i think making them uncaps is better, and i disagree with those of you that want more jets.
Now you won't find me playing highway tampa anyway because id rather be playing IO, but i appreciate that EA took note of the fact that BF2 doesnt come with ANY good tanking maps and decided to make one. All the other "good tanking maps" are either infantry maps where the tanks are mostly just raping infantry, or they are good airmaps where using armor requires retarded 12 year old pilots on the other team. It actually takes quite a bit of piloting prowess to keep the other jet and their whole team of armor down. enough so that battles between tanks actually make a big difference. But dont take my word for it, go play the map, hop in a tank, and count how many times you find yourself trying to land 75+ m shots on other tanks with your main turret. i have to say that is a style of play that just barely exists on other maps, requires a good bit of skill, and that makes it fun.
And additionally its a great antitanking map. Each of the flags is perfect for using cover to fire missiles. Its almost like there is a nice balance to be had between antitank and tanks when one defends and the other attacks. I also love how there are FEW bottlenecks on this map. You can take so many more paths between flags than on other maps which means that there is more of a game to play strategically (you can flank).
But this leads to the issue of uncappable mains. Cappable mains+easy to flank=the "correct" strategy on the map would be complete flanking for the main every single round. When the best strategy for the map involves that much avoidance of the enemy in a shooter, i think you are asking for an annoying battle that possibly requires no FPS skill at all (not that you cant have cool battles for mains but ideally each team just arrives at an empty base, has a new main, and must start over, its really dumb when the perceived object of the game is shooting each other). This is all part of why PR had the rules about which flags you could attack and why (i think this is true) some euro leagues have a specific order in which flags have to be capped. the teams should face off evenly and do their flanks at particular flags, then the match isnt soley about making one giant mapsized flank but is a balance of things instead.
most of this stuff is based on the fact that teamwork barely exists on pubs. more jets, choppers, or more powerful antitank would need to be present if groups of 5 engineer tanks rolled together very often. but then it could be a beautiful thing if you found 2 teams both doing it. But thats about as likely as two IO teams going all medic. On the bright side, if stats really die then maybe this kind of focus on the game (and not kit hours, etc) would emerge. just in time for us to bring it to QW.
Flaming_Maniac wrote:
This fails for two reasons.
1) No attack choppers
nah theres plenty of those in almost all the other maps, choppers are too easy anyway, u can kill almost anything and hardly anyone can kill you unless you make a big mistake. I agree with the guy that says throw in a little bird tho, because there sure arent a lot of little bird maps. And something tells me they might have except thats part of the $10 AF package.
Flaming_Maniac wrote:
2) No patch came out along with it
agreed. now if they could just think of a way to turn a full patch into a huge advertisement, then we might just be in luck.
Last edited by Marinejuana (2007-06-29 17:24:03)