kanarya force got reset but the other1 not
@Traveller_GG  You are an Abusive Admin! Just because someone was 60-1 does'nt mean they we're hacking! Whats this bullshit i hear about him disrupting game play? I bet he took a gold star from you and thats why you kicked him am i right? I've seen plenty of that shit going on with 12 year old admins such as yourself(I'm assuming your 12 because you act like it)

1 man 17 does'nt hack i've played with 1 man 19 and i can tell you he's a great player, When i was new he thought me how to play the game, He is skilled, I've also played with 1 man wrecking crew and he is a great team player on PR Al Basrah we always got the blackhawk and made a squad we rocked that map so fucken hard with our squadmates.

Traveller If you cant stand being beaten then stop being an admin. Simple as that! I know people who are twice as good as one man med whoring on kark(No offense 1 man 17), Ever seen a guy take down an entire squad in the alley of hotel in kark with an m16? Have you Ever seen a guy turn around a round(bad pun) In 5 minutes? Have you Ever seen a guy take down the goddamn hind on gator with one freakin c4 pack? Have you ever seen someone bring down two j-10's on dalian with an f35? I guess not. There are alot better players then 1 man 17, Alot more. So please go back to your little clan site and bullshit someone else about 1 man 17's "Hax" we wanna play we have skill and if you dont like it tough! Stop playing the game and send it back for a refund.

/rant Sorry about that guys i just hate bad admins.

Last edited by David.Podedworny (2007-06-25 18:11:33)

+429|6760|Chicago, IL

David.Podedworny wrote:

some long crazy rant
Yea, thats why I olny play on a few servers where i know the admins.

S.Lythberg wrote:

David.Podedworny wrote:

some long crazy rant
Yea, thats why I olny play on a few servers where i know the admins.
Same here but if i feel like playing a different map then i'll go to another server.
Why are you moaning at Traveller_GG for? Im the one who banned him from our servers, not Traveller. He was just playing there at the time.

Theres a difference between being a good admin, and being a bad admin.

Being a bad admin it letting hackers that spoil the fun for everyone esle continue to play.
Being a good admin is kicking hackers like 1-MAN-ARMY so everyone esle can enjoy the game.

To be honest m8, i have admin access to more servers than you've had hot dinners, go on say im lying, cause i know thats what your thinking. Well i would be if you are in your 60's, cause thats hell of alot of hot dinners. I have helped admin servers for nearly 6 years, obv not just bf2. In my time i've had full admin access to around 600 servers, and if i asked an admin to do something for me, for around 1500 more servers, they would do it without any question. Why you ask, partly becuase they respected me, for the way i made the game more fun. I used to kick/ban people left right and centre, for alot of reason.
1)Suspected cheating
2)Bunny Hopping
4)Confirmed Cheating

And the list goes on, and funny enough the only real people to moan are the hackers or close friends of the hackers, who know their friends are cheating. Everyone esle respects you, for making your server/s be better then the rest of the crap thats around. And the end of the day its a game (for most people its a "hobby"), and although its not real life, having fun is real. If your racing motorbikes as a hobby, and you play a race that everyone is meant to have the same spec bikes. And you lose the race, only to find out some guy later had a more powerful engine, so hes walked away with the prize money. Would you just let it be? you and I both know the answer like f**k you would leave it alone, you would say/do something about it. For alot of people online gaming is the same a hobby.

So dont you ever try to tell me how to admin a server that i help pay towards, so you cruel back under the little rock you came out from under, and stay there, for all i care for.
+429|6760|Chicago, IL

David.Podedworny wrote:

S.Lythberg wrote:

David.Podedworny wrote:

some long crazy rant
Yea, thats why I olny play on a few servers where i know the admins.
Same here but if i feel like playing a different map then i'll go to another server.
what map?  if you want something other than Karkand, Warlord, or Ghost town, you're fucked...
+48|6796|P-way, NJ
So, are the you the admin how bans someone just cause they own everyone in the server and get called hackers? Or are you the admin who bans a hacker because you have proff of a pb ss?

Lol Bunny hopping

S.Lythberg wrote:

David.Podedworny wrote:

S.Lythberg wrote:

Yea, thats why I olny play on a few servers where i know the admins.
Same here but if i feel like playing a different map then i'll go to another server.
what map?  if you want something other than Karkand, Warlord, or Ghost town, you're fucked...
I'm talking about Euro Force maps.
Le fuck?

