Lol I went into BiG server, started spamming nades into the fray of Knives, and didn't get kicked. But when I bunny hopped a little later, I was immediatly kicked. Wtf?
+250|6723|Eskimo land. AKA Canada.
The leaderboards are rife with points crazy people again.
Пушкин, наше всё
+387|6636|New Haven, CT
Why are you complaining about getting kicked on a n00b server?
Toilet Sex
one love, one pig

SplinterStrike wrote:

The leaderboards are rife with points crazy people again.
Haha yeah. Which reminds me, anyone know why these guys (and more) are 4-star generals?


I thought it would be they were 4-stars but got reset, but that was until I found a guy I know:


He's never been higher than captain nor has he been reset. Any ideas?
+0|6718|Vancouver, BC. Canada

NYKnight wrote:

chief15 wrote:

I am a Senior Member of the Bounty Hunterz and can assure everyone that we have policies, procedures, guidelines and High Standards that we follow and implement on our server.

Interesting.....here's a screenie


Some standards.....

That's just a few of MANY. I spent some time on their server in Dragon Valley when they still had it, and I saw firsthand the abuse they dish out. It doesn't matter what an offending player did, even if he was totally wrong, the Admins should be acting a lot more like mature adults (which they don't). I'm sure there were players that honestly needed to be kicked or banned, but I'm also quite certain that most of them didn't deserve the treatment they were given, wrong or no.

I find it amusing how in every BF2 forum that they are mentioned as being abusive, they reply with: "player so-and-so" did "this" or "that" and some of their Admins manage to string a sentence together to seem professional when everyone knows damn well what the truth is.....again, amusing. Seems to be a case of "do one thing, say another". Last time I was in there, Wampa was one of the worst (as you can see from the screenies, and Aqualan seems to enjoy sticking the gunner in his Cobra into the "no-fly zone" and getting him killed. (Did it to me once)).

One funny thing is this:


You'll notice how the looming threat of "we'll spank our Admins if they break our rules which we don't enforce", runs RIGHT UNDERNEATH the type of seriously uncalled-for nonsense their Admins dish out.

I guess what sums it up though is this:


cute....it's easier to find a better, friendlier server somewhere else....

Well NYKnight those screen shots are at least 10 -12 months old... for the simple fact I had just got into the BOUNTY HUNTERz as Wampa was being kicked/ banned from the clan due to abusing his admin privileges.  There has been a few member that are no longer with our clan because of this . 

I went back to look at the pics again and noticed that another name AMDK7 is out of our clan due to this type of behavior also.

Now as for Aqua,  since I have been involved with {BH} he is one of our most credible members/ admins I have ever seen.  I would love to see the screen of him apparently redlining you.  Now with all the servers out there to play on I would welcome you back to our server to see the dynamics of the new group that we have, cause I can assure you that abusive behaviour is long gone.  Now in saying that there thousands and thousands of players playing BF2 and people are going to have bad days, we are all only human.  If this happens I would hope that that individual registers for our forums and posts in our "Plead you Case" section.  I will then review the chat log from Daemon etc, talk to the admin who was involved & the player that was banned and fix the problem.

Last edited by chief15 (2007-05-30 23:29:26)

The screenies I posted are a little old, but they do drive home a point, and that point is that nothing was done at the time that Admin abuse on your server was rampant. And it's not like that abuse came over the course of one day, or one week, or even a month, but MONTHS, and all under the watchful eye of other BH players/Admins, including your Clan Leader, which basically said at the time, that your Clan condones or even supports such behavior. Unfortunately I don't have a screenie from when Aqualan TK'd me, at the time I wrote it off that he was just frustrated having inferior gunners in the chopper, so it was annoying, but ultimately no big deal. But I'm not here writing this to pursue it.

