Reflexes for 1v1. Intelligence for everything else. So I'd say intelligence rules overall.
Maintain firing discpline (single or double shots but not spamming). [Intelligence]
Aim for the chest and let your recoil bring the shots into their head [Reflexes + Intelligence]
Throw grenades (and jump around) rather then try to duke it out long range if you are low on health or you are in a vulernable position. [Intelligence]
Getting shot from somewhere you don't know? Know your map so you know the most likely spots. Seek temporary cover. Grenade obvious spots and look for flares. If you get a flare, thats your bad guy. Did they do a lot of damage (e.g. sniper?) - then don't poke your head back out. If they did a little damage, go back out and look for them, and notice where the red damage bar indicates your getting hit from. Use your superior reflexes to single shot their ass or use your intelligence and just grenade and bunny hop them to death. Whatever works. [Reflexes + Intelligence]
Improve your KDR by getting a 5 button mouse and using prone/secondary fire on your mouse. This lets you free up your left hand for more action. Setup quickswap keys for guns so that they are easily accessed. I actually use the arrow keys, delete, end, page down, rshift, rctrl, kp 0, kpdel, and numpad 1-9 for hotswap guns. I can bunny hop, strafe, prone, crouch, hotswap guns, sprint etc. much faster then my enemy because my layout is well thought out and well practiced. Then reflexes come in when you need to swap to grenades fast, throw yourself an ammo bag, throw more nades, and finally get close and rpk them. meanwhile your proning and jumping the whole time. People will hate you when they loose to you, but you like seeing their death from your gun so tough beans for them! Having those shockpaddles on a quickswap key is very handy, as is kitswap so that you can grab someones medic kit and raise them quickly all the while proning and jumping. [Intelligence]
If it is 1v2 or 1v3 etc. use grenades first, then pick off the weak. Jump, prone, use the map obstacles to your advantage. [Intelligence]
Use people against themselves. Run around a corner and then turn and face waiting for them to think they are sneaking up on you (as in they think you didn't notice them), when really you are waiting with an rpk for their face. [Intelligence +1]
Constantly monitor UAV; it is like cheating but without actually cheating. Knowing where your enemy is, is a huge advantage. Think about every other game out there, that kind of information is only for cheaters. In Bf2 its accesible to everyone, and if you don't use it you are a fucking tool. [Intelligence]
Jump to the side and go prone second in a 1v1 battle such that your enemy goes prone first, has trouble aiming at you, unloads all over the place and now has terrible deviation and low ammo. Meanwhile you prone second and have extremely accurate first shots at a stationary target = they die and say "noob bunnyhopper" yet you win so who cares. [Reflexes + Intelligence]
Know your maps weak points and strong points. This increases your chances for KDR + SPM + flag caps + squad safety. [Intelligence]
Play with your mates, roll with a few medics and a support guy, play in vent, have a good squad lead who knows where to go, stays alive, and everyone in squad must swap kits to res anyone who is down. [Intelligence +1]
Take the high ground - notice how low ground likes to collect grenades, gets GL'ed easier, and generally gets cluster fucked more often? Also notice how sometimes those guys above you can shoot through wall edges but you can't shoot back? Use it to your advantage. [Intelligence]
Stay out of grenade and clay whored areas. I know you really want to go there because its the fastest, but unless your buddy is a medic right behind you, you are gonna blow up son. [Intelligence]
Play something other than 24/7 Karkand for all 1000 hours you've played this game. You'll learn a lot on other maps other then how to grenade hotel and square. If you must play karkand, please please go cap suburb first from the hillside, or cement factory from the train tracks. Do not rush into hotel and get clayed/naded/mg'ed. [Intelligence]
TV missile war? Do you know about lagging hit boxes? Do you know to always aim for the tail unless they are doing a barrel roll (press z or r twice) then you aim for the lagging hit box following the chopper. [Intelligence]
Tank getting c4ed a lot? Don't stop moving, just roll back and forth while capping a flag. The idiots will get caught in your tracks and die due to bf2's wonderful programming. Even if they c4 you from the side (which will be easier to see them in the first place) they still get caught in the tracks half the time. lol nubbers. [Intelligence]
Playing Sharqi peninsula? TV through the fog (camera lets you see farther) and hit the cobra/havok at their spawn. [Reflexes]
Tow the Havok from Hotel on Sharqi peninsula. [Intelligence]
Getting teamkilled with an m95 everytime you get into a j10 on wake? Press e once to get in, then press e again when you anticipate their shot a second after getting in. Then get back in to warm the engines a little more, and then get out again (you have a few seconds while they reload each bullet). After they take their second shot you should be able to get off the ground without getting tk'ed. [Intelligence]
I prefer single shot mode even in cqc so that every bullet counts. Some cases I'll put it in auto if I know I am going to be right in someones face but otherwise I use single shot and just click very fast. If you aren't used to single shot and fast clicking though, you'll fire a shot and nothing more and then you will screaaaam "FFS I hate single shot!" The advantage is every bullet hits and you can get better headshots (instead of random headshots), but the disadvantage is you have to switch into auto when you know you are going to a very cqc alleyway or whatever. I used to hate single shot because I'd get caught with my pants down, but now that I am used to it my KDR has gone up even more.
A final say, in a battle of reflexes, the guy with the better machine will consistantly win. If you don't see it first and even if you are faster reflexes/smarter player, it doesn't matter your getting raped when your getting 15fps and the other guy is getting 70 and has a better internet connection to boot. If this is the case, you need to put distance on this kind of enemy to minimize his advantage with having a faster machine. Eg use grenades, use claymores, use vehicles, use your strongest weapon (rpk, g36e etc.) to try and cut out his advantages at having a better machine. Turn off shadows, turn off dynamic lighting, put medium settings on, turn ur AA down to 2x etc. Else you will be loosing just because your machine sucks not through your own fault.
Last edited by [CANADA]_Zenmaster (2007-05-06 21:36:49)