S.Lythberg wrote:

David.Podedworny wrote:

S.Lythberg wrote:

Yea, thats why I olny play on a few servers where i know the admins.
Same here but if i feel like playing a different map then i'll go to another server.
what map?  if you want something other than Karkand, Warlord, or Ghost town, you're fucked...
Very true.

[ARSE] RaRaAvIs wrote:

Why are you moaning at Traveller_GG for? Im the one who banned him from our servers, not Traveller. He was just playing there at the time.
Because he was replying.

[ARSE] RaRaAvIs wrote:

Theres a difference between being a good admin, and being a bad admin.

Being a bad admin it letting hackers that spoil the fun for everyone esle continue to play.
Being a good admin is kicking hackers like 1-MAN-ARMY so everyone esle can enjoy the game.
Bad admin also means immaturity and abuse of power.

[ARSE] RaRaAvIs wrote:

To be honest m8, i have admin access to more servers than you've had hot dinners, go on say im lying, cause i know thats what your thinking. Well i would be if you are in your 60's, cause thats hell of alot of hot dinners. I have helped admin servers for nearly 6 years, obv not just bf2. In my time i've had full admin access to around 600 servers, and if i asked an admin to do something for me, for around 1500 more servers, they would do it without any question. Why you ask, partly becuase they respected me, for the way i made the game more fun. I used to kick/ban people left right and centre, for alot of reason.
1)Suspected cheating
2)Bunny Hopping
4)Confirmed Cheating
Thats nice to hear It does'nt matter how many servers you admin it matters how fair you are.

[ARSE] RaRaAvIs wrote:

And the list goes on, and funny enough the only real people to moan are the hackers or close friends of the hackers, who know their friends are cheating. Everyone esle respects you, for making your server/s be better then the rest of the crap thats around. And the end of the day its a game (for most people its a "hobby"), and although its not real life, having fun is real. If your racing motorbikes as a hobby, and you play a race that everyone is meant to have the same spec bikes. And you lose the race, only to find out some guy later had a more powerful engine, so hes walked away with the prize money. Would you just let it be? you and I both know the answer like f**k you would leave it alone, you would say/do something about it. For alot of people online gaming is the same a hobby.
I dont even know 1 man 17 that well i've never played with him at all, I only replied to this post was that he was kicked unfairly from a server and that pisses me off! I fucken hate admins that do that for any reason. Do you know how many CoD2 servers i've been kicked and/or banned from? Atleast 20 i did the same that 1 man does i whored a weapon to absurdity! I got banned for going 35-0 with my Gewehr 43 once And 45-1 with the Kar98k, I've also been kicked from many many more servers for lesser scores, I know people who are more skilled then me look on this forum and see what some people's scores are with other kits. 60-0 is nothing and i do mean nothing to what skilled Sraw users can do.(Not you Cowami)

[ARSE] RaRaAvIs wrote:

So dont you ever try to tell me how to admin a server that i help pay towards, so you cruel back under the little rock you came out from under, and stay there, for all i care for.
I'm not telling you how i'm demanding that you stop bullshitting us that someone hacks with no proof. It's crawl and i dont have a rock i have a leather chair Btw spell check next time for a 60 year old you sure dont spell one.

Sgt.Kyle wrote:

So, are the you the admin how bans someone just cause they own everyone in the server and get called hackers? Or are you the admin who bans a hacker because you have proff of a pb ss?

Lol Bunny hopping
I wont ban someone coz he owning everyone in the server. Unless i know a few people in the server who are very good players, and still get owned by them. And i wont if i new to a game and havent being playing long. Theres a differnce between being good and allowing what the game will do.

I wont rely on any Anti-Cheat program they all suck to be honest. Anyone who wants to hack in a game can do easily enough and bypass any Anti-Cheat program, although in most cases i do like proof, if its possible.

In my eyes Bunny Hoppers should have someone come round and cut their fingers off, its a game, i would rather die once or twice more than the total lack of respect most players give bunny hoppers. And i have more self-respect than to hop around like a moron.