I do remember you on their server a lot, before you were a BH member. I know you must have seen a lot of the antics that went on. From what I have read of your posts and the way you present yourself, you honestly seem to be helpful and willing to settle matters amicably. If that's the case, awesome, the BH clan DESPERATELY needs  (needed?) that. You have an uphill battle ahead of you, but it at least is a good start. If the house cleaning went as well as you say, then I applaud the move, it's been a long time coming, and many players will definitely appreciate it.


Toilet Sex wrote:

I thought it would be they were 4-stars but got reset, but that was until I found a guy I know:


He's never been higher than captain nor has he been reset. Any ideas?
damn look at his score in history wtf
edit in one day he got 15000 kills http://www.bf2s.com/player/67164886/history/Kills/
and got kicked 115 times must be a record

Last edited by wachtler83 (2007-05-31 03:31:26)

+119|6579|Floodsville, TN, (UK really)

wachtler83 wrote:

Toilet Sex wrote:

I thought it would be they were 4-stars but got reset, but that was until I found a guy I know:


He's never been higher than captain nor has he been reset. Any ideas?
damn look at his score in history wtf
edit in one day he got 15000 kills http://www.bf2s.com/player/67164886/history/Kills/
and got kicked 115 times must be a record
Could be that his stats were never updated in BF2S stats. So once they are it shows them all appearing on one day.
{BH} MystikalViper
First let me start of by saying that the ADMINS of this forum need to change the name of the thread to take out the FLAMING part, if you are going to delete posts in which you accuse the poster of flaming. That would hypocritical on your part, also as an admin to have a comment "i know i will never play on a BH server". We are glad not to have a hypocritical player on our server.

For those of you who do not like our style of game play or our methods for running our server as my clanmate stated none is forcing you to join our server to play. There are over 800 servers online that you can join. It's hypocrites you who get on here and cry and complain that you are not being treated fairly. When just two minutes before you were requesting to be unbanned from the server that you were just allegedly abused on??? Why? Because you want to cause trouble? I know that you are the type of people who go in to a server rape the other team then when the game starts to get tough and  you get your lunch handed to you you leave the server instead of fighting and helping the team you are on. YOU ARE A LOSER!

NYKnight it's pretty sad to use OLD screen shots in a forum when they are over 6 months old. I appreciate that you admitted they were old, but the point you were trying to make was irrelevant and stale.

I can tell you this the BH Server is one server I know of that respects it's patrons. We like a challenge and the competition. We like players who put up a fight and take a whooping if that's what it comes to. We are not afraid of taking a whooping as well. We will actually give props to the other team for fighting so hard. BH has been a clan since 1995, how many clans you know been around that long? You will not get a warn fuzzy welcome if you come to our forums and immediately start bashing one of our members, especially if it is a senior members, with out proof. I think it's simple. BH members do like to game together as a team, we do not like getting points off of each other as it can be interpreted as suspicious activity.


This is just a GAME not real life. You do not have to choose the RED or BLUE pill.

Last edited by {BH} MystikalViper (2007-05-31 18:39:53)

+36|6488|North Carolina

Toilet Sex wrote:

SplinterStrike wrote:

The leaderboards are rife with points crazy people again.
Haha yeah. Which reminds me, anyone know why these guys (and more) are 4-star generals?


I thought it would be they were 4-stars but got reset, but that was until I found a guy I know:


He's never been higher than captain nor has he been reset. Any ideas?
I think it has to do with the person playing while they reset your account and you log back in and you have your rank but I'm not sure. And something to do with the serverside glitch there doing were it gets you tons of points per kill.

Last edited by Matt^ (2007-05-31 18:37:17)

Death StatPadder
+228|7081|Human Meat Shield

PlaneWhore wrote:

I.M.I Militant wrote:

gene_pool wrote:


this guy is soo fuckign amazing.....

Every round i play with him he gets 100 points. Easy.

