+2,382|6988|The North, beyond the wall.

surgeon_bond wrote:

jord wrote:

surgeon_bond wrote:

how so alan ?
Since when do you play in a league?
since when did i say i played in a "league"
It's usually "League" players who rip on normal players or "Public" players.
U shud proabbly f off u fat prik
+3,097|6799|Gogledd Cymru

jord wrote:

surgeon_bond wrote:

jord wrote:

Since when do you play in a league?
since when did i say i played in a "league"
It's usually "League" players who rip on normal players or "Public" players.
meh, i wasnt ripping on them, its a fact

i hate the combat roll far more ive been support and hit someone with 10 bullets and none of them registerd plus the can shoot back with good accuracy its so stupid i bunny hop alot it works half the time i enjoy hitting bunnyhoppers with the tank canon they fly so far its funny

Linus wrote:

Craig1998 wrote:

Personally, i don't mind if someone gets away bunny-hopping... admit it everyone does it, well a least once.
If it's a means of staying alive then fair play, bunny hop.

What ya think
bunny hopping is a term made by some noob who couldnt find the skill enough to hit a player jumping.

When I told my unreal tournament buddies that you get kicked/banned for jumping in bf2/2142 they laughed and couldnt believe me.

id like to meet the skilless retard who started the whole whaa whaa bunny hopping thing and pop all the pimples on his face with a crowbar.

i jump if im under extreme fire, especially from walker, tank etc...   sometimes it saves me sometimes it doesnt. If you cant shoot a moving target you need to play My little Pony or teletubbies.

stephen brule
Some people hate it because they can not do it, Some people hate it because they suck, Some people hate it because they think it is glitching or hacking.

And most of all, People hate it because they need something to bitch about thus giving me a reason to bitch back and enjoy myself..

Linus wrote:

bunny hopping is a term made by some noob who couldnt find the skill enough to hit a player jumping.
Skill ? We are pressing our LMB. Its time for a reality check .

Linus wrote:

When I told my unreal tournament buddies that you get kicked/banned for jumping in bf2/2142 they laughed and couldnt believe me.
Unreal Tournament has low gravity maps also.  Its supposed to be a fantasy. BF2 is more reality based and looks more real. The Hop hop hopping kills the emersion factor for me, It looks stupid and thats its only crime in my eyes. I just go to a non bunny server. Easy to do as most are. This makes us both happy does it not? I like to play the Realism Look of BF2 You can run and gun ( and hop away  ) Ala Unreal

Linus wrote:

id like to meet the skilless retard who started the whole whaa whaa bunny hopping thing and pop all the pimples on his face with a crowbar.
safe place for this type of talk, Is this a coincidence ?
I don't say waa waa tag line is " Cancle the David Bliane act dude !

Linus wrote:

i jump if im under extreme fire, especially from walker, tank etc...   sometimes it saves me sometimes it doesnt.
Me too. Though mostly  I die.

Linus wrote:

If you cant shoot a moving target you need to play My little Pony or teletubbies. noobs
shoot ? Remember LMB that’s all.

P.S. where can I get My little pony ? Be cool to mod it, make some custom maps, start a clan….

The Goth Ponies

Last edited by Hunter/Jumper (2007-06-03 08:42:20)

Will it blend?
if it was possible to shoot someone whislt they were bunny hopping it would be ok

the fact is that the hitboxes on bf2 are total wank as we all know and the animations are totally out of sink with the hitboxes

if dice could code the game properly it wouldnt be a problem
Time to Die Kids!
2142 has a lot less hopping than bf2 in my experience, and virtually no dolphin diving because all this does is smack your accuracy into the floor for a couple of seconds, people do it when taking cover - i know i dive and jump behind cover to dodge rounds but as for people running jumping, lying down mid air while moving sideways and then annihilating you, it doesnt happen in 2142.  Or if someone does it, they die.  Which makes me laugh, infantry combat in terms of movement and use of cover is greater in 2142 than 2.  Kind of ironic considering the setting and time frame.

Barney_T_Dinosaur wrote:

2142 has a lot less hopping than bf2 in my experience, and virtually no dolphin diving because all this does is smack your accuracy into the floor for a couple of seconds, people do it when taking cover - i know i dive and jump behind cover to dodge rounds but as for people running jumping, lying down mid air while moving sideways and then annihilating you, it doesnt happen in 2142.  Or if someone does it, they die.  Which makes me laugh, infantry combat in terms of movement and use of cover is greater in 2142 than 2.  Kind of ironic considering the setting and time frame.
I agree!!
+630|6954|The Netherlands

White-Fusion wrote:

I bunny hop alot.
I hate it when it is dont to me.

