You simply wont give a shit and all ull care about is some useless fucking sword that u need to spend months in order to acquire. You will lose touch with your family and friends and your health will decline considerably.
Considering that I live on generally one meal a day, 10 cans of coke zero and every minute other then school on the computer, health/family isn't getting worse. Complete boredom is though. I spent 20 minutes killing some vermin thing for my first quest, then I got stuck on a stall for another 10 minutes.
Before i threw a dagger at wolf, so he would come and kill me so i could get resurrected at the graveyard. Then I couldn't do anything for 10 minutes because of 'road sickness' then when i could i talked to some old fart and he told me to do talk to some other old fart and at that point I thought to myself "The fuck am I achieving here?"
Everything felt like a chore, there was NO fun in what i was doing. I thought the point of games were to 'test yourself and try to get better' All i did was fucking run around and click on vermins then looked blankly at the screen until it died, occasionaly pressing "2" to do Sinister strike.
I remember reading in a magazine "6 million people can't be wrong about this!" Well...I have to disagree.... I had more fun on trackmania nations on hamachi with my BF2 clan then that hunk of shit. Btw, I always read stories of people "Being nice to each other" as one story of the WoW > BF2. But, after that the guy with the M95 waiting for the F-35 seems nicer then the orc threatening me that ''all level 2 noobs are dead'' I thought that maybe after i played it i wouldn't get addicted, but maybe see with new light why people play it instead of making hollow accusation that its a shit game. Now i have more fuel then ever to call it the worst game ever. It seriously is. It takes NO SKILL, and you DO NOTHING. I spent more time on FUCKING RUNESCAPE.