+630|6954|The Netherlands

Twist wrote:

Thing is I dont "refuse" to use machine guns. And yeah, almost ANY rifle on single shot is deadly acurate, and gets even more so when lying down. That's the gist of patch 1.21 (I think it was) that introduced the decreased recoil and decreased deviation. With the deviation pr shot added to an LMG being rather low, because it's supposed to be used on full auto, the PRK and MG36 become VERY deadly because of their initally rather low deviation. Damage is still only 30 for the MG36 and 35 for the RPK, meaning three shots to kill non armored opponents, and 4 to kill armored. Whereas the MG36 is 4 shots to kill non armored, and 5 to kill armored. You can fire singleshots pretty fast with each, and have a rather large "clip", so in ranged battles it's a really good gun, particularly against many enemies, as you may or may not have experienced.
But pit it against someone who knows how to use say.... A G3 or ANY G36 type rifles (the M16 is also very accurate on single, but not as accurate as say the G36C, and only marginally more so than the RPK), and the RPK shooter WILL loose. His advantage is gone in terms of accuracy, and his enemy can STAND and have as little recoil and deviation as the RPK shooter will have lying down. The RPK shooter will have body armor, and will need 4 shots form any (non sniper) rifle minimum (5 from most) for a kill, or 1-2 head shots (headshots being MORE likely when lying down, as ONLY your head is facing the enemy). The guy the RPK shooter is up against, will likely NOT have body armor (unless it's a G3 or M16A1), and will need 3-4 shots or one headshot to get killed. So the assault will totally own the RPK shooter in ranged combat. Then again, the G3 is a VERY good weapon for taking out medium ranged snipers on maps with a little fog so the max range is around 150-200 meters (like Karkand, Warlord, Shonghua and basically any map without jets/helos). Once you've spotted your enemy, you single shot him to pieces because he'll likely be standing/lying still while he aims, but YOU can fire 5-6 shots for every one he fires, so if you both hit equally well, the sniper WILL loose the engagement. (not accounting for the really good snipers or the lucky first headshot, but I'm talking two equally good players, a good sniper vs. a good assault user)

Same thing goes for the squad that encounters an RPK. The other day, I took down no less than 11 guys (guessing two full squads) some of them twice as they got revived by their medics, I did this ALONE defending a flag with the RPK. You may call it luck. Yes, it was lucky I spawned with the RPK, 'cause there's no way I could do that in patch 1.02 or with any other weapon ! This was short range. Had they seen me they would have likely kicked my ass on medium range (which is where the RPK gets heavily outclassed by ex. the assault rifles), which is what usually happens when 1 guy faces two full squads. But had we had the option to engage eachother on long range, their only advantage would have been experience (assuming some of them know how to use single shot), and numerical superiority.... Because with these very specific conditions that snipers experience on exactly the maps I've described, then they'll have their collective arses handed to them by an experienced RPK user. Same as any other soldier class will if they dont think before they charge into combat.
There's very good reasons why full frontal assault will usually against the MEC forces. The power of the RPK is definately one of these reasons.

So yeah, not accounting for the fact the the PKM shoots through wooden buildings like fences with quite some force, then the RPK is definately the best LMG out there in my opinion. I love it. And yes, I DO take out snipers with it. Single shot or short bursts on full auto.... Same diff. I win at least 75% of all engagements with snipers on foggy maps when I have the RPK... On non foggy, I tend to loose an even higher number though.

LMGs are really good at very specific tasks.... Medium ranged support fire just happens to be what they're designed for, so in reality, I think it's little wonder that they're good in this capacity.
damn are you bored? writing an response that long? This isn't debate and seirous talk
O' HAL naw!
+470|6888|Columbus, OH
Karkand I/O was made for the RPK-74 & it is my weapon of choice. I tend to go prone before shooting so the time it takes to go prone and to pull out the bi-pods before shooting is what usually gets me killed against weapons like the G-36C or E. I use to like the PKM machine gun but it "seems" to take longer to go to prone and fire then the RPK-74, plus it has less bullets. For CQC, it is a toss-up some times it is not best to go prone, instead circle your opponent and shoot.