David.Podedworny wrote:


[ARSE] RaRaAvIs wrote:

So don't you ever try to tell me how to admin a server that i help pay towards, so you cruel back under the little rock you came out from under, and stay there, for all i care for.
I'm not telling you how I'm demanding that you stop bullshitting us that someone hacks with no proof. It's crawl and i don't have a rock i have a leather chair Btw spell check next time for a 60 year old you sure don't spell one.
With the cheats out nowadays its hard to prove anyone is hacking, if people DONT get kicked by an Anti-Program then PB screenshots ain't gonna prove f**k all.

Watch this video and then me this guy ISNT hacking


All the proof i need it what i know is possible within the limits of the game, and what isn't possible without the help of "downable skill".

Where did i say i was a 60 year old, erm that right no where, if i was a 60 year i wouldn't be playing bf2 too many kids on there, who think they are "too cool for school" and get their pocket money to download a hack for a game. Lame asses.

[ARSE] RaRaAvIs wrote:

With the cheats out nowadays its hard to prove anyone is hacking, if people DONT get kicked by an Anti-Program then PB screenshots ain't gonna prove f**k all.
Pb sucks we all know that Pbss do wrk if catch em at the right time.

[ARSE] RaRaAvIs wrote:

Watch this video and then me this guy ISNT hacking

http://stage6.divx.com/user/Stalker1988 … ater-@-BF2
Already been posted before.

[ARSE] RaRaAvIs wrote:

All the proof i need it what i know is possible within the limits of the game, and what isn't possible without the help of "downable skill".

Where did i say i was a 60 year old, erm that right no where, if i was a 60 year i wouldn't be playing bf2 too many kids on there, who think they are "too cool for school" and get their pocket money to download a hack for a game. Lame asses.
What limits was he breaking? And is doing that good breaking the games limit? Maybe the other team just sucked? You said 60 and hot dinners for some reason. Too cool for school? Geezus stop using 80's slogans. Lame ass? I think the only lame asses are your clan. If you cant stand getting beat then dont bring the heat.

David.Podedworny wrote:

[ARSE] RaRaAvIs wrote:

Why are you moaning at Traveller_GG for? Im the one who banned him from our servers, not Traveller. He was just playing there at the time.
Because he was replying.

[ARSE] RaRaAvIs wrote:

Theres a difference between being a good admin, and being a bad admin.

Being a bad admin it letting hackers that spoil the fun for everyone esle continue to play.
Being a good admin is kicking hackers like 1-MAN-ARMY so everyone esle can enjoy the game.
Bad admin also means immaturity and abuse of power.

[ARSE] RaRaAvIs wrote:

To be honest m8, i have admin access to more servers than you've had hot dinners, go on say im lying, cause i know thats what your thinking. Well i would be if you are in your 60's, cause thats hell of alot of hot dinners. I have helped admin servers for nearly 6 years, obv not just bf2. In my time i've had full admin access to around 600 servers, and if i asked an admin to do something for me, for around 1500 more servers, they would do it without any question. Why you ask, partly becuase they respected me, for the way i made the game more fun. I used to kick/ban people left right and centre, for alot of reason.
1)Suspected cheating
2)Bunny Hopping
4)Confirmed Cheating
Thats nice to hear It does'nt matter how many servers you admin it matters how fair you are.

[ARSE] RaRaAvIs wrote:

And the list goes on, and funny enough the only real people to moan are the hackers or close friends of the hackers, who know their friends are cheating. Everyone esle respects you, for making your server/s be better then the rest of the crap thats around. And the end of the day its a game (for most people its a "hobby"), and although its not real life, having fun is real. If your racing motorbikes as a hobby, and you play a race that everyone is meant to have the same spec bikes. And you lose the race, only to find out some guy later had a more powerful engine, so hes walked away with the prize money. Would you just let it be? you and I both know the answer like f**k you would leave it alone, you would say/do something about it. For alot of people online gaming is the same a hobby.
I dont even know 1 man 17 that well i've never played with him at all, I only replied to this post was that he was kicked unfairly from a server and that pisses me off! I fucken hate admins that do that for any reason. Do you know how many CoD2 servers i've been kicked and/or banned from? Atleast 20 i did the same that 1 man does i whored a weapon to absurdity! I got banned for going 35-0 with my Gewehr 43 once And 45-1 with the Kar98k, I've also been kicked from many many more servers for lesser scores, I know people who are more skilled then me look on this forum and see what some people's scores are with other kits. 60-0 is nothing and i do mean nothing to what skilled Sraw users can do.(Not you Cowami)

[ARSE] RaRaAvIs wrote:

So dont you ever try to tell me how to admin a server that i help pay towards, so you cruel back under the little rock you came out from under, and stay there, for all i care for.
I'm not telling you how i'm demanding that you stop bullshitting us that someone hacks with no proof. It's crawl and i dont have a rock i have a leather chair Btw spell check next time for a 60 year old you sure dont spell one.
Imagine the irony in you pointing out his grammatical errors.