End of
um Bunny hopping was given the name when you jumped up and down like a bunny.

Dolphin diving thou is more retarded and makes your hitboxes more wank than anything else in the game and can make it litterly impossible to actually hit where you want to hit so it's a matter of luck when you got a lock on him with a normal gun.

Though this is BF2142 and still people drag in BF2 to it. Boy I thought they would learn after a year or so but seems they didn't.

Anyway, I don't as in BF2142 it's rather limited and it makes you go slower, plus you'll be like an attention whore then. Just scream to "SHOOT AT ME!" I don't really have a problem with them in BF2142 to.

']['error wrote:

White-Fusion wrote:

I bunny hop alot.
I hate it when it is dont to me.

End of
ME 2
bunnies suk hard
biggie smalls
+72|6763|Ontario, Canada

White-Fusion wrote:

I bunny hop alot.
I hate it when it is dont to me.

End of
University English.
"you know life is what we make it, and a chance is like a picture, it'd be nice if you just take it"
+86|6851|Winterpeg, Canada
i hop like voix
+224|6994|Some where huntin in Wisconsin
i bunny hope and dolphin dive i also know the hit boxes manipulate em to ur favor, or quit playing the games wont loose any sleep over any of em
its stupid, non-hackers use it, its an exploit, it looks unrealistic and should be written out of the code.

Last edited by Hunter/Jumper (2007-12-02 08:26:04)

Ruckel for all!
Only people that are average below average in skill level shouts about bunnyhoppers, and 4star generals IMO
I don’t mind it in BF2142 because that’s supposed to be in the future with Anti gravity boots etc.

I try and play on servers that don’t allow it.  I don’t play on servers that have FF off either,

but the game is showing its age and they are harder to find.

I would be surprised if dice doesn’t try and squelch its effects in its newer games that try and stress realism.
its stupid, non-hackers use it, its an exploit, it looks unrealistic and should be written out of the code.
I wouldn’t be to proud of my computer gaming skills if I couldn't construct a sentence, Prioritize !
I often get lag when someone starts bunny hopping next to me, so the bouncy fcker almost always wins
+783|7153|Reykjavík, Iceland.
It's actually harder to hit you if you are sprinting than bunny hopping
Care [ ] - Don't care [x]

Lost-Soul wrote:

Personally, i don't mind if someone gets away bunny-hopping... admit it everyone does it, well a least once.
If it's a means of staying alive then fair play, bunny hop.

What ya think

(BUNNY HOPPING - Repeatedly jumping to make it hard to get hit)

Example of when i bunny hop and the only time i find it useful is when I'm getting shot at by heavy armour and try and get to cover...saved me numerous of times.
Well, I don't HATE it, I just don't think it's a good way to play. I don't realy care because in BF2142 whenever somebody bunny hopps he's dead for sure.

Anyways the last time I bunny hoped was a LONG time ago   It was when I was trying to pilum an APC and it was shooting at me.

But I don't realy do it anymore. I jump occasionally but not to avoid fire.
I don't really care about bunny hopping in most games, but the latency compensation and hit boxes in BF2 are so woefully bad that bunny hopping in BF2, to me at least, is exploiting a poorly coded aspect of the game.

I don't do it, and I usually quit if I get killed repeatedly by people doing it, who're next to impossible to hit with a latency above 50.
The thing about bunny hoping is that it is annoying and looks ridiculous.  Bunny hoppers need to face the reality that what they are doing is exploiting a game mechanic and is in no way skill.

The problem is compounded when developers try (and fail) to fix the problem with systems that frequently punish the normal player more than the exploiter.  Recently my friends and I have thought up a system that would go a long way towards removing bunny hoping from competitive gaming.

Here is our solution:

A player's first jump is handled as normal.  Any repeated jumps expand their hit boxes beyond their character model.  The more jumps you make in a short period of time, the larger your hit boxes become.  Admittedly, being killed by a bullet that flies over your left shoulder isn't very realistic, but its definitely more realistic that a squad of soldiers skipping across the battlefield like they have ants in their pants.

This system would allow for players to make unpenalized jumps in order to overcome obstacles and to jump behind cover.  It would also negate the effectiveness of bunny hoping by compensating for the latency issues that bunny hoppers are trying to exploit.
Zulu son, what!?!
+79|7095|Anaheim, CA

I hate the freaking no bunnyhop servers . . . I guess it's too hard to shoot people when they're in the air?  Get skills noobs.

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