It is insane how accurate the RPK-74 for long distance shoots are. I'd say two to three round burst in a couple of sessions will take an opponent down from long distance.

The US MG is not bad just the muzzle flash obscures the iron sight which is hard when you are trying to hit a moving target.

doctastrangelove1964 wrote:

I pwn guys like that all the time with the RPK. They think that they gonna win with their AK-101s but I still rape them.

RPK is hands down the best gun in the game.
So.. are you tking then? Or have the USMC now been equiped with AK's..

Anyway it doesnt matter, the support guns are all good. My fave is the PKM, but the RPK is second to it.
Your cops are corrupt.
+200|6701|fåking denmark

Noobpatty wrote:

and the accuracy beats the m16 when fired semi-auto.
Then, it's good that the M16 is made with burst fire, which is much more accurate then semi-auto fire ..
+25|7070|Yorkshire, UK.

Lieutenant_Jensen wrote:

Noobpatty wrote:

and the accuracy beats the m16 when fired semi-auto.
Then, it's good that the M16 is made with burst fire, which is much more accurate then semi-auto fire ..

Semi-auto is also known as single shot. ie, When the trigger is depressed, one round is fired.

i think you mean full auto not semi...
Your cops are corrupt.
+200|6701|fåking denmark

senor_fulff wrote:

Lieutenant_Jensen wrote:

Noobpatty wrote:

and the accuracy beats the m16 when fired semi-auto.
Then, it's good that the M16 is made with burst fire, which is much more accurate then semi-auto fire ..

Semi-auto is also known as single shot. ie, When the trigger is depressed, one round is fired.

i think you mean full auto not semi...
No, I ment semi-auto, aka single shot ..

Burst fire mode is on of the most accurate way of fire ..
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.

Spidery_Yoda wrote:

doctastrangelove1964 wrote:

I pwn guys like that all the time with the RPK. They think that they gonna win with their AK-101s but I still rape them.

RPK is hands down the best gun in the game.
So.. are you tking then? Or have the USMC now been equiped with AK's..

Anyway it doesnt matter, the support guns are all good. My fave is the PKM, but the RPK is second to it.
I was Spetsnaz he was Rebel.
Oh ok then. Yeah SF is different i guess. I was wrong.
+405|6773|A W S M F O X

Lieutenant_Jensen wrote:

senor_fulff wrote:

Lieutenant_Jensen wrote:

Then, it's good that the M16 is made with burst fire, which is much more accurate then semi-auto fire ..

Semi-auto is also known as single shot. ie, When the trigger is depressed, one round is fired.

i think you mean full auto not semi...
No, I ment semi-auto, aka single shot ..

Burst fire mode is on of the most accurate way of fire ..
+4|6590|manchester UK
yeah yeah yeah,im just another unskilled whiner lacking the "leet skills" necessary to circumvent the fixed accuracy mechanics of bf2.
Never mind ,i think i solved the problem anyway,decided to play on just streamed servers and in 3 hours play yesterday was killed zero times with RPK (cos nobody seemed to be using it)
Your cops are corrupt.
+200|6701|fåking denmark

JET_G raidensen wrote:

Lieutenant_Jensen wrote:

senor_fulff wrote:


Semi-auto is also known as single shot. ie, When the trigger is depressed, one round is fired.

i think you mean full auto not semi...
No, I ment semi-auto, aka single shot ..

Burst fire mode is on of the most accurate way of fire ..
+25|7070|Yorkshire, UK.

Lieutenant_Jensen wrote:

JET_G raidensen wrote:

Lieutenant_Jensen wrote:

No, I ment semi-auto, aka single shot ..

Burst fire mode is on of the most accurate way of fire ..
ummm.... no. the sheer mechanics of burst-fire mean it is less accurate than single shot. now stop being a tit and go read Wiki in regards to this infantile, imbecilic argument of yours and come back when you know what you are talking about...

now feck off!!

ps. if you think burst is so accurate, why do you hit with only 1 in 5 shots?