He gets accused of aimbots pretty much 24/7 and generally a nice guy.
blackpanther an the rest of plus aient haxorz der just macro users =]
Getting a 100 points a round in IO mode is ridiculously easy to do especially if you're n00b enough to be using macros. I'm assuming based off of panthers extremely low vehicle time he has been playing IO 24/7 since 1.4 came out.
Idiot. IO's or not IO's anyone can say the same about ..erm.. lets see.. Pilots...all they do is circle and drop bombs; its like NASCAR which isnt fun going in circles. Before IO came out I was always on ground,  I dont like vehicles because 98.7% of the time you are tk'd for it, before you start judging stats like a little brat think of it as a game; typical idiot who judges off stats. I play IO and Vehicles the same, In a Vehicle its too easy, Hell you dont even have to have a good commander, I can play in a vehicle and fly, mind you, while arguing with my wife and changing channels on the T.V., hard? I think not, problem is you have 63 other people trying to get your vehicle or jet, so I say - let the kids have it and I'll stay on the ground avoiding the TK's when my own team drops bombs becuase they dont give a shit..To me Piloting is boring, I dont drop bombs anymore, I only look for dogfights, in which Im not saying Im good, just saying its more fun than going in circles rinsing and repeating.

Once you get the stats off your pea-brains you'll actually have more fun.

{BH} MystikalViper wrote:

NYKnight it's pretty sad to use OLD screen shots in a forum when they are over 6 months old. I appreciate that you admitted they were old, but the point you were trying to make was irrelevant and stale.

I can tell you this the BH Server is one server I know of that respects it's patrons. We like a challenge and the competition. We like players who put up a fight and take a whooping if that's what it comes to. We are not afraid of taking a whooping as well. We will actually give props to the other team for fighting so hard. BH has been a clan since 1995, how many clans you know been around that long? You will not get a warn fuzzy welcome if you come to our forums and immediately start bashing one of our members, especially if it is a senior members, with out proof. I think it's simple. BH members do like to game together as a team, we do not like getting points off of each other as it can be interpreted as suspicious activity.
I hardly think my point was "irrelevant", and definitely not "stale". What you should have written above is "I can tell you this, the BH Server is a server that NOW respects it's patrons." My main point being that this issue went on for a long period of time before it was finally addressed. But I'm not going to rehash what I stated before. I think it's great that housecleaning was eventually done, and even though your Clan went through a bad time, you came out stronger for it. You took a PR hit to be sure, but as Chief15 stated, you are now constantly working on improving that through a positive gaming experience through settling issues amicably, fairly and consistently. I hope it works out for you.


Last edited by NYKnight (2007-06-01 02:01:05)

NYNight what do you mean you point was "irrelevant"??  You are bring up issues that are at least 6 if not 10 months old.  I have been with the clan for over a year and we have done some major house cleaning in that time.  We have removed members from the clan for being abusive and banning for no good reason.  We adjust the server rules to what the clients like.  such as, a year ago all flags were fair game.  which we would clear the server every other round.  Now we have no attacking the carrier, which our clients like.  We now have a three strike policy, you get warned, kicked then banned.  In the past some of our admins would ban on the first offence. 

And as for the SS, Whampa was removed from the clan for being an abusive admin and not following our own server rules.  He went and started a new clan TuG, and about 2 months later got his stats reset.

My finally comment is similar to MysticalVipers; " we do not force you to come on our server, it is your choice ", and before anyone passes judgment on a server after reading this thread, go check it out for your self.  NYNight, I remember when you were coming on our server every day and having really good high scoring rounds.
Shotgun whore
+133|6601|Pacific NW, USA


Aimbot and nametag/UAV enemy location hack.   Played with him today....most definately a hack. One shot kills from any angle (even while he's parachuting) while a buddy and i were running and hopping around.  ALWAYS knew where everyone was...would dive down out of the sky in a jet and machinegun a lone soldier that was not on UAV or spotted on the minimap.  I was on his team and against him, so i saw both sides.

He's already been reset once. didn't stop him, go figure.
Internet Poon
Just came across this guy's stats, apparently, he is his own worst enemy (check the enemies list )


Last edited by iPoon.be (2007-06-03 03:05:56)


Average player, but he 'owned' everybody just at Karkand. He had a K/D of over 70:1. Glitching at hotel as usmc.