[ARSE] RaRaAvIs wrote:

Why are you moaning at Traveller_GG for? Im the one who banned him from our servers, not Traveller. He was just playing there at the time.

Theres a difference between being a good admin, and being a bad admin.

Being a bad admin it letting hackers that spoil the fun for everyone esle continue to play.
Being a good admin is kicking hackers like 1-MAN-ARMY so everyone esle can enjoy the game.

To be honest m8, i have admin access to more servers than you've had hot dinners, go on say im lying, cause i know thats what your thinking. Well i would be if you are in your 60's, cause thats hell of alot of hot dinners. I have helped admin servers for nearly 6 years, obv not just bf2. In my time i've had full admin access to around 600 servers, and if i asked an admin to do something for me, for around 1500 more servers, they would do it without any question. Why you ask, partly becuase they respected me, for the way i made the game more fun. I used to kick/ban people left right and centre, for alot of reason.
1)Suspected cheating
2)Bunny Hopping
4)Confirmed Cheating

And the list goes on, and funny enough the only real people to moan are the hackers or close friends of the hackers, who know their friends are cheating. Everyone esle respects you, for making your server/s be better then the rest of the crap thats around. And the end of the day its a game (for most people its a "hobby"), and although its not real life, having fun is real. If your racing motorbikes as a hobby, and you play a race that everyone is meant to have the same spec bikes. And you lose the race, only to find out some guy later had a more powerful engine, so hes walked away with the prize money. Would you just let it be? you and I both know the answer like f**k you would leave it alone, you would say/do something about it. For alot of people online gaming is the same a hobby.

So dont you ever try to tell me how to admin a server that i help pay towards, so you cruel back under the little rock you came out from under, and stay there, for all i care for.
You are the biggest n00b admin ive ever seen!!!!!!!!
All of the rules listed are BS!! Its not a good reason to ban someone. Why dont you read the EA TOS and ROE for admins and it will clearly state how bad of an admin you are.
Second if you think people hack on your server, then stream pb on it!!!

Get a clue, n00b!

BTW, you do abuse admin rights!!!

Last edited by Unreal_Insanity (2007-06-25 22:13:48)

This topic has now become a joke with all the noobs callig for blood.

I played in the [ARSE] server many times over the past few days and one thing is for certain there were many many hackers there.
Everything from 100's of UAV's falling from the sky to aimbot.

All hackers know it's almost impossible for an admin to get proof and think they can do what they like.

Lukily for the clean players some admins use common sense and boot players they are sure are hacking even though they have no proof.

Good on the admins for sticking by their guns, the game is no fun at the monent with every noob and his dog testing hacks on new accounts.

Let's hope the stat servers are back up sooner rather than later and lets hope all the hacking scum get GUID banned.

Last edited by Suicidal (2007-06-26 00:17:08)

Got loooollllll ?
+853|6952|Montreal, Qc, Canada
fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuukkkkkkkkkk where are my statsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

stats are my lifeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee fuck fuck fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

David.Podedworny wrote:

[ARSE] RaRaAvIs wrote:

Why are you moaning at Traveller_GG for? Im the one who banned him from our servers, not Traveller. He was just playing there at the time.
Because he was replying.

[ARSE] RaRaAvIs wrote:

Theres a difference between being a good admin, and being a bad admin.

Being a bad admin it letting hackers that spoil the fun for everyone esle continue to play.
Being a good admin is kicking hackers like 1-MAN-ARMY so everyone esle can enjoy the game.
Bad admin also means immaturity and abuse of power.

[ARSE] RaRaAvIs wrote:

To be honest m8, i have admin access to more servers than you've had hot dinners, go on say im lying, cause i know thats what your thinking. Well i would be if you are in your 60's, cause thats hell of alot of hot dinners. I have helped admin servers for nearly 6 years, obv not just bf2. In my time i've had full admin access to around 600 servers, and if i asked an admin to do something for me, for around 1500 more servers, they would do it without any question. Why you ask, partly becuase they respected me, for the way i made the game more fun. I used to kick/ban people left right and centre, for alot of reason.
1)Suspected cheating
2)Bunny Hopping
4)Confirmed Cheating
Thats nice to hear It does'nt matter how many servers you admin it matters how fair you are.