Last edited by senor_fulff (2007-06-21 22:44:36)

I've had the diarrheas since Easters
+145|6899|California U.S.A
The RPK-74 is a beast.

I had a game on Mass Destruction I cut throught 11 or 12 advancing Rebels as they attempted to cross that train bridge all on one Mag/Drum it was carnage I kept short bursting until nothing was moving my Squad Leader was impressed and said "Nice Mow down!"

Short Bursts/single shot a infinate ammo load out = win. And it definatly can sustain full auto the longest before overheating, with the MG36 a close second.

I seems to me the best LMG to nail targets at long range on single shots, along with the Chinese LMG.
Use the bumper, that's what its for!
+103|6903|Lexington, Kentucky

ncc-1709 wrote:

lol. the rpk is more accurate than the pkm.
I can remember back when it was vice versa. The RPK was for people with no unlocks, and the people with the PKM were treated to a super-accurate death ray. What happened? PKM nerfed.

God, not this shiat again!
+405|6773|A W S M F O X

Lieutenant_Jensen wrote:

JET_G raidensen wrote:

Lieutenant_Jensen wrote:

No, I ment semi-auto, aka single shot ..

Burst fire mode is on of the most accurate way of fire ..

So if i hit a target with 3 shots in single fire and ONE shot in burst, burst is obviously more accurate?

Wow man, arent you the special little boy.
Go prone, take out your RPK-74 and you are the king of LMGunners - it also seems to me to be the most exact LMG in this game.
+25|7070|Yorkshire, UK.

JET_G raidensen wrote:

Lieutenant_Jensen wrote:

JET_G raidensen wrote:


So if i hit a target with 3 shots in single fire and ONE shot in burst, burst is obviously more accurate?

Wow man, arent you the special little boy.
For once I actually agree with you... lol +1

Its a nice toy for sure ...

Last edited by RaiD (2007-06-22 07:58:01)

Too old to be doing this sh*t
+103|6833|Little blue planet, milky way

']['error wrote:

Twist wrote:

Thing is I dont "refuse" to use machine guns. And yeah, almost ANY rifle on single shot is deadly acurate, and gets even more so when lying down. That's the gist of patch 1.21 (I think it was) that introduced the decreased recoil and decreased deviation. With the deviation pr shot added to an LMG being rather low, because it's supposed to be used on full auto, the PRK and MG36 become VERY deadly because of their initally rather low deviation. Damage is still only 30 for the MG36 and 35 for the RPK, meaning three shots to kill non armored opponents, and 4 to kill armored. Whereas the MG36 is 4 shots to kill non armored, and 5 to kill armored. You can fire singleshots pretty fast with each, and have a rather large "clip", so in ranged battles it's a really good gun, particularly against many enemies, as you may or may not have experienced.
But pit it against someone who knows how to use say.... A G3 or ANY G36 type rifles (the M16 is also very accurate on single, but not as accurate as say the G36C, and only marginally more so than the RPK), and the RPK shooter WILL loose. His advantage is gone in terms of accuracy, and his enemy can STAND and have as little recoil and deviation as the RPK shooter will have lying down. The RPK shooter will have body armor, and will need 4 shots form any (non sniper) rifle minimum (5 from most) for a kill, or 1-2 head shots (headshots being MORE likely when lying down, as ONLY your head is facing the enemy). The guy the RPK shooter is up against, will likely NOT have body armor (unless it's a G3 or M16A1), and will need 3-4 shots or one headshot to get killed. So the assault will totally own the RPK shooter in ranged combat. Then again, the G3 is a VERY good weapon for taking out medium ranged snipers on maps with a little fog so the max range is around 150-200 meters (like Karkand, Warlord, Shonghua and basically any map without jets/helos). Once you've spotted your enemy, you single shot him to pieces because he'll likely be standing/lying still while he aims, but YOU can fire 5-6 shots for every one he fires, so if you both hit equally well, the sniper WILL loose the engagement. (not accounting for the really good snipers or the lucky first headshot, but I'm talking two equally good players, a good sniper vs. a good assault user)