Last edited by Votke (2007-06-03 06:30:02)


iPoon.be wrote:

Just came across this guy's stats, apparently, he is his own worst enemy (check the enemies list )

check again same name different spelling
Internet Poon
I know
http://bf2s.com/player/46119746/ some teflon shadow guy wow look at his hours

PlaneWhore wrote:

Marinejuana wrote:

hey "planewhore"

ive heard u hating on everybody that plays IO and i hear u calling IO mode easy mode all over bf2s.com. I pretty much agree, you die less -- I have also always considered USING VEHICLES to be playing in easy mode, though.

If you are in a jet, only a small fraction of people on the map even have a weapon they could potentially kill you with, regardless of their skill. I wont even mention how much more effective vehicle weapons are than infantry weapons because everybody here knows it. basically in a vehicle its harder to die, and easier to get kills.

So congratulations on being the all-time master of a BF2 easy mode (are you the all time master? Could 60|Cobalt cruise by and prawn you any time?).

and dont get me wrong. ur a great player and i respect that, but its just irionic to hear you trolling all the threads here talking about unfair advantages in IO mode, when you have been "whoring" the advatages of vehicles for most of your time in BF2. At least people that are playing in IO mode are getting kills against people with equal opportunity to kill them. No matter how much skill you may employ in your kills, you must admit that the vast majority of people you kill are utterly defenseless against your vehicle skill or not. Thats just how BF2 was made.

But then I bet you are fully aware of this irony and actually have quite an inferiority complex about all those thousands of people that can utterly shut you down in infantry combat. Your K to D on this second account, no less, for assault rifles says you are good but nowhere near one of the best as infantry. I guess this leads you to flaming everybody on bf2s.com about IO because you know that many people can now rival planewhores in the leaderboards by playing in IO servers and this makes you jealous.

I wouldn't noramlly be so harsh, I don't even mind "vehicle whores" but you have just really been begging for someone to tell you to STFU and leave people to do what they think is fun. Remember that this is a game -- not your sole source of self worth or status in the world.
I'm sorry it's so difficult for you to believe the reason the *majority* of people play IO mode is the same reason they play K&P and the same reason they sit on a near empty server and kill/revive each other over and over again - points. If points didn't matter people would've been playing LEGAL 24/7 IO Karkand on an unranked server with all of the unlocks enabled long before the 1.4 patch. If people really wanted IO they would've been playing the 1.4 patch beta and having fun in finished IO mode but because it was unranked NOBODY was playing it. Don't need to be Sherlock to follow the logic trail on that little tidbit Marine.

I've always agreed aircraft and tanks are powerful but oddly enough even though I'm one of the top vehicle whores in BF2 and it is where most of game experience is I still can't score as consitantly high in a tank/plane as I can playing a simple medic. I can't remember the last time I had a 150 point round in armor but I get them all the time when I'm playing my medic (on a NON-IO server). Doing well in aircraft and armor takes skill and all the proof you need of that is to go down to the "What is your weakness" thread in the BF2s BF2 forums and notice that the number one weakness for most people is piloting aircraft.

The only reason I'm bringing this up in this thread is the title of this thread is "Way too amazing stats? Hax0r stats? Post them here!". Of course this prompts many to flaunt their own statistics from IO mode which I find to be highly pathetic. Nothing way too amazing about a player sitting in a mode I personally can get 9SPM and 150 points a round by doing nothing more than tossing grenades or spamming those shock paddles. Do that in regular BF2 mode and then maybe I'll consider your statistics to be "Way too amazing" otherwise STFU and go back to carebear/statpadding land. Again I invite all these IO chumps to join me on my server 24/7 StrafeRight Karkand/Jalalabad/Sharqi if they want to see what real skilled players look like.
Damm   TREATED......