[ARSE] RaRaAvIs wrote:

And the list goes on, and funny enough the only real people to moan are the hackers or close friends of the hackers, who know their friends are cheating. Everyone esle respects you, for making your server/s be better then the rest of the crap thats around. And the end of the day its a game (for most people its a "hobby"), and although its not real life, having fun is real. If your racing motorbikes as a hobby, and you play a race that everyone is meant to have the same spec bikes. And you lose the race, only to find out some guy later had a more powerful engine, so hes walked away with the prize money. Would you just let it be? you and I both know the answer like f**k you would leave it alone, you would say/do something about it. For alot of people online gaming is the same a hobby.
I dont even know 1 man 17 that well i've never played with him at all, I only replied to this post was that he was kicked unfairly from a server and that pisses me off! I fucken hate admins that do that for any reason. Do you know how many CoD2 servers i've been kicked and/or banned from? Atleast 20 i did the same that 1 man does i whored a weapon to absurdity! I got banned for going 35-0 with my Gewehr 43 once And 45-1 with the Kar98k, I've also been kicked from many many more servers for lesser scores, I know people who are more skilled then me look on this forum and see what some people's scores are with other kits. 60-0 is nothing and i do mean nothing to what skilled Sraw users can do.(Not you Cowami)

[ARSE] RaRaAvIs wrote:

So dont you ever try to tell me how to admin a server that i help pay towards, so you cruel back under the little rock you came out from under, and stay there, for all i care for.
I'm not telling you how i'm demanding that you stop bullshitting us that someone hacks with no proof. It's crawl and i dont have a rock i have a leather chair Btw spell check next time for a 60 year old you sure dont spell one.
David,,,,I just want to say one thing that you might see as a good point. You say you hardly know one man 17 and have never played with him. So how can you defend someone that you don't know or played against? This admin and his clan have played against him and feel that there is something not right. I understand what you are saying about abusive admins, some of the rules he bans for are kind of ridiculous and are not a part of ROE, etc. but the bottom line is that you really don't know if he was cheating or not. I cant say that he was or not, Ive never played against him nor do I know him but it would be hard for me to challenge an admin who has seen him play and has made a decision based on his experience. I'm not against you Dave or against One Man......I just find it odd that you try to defend him so hard when you also have no proof that he doesn't...especially since you have never played against or with him. I would support your arguement if that were the case...but it isn't.

I was an admin for about 4 years for some pretty major game servers until I gave it up and over the years you learn what to look for and after awhile it is pretty easy to spot people who aren't playing they way the game was intended. Although, I never got ban happy, I didn't ban that much and maybe I made a few mistakes because honestly there is always somebody better than the next guy. But I stand by the decisions I made because overall I felt that most of the decisions made were correct and it was better for everyone in the long run. Anyhow, you should probably hold judgement on your avid defense until you actually play with some of these guys and see for yourself. That's all.
Medic since 1942
+245|6964|United States

Andoura wrote:

fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuukkkkkkkkkk where are my statsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

stats are my lifeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee fuck fuck fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
dude the stats are updating
So does this mean I can have Admin rights on the ARSE Server then???
fuckin glitcher got me 10 times in a row!
And he was saying that he just good!
I want him reset soooo bad



+14|6532|Germany - Berlin

_1_MAN-ARMY.17 wrote:

kanarya force got reset

_1_MAN-ARMY.17 wrote:

but the other1 not
Fear is a Leash
+85|6484|New Austin, Not
This guy is a complete asshole. He one shot killed everybody and even admited to hacking. PID/nick: blackhi11. here is a screenie



Bloody hacker with an aimbot/one shot kill and something from "pbdownforce.com" or something like that

I reported him to bfroe nad we'll just see what happens
+85|6701|Manchester, UK
Anyone else think this guy's accuracy is a little suspicious?

+1,106|6602|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

adam1503 wrote:

Anyone else think this guy's accuracy is a little suspicious?

No. Notice his vehicle stats.

Accuracy doesn't count for vehicles. End of story.

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