The time has come. The greatest of all things BF2. The moment so many didn’t think would ever happen again. [PTG] City Maps Only Returns!!!!
Yup, you heard it here first, 64 glorious slots, Only City Maps in rotation, Superb admin 24/7 to remove all smacktards, and best of all, all of your ranking pleasures will be catered for.
There really is nothing else to say, you all want to play there right now instead of reading all of this so off you go
[PTG] City Maps Only -
If for some reason you cannot play BF2 right now, and your wondering how this momentous revival has occurred, then read on.
Both Steveo and Monk have seen a generous amount of “donating” from our members lately. They felt it was only fair to reward them with something special. As long as they keep on “donating” then [PTG] City Maps Only shall remain alive and best of all, Ranked. A small portion of each donation is reserved each month so to ensure both our Dedi box and single 64 slot ranked server stays alive. Once the funds for the single Ranked server are reached, all funds then move Exclusively to the Dedi box renewal. Simple, but effective.
Further discussion on this can be found in this thread by clicking HERE