CombatRsq wrote:

NYNight what do you mean you point was "irrelevant"??  You are bring up issues that are at least 6 if not 10 months old.  In the past some of our admins would ban on the first offence.
I never made the assertion that my point was irrelevant, in fact I thought it was VERY relevant. It shows where your Clan has been and why there is a lot of negative PR about BH.

CombatRsq wrote:

And as for the SS, Whampa was removed from the clan for being an abusive admin and not following our own server rules.  He went and started a new clan TuG, and about 2 months later got his stats reset.
I'm glad he got reset, karma spent a long time getting around to kick him in the behind.

CombatRsq wrote:

"we do not force you to come on our server, it is your choice", and before anyone passes judgment on a server after reading this thread, go check it out for your self.  NYNight, I remember when you were coming on our server every day and having really good high scoring rounds.
Yeah I was there quite often last year. I wanted to get my PLA medal and was putting in time on the Dragon Valley map. It was the only 24/7 DV server at the time, so I found myself on it a lot. Most of the members I encountered at the time were ok, with only a slight few exceptions. I didn't really interact with most of them since BH was in the air most of the time, and I was tanking or running the docks in a Jeep. You're right though, most of the time I was in there I enjoyed playing. However, like I have said a few times now, the nonsense with Wampa (let's single him out here) went on for too long. It's good to see that it was finally taken care of, but you have to understand that with such a lag time between him abusing his Admin powers and something being done about it to discipline him caused a large surge in negative PR for BH. You have to expect that. From what I have heard, you've gone miles to improve the situation since then, you just have to weather some of the backlash from players, most of whom are justified with their grievances. Keep moving in the positive direction you said you're moving in and all of that will be put behind you.


NYKnight wrote:

{BH} MystikalViper wrote:

NYKnight it's pretty sad to use OLD screen shots in a forum when they are over 6 months old. I appreciate that you admitted they were old, but the point you were trying to make was irrelevant and stale.

I can tell you this the BH Server is one server I know of that respects it's patrons. We like a challenge and the competition. We like players who put up a fight and take a whooping if that's what it comes to. We are not afraid of taking a whooping as well. We will actually give props to the other team for fighting so hard. BH has been a clan since 1995, how many clans you know been around that long? You will not get a warn fuzzy welcome if you come to our forums and immediately start bashing one of our members, especially if it is a senior members, with out proof. I think it's simple. BH members do like to game together as a team, we do not like getting points off of each other as it can be interpreted as suspicious activity.
I hardly think my point was "irrelevant", and definitely not "stale". What you should have written above is "I can tell you this, the BH Server is a server that NOW respects it's patrons." My main point being that this issue went on for a long period of time before it was finally addressed. But I'm not going to rehash what I stated before. I think it's great that housecleaning was eventually done, and even though your Clan went through a bad time, you came out stronger for it. You took a PR hit to be sure, but as Chief15 stated, you are now constantly working on improving that through a positive gaming experience through settling issues amicably, fairly and consistently. I hope it works out for you.

Basically he's saying your trying and did some good things and will try your server again. You did a great job at cleaning house. As an admin myself (for a different server) his complaints are valid and that your server cleaned up he sounds like he appreciates it. No reason to get pissed off, your server sounds like it did a good job, and players will be willing to try again from a new start. Good Luck!
High Angle Hell
+182|6506|Schofield Barracks
Why he is a hax0r or is amazing-me and two guys from my clan were playing on the USMC server when we were banned for hacking. I was in first place and my clan leader was in second and another  was in third and our scores ranged from 70-130. the only reason we were banned was because we kept killing there clan members the other team. our clan really liked the server but the admins were unfair. please if any USMC guys sea this unban us we  do anything wrong.
if you want to  me my xfire is maguire93
http://bf2s.com/player/79069461/ lol i just got reset for the 3rd time AHAHAHAHA.
+250|6723|Eskimo land. AKA Canada.
Man.... What the fuck.

How did you earn this reset?

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