QFTHurricane wrote:
mcdonalds=bad macgp=good
I talked to Snoopy today on Xfire! His new BF2 nick is kungfukatt
I have gone back to the MaCGP tags and I encourage others to follow suit.
Is our website still working?
Got some new screenies of MacGP ownage:

I have gone back to the MaCGP tags and I encourage others to follow suit.
Is our website still working?
Got some new screenies of MacGP ownage:

Last edited by terrafirma (2007-04-19 14:56:46)
hahaha, that's great!terrafirma wrote:
I talked to Snoopy today on Xfire! His new BF2 nick is kungfukatt
I have gone back to the MaCGP tags and I encourage others to follow suit.
Is our website still working?
Got some new screenies of MacGP ownage:
http://aycu01.webshots.com/image/12240/ … 840_th.jpg
http://aycu34.webshots.com/image/12273/ … 019_th.jpg
edit: I just clicked the website link under my name, ITS STILL UP!
Last edited by KEN-JENNINGS (2007-04-19 16:36:22)
Yes! Best website evar! That music never gets oldKEN-JENNINGS wrote:
hahaha, that's great!terrafirma wrote:
I talked to Snoopy today on Xfire! His new BF2 nick is kungfukatt
I have gone back to the MaCGP tags and I encourage others to follow suit.
Is our website still working?
Got some new screenies of MacGP ownage:
http://aycu01.webshots.com/image/12240/ … 840_th.jpg
http://aycu34.webshots.com/image/12273/ … 019_th.jpg
edit: I just clicked the website link under my name, ITS STILL UP!
hi anemone
What's going on my man?=NHB=Shadow wrote:
hi anemone
EEEEK!!!!!!! It's teh snoop!snoopy94 wrote:
oh my god snoopy!snoopy94 wrote:
Why is this thread allowed to have a load of crap posted in it when:

no more Heart AttackDauntless wrote:
Why is this thread allowed to have a load of crap posted in it when:
we are awesome
It's a long story ... but suffice it to say that MaCGP is sort of like a BF2s Cult Classic.Dauntless wrote:
Why is this thread allowed to have a load of crap posted in it when:
Yep, Snoopy FTW! and there were a few threads closed but this one has been left open especially for him
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
I loved this thread.
I loved this thread.
roflcoptersslollarslolwtfbbqhaxtbhorly?rofllarslollarsloololooooooooooooooljord wrote:
I loved this thread.
Don't make me give you another obscene karma message.surgeon_bond wrote:
roflcoptersslollarslolwtfbbqhaxtbhorly?rofllarslollarsloololooooooooooooooljord wrote:
I loved this thread.
best thread evar
So snoopy just makes an appearance then leaves? He sure does know how to create a following.
Right here :Dadd my X-fire Snewpy FFS
This year I will go to... THE US!!! W0HHH0000!!!! i'm gonna go to California (dunt remember exacly where...) but thoose who lives there and beware of ur lifes... GO SO FARA AWAY U CAN xD
how long u coming to america for?snoopy94 wrote:
This year I will go to... THE US!!! W0HHH0000!!!! i'm gonna go to California (dunt remember exacly where...) but thoose who lives there and beware of ur lifes... GO SO FARA AWAY U CAN xD
Anybody else notice that cdogmn was the last person to sign the guestbook of the MacGP website? He puts waaaaaaaaayyyy too much time into stalking bf2s and calling us faggots.
snoopy94 wrote:
This year I will go to... THE US!!! W0HHH0000!!!! i'm gonna go to California (dunt remember exacly where...) but thoose who lives there and beware of ur lifes... GO SO FARA AWAY U CAN xD
how long u coming to america for?
a week or two, as most three... name is: sancra mento... but not for sure that im comming hole ur thumbs
This year I will go to... THE US!!! W0HHH0000!!!! i'm gonna go to California (dunt remember exacly where...) but thoose who lives there and beware of ur lifes... GO SO FARA AWAY U CAN xD
how long u coming to america for?
a week or two, as most three... name is: sancra mento... but not for sure that im comming hole ur thumbs
Hey, well have fun in califorina
snoopy94 wrote:
This year I will go to... THE US!!! W0HHH0000!!!! i'm gonna go to California (dunt remember exacly where...) but thoose who lives there and beware of ur lifes... GO SO FARA AWAY U CAN xD
how long u coming to america for?
a week or two, as most three... name is: sancra mento... but not for sure that im comming hole ur thumbs
I will be there to welcome you! You should feel VERY honored... it is rare that the War Czar greets a common man.