Hi all.  I have an MSI motherboard and am trying to sort out all this info to upgrade my processor/computer.  I've been told when I ride w/ folks - they slow down on the game.  That is not fair to others.  I have Comcast cable and always ping on servers I play below 70.

I'm early 30s and way outta my league on all the techno babble....Wish I knew more.  Any of you computer guys that know your stuff - I'd love some input.....other than scrap your system and start over.


Do I understand correctly I can put a Socket A processor in this as long as it is under AMD 3200 and it is an Athlon, Athlon XP, Duron or Sempron?

Most of the processors I'm finding are Athlon 64. Are they different?  I checked NewEgg as someone told me and am all confused.

My specs:

AMD Athlon XP2100 - 1.73 GHZ
1.5 Gig Ram
Radeon Pro 9000 - 128 Meg
Windows XP
19" CRT & 15" Flatpanel

I have a few hundred to upgrade the system - I've been getting jerky play as of late.  Perhaps a gameplan to upgrade would be in order....do this now...this then.....

Thanks a bunch for any info.

Scottish Moderator!!!
i upgraded my computer at christmas, ended upgrading nearly all of it

so.... a new motherboard that will support the 939 pin processor - get a AMD 64 3200+ or higher imo (i have 3500+)

ram - 1.5 is fine but make sure the new motherboard would support the kind u already have so u dont need to buy any (i have only 1)

gfx card - the 6800gt is the on i have an its amazing! but if u cant afford it the 6600 is good to i hear

sorry i couldnt give more info but theres afew bits an bobs lol
Socket A and Athlon 64 (socket 939) are different are not compatible with each other. So you can't use a Socket A chip on a 939 board. The link to that board doesn't work, but if it's a Socket A board, you can use Athlon, Athlon XP, Duron and some Semprons on it. Some Semprons are Socket 939, so keep an eye out. Newegg doesn't seem to have any XPs on their site anymore, they are being replaced by Semprons and Athlon 64s. Your best bet would be to get a low-end Athlon 64 chip and board. Get a new video card, too. That's killing you.  You can still find XPs on sites, just not on Newegg. Check out pricewatch.com.

As for you slowing other people down when you ride with them, that's nuts.
Thank you for your input.  I neglected to mention that the motherboard is only 3 months old - hate to get rid of that as I just spent some $$ on getting this stupid 'puter fixed.

Gfx card - I'll check the 6600.....

As a father - one must prioritize gaming "prowess" and saving for your daughter's college.
Thanks cable -

Definitely a socket A. 

Supports Socket A for AMD® Athlon™/Athlon™ XP/Duron™/Sempron™ processors
   @FSB 266/333/400MHz   
• Supports up to 3200+ processor or higher

So cable - would you recommend an Athlon XP if I can find it?  I'll check that pricewatch.

Yeah - me slowing down people is nuts....and not fair to them....hence the need to upgrade.  They say it is just like a halting or choppy motion.  I have just about all my vid settings set as low as possible.....but I do like the game very much - and would like to continue.

Thanks again for helping a novice.
Yeah I would recommend an XP. I have an XP 2200 (1.8ghz), and it's not enough for the game. So get the highest XP you can afford. It's a good chip, and handles other games and applications like a pro, but BF2 is just too much. If you're willing to be a do-it-yourselfer, the XP 2500 Barton core is highly overclockable so you can get more out of it.
I will differ with some people here... I think you have enough to play on a budget however I wouldn't put much into that system anymore.

Like everyone else is telling you that the socket A is pretty much dead along with AGP, problem you have both.

You can buy a fast card but you still have a slow processor, you can put up the money for a new board and processor but you would also need to get a PCI-E graphics card.

I'd say your most serious bottle neck is the graphics card, My suggestion is get a ATI 9800 XT with 256MB of memory used off of ebay. You should be able to find one under the 100 dollar mark.  Then save your dimes for a 939-pin board and processor.

Another issue is you probably don't have the games optimized for your system. I'd turn english voices only on with sound qualtiy to low also put all of your graphics to low or off and 640x800 at 70 hz with 100% distance.
One more thing, the processor to get for that board is the Barton MOBILE either the 2500 or 2600.  Then overclock it most will do 2300 11.5x200.

Only problem is if you can find one they are around 100 dollars. Also it's not your worst bottleneck, 100 bucks in the card is a better investment. If you can spend 150-250 the xt850 or 6800 is a better card.


On another note:

XT850 Pro's are selling on e-bay for about 150 bucks. They are not the top of the line card however I they should be quite a bit better than the 9800 XT.

I just wonder where the optimal value is in used cards now... BTW don't buy new AGP anymore there is plent of used AGP cards out there.
I agree. Don't waste your money buying a new agp card now because there are a lot of great buys on ebay right now for used and refurbished cards. I also agree that the radeon 9000 is the worst bottleneck on your system. I also have an xp 2100 but I have it overclocked on an old kt266a chipset mobo to 1.85ghz and with my radeon 9800pro 128meg and 1 gig of ram I get decent performance with most BF2 settings on low at 1024x768 resolution. So, in my opinion try to buy a used radeon 9800 pro or radeon 9800xt off ebay for around $100-120. You will notice a major difference with these cards compared to the one you have now. Upgrading your processor will get you SOME performance gain but not as much as the video. I would recommend trying ebay for a used althlon xp also. Something between 2500 and 3200 but only if the price is right.

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