnificent, Gamert, Dignitas, Xpolit and xGx oh and at the moment by far Prone Perfection.
5v5: Copenhagen Esports, Demolition, Gamert, Fish, Fear Factory, Team Magnificent, Dignitas hmm loads of others but they usually pwned.
12v12: Tlr i guess
Lol to people who say TOP.
At this moment in time Prone Perfection by far.
You probably never heard of them but how do I put it they beat all the teams out their hands down.
team hot rapes all
Hahaha, I came into your IO server. The top guy your clan member had 126 points and me 0 and I pass him after a while into first. Afterwards 2 of your clan mates and some other idiot decide to just stand in the middle of Warehouse while taking flag. 1 grenade all 3 dead then go down and finish the other clan member who just came and recap flag. I type "haha" and get kicked after being called a hacker by one of your guys and another noob. Any clan that kicks for hacking without any proof, teabagging, typing "haha" is extremely gay. If they didn't get killed easily they wouldn't have to worry about this.iMPaCT.uK wrote:
team imm0rtal.
john_smokin_blunts sucks balls so TOP are fucking idiots since they would have someone like that admin their server. This obviously hasn't come upjust once either since on your server you have to have a message regarding him.
Just stop crying Nd stuff... NO clan is the best. just look on TWL and see wich clan is in top 10. Easy
In my eye's Black-Hearts is a good one
In my eye's Black-Hearts is a good one
It's a tie between HBD and =SF= for me. Both run extremely good servers and both are admined well.
LOL your a nuub.Jay-Pro wrote:
Just stop crying Nd stuff... NO clan is the best. just look on TWL and see wich clan is in top 10. Easy
In my eye's Black-Hearts is a good one
TWL is a nuubcake ladder but like one clan. They are all shit sorry to let you know.
Hmm Black Hearts are a lol of a team and suck hard really hard.
I think we got kicked from their server for pwning them too hard cry cry.
Guess you know nothing about the Bf2 clans and who are good.
Team Me.
I have been banned more times in a month then all of you will ever have in a professional gaming forum.
I have been banned more times in a month then all of you will ever have in a professional gaming forum.
Last edited by Nicholas Langdon (2007-07-05 01:13:11)
How many major ladders ARE there in australia? I play on the GameArena 2142 and BF2 ladders, with about 50+ teams/clans, and just wondering if there are any more, because it occurred to me I'd only be able to rank on the view of this ladder, if indeed there are others.
I'm fairly sure most of us could achieve that easily. Especially using the magic N word.=NHB=Shadow wrote:
Team Me.
I have been banned more times in a month then all of you will ever have in a professional gaming forum.