Same thing goes for the squad that encounters an RPK. The other day, I took down no less than 11 guys (guessing two full squads) some of them twice as they got revived by their medics, I did this ALONE defending a flag with the RPK. You may call it luck. Yes, it was lucky I spawned with the RPK, 'cause there's no way I could do that in patch 1.02 or with any other weapon ! This was short range. Had they seen me they would have likely kicked my ass on medium range (which is where the RPK gets heavily outclassed by ex. the assault rifles), which is what usually happens when 1 guy faces two full squads. But had we had the option to engage eachother on long range, their only advantage would have been experience (assuming some of them know how to use single shot), and numerical superiority.... Because with these very specific conditions that snipers experience on exactly the maps I've described, then they'll have their collective arses handed to them by an experienced RPK user. Same as any other soldier class will if they dont think before they charge into combat.
There's very good reasons why full frontal assault will usually against the MEC forces. The power of the RPK is definately one of these reasons.

So yeah, not accounting for the fact the the PKM shoots through wooden buildings like fences with quite some force, then the RPK is definately the best LMG out there in my opinion. I love it. And yes, I DO take out snipers with it. Single shot or short bursts on full auto.... Same diff. I win at least 75% of all engagements with snipers on foggy maps when I have the RPK... On non foggy, I tend to loose an even higher number though.

LMGs are really good at very specific tasks.... Medium ranged support fire just happens to be what they're designed for, so in reality, I think it's little wonder that they're good in this capacity.
damn are you bored? writing an response that long? This isn't debate and seirous talk
That's why I recap at the end, just read the last sentence if you want the gist of it
+33|6501|Your moms privates
I Am The Rpk God

182|dunc wrote:

Playing on the INF only servers over the last 3 weeks i have noticed more and more usage of this weapon as a long range killer
Now i have practiced with this gun for my clan and i know its limitations(or thought i did)
short range AUTO =carnage (standing or prone )
medium range BURST fire whilst prone =ownage
long range SLOW taped single shots while prone =some lucky kills
Now i assumed this was because of the natural bullet deviation assigned to this gun making even single shot prone long range efforts wildly inaccurate
But wait a minute the enemy soldier on the fog line standing behind a wall just headshot me with what seemed like 1 bullet (no multiple tracers or richochets around me),ok so a lucky shot,my squad will revive me.........no they are all dead ,all with RPK one after the other by the same standing enemy
This is happening more and more,is there some piece of knowledge i am not aware of(dont give me that learn how to aim bullshit, with this weapon it dosnt matter if you are perfectly lined up on their head ,the bullet deviation says you will almost certainly miss at long range,especially a moving target)
i have been forced to resort to using the g36e to try take them down in a long range contest and usually still die before i can fire my second burst
Can anybody shed any light on this?
ON another subject has anyone else had very bad hit registering since the problems started with the stats updates
they were saying this with the PKM last year in Bf2.... no difference here. you can basically snipe with the g36
+1,452|6704|The Gem Saloon
it never gets old watching people debate the mechanics of a firearm from a GAME!!!!!

hobbies are needed all around


I Am The Rpk God
lol nice stats for only whoring the rpk .. and only the rpk/lt mgs

Last edited by RaiD (2007-06-22 12:31:57)


Dezerteagal5 wrote:

182|dunc wrote:

Playing on the INF only servers over the last 3 weeks i have noticed more and more usage of this weapon as a long range killer...
...ON another subject has anyone else had very bad hit registering since the problems started with the stats updates
He, like 90% of everyone in battlefield2 servers, was probly using a program to modify gameplay to a level exceeding what is commonly thought of as 'fair'
These "Hacks" so there called, are very common, because something called "Punkbuster" that is supposed to stop these "Hackers" sucks more dick then Private Pile.
LOL +1
NIKE Swoosh
I love the RPK. But I love the G36C more. ^^

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